• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Lull of the Void


~☆The Wonderful☆~
Roleplay Type(s)



Academy; Midday; 1:15 PM

The school bell rang ... then it rang again. And again. And again.... on a loop. After about ten minutes of this, it finally stopped, a meek announcement coming out shortly after the ringing ended, "A.. Apologies for the malfunction in our bell. Please enjoy the rest of your day."

Lockhaven Academy stood three stories tall with several facilities: the left wing was dedicated to high school education, and the right was for advanced education. The main building's gothic-inspired architecture contrasted heavily with its huge modern-styled ring-shaped laboratory and the recently renovated dorms that accompanied it. Recently, because of the importance of their research, only permitted individuals are allowed to go near the faculty labs.

~~~(The school is a location you can RP in now. Play them how you imagine their average day is like)


Min Park; Midday; 12:05 PM

The camp admission attendant watched as people moved around Min Park a few hundred feet ahead of them while they worked on filling out the paperwork they were assigned to compile. The humidity and high sun had them sweltering, forcing them to switch on the tiny fan within the admission booth. The sound of its blades swinging in their box was accompanied by a gust of pure cool bliss that had the poor receptionist sighing in relief. As the fan swiveled, the breeze began blowing some of the papers off the counter. The attendant, slow to act, snatched as many as they could before they flew out of the windows. They peered over the counter to see the ones that got away, drifting down into the nearby creek. They groaned; they'll get an earful for that later.

The park had plots of soil for gardening, different pamphlets for hiking or bike trails, and several decorations to make it a cozy place to hang out. About 1000 feet out in one direction was a public campground, and in the other direction was a day camp. Several tables stood out in the open, and fairy lights were weaved through the branches of nearby trees for nighttime light.

~~~(The park is an Area available for you to RP characters in, just play them as you imagine their average day and interactions go)


  • The bar district was just getting set up as they began to prepare for their busiest hour, like a vessel preparing for an oncoming storm. For now, it was quiet, but that would not last long.

    These bars and restaurants often included heavy gimmicks to stand out from their competition: a burlesque carnival, spy style, and a video game-inspired, one to name a few.

    ~~~(The bar district is open, feel free to describe whichever bar you're in when you post)

██████; ██████; 5:45 ██

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Virgilius stone
Your Song

The bar he chose to frequent was a testament to the town. Probably the only one that actually let people bear their hearts out and practice in this backwater small town. He’d heard act after act hearing the younger ones of the tone belt out passion without any finesse.

Perhaps if he had made a bigger name for himself he’d have the stones to call out and ask some to join him, but as it stood now a week home made him long for the call of the band again. He took another big swig of his cuba libre before pushing off the bar top making his way to the raised platform.

The club had its own instruments to play around with but considering he hadn’t had many friends left in town much less in the club he’d have to limit himself to songs he could do a solo on. With a quick check of its tuning he gave the scheduler a nod.

“Hey guys! Hope you’re enjoying your evening. I might take up some recommendations after this one but for now here an old time classic.”

His fingers hit the cords with an ease of familiarity that anyone used to his music wouldn’t have expected from the usual hard rocker. Yet everyone started somewhere and this would be a lil throw back to his middle school days.

“It’s a little bit funny… this feeling inside”

The words meant little to him other than the vessel of approval from the one adult who ever gave him more than a moment of attention. He wondered just how the rest of his friends from back then were doing. It might not have been the best follow up for the crowd but he’d win them back.

He could only hope he’d keep winning them back.

”I hope you don’t mind, I hope you don’t mind, that I put down in wordsssss. How wonderful life is while you’re in the world!”
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location: a bar, some table against the wall
status: enjoying the show
tags: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic

He’d usually never grace the bar scene before the stars found the sky, a pinch too paranoid of recognition. Yet there he sat at the corner of the island, a glass of iced whiskey between dampened fingertips. He chose a seat that favored the shadows and deepened the ones he arrived with. The brim of his cap masked his eyes, which fixed onto the clinking ice within his drink.

The impassioned performances of the patrons were temporary nicotine. Scoffingly bad or enticingly amateurish, all bearing an exciting charm. It wasn’t the quality of their acts that compelled Orson, but their emotion. After smothering his own feelings like a damp towel to flame all morning, he needed someone else’s burning as a reminder. He’d usually find that burning at Sushki’s burlesque but needed something more innocent tonight. Personal.

He noticed the spray painter moments ago, though it had taken him longer to recognize him than he cared to admit. Orson was sitting a few feet behind him while the two faced the stage, so it was safe to assume he hadn’t been noticed yet. Thus, the inch of surprise that raised Orson’s brows went unseen as the painter rose onto the stage to share another of his talents.

His eyes closed so his ears might savor the sound better, exchanging one sense for another. The bass was deep and reverberating, harmonizing with the painter’s honeyed voice. A juxtaposition to the edge of his appearance. Halfway through the song, Orson ambled towards the tables along the center of the floor and sat an empty one discreetly positioned against the back wall. He had a better view of the stage there. Whiskey scathes down his chest as he takes a sip, watching the show over the rim of the glass.

