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Fantasy Luna Academy

She would blush at his statement before she'd walk up to Julian and go on her tip toes, helping him with the painting, a purr eruptting from her. "My first, but I've been put in second. So I'm pretty new..." She'd giggle and blush in embarrasement, her black ears twitching.
Gaia was slightly surprised by the sudden hug, but enjoyed it very much. She hugged the girl back, smiling. "Yes, that's me!" She laughed a little, a hint of confusion hidden in her voice. She listened to who she now knew as Rosalina and learned of a kingdom of her own admirers. "That sounds nice. I didn't realize that there were people that worshiped me. Usually whenever I try to convince people of Earth's need for love and respect, I am disregarded because the humans don't believe enough. That's why I came here. So I can understand why they didn't believe so I can help them believe." She watched the servants and wondered how they were persuaded to become servants in the first place. The bunny that was just placed down hopped over to her and sniffed her before hopping off. 

"Is this your rabbit? What's her name? I have Ela hanging around on my bed, she's a nature dragon." As if called specifically, Ela glided down and landed on Gaia's shoulder. She stroked Ela's snout, which Ela responded with a soft growl of delight and rubbed against Gaia's neck. "She still fairly young. One day she just appeared and had been following me since. I think she doesn't have a family and takes comfort in being near me. Maybe she wants to be protective of me." Ela then stretched her wings and flew in circles around Gaia's head, much joy to the girl herself.


"Well. There are people that worship you like a goddess, Gaia; since they also respect nature just as much as you do, and those humans are pretty awful. Because every single time one of my people ends up exploring the forest without a invisible spell on; those human hunters end up killing them or kidnapping them." said Rosalina, as she then watched Bella hopped over to Gaia, and sniffed her before hopping off to her bed. "Yes. That is my rabbit, and her name is Bella." 

"Would you mind leaving your dorm, your highness; since we are going to decorate your side of the room here." said Servant 1. "Alright, and we get to meet new people in the hallways anyway." said Rosalina, since she wants to make some new friends here.
"Well. There are people that worship you like a goddess, Gaia; since they also respect nature just as much as you do, and those humans are pretty awful. Because every single time one of my people ends up exploring the forest without a invisible spell on; those human hunters end up killing them or kidnapping them." said Rosalina, as she then watched Bella hopped over to Gaia, and sniffed her before hopping off to her bed. "Yes. That is my rabbit, and her name is Bella." 

"Would you mind leaving your dorm, your highness; since we are going to decorate your side of the room here." said Servant 1. "Alright, and we get to meet new people in the hallways anyway." said Rosalina, since she wants to make some new friends here.

Gaia listened to Rosalina intently about humans. "That is true. The thing about humans though, is that they are the most curious race to have ever set foot on this planet. Because of it, they have both prospered and made trouble. It's just how they are. Also, I have met some humans who have been quite nice friends. They are all about helping out this planet. It's too bad can't just survive off of sunlight and water like me. Then they wouldn't have to hurt any plants at all." When Bella hopped over, Gaia gently rubbed her her before she hopped back. "She is so cute, and very fluffy as well."

When the servant asked to have them leave so they could decorate, Gaia wondered what the room would look like when they come back. "Yeah let's go! There's so much here for you to see, and we'll probably meet more people, too." She opened the door and skipped out, but held the door open for Rosalina to follow. Ela had taken the chance of the open door to fly out and explore area so unfamiliar to her.
"You'll love it here. .well, maybe you will. I'll make sure that you have a good time ok?  " Julian saw that she came beside him, smiling abit. " I think this printing would look better if it was...I'm the center. Anyway, anything you want to do? I don't when classes actually start."
Phillip's shoes scuffed to a halt, the worn toes of his boots scrapping the corridor's floor a final time before questioning the approach of an unfamiliar tone. It held polite remarks and was taught the conivving art of feigning sincerity, but the red head's knowledgeable sense of hearing stripped the statement and grasped a flounder of resentment which had etched itself into the fluent words of the new individual. The recognized adjective was contrived and with it Benji bleated, was there something wrong with being here? Maybe the stranger didn't want to be here?

