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Love Never Dies: Secrets Revealed (Melody and Taboo)

Saiyan Princess

Always unhappy
Roleplay Availability
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This is an alternate ending after the Phantom of the Opera, and, eventually, after the sequel, Love Never Dies. For instance, what happened after Erik left the catacombs? What if Christine survived the gunshot cast by Meg Giry?
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Underneath the Paris Opera House, which was full of screams and the tumult of escaping people, Erik slowly made his way through the tunnels that lead to his safety. He would occasionally stumble and grab the wall, the distress from the tragedy he just experienced still affecting him. Despite the fact that he knew that he was most likely going to be followed soon, he couldn't force himself to go much faster. Turn and turn about, he would curse himself and his hideous face, he would curse Christine for betraying him, and he would curse Raoul for stealing Christine from him.

Finally making it out of the tunnels, Erik fled the opera area as fast as he could, and went to find a place of refuge. He remembered there was a small shack that no one occupied by the opera house, and decided that was his best option until he knew what he was going to do. He sat on the small, uncomfortable bed in the corner with his head in his hands, tears in his eyes and Christine's name on his lips.
Christine couldn't help but think about that face that she now felt horrible for leaving as the rats scurried about the catacombs underneath her home. What had she just done to him? She loved him and yet...he let her free! There was no way that he was the same man that was so very angry not an hour ago. "Christine, are you hurt?" Raoul asked her as softly as he could, sensitive to the situation at hand. Christine looked back at her lover and hugged his arm. "Yes, Raoul."

Meanwhile, the mob came toward the couple, but Meg and Madame Giry branched away from them and searched for their old friend. "Erik?" Meg whispered, scared of being overheard. She saw a light at the end of the tunnel and emerged above ground. Her mother came after. "Erik!" Madame Giry called. "Answer me!" Meg held the half tragedy mask in her right hand, keeping it safe.
From where Erik was, he heard his name being called, somewhat snapping him out of his distressed state. Silently, he moved to the window and looked out to see Meg and Madame Giry just outside his tunnel. For a moment, he debated on whether or not to alert them of his presence, but then remembered how good Madame Giry was to him. "Meg! Madame Giry!" He whispered as
From where Erik was, he heard his name being called, somewhat snapping him out of his distressed state. Silently, he moved to the window and looked out to see Meg and Madame Giry just outside his tunnel. For a moment, he debated on whether or not to alert them of his presence, but then remembered how good Madame Giry was to him. "Meg! Madame Giry!" He whispered as loudly as he could to get their attention. "Come in here!"
They spotted their friend at the edge of the property line of the Opera Populair. "Erik." Meg whispered, as she came bounding toward him. "Thank heaven you're safe." She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. "You're safe." Madame Giry took his hand. "I'm sorry." She led them all inside.
Once inside, Erik sat back on the bed and dropped his head into his hands. "She's gone..." He whispered almost inaudibly. "She never loved me. She just said yes to save Raoul." He spat Raoul's name as if it were something disgusting. "I became nothing more than a dog, ready to die for her." His voice turned bitter as he shook his head.
Meg smiled and took his hand, getting down on her knees before him. "Listen, it'll be alright." She tried to assure him. "Everything will work out in the end, I promise." She kissed his hand and then let it drop. "I promise things will get better." Madame Giry put her hand on his shoulder. "We'll find something. We'll work things out."
Erik lifted his head, "How am I supposed to do anything with a fave like this?" He said, gesturing to the disfigured side of his face. "That's the reason I was there, people run screaming when they see me." He dropped his head again and sighed. He reached in his pocket for the ring that Christine returned to him, hoping it would brig him sort of comfort, but found it only hurt him more.
"We can leave Paris, start fresh somewhere else." Meg handed over the mask. "Here, take it." She whispered softly. "But, if you ask me, you're beautiful without it." She smiled as she saw the ring. Oh, how she craved to have Erik put that on her finger some day. But, not now. Perhaps, when he saw how much she cared for him, he would do so. "We'll catch the next ship away from France."
Erik didn't give Meg's comment about his mask any mind but nodded at her suggestion to leave. He put the ring back into his pocket and put on his mask. It didn't do much for the lack of hair, but it mostly covered his disfigurement and brought back his composure. "Where will we go?" He said after clearing his throat. "I hardly can remember the last time I left Paris or even the Opera House." He murmured, trying to think of some place that might be safe.
Meg shrugged. Madame Giry thought this over. "We'll have to catch the next ship to America." She spoke softly, scared of being overheard. "We'll think about what we should do on the way there." She took his hand and led him away. "Come, we will go now." She let Meg lead the way. "Hurry."
Erik resisted walking away, "I can't." He said, standing still. He felt that something was telling him to stay for just a night or two more, but he felt he should keep it to himself. "I need some time to rest." He turned back towards the bed, "Just a one night, maybe two. I'm not going out there yet." He mumbled, pointing to the door.
"Ah, you're right." Madame Giry told him in her motherly tone. "You need rest. You must be strong." She pat his hand and turned out the light. "Sleep, my friend." She led Meg back inside the building.
Erik nodded, as he went back to the bed, took off his mask and laid down. His head was filled with nothing but Christine. He almost felt that Christine's last glance might have meant something. That was the reason he felt the need to stay where he was and not run off to America. He shook off these thoughts, remembering how she had basically sacrificed the rest of her life just for Raoul.
Christine was taken to the de Chagney manor, to be married at once. There, she would raise her family with Raoul by her side. The Girys took one glance back at the little shack as they bedded down for the night. The lights in the whole building went out. Christine stayed awake, praying for one last chance with Erik.
Erik closed his eyes, hoping to shut out the rest of the world and get some rest before he went to America, miles away from the only person he felt love for. His mind raced, keeping him from sleeping, making him toss and turn. He put his arm over his face, trying his best to fall asleep.
"Dear God, please, if you can hear me, please, let my teacher know how much I care about him." Her prayer was short and sweet. Raoul kissed her cheek. "We shall be wed tomorrow, but, for now, we celebrate." Raoul tried, unsuccessfully, to pull her toward his carriage, but she refused. "You go celebrate without me." She waited for her fiance to leave before she went inside and to her room.
Rolling over on the uncomfortable bed, Erik sighed and tried to get himself to fall asleep, but realized it wouldn't work. He put his mask back on and went to the window, looking out into the darkness and trying to find something that might distract him. Once again, he pulled the ring from his pocket and looked at it with a longing for Christine and the warmth he gave her whenever she was around.
As the night wore on, Christine prayed still. She just wanted one more chance with her Angel of Music, but, there was no way that he would dare come to her now, not that she was to marry the Vicomte in a few short hours. "Erik, should you hear me, I need you." She started crying.
Something in the darkness told Erik to go from his shack and find Christine, something told him that his chance at happiness with Christine wasn't completely gone. Slipping he ring back into his pocket, he slipped from his shack and into the darkness. Through the shadows, he rushed to the De Chagny manor, knowing that Christine was most likely there. Once he was there, he scaled the wall, looking into each dark window to look for his Christine.

