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Fantasy Luna Academy

Sage was bit shocked of philllip's remark."I would love if they were on the menu." Licking his lips before taking his eyes off the lamb named Benji. "What a interesting concept, but who in their mind would make a movie like that? ShepBARD, what an interesting mix." Sage replied, taking out a piece of beef jerky and silently chewing it as looked around quietly.

@poutysunshine @Ghosty

Remedeigh made a sour face at Sage. "We can't eat Benji, he's warm and loveable." She beamed and stroked Benji, "I'd make a movie like that; it'd be great and you'd be a great actor. Don't you think so Phillip?"  Attention went from the Benji to Phillip and she tilted her head. Her mind couldn't be made up whether she was laughing at the joke or how awful it was. "It's so interesting - all these different types of people in one school. So where do you guys come from?" 

@Ghosty @Sxorchem
Phillip's fingers trailed along the swirling engravements along the otherwise sleek surface of his herding staff as kept an ear out for the eating Sage, his conscious sending silent messages to Benji that told him to go for the dragon's ankles if he got too close.

"It really is! But ah, I am from the underworld, Benji is actually a demon in disguise." Phillip's sightless eyes sparkled with a hint to his joke before correcting himself. He can work on his jokes later. "I'm actually from British Columbia Canada. What about you two?" 

@Sxorchem @poutysunshine
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Sage took out another piece of jerky, trying to take his mind off Benji." I am a horrible actor, unfortunately." Sage replied in a neutral voice." I'm from the Himalayan mountains, where it is cold and unforgiving." He replied curtly. "So you're from Canada you say, how is it there?" Sage's attention turned to Phillip.

@Ghosty @poutysunshine
Phillip's head redirected itself to the dark, grumbling voice of Sage, contemplating the others question. 

"I herded sheep with my papa and mama at the foot of the Big Hill, the glamorous life really. It was home so it was nice..." The recollection of his home caused menlancholie to curdle within him though he still smiled at the memories. "But, the Himalayan mountains! That sounds," he paused to think of a word, "fun! I bet your fire helped up there!"

@poutysunshine @Sxorchem
"Really..I..umm..sorry for asking, I mean..urg, sorry." Julian was caught up in words, sitting in the chair That was  at his desk. "Does this all look ok to you?"

Remedeigh's eyes went wide and she leaned back, her arms looser on the lamb as she examined him. She looked back at Phillip doubtfully and grinned - "Not funny." Belying her words she laughed. "Those places are so pretty and remote. I lived in Georgia - it was very hot and southern and I adore it." She watched the two converse as she pet Benji. "I think raising sheep would be nice - they're so kind and fluffy. I bet you can really see in the stars in the mountains, just pick them right out of the sky." Mumbling on she closed her eyes as she leaned on Benji. 

@Ghosty @Sxorchem
Phillip leaned into his staff while he heard the quick, thoughtful remarks of Remedeigh. He was very interested in the pasts of these two and what memories had molded their personas to be as they were. 

"I had an nana Georgia and she was very sweet. So I bet Georgia is just as nice as you make it sound." His fiery hair skimmed the tops of his shoulders while he played with his memories and offered the girl a tender smile which decorated the corners of his eyes with crows feet. 

"The sky was beautiful, the occasional passing train was the closest thing we had to artificial light. But that wasn't as great as it sounds when it was midnight and a sheep decided to go for a jog through the woods." A mirage of stars sprinkled the usual, insipid blackness which shrouded his shattered vision. The memory of their watchful existence was becoming a blur from his youth but he held on to the image like the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

@Sxorchem @poutysunshine
Sage nodded his head."I bet it was nice to herd sheep, delicious sheep." Sage licked his lips thinking of eating lamb chops. " Let's just say the thrill of the hunt  is exhilarating, chasing after your prey and the feeling of accomplishing something." Sage replied, thinking back to the fun times he hunted with his father. "So, shall we head out to meet the rest?" He started heading out the door, looking to see if he can smell a trail of food.

@poutysunshine @Ghosty

Remedeigh thought how much older Phillip seemed when he spoke and the crows feet only added to it. Also how contrasting the two boys were. "She probably does more justice for the state than the state for her." She laughed. "That'd be interesting. " Thoughts of how odd it must be living in a place with no artificial light passed through her mind. It was as if they all came from entirely different planets almost. "You'll have to tell me more about hunting - I caught some frogs but never hunted." Looking over at Phillip she continued, "And you'll have to tell me about herding sheep." Tightening her grip around Benji Remedeigh looked up at Sage and Phillip. "Can we bring Benji with us?" 

@Sxorchem @Ghosty
Phillip fiddled with the torn cloth of his cloak as he thought of the traits which they two new souls revealed to each other thus far. 

"I'm starting to think it wasn't wolves that picked off our sheep but you Mister Sage." The edges of the fabric enveloping Phillip was littered with decorative holes which had been gnawed in by the one and only Benji, whose suitable diet was without existence. With awe Phillip's head perked upwards when seemingly he had been inadvertently invited to accompany the others on their adventures through the campus.

