Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

Wyatt paused, a little surprised, but did reach out and shake hr hand when it was offered to him. "Oh, my name is Wyatt, and this is Braden. I'm a student at the local college." He smiled a little, pleasantly and in an honest way. "That's very nice of your o give free haircuts." He assumed they were good ones, at least, otherwise it probably wouldn't be so nice. "It's all right, really. He'll be fine in a little while." Braden did recover about as quickly as any child, Wyatt just didn't like having something bother the boy in the first place.
(Excuse my long absence from the forum, I've been busy these last few days. Oh, and how short this post is.)


"Oh, no, it's okay, I understand. Don't worry...", he replied, a shy and worried tone on his voice this time, at least for a portion of his sentence, until he finally caught an expression of relief in her eyes, altough she wasn't fully recovered, tints of anxiety still in her, returning a somewhat worried expression to his eyes, scattered all over her, like shards on the floor after dropping glass.

"A-Are you alright?...", he asked, a bit more calmly this time around, looking at her, her breath recovering a rather normal rhythm, making his worries fade somewhat. A corporate, Christmas jingle started playing all over the station just as he finished his question, apparently selling lemon - flavoured soda to "share with all of your loved ones", "served ice cold", just like the weather itself. It was all over the place, and not just the station. The bloody radio, the telly, the main boulevard has a spectacular with it, even on the internet, there it was, with it's light blonde hair, quite possibly dyed, sickly white - skinned Scandinavian model drinking it with a Christmas hat from a crystal bottle, it was almost invasive. Who would drink cold soda when it it snowing all over the city and the temperature never went over around 10 °C anyways? It was a pointless campaign, but, either way, it was heavy and appealing to people. Just the thought of it annoyed Álvaro a slight bit. "You know...There's a park above 'is station, and it's less crammed in there, so...if you'd like to go...", he said, trailing off, cutting his sentence short. Words were unnecessary at that point, the message was understandable. "I mean, I've got a valid reason for being late at work, me' partner takes the metro, he can confirm my excuses.", he said self - assuringly inside his own head, disturbed by a few sparks coming from the lighting system being repaired above them.
((its all right really, im not that prompt and as im sure youve noticed my post lengths vary))

Esther listened to the jingle over the metro station radio. as annoying and cliche as most advertisments were it was a good distraction from her nerves. she took a deep breath, the cold air filling her lungs and calming her a bit. "yes, i would like to go outside. that would be nice. i think fresh air would do me good." she got up slowly to be sure she was alright. she took another slow breath, and followed Alvaro out of the station and up to the park nearby. she let a small smile touch her face as it grew quieter and they were surrounded by the trees andsmall children and families. people were walking their pets, playing with their kids and having a nice afternoon. the noise of cheer and play as heavily coated kids rolled around in the snow was a lot more relaxing then the bustle and unnecessary noise of the metro station.


Faith nodded, as did Emerald. "congratulations Faith." the green eyed girl said to her sister. "thank you Em." she said, glancing at the ring. there was still pain, she knew it wouldnt all be gone yet, but if she didnt move forward it would never be. "if everyone's ok, we can leave right now? im sure my mother is still awake now." she smiled, "and im sure she would love to hear the news."


Cian was about to answer the girl when she decided to take a different seat anyway. when she mentioned snow, he chuckled, "snow? i think the young lady needs her eyes checked, its a week from Christmas and theres snow everywhere, or was that just your way of trying to start a conversation?" he gave a joking smile. he was however inwardly sad. he would be spending Christmas alone in an empty house while his parents were dodging bullets in a middle eastern desert.