“How wonderful life is while you’re in the world!” The spray painter sang. Orson’s lips smirk with a contradiction, but he has only himself to share it with so he quietly enjoys the show; then sets down his glass to clap when it’s done.

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Jae-Seong "Jason" Min

The Funhouse, Bar District

Working remote certainly had its privileges for someone of Jae-Seong's stature; no need to commute to the office, no need to constantly wear a suit, no need to deal with traffic or with annoying rabble in the streets. However, the stress remained all the same considering he had to run a company and maintain its margins - to the pleasure of the Board - in exchange for his sanity. He felt that every day was becoming more of a blur than the last, considering he was stuck wiling away at charts, presentations, meetings, calls, more meetings, more damn calls... it was all so draining. His life had become numbers on a graph, but at least it made him rich. Rich enough to buy his happiness for a time as he entered the familiar vista of the Funhouse, immediately making way to the main office at the back.

Away from the prying eyes of those whose existence he barely acknowledged, it was there that he could find a regular supply of one of his go-to vices that, while addicting, ultimately kept him sane, alert, and at peak performance. Unfixing the gold pins at his shirt cuffs, he took a seat at the couch that had seen more than enough nights with him while also prepping a bag of nose candy for his leisure. His in-law knew best where to source the stuff, and he simply paid less-than-street price for it considering their relationship. Unfixing the tie at the top, he poured out a few grams before putting a bit on his pinkie to taste.

The white powder tasted... sweet? It made Jason squint his eyes in mild disappointment. "Damn, I bet most of this stuff is powdered sugar." he said, "I bet you're getting ripped off."

Nobody Special Nobody Special


Sushki Volkov
Location: The Funhouse
Status: Focused
Interacting: demytra demytra miki miki


Check, check!

The warm, familiar timbre that could only be attributed to The Funhouse’s Ringmaster’s voice sounded throughout the dimly lit mahogany interior of the club, followed by an expected percussion of thunderous microphone taps as he meticulously ensured that his primary tool for the night was fully functional. That was one of the main reasons she made the decision to hire him; not only was he handsome with an inviting tone, he was also painstakingly assiduous when it came to his work, no matter what it was that he was doing.

Looks like my mic is all clear... Get those costumes on, people! We’re due in fifteen!

It was almost as if she could leave all the work to him.

The Ringmaster’s ramblings would not be heard in Sushki’s office– Or, rather, they would simply not be acknowledged. Though his voice faintly beat against the door, it was easily drowned out by the instrumental music from her record player and a loud snrrrt.

Following the immediate head rush, she quickly lifted her head from the metal tray that sat on her oak desk, one of the five neatly arranged white lines having vanished into the darkness of the cylindrical banknote, never to be seen again. She raised a hand to her face, gently rubbing the bridge of her nose and shielding her expression from the others in the room as the substance invaded her system.

...Buy from somebody else, then.” A terse statement. The thought of being swindled by her so-called ‘friends’ both worried and angered her– but she wouldn’t let her brother-in-law’s statement soil her high, and she wasn't cross with him in the slightest. Ignorance is bliss.

She scooted the tray in the direction of her ‘favorite’ before lifting herself from her desk chair. She wasn’t one to bar her employees from having their fun– so long as it didn’t hinder their performances on the grand stage. Though, her favorite performer would likely be hesitant now, following Jae-Seong’s comment.

Up to you. You don’t perform ‘till later tonight.

She slipped a button on her shirt out of its hole to make her cleavage more presentable, grabbing her blazer from over her chair and throwing it on. It was almost time to open.​

Brandon Woodard

Min Park
A twig broke with a satisfying snap under the weight of Brandon's sneaker, leaving behind a footprint on the slightly moist dirt. The young man smiled with little care for the droplets of sweat trailing down his freckled face. Nothing made a man feel alive like the chirping of the birds, the gentle breeze grazing the leaves on the treetops, or the sharing of glances between fellow hikers, bonded by their satisfaction. You would think that after a very physically taxing five day work week, mixing cement and placing bricks under the scorching summer sun, the first thing in Brandon's schedule would be to chill out in bed, seeking escape from the ever present heat with the gentle kiss of the his pedestal fan. But gifted with vigorous youth (arguably higher than most of his end-of-second-decade peers), there was no better way to spend the last few hours of the morning trecking through the woods! Too bad that Chloe had turned down his invitation once again, surely one day she will cave, though!

A familiar silhouette of grey and light brown came into his view, masterfully dashing down the a tree trunk, minuscule claws dancing through the bark. Brandon couldn't help but be captivated by the little critter, even if this was around the fourth squirrel he had spotted today. He reached for his fanny pack, pulling out a small sealed bag containing a variety of nuts and dried fruits. Squatting down, he extended his hand towards the animal, a piece of walnust resting on his work-weathered palm. Unfortunately, the creature seemed far from the type to trust humans to that degree, so he opted for merely tossing the treat nearby. The instant it hit the ground, the squirrel made a beeline for it, comically bulging one of its cheeks with it before disappearing into the foliage.