"I think little Ben Ben would love to join us!" And I would love it If he would also, Phillip stated consciously. He couldn't trust himself to wander the flustered campus blindly with only the two others alone, even if they appeared kind. Well, Phillip wasn't very sure about the dragon who thought of his sheep as a Buffett. 

@Sxorchem @poutysunshine

Remedeigh giggled and looked between Sage and Phillip. "Sage likes lambs as much as I do but not in the same way, that's for sure." Still sitting she softly ran her fingers on  a corner of Phillip's cloak, it was interesting and looked like art - a habit of hers was seeing random things as forms of art. She admired it momentarily in her own little world and then let go of it, jumping up. "Off to make new friends and venture - the bard, the dragon, and the cupid!" She spun, twirled, and opened the door. "After you all.." Beaming at them she stuck her hand out for Benji, already wanting to feel his thick coat under her fingers again.

The skin between Phillip's eyebrows coiled with the sudden unfamiliarity of a more tender and maternal hand playing with the edge of his cloak, their touch was delicate as if caressing an opulent silk. It wasn't the grinding teeth of Benji but he felt no malicious intent. 

"What a group we must look like," Phillip smiled while he risked a step forward. His anxious feet scuttled a moment before he felt the memorable sensation of Benji's teeth biting the cloth of his cloak and trotting forward through the door.

@Sxorchem @poutysunshine
"Celeste huh? Pretty name you've got," Raleigh said before entering the room. He puts both of his large suitcases on the bed that was farthest from the door. Raleigh then sat on the bed. Looking around the room, it's a bit plain. Unlike his room at home, which has an abundance in shelves filled with books and music records as well as a great many other things. But despite that, he thinks it looks great here. Now, there really isn't much of anything to do for him as he's completed his task of finding his room. Meaning he can now teleport here, not much need for his key anymore. So that's great for him. 

@Galaxy's Silver Lining

Celeste nodded and walked into the room, laying her one suitcase across the floor. She unloaded her various bugs in the glasses and started sticking hem to the walls with her slime. She only did so on her half of the room, not doing much for conversation at the moment, though she did keep glancing back towards the boy behind her.
Sage laughed at Remedeigh's and Phillip's remarks of their small group."So, where to now?" The dragon asked in question, sniffing around the halls like a dog."There must be a dining hall nearby." Quietly muttering to himself."I know! The dining hall, everybody must be getting breakfast by now." The dragon replied excitedly, already following the scent of food.

@poutysunshine @Ghosty

Remedeigh walked behind them, running her fingers through the lambs wool. "I think Benji's the best lamb I ever met Phillip, you will have to hang out with us a lot so I can see him and your wearable art." Mumbling towards the redhead she jerked her head up at Sage's excited voice. She definitely wasn't use to the dragon speaking in that tone. "I wonder if you are interested in the people being in there or perhaps it's the promise of food, hm?" Giggling she looked back down at Benji, "At least he won't be hungry as he looks at you like a good snack." 

@Sxorchem @Ghosty
(I just see Sage as a big pit bull.) 

Phillip imagined his small animal companion to be expressing his elementary joy through attentive ears, his prancing steps rhythmically exposing his love for the outward praise. 

"My wearable art?" The quizzical remark made the young man's head cock to the side like a dubious bird confronted by a new mystery as they continued to stroll in the direction of what he could only assume was the dining hall. Remedeigh's statement was peculiar but relieved Phillip in a way that told him his chosen clothing fort hat day could be considered presentable.

As they began conversing about their next destination which had been suggested Phillip thought, with Sage's background in hunting and interest in Benji, it makes me wonder if to him the people are the food.

"What year are you two? Is it your first times here?" 

@Sxorchem @poutysunshine
Sage stopped in his track to turn back and look at Phillip." It's my first year here, but I'm a fourth year student, how about you guys?" Sage started walking slowly, the smell of food becoming stronger. He couldn't wait to see what type of food they offered here, because whatever it is, it smells good.

@poutysunshine @Ghosty
(like loveable but can kill things, I see it.)

Remedeigh nodded her head towards Phillip's cloak. "It's art." She covered her mouth to quieten her giggles, he reminded her of a puppy when he did that. "First year, third school year. What do you guys think they have good to eat?" 

@Sxorchem @Ghosty
She'd give him an nervous smile and say softly. "It's fine, I had to hide what I really was but that's all. What year are you in?" She ask as she got up and glanced around the room giving him a thumbs up as if to say it looked good.
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Lorenzo Lavine

Being a super-powered alien has its benefits.

Well technically, he wasn't an alien at all. Imperoxians are a subclass of Humans that found themselves biologically altered by directly interfering with the Fundamental of Attraction and Repulsion, Io, but Lorenzo would rather be caught dead than admit his kind's association humans -- barring of course, the obvious physical similarities.