Sasha smiled, "nice to meet you Wyatt, Braden." she shook his hand when her took hers, then motioned towards the pouch attached to her belt, "i always have scissors with me... i take a few class at the university, but im nearly done with my cosmetology program." she looked up at the snow starting to fall from the sky, "nothing is a better way to make Christmas cheer then those little kindnesses..."
((couldn't stop myself had to find a picture it's 14k white gold))

What an introduction it will be huh?" He stood and walked over to the cupboard and opened it and placed the box in the drawer and smiled to himself as he closed the drawer. He turned arround and his mom and sister nodded that they didn't care if they did go. He looked down at Faith and carefully took a hold of her left hand and pulled her up. He smiled at her and waled to the door and opened t for her bowing semi-formally grinning as if it was all a big joke. Under his grin it could be seen that something was troubling him, he hid it well but his mom noticed it and frowned at him and he simply shook his head at her. He pulled his coat off of the rack and wrapped himself up with his scarf and smiled under it grateful for the warmth. He turned back to faith as he rubbed his hands against the cold as his head steamed a bit. He then looked at the van very disapprovingly and shook his head, it was time to get over the fear he had for automobiles and this would be the first step in doing so. Even with it being so cold he began to sweat, it wasn't because he was hot but more because he was nervous out of his mind. He turned back to faith again and managed a brave smile and he walked to the driver's side and opened the door for her waiting for her to get in.

She blushed hard at his comment very flustered at how he had just shot her attempt down like that. Turning her attention back to her food to hide how badly she was blushing but it did no good as even her ears were red with embarrassment. She seemed flustered beyond recovery as she ate her meal in silence not even trying now to make small talk with the boy even with as lonely as he seemed she really didn't care for instances like that. Soon the waiter came with a bottle of wine inquiring if she would like a glass and she turned him down. " I can't drink, here see for yourself." She pulled her wallet out and showed the man her driving licenses. " I'm only 19 so i can't drink yet, it's a bummer but it's better being honest." She smiled kindly as the waiter walked away looking very surprised. Under the table she clenched her fists in annoyance and her other hand tightened back around the utensil her knuckles paling under her annoyance as she griped the utensil. Resuming her meal she closed her eyes and focused on eating not really wanting to see how the boy beside her reacted she really wasn't in the mood for it now.
Faith got into the drivers side, giving Chiba a reassuring look. "it will be fine, i promise." she waited till he was in the car, put her seat-belt on and started the engine. she drove carefully, taking caution at stop signs and stop lights as not to make Chiba any more uncomfortable then he already was. "odd that a single woman owns a minivan? well...formerly single." she said, a relatively flat expression on her face. she hesitated a moment when they stopped, then got out of the car slowly. "anyway, lets go to my mothers room."


Cian paused a moment, the girl went slightly red and he suddenly felt a bit guilty. "hey, i didnt mean to upset you, i was just joking a bit..." he gave an apologetic look, "i wouldnt mind talking, that is if you really were trying to start a conversation." he rubbed the back of his neck. he was usually rather good with girls, but now he just felt awkward. " seems youre my age." he said, trying to clear the air. "however... ive tasted a few of this shops wines, i have need of telling the customers what its like if they ask so...." he trailed off, leaning forward in his seat.
when they arrived it felt like he had to pry his hands off of the hand grip that hung from the celing of the van as he stepped out of the vehicle he breathed a heavy sigh of relief and looked up at the sky. " I would say that i rather task my legs with getting me here as they are more reliable but i can't say that anymore. And no i didn't really find it odd as there are worse examples a single woman owning a SUV with no kids no husband and no reason to have such a huge car... And i'm right here beside you and you are right beside me so that we can support each other through any hardships that we may face in life right?"

Well you did look lonely sitting all the way in a corner by yourself as i can't stand letting people be alone it seems painful..." After hearing the rest he had to say laughter bubbled from her lips as he seemed uncomfortable and she coughed slightly as a piece of food caught in her throat and she waved her hand as she cleared her throat and grinned at the young man. " Well i really don't want to hear how they taste as i'm not one for alcohol, and how were you able to taste the wine if you are younger then me if i guess right?" She looked up at him totally recomposed with a slight grin on her face as she looked at him enjoying his efforts.
((Agh! Sorry! For some reason I stopped getting alerts for a bunch of stuff :( ))