Spotting a nearby bench, Brandon chose to take a break, possibly the last one before making his way back home. His feet began to pulse painfuly shortly after placing his derriere on the wooden planks. His hands then worked in coordination, his left wiping the plentiful sweat on his forehead and cheekbones with a towel, and the other carrying his water bottle to his lips. His
mind drifted away into thinking how to spend the rest of his weekend, planning ahead was never his forte, anyways.


Lola Kiss
Location: The Funhouse
Interacting: Nobody Special Nobody Special demytra demytra

Lola tapped the heel of her crossed legs against the front of the desk. Despite her own performance coming much further in the night, she was already all decorated: hair neatly tousled, makeup painted, and costumed fitted to her skin. She sat perched like a doll, content to hum a little tune and fiddle with the colorful ribbons on her collar.

“♫⋆。 ♪ ₊˚♬.♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.”

She blinked to life at the glint of silver. Her eyes flickered at the tray before her. A grin grew across her face. It was far from a typical act of courtesy, but perhaps that was why she liked her boss so much: anything but conventional.

She pressed her thumbs into her cheek, pushing into her cheekbones to stretch the smile. “Ah? For lil’ ole’ me?”

She hooked one of her pale taupe locks into her finger, twirling it methodically. With a pouting bottom lip, she gazed up and away as if consulting an unseen advisor.

Lola hopped down from the desk and bent over to gaze at the powder. Crystalline, granular, glinting like glitter in the fluorescent light. She could only assume it was cut with some kind of sugar, from what the drugs guy said. There was no frame of reference for her, though.


And she attempted to snort the drug. Emphasis on attempted: Her hands flew to the bridge of her nose, the burn insidious through her sinuses.

“OW!! What the fuck!?”

And after a moment, a gaggle of laughter spilled from her lips. Her heart pounded from each rush. She tossed her head back and cackled at the ceiling.

“HA! That’s crazy.” She shivered quickly before jumping up. She rested an elbow on Sushki’s shoulder, leaning most of her weight onto her. “Easy.”

A quick grin, bones flash of white.

  • verrier.png
    Interacting With/Mentions:
    Orson ( Klown Klown )
    ~ Bar, 5pm ~
    Eat Your Heart

    The sound of clapping started as the last bar of the song was brought to an end. He knew it was time to step down, there were others waiting for their fifteen minutes of fame. At least now he’d marketed himself carving a place in this little wayside bar. While he wanted nothing more than to find some decent talent to scope out for a full accompaniment he took it as fate finally giving him a goddamn break when he spotted a new but familiar face as one of the first to clap.

    “Don’t get too used to the chill vibes! If anyone’s down I’ll be comin’ back with a bang on the next! Let’s see who’s gonna try to follow up the act.”

    Cocky, for sure but he shot a smirk and salute to the party coming up next making it clear the words were meant to wake up the crowd more than as an insult. The next newcomers were young and nervous reminding him of his own little posse’s start. Maybe that was why he felt the need to stir them up. There was a damn good reason opening acts existed. If you didn’t mix new blood with headliners no one would know who to keep their eyes on. Worse yet a headliner without rivalry died in obscurity never feeling the drive to get better, to top every last act.

    “Kill it out there kiddos.”

    His trip down let him grab a quick drink from the bar before making his way to the one familiar face in the crowd. With a Blue Hawaiian in hand he took a seat by the man he’d been embarrassed to say he couldn’t remember the name of. Actually, had he ever introduced himself that night? If it was a mistake he’d already decided to go the full mile.

    “Hey fancy seeing you again. Sorry if you mentioned it before ‘cause my mind’s drawing a damn blank on your name. You like the music?”

Kayoko Yumekawa

Why am I even here?

The morons can't even run a school properly. Malfunctioning bell my ass.

He should be free. He shouldn't be rotting in a prison cell. He should be out there, fixing all of this! Society is broken. Our heroes are locked up for

Drystan should be here. He knows what's wrong with this place. I know exactly who he'd kill. If only...

Such thoughts ran rampant as Kayoko finished sketching what must've been her hundredth drawing of the serial killer, Drystan Wright—notoriously known as The Red Eyed Monster after leaving a painted red eye insignia at his crime scenes. Even though he was no such monster, the groundless media can't help it with their labels. How could someone the same age as her, and as handsome as that, ever be a monster? She smiled a watery smile at her sketch.

It all played out in her head: Drystan (a dramatically romanticized image, at least) and her in a tight embrace. His bloodied hands staining her clothes, tugging at her collar as the warm fluid drips down her smooth back. And his eyes. A devilish red. Boring into her as he bites her lip. Then she cried. For the only person who could ever love her was behind bars, and she would never feel his gentle caress, nor his buttery lips.

