Lunar MA

However, A sidereal of essence 5+ is limited in what charms they can learn; Solars, Lunars, hell even Terrestrials that live that long will be learning high essence charms in what ever ability they are interested in. Sidereals will be learning MA charms if they want anything with an essence requirement over about 4.

I like to look at it this way; Every dawn caste solar has MA as a caste ability. So that's   roughly going to be 30 of the 150 solar shards still manifesting as solars. of the 120 non dawn solars, if you assume it equally likely that any given out of caste ability is favored (Admitably a shaky assumption, but lets go with it for now), that's roughly another 30 solars. So, even taking into account that abilities that let you not get your head ripped off are probably more likely to be a favoured ability than, say, sail, I'd rate it as unlikely that more than half of all solars have MA as a caste or favored ability.

I'm not going to address solars who don't have MA as caste or favored going to the effort of learning an entire Celestial style and then embarking on the task of learning a Sidereal one instead of learning high essence charms in the abilities that they have a natural competence in - I'm sure it could happen in interesting situations (and I do like interesting situations), but isn't relevant to the sort of statistical view I'm going for here.

Now, of the 120 Siderials, obviously even less of them are going to have MA as caste or auspicious abilities. However, an essence 5+ Sidereal isn't faced with the choice of learning essence 5+ charms in a caste or auspicious ability or learning essence 5+ charms in an out of caste and non-auspicious ability: Sidereals learn MA charms at that level or nothing. If they're not Endings or don't have MA as an auspicious ability, tough luck - they just have to pay more xp or not learn powerful charms.
Safim: I am honestly not trying to get into an argument over what type of Exalt can beat any other type of Exalt. I tried to make a witty remark, and I think you took it to meaning more than it did.

I did read your post. I may have misunderstood what you were saying, that is entirely possible, I do that from time to time.

That being said, I still maintain that the average Sidereal will be a better martial artist than the average Exalt. It is fully intentional that I frase it like I did previously, because I don't agree with your estimation that it is non-sense. What you are talking about with an Exalt with a load of utility-charms to boost their combat ability, I would refer to as a fighter or warrior of some sort. If he is using MA, fine, then that's his tool. But he could just as easily have been using melee or archery or whatever.

Now, my point was that, on average, more sidereals choose to learn MA than any other Exalt. They use that tool more often than any other type of Exalt. This doesn't make them greater warriors - it just means that most Sidereals fight using martial arts, which it not something that can be said for any other type of Exalt.

As a final remark, let me say, that if you disagree with this, that is fine. I am not looking to stress this point further. If this is still all non-sense to you, then peace be with it. I know that I do not explain myself too clearly and that my views are not in line with everyone else's.
If you wanted to, go ahead and write up a Martial Art that ties into the DBT.  Then, you have a bunch of Lunars that know it, and have them refuse to teach it to non-Lunars, or Lunars that don't have the DBT charm.  Since only Lunars can pick up the DBT, once you show the master you have it, it gaurantees you are actually a Lunar and therefore worthy to pick up the style.
Jeppe: See, there is a difference between what you wanted to say and what you said. You wrote in your first post about this, that sidereals are better martial artists, that is wrong. You wanted to say that sidereal are more often martial artists, that is probably right.

Oh, and for the record, a solar with iron kettle body and flow like blood is still a martial artist when he uses snake style to fight.
Haku said:
I should note that Sidereal Martial Arts were available in the first age to Lunars.
But they lost their old SMA enlightenment methods when they got wyld-tainted.
Where is this bit written?
If'n you doona mind.
Haku said:
I should note that Sidereal Martial Arts were available in the first age to Lunars.
But they lost their old SMA enlightenment methods when they got wyld-tainted.
Where is this bit written?
If'n you doona mind.
It's in the Scroll of the Monks book. ^_^

It say's "Perhaps they could in the First Age,..."

I was thinking it was written as a definite somewhere.

Just checking, since it would have altered my game a bit to have that bit of info as a definite "yes".
I'm really tired of the game where they make something exclusive to a certain group of Exalts and then in later supplements completely subvert that.
Well, it doesn't say they could, so I'm not going for it.  Besides, only a Sidereal can teach SMA, so, all you have to do is make it where there's a marked lack of SMA teachers and not allow some ass to start with it (or play a Sidie and try to teach everyone).
Flagg said:
I'm really tired of the game where they make something exclusive to a certain group of Exalts and then in later supplements completely subvert that.
They're just saying that sort of stuff so that people can Golden-Rule it in without purists getting too uppity.
Sure, but why the fuck do they care?

If people want to Golden Rule stuff, they can. They don't need help from WW.

Putting in the kind of crap they do just leads to people throwing in stuff like "Lunars can learn Sidereal MA! It says so!" into otherwise intelligent discussions.

If someone wants to play a Fae-Blooded Akuma who knows Void Circle Necromancy and Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Style, I personally don't give a fuck. I don't need WW to tell me that it might be possible, though.

End rant.
Personally, I'm not too fond of the SMAs.  They don't seem like an actual martial arts to me.

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