Wyatt smiled a little and nodded. "Things like that make people more happy than gifts sometimes, I think." He said, gently ruffling Braden's hair. "Do you enjoy cutting hair?" She had to, if she was going to just be doing it for free for people. Maybe it was a hobby she'd just turned into work. Wyatt himself didn't have any hobbies, really, but then, he'd never had time for them. He had to take care of Braden now, and before that he'd had to take care of himself. There wasn't much time for hobbies.
(sorry i havent posted in awhile, ive been at a weekend convention, then had to work as soon as i got back, i will post soon i promise!) 
(BTW that ring...would be so much prettier with less emerald stones. the center stones should only have a few accents, to many is going overboard, then again...i am a person of simple tastes. white gold is gorgeous though)

Faith nodded, "i do suppose let us get going alright? visitors hours dont last forever after all" she offered a comforting hand to the shaken man. she was also feeling a bit uneasy, she wondered if she could really go through with this odd engagement. "Chiba..." she said quietly, "our engagement... how long would you like it to be before we...are wed?" she asked. while she agreed to marry him, she still didnt want to jump head first into anything she wasnt ready for, and she thought she would be better of giving herself time to fully get over her lost love. she waited for a reply as the rode an empty elevator to her mothers floor, hand in hand.


Cian chuckled, "hey, dont jump to any conclusions. i said your my age, not that i was younger then you. im also 19, and who the elder is depends on birthdays" he gave a playful smirk, "and i look a year or two older then i am so most people dont question of i just have a sip. my boss knows my age obviously, but he says knowing the wines is the best way to describe it to a customer." he gave a nod, "i want to be a great chef, so i will do what i need to to learn." he said confidently, his own awkwardness fading.


Sasha smiled, "i love cutting hair, i get people all the time who are self conscious or think theres nothing they can do to feel like they look nice." she patted her bag, which had a pair of salon scissors peeking out of a side pocket(the handle that is), "i take these, and i work a litttle magic, give them the right cut or style, and poof, instant smiles." she nodded happily, "nothing is better then making someone feel pretty, handsome, or just good about how they look."


Chiba Masato, Nalakitty01
sorry i thought it looked pretty neat and it was also because she was a florist))

Sure, he took comfort in her hand and smiled, and then chuckled at her statement. It wasn't but earlier this week that i was here... and about that i'm not exactly sure but i don't know if my mom will be happy until she sees me settled but i might be able to talk into her to give us some time to settle down again and he rubbed his chin with his other hand thoughtfully. "And knowing her she won't leave until we have been married but i'll see what i might be able to do with that but then again she may just be stubborn and want it sooner then latter as she does have other obligations she does need to attend to but we'll see about that latter." He smiled at her lightly trying to reassure her that he would do the best that he could for her as he already loved her that much. He took a step forward as the elevator doors opened and waited a second for her as he let her guide him to her mothers room.

Well you are right about being my age but i was born the first of January believe it or not i was born right at midnight of December 31 rather the 1 of January. so in this case i think that i win." She giggled slightly at his antics feeling slightly relaxed now. " People often think i'm around 35 or so with my height and short hair and then the face as well it's a bit annoying though." She looked at him seeing him almost visibly relax " Now what type of desert would you recommend oh great up coming chef?" She burst out laughing at her own joke clutching her sides as a tear of bliss slipped from the corner of her eye. Soon she recomposed her self still chuckling slightly "It's a joke nothing more." She waved her hand to dismiss any misconceptions. " Sorry if you misunderstood. but i am serious what desert would you recommend?"
Wyatt had to smile at that, her joy contagious, and even Braden was beginning to ease back out from behind him. Only a little, but still. "I've never thought about it that way." Getting his hair cut had always been a matter of need, not any awareness of his own looks. He'd never really cared too much about looks, anyway. "But if it makes people feel so much better, it must be a worthy pastime."
(theres nothing wrong with it, im just a simpler person is all.)