Not unless she lands in the same prison as him.

Kayoko had no idea if her fan mail ever reached Drystan. Apparently she wasn't the only one writing to him. When asked about the "influx of fan mail", he smiled and thanked everyone for seeing the truth. The way he looked at the camera—at her. It made her heart tremble, her eyes water, every fiber of her being aflame with love. She should have felt jealous that her words were probably lost in the pile, but how could she? He thanked her. That was more than enough.

Class had ended a while ago, and it seemed it was just her who remained in her seat. It wasn't like anyone cared about her. Nobody was like Drystan. Nobody saw her the way he would have. As tears formed in her eyes, she flipped another page in her notebook, starting another sketch. At least until the rest of the study group arrived. An unnecessary thing, she thought. Nobody saw her admiration in a positive light.

Nonetheless, she saw it fit to call them here. With how society worked, doing well in class contributed to your future, and she was not exempt of that.
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Jean Tepes
Min Park
Roda the Red Roda the Red
A lone figure traipsed along the creek side, an arm raised over their head dancing in the comfort of warm rays of sunlight that prickled at their skin. The creek water glimmered emerald green in the sun as the shadow of a trout danced along the bed.
Jean's eyes followed a collection of loose papers drifting by slowly until they alighted softly on the surface of the water, chasing away the trout that had been swimming downstream with her.
They could easily have grabbed the papers as they fluttered by, passing within inches of their already outstretched hand, but opted only to observe with large, satellite dish eyes as the water made quick work of the papers.
“It’s funny,” Jean pondered aloud, “that people put important information on something fragile like paper”
Taking a nearby stick they prodded at the soggy mass causing it to separate, whatever had been on the papers before lost to the murky green waters of the creek. “People do funny things” they reaffirmed as they tossed the stick into the water and sent the remaining scraps swirling into the depths along with any more fish that may have been remaining nearby.
They continued to travel alongside the creek a ways until they spotted a familiar individual sat on a bench along the path proper. It was unmistakable who he was with his long, fiery orange hair that made him stick out easily wherever he went. Bounding over silently, they leaned over the backrest of the bench to come face to face with Brandon- a regular at the gas station.
“Hello carrot” they greeted, large eyes boring into him with their usual intensity. “You look… moist” they observed, blinking in a manner that seemed exaggerated.
Jean planted both of their hands firmly on the back of the bench and swung themselves onto the seat beside him, not breaking eye contact as they performed the maneuver. With the exception of their purposeful and exaggerated blinking at his sweaty state, Jean’s eyes bore an almost unblinking stare into the soul of whatever unfortunate subject they came across- like two enormous saucers trying to abduct you with their focus.
“Are you trying to become carrot stew? Should I fetch a cauldron?”


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location: a bar, some table against the wall
status: friendly? flirty? shrug.
tags: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic

His energy zapped the crowd, their relaxed demeanor sparked by an anticipating current. Eyes followed him off the stage brimming with enticed curiosity. There’s suspense to the awe-struck crowd as they wondered which seat the singer might occupy, if they’d have a chance to steal his attention.

Orson glimpsed two women who leaned close to exchange conspiratorial whispers over the artist’s enchanting voice and handsome appearance. Compelled by noncommittal curiosity, Orson’s gaze languidly glided across the room to find the spray painter—and singer—being handed a drink at the bar. He saw the appeal. He looked like the type one might rebel against their parents with. The type to intimately lay with recklessness and sweetly tempt bad decisions. As he approached, Orson considered how reckless he felt like being.

He lifted his glass in greeting as the man claimed the chair across from him, then took a sip of his whiskey, the small round table between them leaving a mere courtesy of distance.

“Yeah, the music was good.” He set the glass on the table; the back of his fingers discreetly touched the other’s. “A talented painter and musician. You’re full of surprises.” Orson tilted his head, a roguish smirk pulling tired lips.

“You left one of your paint cans behind when you left, by the way, Cinderella.” It’d somehow managed to roll into a nearby bush. Orson discovered it by sheer luck after he revisited the site a night or two ago, curious about the painting’s condition. “I have it, if you want it back. I’d love to know what other surprises you’re hiding. And your name, if you're feeling generous.” His voice is a husky drawl, smooth and unrushed as his movements. He leaned back in the chair, foot lightly bumping against the artist’s. A gesture easily masked by his shift in position.
Anthony Moretti - Olivier
Location: Academy

Aaaagh! Damn- Darn it. Anthony held his hands up to his ears as the ringing continued. The entire class had been put to a halt for the past several minutes, and that was not what he needed right now. Not only did he actually like this class - the professor being one of the only ones that hadn't yet fallen victim to the leftist agenda - but he needed to absorb every piece of information before the big exam. He couldn't take any hits to his grades, which were decent despite the amount of conflict he'd had with various students and teachers.

Finally, the sound stopped, and class could resume, and Anthony straightened up in his seat. No more distractions, thank goodness.

