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Fantasy Luna Academy

A calloused fingertip caressed the metal key within Phillip's dampening grasp, his bones rattled within him and drugged his muscles in a way which caused them to inexplicably tremble without restraint. His rhythmic steps continued to falter along the uneven pathway and the clattering heels of the sheep beside him accented his position upon the school grounds.

"Benji, you're not a race horse, slow..."The young man whined, his vocals soft and like that of a child's. "The room number is,"  his ragged nail scrapped a crossed the keys surface until he found the engravemnt and announced it, "340. Do you think you can get us there? I doubt anyone speaks sheep here so use those pretty ol' eyes of yours, you lucky duck."

Phillip stumbled over his feet with a surprised yelp for a few steps, his companion falling into a speedy trot as they continued towards the dorms. 

"You're just hoping I get a heart attack and keel over, aren't you?" 
When Rosalina heard that her roommate's name is Gaia; she immediately started to hug the girl, since she is treated like a goddess in her kingdom. "OMG! I can't believe that I am meeting Gaia herself here." said Rosalina; since she kind of forgot to give Gaia some personal space here, because Rosalina is literally fangirling towards meeting Gaia.
It took Rosalina a few minutes to stop hugging Gaia though, since she really likes her a bit too much here. "My sincere apologies for suddenly hugging you like that, Gaia. But in my kingdom; you are pretty much treated like a goddess to us, because we do respect nature there. Anyways, since you did introduce yourself first; I will get to the point with that. My name is Rosalina Feltner: Princess of Chirian." said Rosalina.
The two servants that were carrying Rosalina's bags putted them on Rosalina's bed, since they are going to help their princess with decorating her room. While the third servant just putted Rosalina's pet rabbit: Bella down, so she can hop around the room here.


Remedeigh messed with the strap on her bag and listened to Sage - not that he said much. She wondered what it was like to have scales for skin and where he found clothes. She seemed to be never ending with words as he just seemed to say the bare minimum. He didn't seem to be annoyed by her either though so everything was going well currently.  "I'm what you'd typically call a Cupid, or something like it anyhow. So, if you're looking for love, I got you." She winked at him and laughed. "You're entirely different than anyone I've ever seen and that's fascinating to me. Can you breathe, like, fire?"  Her voice rose and she couldn't hold back her excited tone.  

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When Rosalina heard that her roommate's name is Gaia; she immediately started to hug the girl, since she is treated like a goddess in her kingdom. "OMG! I can't believe that I am meeting Gaia herself here." said Rosalina; since she kind of forgot to give Gaia some personal space here, because Rosalina is literally fangirling towards meeting Gaia.
It took Rosalina a few minutes to stop hugging Gaia though, since she really likes her a bit too much here. "My sincere apologies for suddenly hugging you like that, Gaia. But in my kingdom; you are pretty much treated like a goddess to us, because we do respect nature there. Anyways, since you did introduce yourself first; I will get to the point with that. My name is Rosalina Feltner: Princess of Chirian." said Rosalina.
The two servants that were carrying Rosalina's bags putted them on Rosalina's bed, since they are going to help their princess with decorating her room. While the third servant just putted Rosalina's pet rabbit: Bella down, so she can hop around the room here.


Gaia was slightly surprised by the sudden hug, but enjoyed it very much. She hugged the girl back, smiling. "Yes, that's me!" She laughed a little, a hint of confusion hidden in her voice. She listened to who she now knew as Rosalina and learned of a kingdom of her own admirers. "That sounds nice. I didn't realize that there were people that worshiped me. Usually whenever I try to convince people of Earth's need for love and respect, I am disregarded because the humans don't believe enough. That's why I came here. So I can understand why they didn't believe so I can help them believe." She watched the servants and wondered how they were persuaded to become servants in the first place. The bunny that was just placed down hopped over to her and sniffed her before hopping off. 