Cian furrowed his brow. "35? theres no way in hell anyone has EVER said that to you. to look that old you would need lines at the creases of your eyes, corners of your mouth, and you would be greying, just slightly. 35 is older then you think, it only five years younger then my mother, who is 40 and looks NOTHING similar to your age. so....either the people who talk to you are blind....or they've never seen a 35 year old." Cian shrugged, and the chef of the restaurant brought him some food, which he promptly began to eat. "anyway...midnight of December third IS January 1st. 11:59 would still be the 31st." he said with a smirk, "so which is it?"


Faith gave a small nod, "the good news is my mothers health has been improving a bit, she has some color in her face and her hair is beginning to grow back." Faith gave a small smile. She looked up as the door to the elevator opened. she led her new-found fiance out and towards her mothers room. she knocked lightly on the door, hearing a quiet voice from inside tell her to come in. "mother? ive brought someone to meet you..." She let go of Chibas hand, walked over and kissed her mother on either cheek, chatting for a moment about Emeralds success on the soccer team at school. "Mother, this man is Chiba, i met him only a month ago, but by some push and rushed relationship...we are engaged." she held her mothers thin, pale hand. "Chiba, this is my mother, Grace Ernst." she said, finishing the introduction from her mothers bedside.


Sasha nodded, "it is a VERY worthy pastime. what do you do? does your job allow you to relish the happiness of others?" she asked, wandering to the bench where Wyatt had been when she had appraoched him and his younger brother. "i dont know what it is about making someones day, or about giving them the confidence to be themselves that makes my job worthwhile"
"Feel better now?...", Álvaro nervously ask Esther as he gazed into her pale, green eyes, losing himself in there for a fraction of a second. "It's nicer outside here.", he said, mostly to excuse himself had she noticed his eyes, now scanning park, nicely coated in powdery snow, falling from the sky in a peaceful, weightless, relaxing manner, ornating . He bit at his lip for a few seconds and gathered some air, nervously. "You know, perhaps maybe we can walk to your workplace...I-I mean, if you'd like to...", he proposed, looking at the floor a moment and then at her, small fidgeting in his hands, nicely placed in the pockets of his trousers, his scarf waving in the air as if it were to be drawn, a small shiver traveling down his spine, probably a small air current went through.

(Excuse my prolongated absence again, returned to Mexico City for the summer.)
((Castle gif :3))

Wyatt picked Braden up and followed after Sasha, sitting on the bench next to her with the little boy in his lap. "Oh, I don't work, not really." He shrugged slightly. "I pick up a few odd jobs when I can, but I'm a student full time. Well, sort of." He smiled a little and rubbed Braden's head when the boy hid against Wyatt's chest. "I should say I take care of him full time, and I'm a student on the side."
((not getting alerts on posts this is very anoying..))

She laughed had at his shock and then blushed as he ranted on about her no one had done that for her. " Well my mother always told me that it was 12:01 January first when i took my first breath but i really don't know and i don't think that it matters anyway." She seemed to sadden at the mentioning of her mother but she quickly recovered hoping to hide that fact. " So when were you born Mr. Soon to be Mr. Chef?" She giggled again liking the title that she had made for the odd boy.

Chiba walked in after her rubbing his neck slightly bending his legs sightly but he was happy to hear the good news about her mother and as she opened the door he clenched his other hand which was now behind his back in nervousness. And as she introduced him he gave her a formal bow at a perfect 90 degrees. " I'm sorry we could have not in better terms to have discussed this earlier but i am willing to explain how the events transpired. I know you might not approve but my mother is well how can i say it other then anoying in how badly she want's me to settle down a bit. Im sure you can see by how i walk but i lost both of my legs here recently in a car wreck and in a sense we are helping each other heal from past scars. I hope you understand but i wished this t go slower but either i had to choose or have my wife choosen for me. I didn't want that so I asked Faith, it was difficult but with your permission Mrs. Ernst i would like to have your dauhter's hand." He was still bowed as he told the story when his right leg gave out and he tipped and caught himself on the stool and sat down in the chair and breathed deeply a sheen of sweat covering his face.
Sasha smiled, "children are a blessing, they can bring sunshine to a rainy day." she looked up at the sky, "it must be nice to have a sibling, i suppose this little guy makes Christmas very merry." her smile saddened slightly, before brightening up again, "if i think about it i still have to buy ingredients for Christmas dinner in a week." she chuckled, trying to drive away the sadness of spending another Christmas alone.


