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Fantasy Luna Academy


Through faith and fire, I'll be by your side.
Shiver glanced up at the building in front of her, she had just been let through the large iron gates with the Academy's crest on them. A moon. Typical. Her long, black, Neko tail swayed softly as she began to think, holding her suitcase (which was purple, her favorite color besides blue, black and silver) in one hand and a gold key in her other hand. Her ears flattened, she had to go through this four story high building, to find one room? 'Are they crazy? They want us to find one room, there's like... 500. I wonder who my roommate will be...' She wondered, walking towards the large double dark oak doors of the school and gently pushed them open, dragging her suitcase with her. 

Inside was very Victorian, yet the wallpaper was a little more modern and the colors were comforting. Not too bright and in your face. She looked at her key again which was in graved with gold numbers, 265. Afterwards, she took her acceptence letter from her purple rain coat and opened it, scanning it and finding she was on the Third floor, West, Left side of the hallway with said room numbers on the key. After folding up the letter, she placed it in her coat again and began lugging her suitcase to the third floor. (Tagging; Please make a enterance. @Puggie @Galaxy's Silver Lining @Dig @RoxasTheExalted @Alannnah @Blackrose7)
Gaia walked barefooted through the gates and onto the property of the school that she has come to know for the past three years. Like always, she was excited for another year at Luna Academy. Today, she only sported a pair of green grey cloth shorts and a white tank top. Above her, Ela had been following, as well as a rabbit on foot. Flowers and grass sprouted in the cracks of the concrete, a nuisance that the school had to deal with whenever she came through. Up ahead, she spotted someone new, someone she's never seen before. She skipped ahead, and Ela followed. The rabbit however, it couldn't keep up so it left for the forest. 

The girl had already gone inside and up the stairs and so Gaia was about to race after her before realizing that she herself needed to know where her room is. She then stopped and realized that she already had what she needed so she took out the key she's had since her first year from her bag. Despite the issue with it being gold, she had to get used to it or else she'd never be able to get into her room, which the school allowed her to decorate as she pleased. Suddenly she remembered the girl so she ran up the stairs, quickly meeting up with the girl. "A new face! Hi, there. I'm Gaia. What would your name be?" She stuck her hand out and smiled.

@Lizzy Xio
Celeste found her way through the gates, rocks and gravel circulating themselves through the bottom portion of her body. She slugged along, already irritated by the loose rocks in her body. She shaped into her human form, her vivid colors diluting as she retained an almost regular skin tone. Hints of purple and yellow found themselves throughout her surface, and the tips of her nose, elbows, fingers, and knees still retained their slimy texture.

Celeste dug through her bag and found her key labeled 328. Last year, she had roomed with a shapeshifter who had identity crisis. Hopefully this year would be better.

Up ahead she recognized the shape of Gaia.That girl was the most vegan anyone could ever get. Their relationship was mutual, as she didn't prefer to interact with people who love life. 

Only cause Celeste kills a lot of things. On accident, of course.

She saw Gaia run off, following something, and didn't bother to chase after her. Instead, Celeste sat herself down on a bench. She entertained herself by detaching her fingers and watching them form into two humans, doing a little dance. She smiled before shifting them into giraffes and lions. She watched the two attack each other, before forgetting about them and staring up at the sky. Without attention, her slime fingers returned to her transparent hand, and she began to drum them against the wooden bench. She closed her eyes and hummed a little song, excited as ever to start the new school year.
Enzo sat curled against the base of one of the larger trees in the front clearing. He was almost sure it was older than the school itself, due to its towering figure and tangle of branches, but he wasn't completely sure. From his past experience during the years of going to the Academy, he knew not to assume too much about the place - who knew how long the building had stood? Centuries, maybe. The student watched as both newcomers and familiar peers alike filed in through the gates. Gathering his long black hair into a bun of sorts, his free hand went to grasp at the hair tie he'd left in the grass, only faltering upon the realization it had disappeared. His focus went to the wolfdog lying next to him. The beast seemed to playing with something in his paws. 

Enzo extended his hand. "Cough it up, Bruno."