But back to the topic, being a super-powered alien had its benefits, in the form of free transportation. 

A few, minor threats here and gravitational tricks there, he arrived at Luna Academy in a cab, free of charge. He still had no idea how the cabbie fell for it. Maybe it was the extravagant arm-flailing that did the trick, or was it his mystical incantations of a "dead language", which was just him intentionally mispronouncing the chorus of a Pitbull song? He'll never know. Humans.

A sensational wave of familiarity hit him like a taxicab as he took his first steps inside the campus grounds in what would seem like a very long time, passing by the large, obsidian-black gates of the Academy. His eyes scanned the institution's frontal garden -- something to make the school alluring, he supposed -- and he was somewhat shocked at the amount of students filing in towards the main building. In comparison to last year, there weren't as many students here before, he thought. Now it looked like a regular ol' human high school, and it made him feel a bit nauseous inside.

Shrugging off his disgust, he wasted no stride in making his way towards the inside of the Academy, as wherever Lorenzo would go, a path was cut through the crowd for him. Being one of the more taller and athletic looking guys in the campus usually did that, and it also helped to have a repulsive force field that nudges people away as well.

Maneuvering through the crowds wasn't difficult, but finding exactly where the hell was his room is, and so he was a bit lost inside the main building. He had indeed attended this Academy for four years straight, but a few months of beaches and dog days had blurred his memory of this place a bit.

Room 265, room 265, room 265... He repeated the words inside his head like a mantra, silently cursing as he stood before a door that did not say Room 265. I swear, it's like they randomize the room numbers each year. He sighed, time to resort to Plan B, which was asking, and Lorenzo was exactly the kind of person that thinks themselves as someone who didn't need help, so it took a half-second for him to swallow a lump of pride down his throat before continuing with his intentions.

He decided to ask a group that seemed harmless enough-- except for the bipedal dragon that has a sharp-looking sword on his thigh. Well, that was new. Moving closer, he saw the familiar face of Gaia, the physical manifestation of the Earth itself (herself? he didn't know). They weren't close at all, by any means, but she carried an aura of peace that one associated with Mother Nature would have, and so he felt a bit more comfortable in asking the group himself.

"If I am not interrupting the conversation," his voice cut in their conversation like a warm knife through butter. Smooth, and subtle. "May I ask where Room 265 is? I'm a bit lost, as you can see." A polite smile graced his face, his eyes darting back-and-forth from the two new faces that were not Gaia or the bipedal dragon. One was a male, wearing a weird shepard's cloak of some sort, and the other was a short girl with features that Lorenzo could describe as 'doll-like' -- which was neither a compliment or an insult, mind you -- and it didn't show in his face, but he was wary. They looked too regular, for the gravity manipulator's own comfort.

This is a place for unique individuals and creatures, not ordinary humans. He always had to remind himself that.

@Sxorchem @Ghosty @poutysunshine
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Phillip took in their responses to pleasingly discover that they were all around the same age. As well finding that both were new to the campus, he felt reassured to have Benji beside him in that moment as he could only assume the amount of times they would get lost if he hadn't brought the resourceful guide. 

"It's my second year here but I'm a third year student. The food is actually pretty good, I can tell by how much Benji steals it from me." Phillip reached out to where he assumed the sheep to be and gave a fleeting pat to the animal's hide. 

@Sxorchem @poutysunshine
Sage stopped in his tracks to look at the stranger that came up to them." Room 265 you say, it's somewhere down on our hall." The dragon pointed down the direction of their hall. He wasn't in the mood to help someone right, hunger was taking over him and he promised not to eat Benji and that was that.

@Ghosty @Faultier @poutysunshine
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Celeste nodded and walked into the room, laying her one suitcase across the floor. She unloaded her various bugs in the glasses and started sticking hem to the walls with her slime. She only did so on her half of the room, not doing much for conversation at the moment, though she did keep glancing back towards the boy behind her.

Raleigh just sat on his bed, now just petting his pet. And figuring that his raven might be a be bit hungry, he opened one of his suitcases to grab a cylinder container that is filled with what appears to be some kind of raw meat. Why he decided to pack such a thing is to feed his pet. He puts his finger in and grabs a bit of it before closing it's lid. And the raven that sits on his shoulder began to eat the raw and bloody meat in Raleigh's hand. Whilst it eats the meat, Raleigh notices Celeste doing something. It looks like she's just sticking bugs on the walls for some reason. And she does this, Raleigh just stares at her wondering if this is what she likes to do. He won't judge, though he'll look.
"This will be my fourth year here.  This school it's pretty nice, it's more nice since I can share it with such a pretty girl. " his eyes had seen to shine like the stars for a moment. " how about you?  What year is this for you?" Julian forgot one last thing. A paining.  The inu placed the beatiful piece above his desk." Urg...maybe I should move it a little to the left. ." 

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