"Is this your rabbit? What's her name? I have Ela hanging around on my bed, she's a nature dragon." As if called specifically, Ela glided down and landed on Gaia's shoulder. She stroked Ela's snout, which Ela responded with a soft growl of delight and rubbed against Gaia's neck. "She still fairly young. One day she just appeared and had been following me since. I think she doesn't have a family and takes comfort in being near me. Maybe she wants to be protective of me." Ela then stretched her wings and flew in circles around Gaia's head, much joy to the girl herself.

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Sage nodded, a mythical creature, what luck, he though excitedly. "Love is not why I came here for." He replied curtly, this was the first time someone said that they were fascinated by him and not scared of him, he might enjoy being here after all." Of course I can breathe fire." Sage teared out a peace of paper off his book and blew a wisp of fire onto it, burning it. " I am also fascinated by you, Cupid. I might ask you for love advice sometime in the future." The dragon replied a little more friendly than usual, a small smile creeping up on his face.


Remedeigh pouted slightly when Sage replied so shortly. Occasionally she forgot people didn't love love the way she did (who's kidding she always did). Her eyes lit up and she squealed, throwing her hand over her mouth. Clapping and bouncing she made no attempt to withhold her exciment at Sage burning the piece of paper. She had a feeling that this school and the people in it would be way better than she thought. "That's just so amazing." Remedeigh gave him a broad grin. "I wouldn't find myself very fascinating but thank you." She grasped her hands together. "You'd be amazed how easy it is. I could go on about love for, like, ever. I love love. What do you love Sage?" @Sxorchem
Sage though about what he loved, there weren't much, but those were things he kept close to his heart." Myself, my family, summer, hot things, and friends. Those are things that I love." This was the first time he shared something with someone, usually he would be ignored because he was too scary to approach." How about you? What do you love?" The draconian then drew out another book, it was on this school.

Remedeigh listened closely, "Those are the very best things to love." She grinned and sat her chin on intertwined fingers. "Well," her hair fell to the side as she tilted her head. "the question is more of what I don't love because I love virtually almost everything." Noticing he took out another book she gestured her hand to it. "I think you also love books, or are fond of them. Which I think is great - books are art, art done a lot of times by people who draw their images better inside your head with their words than on paper you see with your eyes. I love art." Rambling again her cheeks redden and she smiled shyly. "What type of art is your favorite?" 


(Sleep tight/Have a good day!!)
Sage listened intently to Remedeigh's ramble about art."I also agree." Sage considered what he though was his favorite type of art." I would say Stained glass art. I'm fascinated how the glass is changed into different colors and made into portraits and scenes." The dragon smiled." Besides everything, which do you like the most?" The draconian inquired.


(Enjoy your rest!)
shiver would look at Julian and blink. "Yeah sure.. just stay out the bathroom when I'm in it." She'd let a small meow out and stretches again. "So where ya from?"
"Of course,  I respect the privacy of others. " Julian placed some game flowers in the vase, putting a thick book on the desk. This side of the room was looking pretty good so far. "I'm from a the smoky mountains,  where I love with my lovely family. He hide up there...for many reasons.  What about you? Where are you from?"  Next Julian started to make up his new bed..checking for bed bugs first 
As he was traversing through the hallway in search of his dormitory room, Raleigh had collided with another student. To which he replied with a sorry then proceeded to continue searching for his room. Eventually, he'd find the room after wandering around for a short while. And he mentally said, 'Finally.' And when he did find it, he also found the one who would be his room mate. Who was standing right outside the door, about to head in from the looks of it. Raleigh's room mate appeared to be a female and from her appearance, he would assume that she was a girl made of goo. He walked up to her, now standing behind her and said, "Hello. You must be my room mate. I'm Raleigh. And you are?"

@Galaxy's Silver Lining
She'd sit on her, currently empty, bed and yawn. "I'm British. I'm from a orphanage in Oxford."
As he was traversing through the hallway in search of his dormitory room, Raleigh had collided with another student. To which he replied with a sorry then proceeded to continue searching for his room. Eventually, he'd find the room after wandering around for a short while. And he mentally said, 'Finally.' And when he did find it, he also found the one who would be his room mate. Who was standing right outside the door, about to head in from the looks of it. Raleigh's room mate appeared to be a female and from her appearance, he would assume that she was a girl made of goo. He walked up to her, now standing behind her and said, "Hello. You must be my room mate. I'm Raleigh. And you are?"