Bruno swung his muzzle, eyes bright, a single hair tie hanging from his jaws. When Enzo made a grab for it, the dog backed up, emitting a playful growl as if expecting a tug-of-war battle for the item. Enzo simply watched with tired eyes. He wasn't up for this today. Bruno seemed to sense this and his tail slowed, grunting as he dropped the tie in Enzo's open palm.

"Thank you." Enzo finished tying his hair back and stood. Bruno hopped up as well, following him as he began to walk towards the academy entrance. The sound of humming reached Enzo's ears. He inclined his head, noticing a student from last year sitting at one of the benches. Celeste, was it? She looked familiar. He gave a small nod of salutation before gazing back at the school doors. Enzo had seen Gaia go past as well - he'd have to say hello to her, though he was unsure if she would approve of his hunting habits. 

While Bruno circled around him, Enzo brought his messenger bag in front and reached in. His fingers brushed against the small metal key to his dorm. Good, it's still there .He hadn't checked to see the number engraved on it yet. Even though he'd never admit it, he was nervous as to who he'd be paired with. Well, better to deal with that later. For now, I might as well head in.
Shiver would blink and turn around, a little startled that someone would talk to her. The Sixteen year old tilted her head and observed the girl. Cheerful personality... hm. She'd open her mouth and let the words flow without thinking. "uhm, yes. I am new, Second year. My name's Shiver. I'm a Neko." she inwardly cursed herself for speaking so quickly and opening herself up. Her ears flattened slightly and she adverted her eyes and looked around, wondering if any other Students saw her. 
Julian sighed, stroking his chin. This was one thing he didn't like about these types of school. Sharing a room with someone. He didn't know how his roommate 's mind set would be...would they be unorganized and dirty. Oh goodness,  he really didn't hope so.  Also, he wondered how this all was..same gender or opposite gender?  Opposite would extremely nice,  Sharing a room with a pretty girl would be nice. The thought of him made his wonder off into lala land for a moment.  Then inu snapped out of day dreaming,  walking into the room 151. It seem to be empty,  no one was inside." Perfect..this room seems pretty clean."  After settling down, Julian tried to decide how he wanted to decorate his room. Nothing to crazy...but something nice. He walked out the room, thinking to his self abit


Remedeigh inhaled deeply and pulled her bag up on her shoulder. Her eyes took in the towering trees around the school and all the flowers. It was entirely enchanting and she couldn't withhold awe. She picked some flowers and twirled them in between her fingers. Not knowing what to expect was thrilling and terrifying. What kind of people go here? What kind of creatures? Questions flew through her mind as she wondered towards the front door of the school. Before heading inside she waved excitedly at a girl with a shiny pink nose in her own world. "Your nose is cute!" Remedeigh yelled over at her as she headed into the doors, curiousity as to who she'd be roomed with filled her mind. She squealed when she saw a huge dog, much more like a wolf than a dog. It didn't take much to side track her from her original thoughts - especially when it was an animal doing so. "Your puppy is so cute! What's its name? Can I pet it?" Remedeigh bubbled out at the dark haired boy. "I'm Remedeigh" She put a flower behind his ear and smiled big as she titled her head."Your hair makes it stand out and look more vivid. You are?"  He looked rather normal and not scary at all. She was relieved and feeling slightly foolish at having any fear. She met God's but put her around kids different her own age and she seemed to let her thoughts go wild.









Sage knew it was a bad idea to try and help a fairy out of a pond. Instead of getting a thank you, the fairy simply screamed in his face and called him a 'monster'. "Wow, harsh. For someone who just saved you." It really ticked off Sage for someone to say that to him. The draconian picked up his bag and headed inside the building, in search for his room. He had heard that he was gonna have to share rooms with someone else, hopefully it wasn't that fairy. Sage looked for a room 219, walking past a Neko and a green girl as he shouldered his way through.

@Lizzy Xio @Puggie
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Gaia smiled brightly. "New? Well I can show you around a bit later on. This is my fourth year here." The flowers on her antlers bloomed more as Gaia thought more of helping Shiver out. She listened to what the girl said about being Mekong, which Gaia could tell by the ears. "I've met other nekos before too, and they were all quite nice, so it should be safe to assume that you are similar in that attribute. I myself am a one of a kind race, and so there's not really a name for it. I can tell you that I am the protector and Carer of planet Earth. It's quite a large role, isn't it?" She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "So if you ever need anything, my room is number 392 in the west side of the fourth floor. I hope to see you plenty of times throughout the year. Bye for now!" 