Faith gave a small smile, as did her mother. "Mr. Masato, no need to be so formal with me, i have no doubts that Faith chooses good friends so i expect she knows how to choose men as well." Grace coughed quietly, "however im worried about Faith. will you be ok with this rush dear? you and Fayt... you dated 4 months before you even let him kiss you if i remember correctly?" Faith looked down, her hands kneeding her lap as a like pink spread across her face. " a grown woman" Faith said quietly, to which her mother chuckled, "i dont wish to start any sort of feud... but perhaps your mother is too hasty Mr. Masato, i wont say you can marry her, because she has already made the decision and said yes, and you dont need my permission. however, ive got one more month of chemo before im discharged...ive been in remission for a short while, and i would like to attend the wedding. do you think your family can wait that long at least? i DOES take time to plan such a large event." Mrs. Ernst asked, hoping to give her daughter time to adjust.


Cian gave her a curious look, "i did say that i have a May birthday, but it seems you werent listening? he gave a slightly stern look. he wouldnt let her take the reigns in this odd conversation, he rarely got upset or flustered, and it would happen now. he didnt mind ranting a bit, but he always stayed the one who made others flustered.


Esther gave a small smile," walk... i would like that very much, i would feel more comfortable not going back into that crowded metro station." she said. she took in a deep breath of the cold air that painted her cheeks a rosy red. "i cant believe its almost Christmas already," she muttered mostly to herself, "i wonder if mother will be well enough to spend it with me...." she zoned a bit as they began headin towards their work places.
Wyatt hummed a little, thoughtfully, and shrugged, smiling down at Braden's head and just running his fingers through the small boy's hair. "It doesn't have to be Christmas to be bright. And it's just the two of us, most times, so we don't do much that's special but get a tree and give him presents." He was supposed to go to his aunt and uncle's for Christmas this year, but he wasn't sure if it would happen, since they had gotten an offer from other family. He was all right with it being just him and Braden. Holidays had never meant that much to him growing up anyway.
He watched as the mother and daughter air talked quietly not wishing to intrude on their moment but when she turned to talk to him again a wide smile broke his face and he stood up and walked to the other side of Grace. " Thank you, i was hoping to make it take as long as possible, and yes it does take time to plan it and now with your wish to attend i will make it so that we push it back as far as we can so not only you can recover in time but Faith can as well. I think Mrs. Grace that we will become good friends in due time." His face paled and he sat hard on the ground and the sound of his teeth grinding was audible through out the room. " And i think it will also allow me some time to recuperate from my own surgery. You see i took Faith out on a date and a car was about to crash into us but i was able to keep Faith safe but at the cost of both of my legs... Now i have prosthesis and even now i have the phantom pains in my "lower" legs. I think it will benefit everyone if we push the date back as far as possible.

She laughed hard. " That still makes me your elder by three months. And yes i was listening but sometimes one can listen without really hearing anything." She sighed and pinched her brow. " I'm sorry but this was a pleasant conversation but i must be off i've wasted enough time i really should go out and look for a job like i promised myself i would do. But i might break the promise because i haven't found a job yet and i promised my folks i would have one before Christmas but it looks like i won't." She covered her mouth as she sneezed and wiped her eyes. It was obvious that she was coming down with something but she was just to hardheaded to do anything about it yet.
Chiba Masato, Nalakitty01 im so sorry i took so long...