"Well," the professor looked at his watch. "That's all for today. I recommend you read..."

Anthony's classmates already started shoving stationary and laptops into their bags, and he followed them out. What a waste of time... Normally it would be the end of the schoolday for him, but he had made arrangements. "Excuse me." Anthony pushed past a group loitering in the hallways, arms full of textbooks and papers - today's revision material. Coming up to an almost-empty classroom, he peeked through the window before entering.

"Hello Kayoko. Are you ready to study? Is the tutor coming?"

He dumped the pile of papers onto an adjacent table. "Are these your notes?" Anthony peered over to glance at her sketchbook, frowning. He decided not to ask any questions, sitting down.
Cameron Burns

Lost. She was lost. She was never really good with directions. She had asked about six people now where the meeting place was. That was six people too many. She could feel their eyes on her, the disgust, the hatred of her presence. Too weird, too odd-looking. The bags under her eyes, the sullen gaze, things she couldn't fix. A tragic combination of needing to ask for directions and unimpressive appearances. The judgement of those she talked to weighed heavy on her back. Every classroom she peered into, she was replied with the withering gaze of others. Couldn't they have done this over Zoom or Discord or something? She already missed the comfort of her own room and the seduction of her bed and pillows.

After what seemed to be hours of trekking the halls, head bowed and back hunched, she finally caught sight of the destitute form of her student. Ugh. Just looking at her face irritated Cameron. She pushed open the door, then stepped back immediately, waiting for something, anything, to fall where she had been a second ago. Carefully, she stepped over the threshold, and approached Kayoko and her friend. She dragged over a chair noisily and brushed the seat down for pins and staples twisted into tiny, sharp implements, before dropping herself onto the chair. She leaned back onto her seat lazily. "Cool your jets, Specs. I'm here. In spite of the directions given." She looked over to Kayoko.

How irritating. She looked like she had been crying about something.

"Hell's wrong with you?" she remarked sharply. She wasn't sure what she was trying to come off as. Was she asking just to be nice? Was she just annoyed at the sight of someone sobbing? Perhaps a mix of both.

AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten
  • verrier.png
    Interacting With/Mentions:
    Orson ( Klown Klown )
    ~ Bar, 5pm ~
    The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years)

    Cinderella was a new one. He snorted at just the wrong time causing some of his drink to fall down the wrong pipe. He tried to cover his cough and the red of his face as he made a picture-perfect fool of himself. With an impish grin, he tried to pick the conversation back up in his favor. He stood and took the chair at the other’s side.

    “Cinderella huh, guess that’d make you prince Charmin’ then? My name’s… Well, the name’s Vergilius but damn if that ain’t a mouthful. People usually just settle for V or Gill. What about you though? Do I get a name to put to the pretty face?”

    He pushed his chair back moving his whole posture to face the other. He wondered if he’d been interpreting the signals wrong, especially with the evasion of a name, but he was never hesitant to keep listening. With clear intentionality, he brought the top of his foot up to nudge the other’s ankle. He placed one elbow on the table resting his face in his hand giving the other his almost full attention. Despite that, he couldn’t help but notice the increasingly loud patrons at the bar behind the other.

    He did his best to keep his annoyance at the random fools at the bar under wraps. Still, it was clear enough that the scene was concerning him as he kept an eye out for if the scene would escalate. Considering he thought he might have a shot here he’d hate to have to go clean up some drunk’s mess but he saw the volatile idiots getting way too close to people obviously trying to steer clear of the fools. It’d be nice if he didn’t keep up a Cinderella trend of ditching his potential date before he got a name.

Kayoko Yumekawa

simj26 simj26 WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten

Kayoko didn't even bat an eye when Anthony, then Cameron, arrived. She wanted to add a few more lines in her sketch before continuing. But their remarks did not go unnoticed.

"No, that's Drystan Wright," she answered flatly to Anthony. Still scribbling, her expression never changing once, she said to Cameron in a rambling manner, "And nothing is wrong with me. I was so overcome with emotion by his recent interview. He sees what's wrong with people, and he knows what to do to fix it. He's a hero. He shouldn't be in prison. He's too handsome to deserve this. I don't understand why people are ruining his life. I cry every time I think about what they did to him. Why should someone so handsome be punished for doing the right thing? I don't get what's wrong with this world."

Kayoko finished her sketch, slamming the book shut. "Okay. I am ready to submit myself to society's broken, monotonous machine." She fished her actual notebook from her bag, but upon opening it, doodles of that serial killer plagued this one, too. The only difference was that there were some class-related notes jotted on the page. "I am still struggling with my math..."
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Brandon Woodard

Min Park

Midway through wiping the sweat off his forehead, Brandon simply allowed the cool towel to drape over his face, closed eyes finding relaxation in the dim light seeping through the thick white fabric. A long minute of meditative trance passed before he was jolted back to reality through a familiar voice summoning a familiar nickname. Swiftly removing the veil with a pinching grasp, the young man smiled at the eccentric gas station employee. "Hey Jean! Didn't expect to meet you here." He responded to his friend, who now sat beside him. "Hmm, I think a carrot cake would be more fun than a stew!"