She skipped away, completely oblivious to Shiver's annoyment, and past a dragon guy whom Ela took a look at for a minute before continuing on, and up the stairs to the fourth floor. She quickly reached her room and opened the door. Immediately, she was spent with a feeling of calm and homliness. Gaia took in her surroundings of exotic plants and a tank and pen for hurt animals to be nurtured and released. She put her single bag down and lay in her bed, an elevated area to replicate a tree. 

@Lizzy Xio

Mentioned: @Sxorchem
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Shiver would blink, processing Gaia's words before silently going and trying to find her room, finding it not very far after her conversation with Gaia. She placed the key in, twisting and turning it but it wouldn't open. "What the hell..." she would mumble and take the key out looking at it before huffing and getting her suitcase and making her way to the Headmaster's office. 

"It doesn't work." she stated blankly, placing the key on the table whilst staring at the headmaster who had light blonde shaggy hair with grey eyes. "I see..." He trailed off observing the key and opening one of the draws on the desk and throwing it in before closing the draw and getting up. He wore a black suit with a red tie with a black moon on it. It seemed he liked to flaunt his school around, as he was the only one to wear the school crest. Everyone else was aloud to wear their own clothes. The headmaster, Quinn, walked over to a glass case which hung keys. Mostly spares. He opened the case and picked up a key, as usually there were two or three on a hook. One or two for the room owners and one spare. He gave it to her, it was gold and read the words 151 in Silver. "This one should work, enjoy your time here at the academy. Don't worry about catching up with last years work since you did arrive a year late. " Shiver would nod in return before leaving the headmasters office and heading up to the said room on the key, walking past multiple people with her suitcase.
Making his way through the gates of the great academy, Raleigh was greeted with the marvelous and magnificent sight of Luna Academy's large building. Where he'll be staying for a long time. The first day of his new life at the academy, the white-haired devil was a bit excited to see what the inside of this place looked like and what kind of people he'd meet during his stay here. Who knows, he might even make some real friends. Holding his large and rather expensive-looking suitcases of black and gold color, he walks toward the large wooden leading in. Meanwhile his pet raven, Quincy, sits on his shoulder doing nothing. As he opens the doors and walks in, he was met with a quite fancy place. It reminded him of his parents' mansion back home, just less demonic.

Raleigh drops one of his suit cases so that he could get his key and check on what his room's number is. He reaches into the pocket of his black hoodie and pulls out a key, then looks at the numbers which have been engraved into it. "328... Alright. Just have to find the room somewhere in this place," he mutters to himself. If only his teleportation hadn't needed him to be in the place he wishes to teleport to atleast once, he would've already been there, standing right in front of his dormitary room's door. He grabs his suit case then proceeds to go search for his room.
20 minutes passed and Shiver still couldn't find her dorm, huffing in annoyance she pouted and sat on her suitcase in the middle of a hallway, singing Ellie Gouldings 'Beating Heart' before a teacher told her to stop and sing somewhere else. Glaring at the teachers back as he walked off, ice appeared on the window frame near her before she stopped glaring and calmed down. Unaware of what she did, she got up and dragged her suitcase, resuming to try and find her dorm and hummed whilst she was in deep thought, causing her to collide with a white haired student.  @RoxasTheExalted
Celeste watched more and more kids file into the academy, each just as different from the last. She smiled a bit when a girl complemented her nose, and she sub-consciously touched it. She had always felt wary about her human form. She could never hold it for too long and there was always something wrong with it. Once she got inside, she would have to change back.

She inwardly noticed that one of these people might be her roommate, and figured she needed to find her room and the roommate it held. The blonde stood, walking just around the corner to the door, and shifted back into her comfortable form. She instantly felt relief, and sighed in bliss happiness. 