Faith gave a relieved smile, she was not one to jump into things she was not ready for. her mother spoke up once more, "ridged as she sounds, your mother wont be able to fight the brides mothers wishes. it this sick womans one wish to see her daughters get married, but Emerald is such a long way off from that, so at least im guaranteed to see Faith wed." Grace said with a smile. "mother, im sure you will see Em married too... if she ever shakes her naivety towards boys." she chuckled, "you know Chiba, my sister often thinks she is actually a boy. ive heard that she has been flirted with before and not even noticed." Faith laughed a bit more hardily, "i really hope that our families get along." she finished. she checked her watch, taking a quick glance at the ring on her finger in the process. "it seems we have some time... its quite early actually." Grace looked between the two of them, "you do as you wish, i wouldnt want to keep you here."


Cian gave a curious look, "job, huh? why not apply here, we could use more wait staff." he pointed out a sign by the register area, "and you need your math checked missy, a may birthday makes me 5 months younger then you. and age doesnt always matter. im mature enough not to need my parents to tell me to get a job." he smirked playfully. "also, you should get some rest and drink some orange juice, it would suck to be sick on Christmas." he pointed out.


Sasha patted Wyatt on the back, "well be happy, you make a magical Christmas for this kid, even if its just the two of you, its better then nothing right? Christmas...i always tried to make the magic myself. homemade decorations... cookies. my father was always sick, or busy working till sick again, and when he passed, grandmother was to poor to buy presents, though she did have great stories." Sasha looked back fondly on her lonely, lackluster holidays.
Star it's fine i understand you don't have the time to post right now so don't worry))

And Mrs. Grace you have a point there if you wish to attend then there is nothing we can say against that and we will make plans so that you can attend the wedding. And i think our family will get along very well." He also laughed with them about the jokes about Emerald. " Well since i have gotten to meet your mother i think it wouldn't be a bad idea to head home so i can get properly acquainted with my little sister? Unless you want to go an do something else in the mean time, right now i don't mind either way as..." He yawns widely. " I'm getting pretty tired from all this moving around. I think i want to head home and get some rest..."

"Well that's about the first thing that you said that makes sense, and the only reason my mom is hounding me is because she doesn't want me to end up like my father. And i care deeply for my parents it's just they worry about me and i'm plenty mature thank you very much." She added the last part with some venom as she glared at the boy. " And i'm fine right now, my body is stronger then most so you don't have to worry about a woman like me, and actually i'm allergic to citrus so i can't have any orange juice. So thanks for suggesting i should die, now i think i'll head out and look for a job else where." She sounded very sour now as she continued to glare at the young man, he thought he knew everything and he was so good but all it was, was wool covering his eyes.
Wyatt managed a little smile for her because she seemed so sad and he wanted her to cheer up. "I'm sorry. . . But I don't really mind it being just the two of us. We're happy. That's all it's ever been anyway." Even when their parents were alive, they had never really seen much of them. Wyatt was used to it being just him and Braden, and he knew Braden was happy. Wyatt had always been the one there for him, not their parents.

((Yeah, it's okay :) I understand))
(curse you Chiba now im looking up freakin wedding dresses youre not suppose to feed my desire for pretty dresses, not coooooool XP) (BTW life guys, life! car troubles, i dont get vacation with my family week after next, plus im brokity broke! at least ive still got my art and writing :P sorry if ive been absent long!)

Faith smiled, "well you did meet her breifly earlier when she showed up at your place, however... im sure a proper meeting can wait. if you're tired you should rest, otherwise she make sap your remaining energy by talking you to sleep." she said with a chuckle. she turned to her mother, kissing her on the cheek, "dont forget to rest up too mother, you've got a long road to recovering." she stood up from her mothers bedside and walked over to Chiba. "ready to head back? she put a comforting gentle hand on his shoulder as she lead him back towards the elevators.


Cian looked a bit surprised at the girls outburst, "hey shhh you're going to get me fired kid!" he said quietly, a slightly frustrated, but calm look on his face, "it was a joke really, i know how important jobs are, otherwise i wouldnt be in college." he sighed, "and its very unfair of you to yell at me about wanting you to die, i dont even know you, how would i know you're allergic to citrus?" he remained calm, his serious yellow-green eyes never wavering, "i never said you werent mature, however, losing your temper when someone is giving you suggestions to improve your health is less then mature. Strong or not you need to take care of your health, after all, when all is said and done, you are all you really have." he spoke from experience, even if this girl didnt know it. while his parents, whom he loved very much, dodged bullets in Afghanistan, he had to learn to rely on himself.