"If we're going to be close by neighbors, maybe it would be polite to introduce ourselves?" One of the Shepard's eyebrows quirked upwards though it was mostly hidden behind the curtain of molten bangs which doused most of his face in its fiery strands.  "I'm Phillip Schroeder and beside me is little Benji." His trembling hand, with its jittery habits, caressed the head of the animal he introduced. As much as he wished to voice the titles of the two beside him he feared so as he knew not how they looked or the unquestionable positions of where they stood. What if Sage weren't the magnificent dragon Phillip had visualized him to be or what if Remedeigh were just a man with a higher voice, the risk frightened him. There hadn't been questions of his sight yet and it was a cleansing experience he wished to hold onto.

@Sxorchem @poutysunshine @Faultier
Raleigh just sat on his bed, now just petting his pet. And figuring that his raven might be a be bit hungry, he opened one of his suitcases to grab a cylinder container that is filled with what appears to be some kind of raw meat. Why he decided to pack such a thing is to feed his pet. He puts his finger in and grabs a bit of it before closing it's lid. And the raven that sits on his shoulder began to eat the raw and bloody meat in Raleigh's hand. Whilst it eats the meat, Raleigh notices Celeste doing something. It looks like she's just sticking bugs on the walls for some reason. And she does this, Raleigh just stares at her wondering if this is what she likes to do. He won't judge, though he'll look.

Celeste finished with her chore and shifted her upper half down to the floor, her slimy lower half expanding across the tile. She brought herself back up, leaving purple and yellow patterns across the floor. She did this till her half of the room was complete. She smiled at her handiwork, observing all the different patterns. She shifted into her human form and laid back down on the bed.
Remedeigh hummed and felt relieved that one of them wasn't new - putting faith in the fact Phillip had been there before he'd know his way around. A new voice came into their group and her eyes met with a set of red ones. Which wasn't completely unnerving but it was definitely something curious. Sage seemed short, which wasn't out of the normal in any sense, and Phillip was grasping the sheep which she could assumed was for comfort. "Of course we should! I'm Remedeigh and now you know Sage and Phillip. Don't worry about it being lost, this place is a maze. Would like us to look with you?" Offering she looked over at Sage; Remedeigh knew he wanted to go eat but she found it rude not to offer help where it could be offered. 

@Sxorchem @Ghosty @Faultier

Aimee & Kimiko Sato


Aimee and Kimiko approached Luna Academy's large, iron gates. Another day, another school. It was tough, however they attempted to remain optimistic within each school they attended. When they weren't moving to escape their mother's grasp, they were being kicked out. Each time they arrived at a new school, they hoped that the cycle would end. Plus, Kimiko had purposely picked out this school, due to the fact that it was supposed to help them approve upon their abilities.

As they both stood right in front of the gates, Kimiko broke the silence, "Ready?"

Aimee broke out of thought, looked at Kimiko, nodded with a serious look, and took a deep breath. Soon they both stepped passed the gates and stopped once again. Aimee stood there for a while losing her serious expression, "It wasn't as dramatic and exciting as I thought it would be...." Aimee stood kind of let down as Kimiko shot a glance at her younger, taller sister.

"This is like our hundredth school, and you do this every single time. What did you expect?"


"Is that fairy over there magic enough for you?"

They both stopped for a second and performed a double-take towards the fairy. They both spoke in sync, "Awww."

"But, no.."


Aimee and Kimiko proceeded towards the dorms looking at all of the creatures that passed by them. The other schools they attended weren't as diverse as this one. Kimiko was about to stop and create small talk with someone, however Aimee was attempting to lead her through the path with the least amount of people in their way. Typically, Aimee didn't mind a little attention, however her sister always managed to flood them with a crowd. Aimee always tries to hide it, but she's a shy wreck when having to speak to someone other than her sister.

Aimee congratulated herself once they reached the dorms without having to embarrass herself. Soon they entered and got out their room keys. Kimiko had room 264, and Aimee had room 366.

Aimee looked around not sure which way to go, "So where do we start?"

The two simultaneously sighed and pointed in a direction. Aimee pointed left and Kimiko right, "Maybe we should split up?" Soon the two went down different halls attempting to find their rooms.
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She'd hum and take a step back. "Painting looks good." She'd give him a thumbs up, her tail curling around her leg, something that happened when she gets nervous. "We could uhm, explore?" She'd offer, biting onto her lip slightly.

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