Finally, Erik came to a window with a light on, and inside he saw Christine, alone and crying. He stayed completely still for a moment, debating on whether or not he should get her attention. After all, she had only pretended to love him for the sake of her lover, Raoul. The mere thought of his name, made him scowl. Still, something was holding him here, in the darkness by her window.
Poor Christine felt as if she were being watched, by someone other than her fiance's servants. She felt very strange. It was very hot, very musty in the room, so, she decided to open the window a crack. She wasn't certain of her forced decision to leave with the vicomte. "Why did he free me? O proved that I love him." She touched her lips, still able to feel the kisses that they shared not that long ago. "Erik looked so lost. Not at all like the man I saw during Don Juan today."
Erik ducked down as her window cracked opened, but he heard her words and become overwhelmed and confused. "Why would she say this? She returned the ring and left with him!" He whispered to himself, shaking away he idea that he could be with her still. Despite this, he couldn't tear himself from Christine's window or her beauty.

As carefully and silently as he could, Erik positioned himself in a way that he could see Christine better. "She must be speaking of something else... The only reason she chose was to save him." He murmured inaudibly, pressing his lips together in thought. "She gave back the ring!" He said, louder than he intended and realized he could've been overheard, making him duck down, hoping he wouldn't be discovered.
Christine heard this and jumped. "What was that? Who's there?" She backed up from the window. "I'm warning you now, you'll be sorry if you come closer!" She had no idea who it was. "Stay away!" Christine backed into the door of her room, ready to call out for help at any moment. The door was wide open. "Stay back!" She repeated.
Erik knew if Christine called out and he was discovered, he was a dead man. Literally. He hesitated for just a moment, but then quickly climbed into the room and rushed towards Christine. "Be silent!" He hissed in a whisper through his teeth as he put a hand over her mouth. "Do you want me to be killed my sweet Christine?" He closed the door as silently as possible, hearing footsteps of servants who undoubtedly heard her cry out. "If you truly wish me to live, tell them to leave. Your Raoul wouldn't want me here." He whispered to her, his comment about Raoul almost sounding like an insult. He slipped away from the door, uncovering her mouth and hoping she wouldn't call them inside to find him, since he still was uncertain she was truly devoted to him.

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