@Galaxy's Silver Lining

Celeste opened the doorway and turned around towards her fast approaching roommate. She grinned, her frontal fangs flashing. "I'm Celeste." Her accent tinted her voice. She looked through the open doorway and into the plain room, heading in.

Remedeigh fidgeted like normal and then tilted her head, "Maybe we could make some stained glass." She hummed and looked down at her fingers as she thought about what she loved most. "Well, plants are one I think. Talking to people and making them happy, sour drinks, stars, and my Aunt Clara - she's beautiful but inside and outside, ya know?" Remedeigh sighed softly, she already missed her. She went back to bouncing a bit and the subject. "I really swimming...what's your favorite physical activity? I bet you can lift, like, really heavy things." She grinned and laid back on her bed, she couldn't sit still or do one thing for very long. "I'm glad you're my roommate. You're nice Sage and you look badass." 

(Thank youu)
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Sage nodded his head."Perhaps sometime in the future." He put away his book and listened intently to Remedeigh." My favorite physical activity would have to be football. I used to play that sport with humans under a concealment spell." He snickered thinking back to when he ran over those sorry humans." Well, I can lift a boulder twice the size of me, but not as much compared to my father." The dragon replied shortly." I'm also glad you're my roommate, I can never get bored about life anymore, and thank you for that compliment." He got up from his bed and headed for the door."Shall we go down to meet the other creatures at this school? We will meet them sooner or later, so let's just get it over with." He suggested, picking up his key and stuffing it in his pocket.

Rejoices of relief and dubious remarks littered the dorm corridor and cradled Phillip's keen sense of hearing as he trusted the scraggly cloud beside him to act as a resourceful guide towards their new dorm. His pants swished with his legs' rehearsed movements until he was forced to an abrupt and shocking halt. Benji beside him called a prideful bleat as if boasting to himself about his actions; even though the sheep hadn't been very helpful with leading Phillip through the many people, several toes having been accidentally stomped on that day. 

With worn fingertips his mother had entitled to be wise beyond his years, Phillip grazed the wooden doors antiquated surface before grasping the chilling metal of its handle and slipping the key within its lock with a satisfying click before pressing forward into his dorm.

Phillip's anticipation drowned his movements in a sluggish lard that made him fearfully trek forward as he listened for the breath of another, one who would be his dorm mate for that year. Though he earned no call.

With a more comforted cloak enveloping his being the young man reached behind him, fingers lacing around the familiar sturdiness of his Shepard staff. With it he allowed Benji to release his cloak with a pat on the head and stride forth to gradually memorize his new quarters on his own.

Remedeigh spread her arms out. "Stained glass hanging from the ceiling and glow in the dark stars everywhere. It'll be great." She ohhed and nodded her head. "I bet you were great at it! You should play it here!" Brow rose, she grinned and laughed. "It's hard to believe anything can lift more than that." She clapped her hands. "Da nada, it's Spanish for you're welcome but literally means it's nothing - I think that's great but that's pretty much where my Spanish ends. Life is too great to be bored, we're gonna have so much fun." She jumped up and nodded her head excitedly. "I met one with this dog named Bruno - oh my gosh he's so fluffy Sage! I bet all of 'em are gonna love us, or at least get a kick out of us and I think either one I'm okay with." She swung the door open and headed out, looking behind her and whispering to Sage, "Maybe we'll meet someone else with a fluffy pet." 


Sage chuckled."Believe me, there are stronger creatures than me. I sure was good, until the spell wore off, but I'll have to ask the principal if I am allowed to start a football. It would be fun." Sage pondered. And then Remedeigh went with her usual rant, but he had gotten used to it quickly." Hmm, I bet we are." Nodding his head in agreement." I see, I hope they like us, for the most part. " The dragon closed the door behind him."I hope we do." The dragon whispered back, trailing behind Remedeigh.