Celeste made her way up towards her room, successfully finding it. She took a deep breath and plunged the key into the keyhole.
Shiver would studder out an apology and got up, grabbing her suitcase and ran off in a stack of nerves. She would blink as she passed a door with the number replica on her key, her eyes widening and she let out a slight squeal of delight and forced her key in the door and swung it open. "FINALLY I FOUND IT!" @Acethekidd
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Rosalina walked through the gates with not only just her barefeet; but with also two of her servants carrying her bags, and another one carrying her rabbit: Bella. Because they had to fly from their kingdom: Chirian all the way towards Luna Academy with both an invisible and guiding spell. 'Why did Luna Academy had to be so far from Chirian, since I am so tired from flying towards here.' thought Rosalina, who took out her dorm room key. Because she wanted to rest on a bed pretty badly here, since her wings are extremely tired from flying. However, little does Rosalina know that her roommate was going to be Gaia; since her dorm is also 392.

As Rosalina walked pass the cupid girl, and a few others towards her dorm; she was wondering if her roommate was going to be a boy or a girl here. 'I wonder who my roommate is going to be, since they could be anything.' thought Rosalina, since she was curious. Rosalina later found her dorm, and gently opened the door so she won't accidentally disturb her roommate if they are doing something in there.


Mentioned: @poutysunshine @Galaxy's Silver Lining @Dig
The structured cobblestone pathway was an odd and alien sensation beneath the leather boots which Philip's feet were stowed away in. Dirt sprinkled the rugged toe of his shoes as he fought with inhibition forward. His cloak was like the rippling waves of a serene sea, speaking fluently through its trickling actions while the wind picked up the light cloth and dragged it behind him with delicate, caressing hands which were invisible to all. There was a directorial tugging from his right side as his vision was shrouded in blurred shadow, his cloak grinding within the teeth of the sheep beside Phillip which acted as his guide. 

"Are we close?" He whispered, though the inquiry earned its response with the roaring drone of delighted tones which approached him like unpleasant ghosts. The crashing tones cried into his ears like a feral cats screech and caused his trembling fingers to grasp upon the rough, but comforting, wool of his animal companion with seeking hope that his conjured fears are but pessimistic fantasies. His orange fringe danced like a lively flame before his porcelain face as the wind played with the thick strands. A slight tug upon his cloak instructed Phillip to move slightly to the right, obliviously passing a sturdy bench which had once been occupying their path as they ventured forward through the schoolyard. 
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Julian started to put a pretty and high priced base on a table beside his bed, nearly dropping it when Shiver bursted into the room. The wolf inu sighed in relief,  wiping his set forehead. " That...would had been a nightmare if I would had dropped it ." Julian turned around, slightly angry, but cailm down when he saw it was a female. His eyes had suddenly lid up."Oh...are you my roommate,?" He was hoping she said yes

@Lizzy Xio
Enzo ran a finger against the flower in his hair. The girl - Remedeigh, if he'd heard correctly - seemed to be the most excited person he'd seen at the Academy so far today. He couldn't say that the emotion was unwelcome, but he was still slightly jarred, more due to the fact that Enzo hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night and seeing such an ecstatic person contrasted deeply with his own state of mind. Still, he managed a half-smile and appeared a bit more alert. "My name's Enzo, and the big guy next to me is Bruno," he said, adjusting the strap on his shoulder. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She definitely wasn't here last year, Enzo thought as he reached down to give Bruno a scratch behind the ear. Then again, it seems there's a lot of new students at the moment. Beside him, Bruno sat, looking up at Remedeigh with bright eyes. 

Enzo took a moment to fish out his key again. In his palm, he read the three golden numbers: 340. Dorms had never been really that much of a problem for him. Half of the time, he had gone pretty much unnoticed with his dormmate. His previous one - a girl who had ears like a bat and tended to sleep upside down, commented that it was almost as if she was the only one in the room for most of the year. Enzo didn't mind. To him, the dorm was simply a place to sleep and sometimes study. Most of the time, he was outdoors or in a classroom. 

He looked up at Remedeigh again. "Well, everyone's heading for the dorms." He held up his key. "We should probably start there as well." 