Wiping away the sweat acummulating under his chin, the towel was finally tucked away. "I don't know if I told you before, but I to go on hiking trips whenever I can, this park happens to be the closest place I can do so around so I come here more often than not...could really do without all the heat, though, already had to recharge my bottle once." He leaned the uncapped container towards Jean, the crystaline contents reflecting the sunlight in ripples. "Want some? We all gotta stay hydrated."

Interacting: Verrine IDKnuggets IDKnuggets
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Jean Tepes
Min Park
Roda the Red Roda the Red
WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten
“Carrot cake…” Jean repeated with the glimmer of polished emeralds shining in their eyes. As they nodded slowly in agreement with his words, their fingers drifted up to hover near their lips- spread wide in a toothy smile- as if pantomiming the action of eating. “That sounds way better”
Since coming to Lockhaven Jean had developed an incredible weakness for sweets that was something of a culinary anomaly amongst the members of their family. The first time they tried a twinkie from the gas station, they had nearly bitten Anthony’s fingers off in their feral race to cram the rest of the golden delicacy less-than-safely down their gullet before someone could take it away from them. Thinking about a nice soft slice of carrot cake now had them practically foaming at the mouth.
“Can you make some?” they pleaded, round eyes boring into him like a fed puppy insisting that it would starve if you didn’t give it your own meal as well. Jean slowly drifted closer, laying the puppy-dog eyes on thick, until they were distracted by the glimmer of familiar green eyes out of the corner of their own- familiar eyes that were, also, their own.
They stared down into the offered water bottle as they spoke, like a child peering into a wishing well and waiting for their wish to come true. “I like the park… there are a lot of people here, doing their own thing. I like to give them stories.”
Breaking free from the hypnotic pull of their own eyes, they snatched the offered bottle from Brandon’s hand and thirstily drank down most of what had been left inside. Then with a soft exhale, they offered the emptied bottle back to him with both hands.
ural кхэр cino golumbaika
Easel Franklin
The worst part of her position was the paperwork. No matter how much she did, no matter how many documents she filed away, there was always another report to be written or assignment to be sent. It was almost too much trouble. There were times when she longed for the earlier days of her career, back when she'd still been a lab tech without any accomplishments to her name. A faceless nobody with only a soldering iron in her hand, and years of pent-up ambition in her chest. Now, those had both been replaced with a pen and responsibilities. She was lucky if she was able to spend any more than a few hours a day on the lab floor, especially during crunch times like this.

...And then there was that damn bell. Even tucked away in the labs like this, she could still hear it droning on and on throughout the facilities' halls. It shouldn't have even been audible in this part of the building. Had the company really been so cheap as to skimp on soundproofing? Why was she even bothering to ask that question? Of course they had.

Her thumb kneaded against her temple, pressing the cool steel of her pen against her forehead. It had been a gift. All black-steel and ornate as it was, it clashed terribly with the relatively unassuming outfit which she wore in her day to day.

Knowing the company, she was sure that Haven Labs only existed as it did because being on campus grounds had allowed the company to pinch a penny or two... It was either that or to stroke that wad of a mayor's ego. There was no way that so many of the so-called 'best and brightest' just so happened to hail from Lockhaven, Florida after all. The Academy's science and engineering departments may as have been a funnel directly into Haven Labs' employ, so long as one wasn't totally incompetent, at least.

"Richards, Cervantes..." Of the many polished, silvery-looking things in her office, the intercom was amongst the most oft employed. Her voice was weary- because it was always weary- as it spilled out across the lab floor below, attracting the attention of the small handful of staff milling about to her office window.

"Start on tests twelve and thirteen. And get me the results for eight through eleven, already. I've sent you back the adjustments for the first seven already, so once you're caught up, run those again too." She could hear their irritation without it reaching her ears. This was the issue with working with fresh graduates. Did they think that she wanted to be stuck here cleaning up after their mistakes?

"...And once you're done with those, take your lunch breaks. One hour, then get me the next set of results when you get back." Her spare thumb pressed down upon the intercom, she continued to nurse her budding headache as she assessed the floor below. She'd never been good at this. Telling people what to do... Directing them... Or really just speaking to them in general. It was the second worst part of her position, if only because it beat getting ordered around by some idiot without any clue what they were doing.

Still, she needed a break from it every now and again.

"I'm taking a fifteen. Cervantes, you're in charge while I'm away." There was a smug grin cast from one face to another, but the woman above hadn't any mind for it. Withdrawing from her desk, she abandoned her lab coat across the crest of chair and rose to stretch her legs. This deep in the labs, all of the light was artificial. There wasn't a single window to the outside world, allowing not a single speck of light in or out of the laboratory's gut. It was for confidentiality, of course, but... Even a hermit like her could only stomach the electric buzz of the lab's fluorescent lighting for so long.