Sasha nodded, "thats why siblings are so great, you two are really family for eachother, and even one extra person makes the holidays that much more special." she breathed out a white cloud of air, pulling her scarf so it covered her chin. she remembered how she was once supposed to have a brother. "i wonder what my little brother wouldve been like. maybe as outgoing as me? or maybe as shy and quiet as Brayden." she said with a smile that was filled with fond memories. she had been so excited, 5 years old, about to become a big sister. she wished that things didnt have to happen the way they did.
(( *grins evilly* no actually it wasn't my point but since i did i might as well, and real life sounds like you have a lot of issues i hope that you can solve them easily, and to let you know i'll be without a computer and in Shenandoah national park for like a week or so and then i have my brothers wedding and then i have to go back to school just to let you know))

Well a brief meeting won't cut it for long i really want to get to know my new little sister to be, and you are right i really do need to get some rest otherwise i'll be a walking zombie." He laughs hard at his last little joke and placed his hand gently on hers and smiled, " You don't know how lucky i feel right now to be able to have you, i feel like a blind man being able to see for the first time right now i'm really giddy." He walks with her to the elevators and pushes the button calling it up to them and the door pings and he walks in holding the door for her. As the doors close he hits the button for the lobby and hugs her tight. " You know what? I love you." He was a simpleton just like that he spoke his mind and hardly thought of the consequences. He then leaned back and rested his forehead against hers and kissed her lightly and smiled.

She only looked more irritated " One, i'm not a kid, two i have a hard time hearing what's meant as a joke and what is not, and i don't need you giving me a life lecture on what i should and shouldn't do, and i really am all that i have, i have hardly and friends my parents are dead after a robbery gone wrong in front of my eyes, and you're right we don't know each other so i guess we should stop trying to give suggestions to each other blindly." Her blue eyes seemed to blaze with a rage that she hadn't had in years but when she got like this it was difficult to stop her but she stopped her self and breathed in deeply. " I'm just so tired..." She rubbed her eyes wiping away the salty moisture that had begun to from at the beginning of the rant. She seemed to be strong on the outside but she just was a very broken person hiding behind it all.
(pffff whenever my characters need formal wear for anything i ALWAYS have to find something i like xD )

Faiths face turned a delicate shade of pink. "easy Romeo, we are in a hospital, empty elevator or not we need to respect others." she said with a small smile. "you can properly meet Em when youre rested up" she said, taking his hand and giving it a squeeze as they left the elevator. she led him back out to her minivan, and drove home. "do you want me to walk you home?" she joked as she pulled up to her house and cast a glance across the street.


Cian felt a bit guilty, but that didnt last. "well im SORRY" his face looked slightly angered, "i didnt mean to call you kid, it was an honest mistake, i call a lot of people kid, so settle down. and second, i wasnt giving you a life lecture, i was just trying to help." he gave a rough sigh, "you know, just because you dont know someone deosnt mean you cant try to help. your heath is important. and plus, i just moved here, so its not like i have friends either. my parents are dodging bullets in Afghanistan and im just trying to figure my life out, so excuse me for trying to help out other people along the way. when i move here I had heard this place called a city of life and second chances, but it seems im going to be treated the same here as i did in my hometown. im SICK of trying to help people who just treat ME like the bad guy." Cian was done, he didnt feel right making such a scene in front of the customers he served wholeheartedly everyday. Cian wasnt the type of guy to back down because a girl was crying, he had seen too much of that in his hometown. he wasnt going to become the one who was OK with helping people then getting tossed aside. his reputation had been destroyed back home, why should he let the same happen here. he got up, and quickly walked out, ending the arguement.

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