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She look at the male in the room and tilted her head. "yes, I'm Shiver. And you are? I'm a neko by the way." She showed her tail and wiggled it softly, closing the door and placing her suitcase next to her.
The young draconian opened the doors to his dorm, half expecting someone to be there. In fact, it was empty. Sage stumbled in the room, picking the bed closest to the door, he hated being by the window, he hates getting stares from passing people. He dropped his bag as it plopped open the second it touched the ground."I must have packed too much." The draconian quickly set to pick up his clothes, books and posters before his roommate walked in.
"Julian White~ but you can call me..Julian. " the inu gave her a charming look. "  I can see that ~ I am a neko, sorta, but I'm what you call an inu.  Nekos are cats, but the neko race can be any breed mixed with human. It's really confusing. "  Julian shrugged  ."Anyway,  I look forward to rooming with you. Get ready for the best roommate ever."

Remedeigh rubbed her hand over the large dogs fur and smiled as Enzo ran his finger over the flower. The urge to wrap her arms around big fluffy Bruno was strong, especially when he looked up at her with his bright eyes. Her attention went back to Enzo, "The pleasures all mine!" As soon as the words were out of her mouth her attention was back on Bruno and Enzo was in his own thoughts for a few. She enjoyed the dog and didn't try to fill any silences. A part of her wasn't really sure what to say. What did these kids talk about? Normal things? They should have really had a 101 book on meeting teenagers that weren't mortal. When he spoke again she nodded her head in agreement. Remedeigh wondered and hoped her roommate was nice - she'd rather not deal with drama or anything like it. "See you around Enzo!" She smiled big and ran her fingers through Bruno's fur once more. She headed off and waved at Enzo as she turned down one of the halls. She pulled her key from her pocket, it was smooth and shiny. Remedeigh thought about putting it on a chain and wearing it so she wouldn't lose it, she hadn't yet though. As she walked she traced her fingers over the wall paper until she arrived at her door. Slipping in the key she popped her head into the door. "Hi! I'm your roommate, Remedeigh. Don't like window beds? That's great because I love them! Promise I'm a good roommate, though, I may talk your ear off." She stopped, realizing she was rambling and rocked on her heels. "Sorry, your name is?" Offering a smile she flopped down on the bed with her stuff in her lap. 



Rosalina walked through the gates with not only just her barefeet; but with also two of her servants carrying her bags, and another one carrying her rabbit: Bella. Because they had to fly from their kingdom: Chirian all the way towards Luna Academy with both an invisible and guiding spell. 'Why did Luna Academy had to be so far from Chirian, since I am so tired from flying towards here.' thought Rosalina, who took out her dorm room key. Because she wanted to rest on a bed pretty badly here, since her wings are extremely tired from flying. However, little does Rosalina know that her roommate was going to be Gaia; since her dorm is also 392.

As Rosalina walked pass the cupid girl, and a few others towards her dorm; she was wondering if her roommate was going to be a boy or a girl here. 'I wonder who my roommate is going to be, since they could be anything.' thought Rosalina, since she was curious. Rosalina later found her dorm, and gently opened the door so she won't accidentally disturb her roommate if they are doing something in there.


Mentioned: @poutysunshine @Galaxy's Silver Lining @Dig

Gaia looked over from where her 'bed' was and waved. She got up and flew down to the girl. The plants' leaves followed her as she then took the girl's hand in her own. She didn't really did understand personal space too well at all. "You must be my new roommate, and new this year as well. I don't remember seeing you last year." She smiled brightly. Behind her, the plants grew greener and larger. "So as you can see, I've had my area set up for a while now. The other side will be yours, and you can decorate it however you want, but I hope that it won't seem like a border between us." She gestured to each side of the room. The other girl's side was so plain compared to Gaia's bright greenery. Suddenly, she remembered that she needed to introduce herself. "I should probably introduce myself. I am Gaia, the protector and carer of Earth itself. I sincerely hope that we could be great friends this year. Who might you be?"
Sage was sitting quietly in his bed, enjoying a relaxing morning, when suddenly someone entered, most likely his new roommate. He was relieved when he saw that it wasn't that annoying fairy that he saved earlier. "I'm Sage." The draconian replied curtly."Nice to know you like window beds." He dove back to his interesting book of mythology. "As you can see, I'm a draconian, and you are a..?" The dragon lifted his head out of his book, staring at Remedeigh with intense white eyes.


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