The door of her office clicked shut behind her. A cup of black coffee... And probably a walk to pair. That much would do fine enough.
L E V I A T H A N (283 x 500 px).gif

location: a bar, some table against the wall
status: good time ruined
tags: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic

Orson pretended not to catch the snort and cough; his gaze courteously turned elsewhere as he hid an amused smirk beneath the final sip of his whiskey. The blunder didn’t falter the artist enough to shrink away in embarrassment. There was no flustered scrambling or meek apology that one oft followed with. Instead, he traded the space across from Orson in favor of the one directly beside him, plopping in the seat with an intriguing swagger.

There were few instances where a genuine smile could be dredged from Orson’s ever-deadpan disposition. His smile was a polite tool utilized to lower guards and lead generally amicable social interactions; it’d stopped being an expression of his joy long ago. Yet when Vergilius ludicrously dubbed him “Prince Charming” and commented on his apparent “pretty face”, it sparked Orson’s system awake enough that an airy chuckle escaped his lips.

His eyes flicked to his ankle, then back onto V’s face. His finger traced the rim of the empty glass, contemplating.

“Orson.” Against his better judgement, he settled on the truth. “About as much a mouthful as you make it, but people don’t tend to settle for anything else.” The spiked volume at the bar didn’t go unnoticed. The drunken argument of the two patrons grated Orson’s patience, but not enough that he was swayed to look. V, on the other hand, seemed to have his hackles raised beneath a deceiving unaffectedness. Wanting to keep the man's attention, Orson's hand subtly shifts from his glass and onto the table, where the tips of his fingers slightly brushed against V's propped elbow.

“Listen pal, you better be careful with what you’re tryna accuse me of!” A man slurred; his words dizzy with a that tongue tripped through an alcoholic slog. There’s a loud thud against the counter as his fist smashed against the surface, the other hand jabbed an accusatory finger into the offender’s chest. “I literally just sat down!”

“You asshole, I saw you reachin’ into that pocket and pull out that baggie! What, were you putting sugar in her drink?” Another voice responded with equally matched accusation. Before Orson can suggest they rendezvous somewhere more private, he's finally compelled to watch the scene, the pleasant ease of reciprocated filtration soured by the angry drunkards. “Give me—give me your pockets! I’ll check myself!” One of the drunks lunged for the other’s pocket, to which the other clumsily swatted him away, knocking some drinks off the counter in the process and splashing it on the assumed victim, whose attempts at calming the situation had gone ignored, swallowed by the angry shouting and prideful stature of both men.
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Jae-Seong "Jason" Min

The Funhouse, Bar District

Jae-Seong let out a brief 'tsk' at the comment at he looked back at the powder, and watched as his in-law's underling try the product first. Seemed to work well enough, which meant that even if it was weak stuff then he could simply do enough of it and be good for the evening. Pulling out a bill, he wrapped it up and used it as the expressway for a line to enter his nose. He let out a grunt, his eye twitching as his body held a nasal reflex still in a vain attempt to stop him from getting his high, but ultimately it entered his lungs and he leaned into the couch with mild satisfaction. With the first one down, that meant all the other lines he was planning on welcoming into his bloodstream would go in much easier; and so, he did as he snorted a second line moments later and afterwards a third line through his other nostril.

Definitely wasn't the premium he was used to, but by now he had put in enough to get a similar high as he took in a deep breath and wiped his nose clean. "So, how's business been lately?" he asked Sushki, rolling his neck around. He was content to ignore Lola's presence for the time being as he was too preoccupied with his own coming trip.

Nobody Special Nobody Special miki miki
Wybie Lee Jones
Time + Place: Lockhaven Academy, Lockhaven, FL; April 19, 2024​


  • aaa

A high-pitched rumble filled the halls of the academy, hard plastic grinding against tile as the board sped through the crowds. The tremor of the board resonated through the soles of Wybie’s boots. “Watch it! Incoming!” they called out, swerving their hips to narrowly dip between the throng of people. Most of them heading to their next class, some of them pausing to glare at the irritation that had been Wybie for the past, eh, year or so.

Their boot pressed down on the tail, swinging them into a pivot straight towards an open door. They kicked down to fling themself onto the table… only to not do that at all. Instead, they tripped over their board, stumbling over their feet until they slammed face-first into the desk. “HEAVENS!” They dropped down to their knees for a moment before standing up and rubbing their head. Cough, “hEy,” they drawled, or tried to, ignoring the slight crack in their voice. “‘Sup?”

It’s important to note that Wybie was, in fact, NOT invited to this study session. Which pretty much negated any and all of the cool factor they possibly could’ve gained from any of what they just did.

