Lunar and Deathlord Qs


New Member
Not like a combat combo, but.... well, you'll see.

Lunars can choose to be tattooed and become one of the three castes of Lunars. One possible background for tattooed Lunars is "Tattoo Artifact" (Lunars, pg. 111). A Lunar can have an amulet, bracers, or even a fist weapon tattooed onto them, and they get the appropriate bonus. Now, Lunar Blade Reconfiguration (Link) allows you to reshape attuned moonsilver weapons into other moonsilver weapons. I think you see where I'm going here. The Lunar gets 5 Tattoo Artifact for fist weapons, and then uses her hands' moonsilver to create a sword, a bow, tiger claws (would look like Wolverine, I imagine), or a needle.

PROS- Can't loose weapons, they become tattoos again when the spell expires, so if you are weaponless, you aren't anymore. Can make any weapon on the spot, including bows with returning arrows. Well, they don't return until your bow becomes a tattoo again.

CONS-Investing 3 background points and 2 Background thingamajiggers of BP to get it to Tattoo Artifact 5, allowing you to create Artifact 4 weapons.

Is this usuable, or errata?

Also, skimming through the Abyssal Handbook, at the very beginning it says a DeathLord was a Solar Exalt. Wouldn't that mean there are only 287 left, or that the Unconquered Sun made 313 Solars?
jokasti said:
Also, skimming through the Abyssal Handbook, at the very beginning it says a DeathLord was a Solar Exalt. Wouldn't that mean there are only 287 left, or that the Unconquered Sun made 313 Solars?
Nope. It's the ghost of the Solars who made the deal with the Neverborn and became the Deathlords, not the Exaltation itself. There are... if you count the Abyssals and Infernals for the purpose of calculation here, there are 300 Solar Shards out there.

...13 of which belonged to the Deathlords.
The Deathlords do not have a Solar Exaltation anymore. They can use all the Charms of a Solar because of their unique status as Deathlords, i.e. ghosts who have fused with the dead Third Circle souls of one of the Neverborn. That means there are 150 Solars, 100 Abyssals, 50 Infernals, and 13 Deathlords.
No, there are 300 Shards still. The misconception here is that you are thinking that Shard=soul. It doesn't. There is the higher soul, the lower soul, and the Celestial Shard. All mortals have the first two, but only the Celestial Exalts have the last. The higher soul (possibly higher and lower soul both, bound back together....interesting thought there) is what became the Deathlords.

The Shards are what was imprisoned in the Jade Prison, later captured/released and (about) half of them turned into Abyssals/Infernals. The Shard attaches itself to a living soul, but is not in and of itself, part of it, and does not stick with said soul after death. And the souls left after death, bitter, mad and vengeful, are what made the bargains with the Neverborn, and became the Deathlords.

On the Lunar tattoo thing, I'd be rather wary of allowing someone level 5 artifact smashfists as a tattoo artifact at chargen. I'm generally iffy about people having more than level 3 or 4 regular artifacts, let alone a tattoo one. Why would the elder lunar bother putting that much effort into your tattoo? Why would they take months, possibly years of effort, coming up with such a powerful design, and then just give it to some wet behind the ears puppy?

*shrugs* Aside from my own personal aversion to the idea of level 5 tattoo artifacts, I don't THINK there is something specifically preventing such from being done, other than ST rulings on how 'cannot be an external weapon' from tattoo artifact interacts with Lunar Blade Reconfiguration. Personally, since the tattoos don't turn you whole hand into moonsilver for you to play with, I would rule it as a no...but I don't think there's anything official.

I hope this helps some.
Uh, no... at best 150 solars.

There are also 100 deathknights and 50 infernals.

There's no big difference between the solar essence of the dead solar who became the deathlord after he died or any other dead solar essence.

There's no supernatural mark on the essence itself, because it's the ghost of the solar (the ghost is created independently of the essence leaving the body, those are 2 distinct processes) it's just another solar essence.

So all in all, 150 at best... I say at best, because it is possible that some of them still bear the first age corrupting influence of the Yozis... those guys were the first infernalists.
Attunement cost would keep me from picking tattoo artifacts for lunars. Actual mote cost probably isn't that high, even for a level four artifact, but it's gone forever. Every mote counts.
Green Sun Princes and Deathknights ARE twisted solar essences yes.

So that leaves at best, 150 viable solars. 149- if you count out Filial Wisdom (from Rathess) and god knows how many essences that have been touched at one point in time by the Yozis and are still ready to fall again.
Dracogryff said:
On the Lunar tattoo thing, I'd be rather wary of allowing someone level 5 artifact smashfists as a tattoo artifact at chargen. I'm generally iffy about people having more than level 3 or 4 regular artifacts, let alone a tattoo one. Why would the elder lunar bother putting that much effort into your tattoo? Why would they take months, possibly years of effort, coming up with such a powerful design, and then just give it to some wet behind the ears puppy?
Because you can only put a Tatoo Artifact on a new Lunar. Once tatooed, the tattoos can't be tampered with by anyone lower in power than a Primordial.
Lunars have prophecies, too, IIRC, based on ... astrology, right?

So maybe the elders saw the puppy was going to become a vicious wolf. Who likes to play fisticuffs. With knives... made out of tattoes.
Tattoo Artifact can't be used to create external weapons. This is an inherent limit on the tattoo itself, the charm does not over come this.
A yup, can create stuff like swords with it... though you could design some biomagitech stuff to do this.. that is if you can't design a charm to do this.

I see Lunars a bit differently since I've finished Prototype :mrgreen:
All beings are capable of astrology in Creation, if they know how to look at the stars. The art of deciphering future events from the constellations have been popular ever since.

The Sidereal Astrology is just a level higher than regular astrology. The Sidereal Astrology invents future events rather than decipher future events. The best way to know something is to make it from the ground up. :D
jeriausx said:
Tattoo Artifact can't be used to create external weapons. This is an inherent limit on the tattoo itself, the charm does not over come this.
But you aren't using the TA to make an external weapon; they're gauntlets, tattooed onto the Lunars skin. And the charm allows you to

reshape attuned moonsilver weapons or other objects into any weapon she desires.
And since the gauntlets are an attuned moonsilver weapon, you can change them into any weapon.

No, you are using the TA to create an external weapon. Which is a specific limitation for them. The are magical tattoos that's enhance the bearers body and behave like the artifact they emulate.
I see what you mean. What about using the actual moonsilver of the tattoo? Or does TA not allow that as well?

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