Remedeigh hummed as they walked and trailed her fingers on the wall, feeling textures of the wallpaper. Stopping suddenly and stage whispering, "Sage!"  She pointed and bounced at the sheep inside a room with a red head boy. "Is it rude to go in others rooms?" As she asked the question she got closer with slight hesitation then threw her regards to the wind three feet from the inside of the stranger’s room wasting no time going inside.  Once there she looked back at Sage and made a come in gesture with her head. "Hi! I'm Remedeigh and this is my roommate Sage! I like your sheep; does he care if I pet him?" Still bouncing Remedeigh smiled broadly. 

Sage was wondering in his own thoughts when Remedeigh turned and whispered to him if it was rude to go in someone's room."Well, of cour-" But before he could reply she had already burst inside the room. Sage walked inside on time for her to introduce him, He grunted loudly in response." Please excuse my dear friend, she is excited about making new friends." Sage looked down at the sheep, it made his stomach growl, he hasn't  eaten in forever."What a lovely lamb you have." Sage remarked, licking his lips simultaneously.

@poutysunshine @Ghosty
Phillip tapped another wall with the top of his staff, the sound echoing through the empty atmosphere of his new room. He had discovered one of the beds after his knee collided with the corner and with such, after mumbling a slight of whine of pain, he relieved himself of his back pack which he had been uncomfortably lugging around that whole morning upon the plush blankets. 

"Benji, don't eat my covers, please." He called to his bleating companion, the wooden floor of his dorm was especially appreciated as he took notice of every step that was taken near him. His hair tickled his nose and with a fleeting hand he dragged the trickling strands from his face just as two alien sets of feet interrupted his hearing along with an excited female tone which was accompanied by a low, gravely voice. The abrupt words shocked the redhead and forced his trembling hand to strive for a steady refuge around his staff, stepping towards the voice.

"I think little Benji is hoping you'll pet him," Phillip joked as his lips were stretched into a humble smile while he stopped beside where he knew his fluffy companion to stand. In that moment he heard the soft roar of the lower voices stomach and his eyelids widened as he attempted to remain composed. "There's no sheep on the menu today Mister. I'm Phillip." 

@poutysunshine @Sxorchem
"Celeste huh? Pretty name you've got," Raleigh said before entering the room. He puts both of his large suitcases on the bed that was farthest from the door. Raleigh then sat on the bed. Looking around the room, it's a bit plain. Unlike his room at home, which has an abundance in shelves filled with books and music records as well as a great many other things. But despite that, he thinks it looks great here. Now, there really isn't much of anything to do for him as he's completed his task of finding his room. Meaning he can now teleport here, not much need for his key anymore. So that's great for him. 

@Galaxy's Silver Lining

Remedeigh nodded her head with Sage's statement. "Making new friends is our goal and we now have one down!" She ran her hands over Benj's coat. Leaning down she whispered to the Benji. "You're so cute, I want to cry."  Her face redden and she gave a look Sage's way - although laughter came with it, especially when Phillip made a remark his way. "Sage," His name came out mummbled as she laughed. "We'll get something to eat later - just not anything with a name." Flopping on the floor she hugged the lamb. "I like Benji Phillip. I'm a cupid which means I'll have to set you up with someone...and maybe we'll even find another lamb for Benji!! Sage is a dragon, he can breathe fire - it's truly amazing. What are you? Besides the owner of this wonderful ball of warm fuzziness!" Her arms tightened around Benji and she pressed her cheek aganist his coat, looking up at Sage and Phillip. 

@Sxorchem @Ghosty
A hand cradled his mouth as Phillip warred with evolving laughter upon listening to the interaction of the two before him. The simple tone of the man before him fueled intimidation but the cheery and jovial voice of the girl who was so interested in Benji created such easy banter with Sage that it was entertaining. 

"A Dragon and a Cupid? That sounds like the plot of a crazy movie." Phillip was interested in their appearances, as he always was when meeting new individuals, but left it to his imagination at that moment. 

"I'm a Bard but I've got a bit of Shepard in me also from my papa, so you could call me a ShepBARD." His lower lip quivered as he attempted to not react to his own horrendous joke and silently praised himself for his planned punchline, nailed it.

@Sxorchem @poutysunshine

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