Their eyes landed on Anthony—”Tonayyy!!! Long time no see, mortal enemy, they said, even though they’d seen him earlier today—then Kayoko, who they winked at, and then Cameron, who they, uh, didn’t recognize. Wybie crossed their arms, looking deep in thought as they stared intensely at the unfamiliar stranger. Very thoughtful, very brood-y. They lowered their voice as if speaking to themself. “The demon told me a new face would show…”

Finally, they hopped onto a seat and laid their skateboard across their lap. “I was thinking, maybe we could skip the whatever we’re doing and go get ice cream from the dining hall? I fear the demon within my heart would lash out violently if not fed that good-good…” They sighed dramatically, clutching their chest.
  • verrier.png
    Interacting With/Mentions:
    Orson ( Klown Klown )
    ~ Bar, 5pm ~
    God's Not Home

    Orson certainly was a mouthful. Part of him wanted to ask if the other was serious, sure his own name was just as old fashioned but his own parents had their silly religion hopping to blame. Still it brought a grin to his face.

    Orson. What a name indeed.”

    His voice was laced with fondness that was unmissable even to an untrained ear. Yet for as much as he wanted to continue the unashamed flirting that was becoming more and more direct as the voices continued to raise he felt as though there was an oppressive atmosphere coming to the bar.

    “God, they really can’t fuck off and let people enjoy a nice night can they.”

    At the sound of the accusation coming to light, he felt even worse. He wanted to puke his own guts up and dump both their drinks for safety even though they’d been nowhere close to the skeeve. He felt the good atmosphere strained as he shook slightly not even slightly comforted by the hand reaching out.

    “Let me go get you a fresh drink… Once I see if I can get these fools to shut up and get sent packing. Be right back.”

    He stood up ready to wail on the fucker who’d apparently been trying to drug people without them knowing. His face twisted into a scowl that would have sent anyone running. He barely made it to the table before the drinks had made friends with the floor. Well that was one issue down.

    “COOL IT!”

    He lunged forwards putting himself in front of the woman not knowing how this was going to play out. Right as he did one of the drunks grabbed another glass at the table and went for the others head. He reacted before thinking swatting the other’s blow and barely avoid having it shatter on himself.

    Another man might have been beckoning the bartender to call the cops but he’d long since learned not to expect shit from them. When it came down to it you hand only yourself to stop the problems. He took a swing to the face and stumbled back for a moment before recklessly charging to try to knock both to the floor.


    He should have to tell the idiots at the bar to give them space unless they wanted to hop in but alcohol always dulled the senses. Mediators never expected to get hit for their efforts.

Anthony Moretti - Olivier
Location: Academy
Interactions: AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa simj26 simj26 gxxberkit gxxberkit

“Good. Welcome. I hope this ends up being worthwhile.” Anthony looked away from Kayoko, trying his best to block out everything she was blabbering about that freak, Drystan. He heard enough about him every other time they were together, he didn’t need her eating up their study time to talk about him too. Especially with a tutor getting paid by the hour.

“Math? Me too.”

Finally, they could get down to business. He went through his papers briefly, pulling out some incomplete math problems. “I’ve been having some trouble with-” Anthony looked at his desk, and figured out what was missing. “I just need to find my calculator.” He pushed back from the desk, patting down his pockets, distracted from the rapidly approaching hazard.

“Found it.” He proudly held the tool up, and was about to place it beside his papers when…


The desk shook from a sudden impact, knocking Anthony’s pile of schoolwork off-balance. Before he could grab anything, it all slid off the desk, onto the floor.

”Tonayyy!!! Long time no see, mortal enemy,”


Anthony sighed dramatically, crossing his arms like Wybie was his wild toddler, rather than an ex-partner.

“Ice cream? N-no, Wybie. We’re studying. Can’t you see that? And you-” He poked a finger towards them. “-Weren’t even invited to join us. Unless you’re ready to start taking things seriously again.” He seriously doubted it.

Sally Paris

Interaction: n/a
Time + Place: Min Park

Sally sighed, rolling their shoulders back as they watched the campers scurrying about. They didn't dislike their job much, but being around kids for hours got tiring, and they dreaded the next few. That wouldn't stop them from doing their best, however. Plastering a smile on their face, Sally engaged with the kids and ushered them toward some tables where a bunch of arts and crafts supplies sat. At the very least, they could start with something that kept the campers in one spot.

Feeling a light tug on her sleeve, Sally glanced down and saw a small girl with dark hair and bright eyes. "Miss Sally, what should I draw?"

Crouching down to the girl's eye level, she smiled, "You can draw anything you want. Let your imagination run wild." That didn't help much because the girl still looked at her expectantly. Stifling a sigh, Sally looked around, "Why don't you try drawing what you see?" She gestured vaguely to the plants and trees around the park, hoping it would get the little one off her back. Much to her relief, it did.

"Okay! I'll try that." The girl scampered off and plopped onto the bench, immediately getting to work.

Sally rolled her eyes and stood, walking over to one of her co-workers, "Could you keep an eye on the brats? I need to get some water." She didn't wait for their response, already walking away from the group and in search of her backpack. I swear I left it over here...

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