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Malcom's eyes ask why Damien's on the floor but his mouth says, "I thought about sending the message we were circling the toilet drain and then figured that was redundant."
When Finch doesn't have another knife to throw and Damien doesn't have any further to fall, the mercenary tucks his gun away into the holster under his jacket. With an old man groan, he picks up a vase that had wobbled from its place on a dresser when his dodge slammed him against if. The mercenary twists it, puzzled, then twists it again trying to decide which side of the art piece is the front and which is the back.
It still isn't clear to Kaden whether this man would shoot him or not - he's apparently worked closely with Sheppard in the past but that is by no means an indicator of good character. Ortiz is a 'friend' Kaden is familiar with, and he is quite honestly despicable and unfortunately handsome. How much worse are the men Kaden doesn't know about?
And the mercenary does little to improve his social standing beyond a mumbled, wish-I-could-have-done-more and I'm-glad-they-got-out in reference to Blumenthal's family.
This abrupt and brief condolence would have been followed by Malcom offering Damien a hand, had Finch not stepped in. The mercenary gives a curt understanding nod that is, quite frankly, infuriating in the present circumstances.
"Then MacDarragh was telling the truth?" Kaden asks out loud. Reputation wise, there is also the small fact this man buried all the High-Rise's evil deeds in the back of Kaden's head.
Rather than glare pointlessly, Kaden grabs Damien underarm to wrench the ex-cop to his feet. A few dead leaves stick to his clothing, shattering into specks when Finch slaps them off.
"Darragh... that goofy ass from the tower?" the mercenary says with an earnesty so casual it's dumbfounding. Oh, to know MacDarragh in passing, particularly as an ass and a goofy one at that. "If he said we were compromised and Sheppard was...captured then, yeah, that about sums it up."
He sidesteps Finch to march further into the mansion. "My personal account has her hugging me to gain my trust - and my rifle - and then shoving me into a utility closet because that's what friends do to one another."
There are a lot of reasons Kaden should be ashamed, Damien unsteadily leaning into his arm being one of them. Regardless, Malcom's mention of hugging is what strikes him most from that statement. He forces himself to give the mercenary another hard look; he isn't huge, but that doesn't disqualify him. Despite contrary belief, older is usually her taste and this man has crow's feet that only show when he frowns or smiles - older than Kaden, but not as old as Delilah.
Whereas Damien's hair has peppered white in the temples, this man's hair is gradually being eaten up white. He has a vertical scar starting at his lip and creeping up his nostril in a clinical straight line. It's the most distinct thing about him, other than his hair. If you put him in a military uniform, he'd be lost in the ocean of soldier same-face.
"Wight keeps it this cold?" Malcom broaches and his generic face grows an ounce of character in the way it hardens and simultaneously goes soft. Clenched jaw, widened eyes, he doesn't ask, only goes ah at the dead foliage and heavy smell of decay.
"It felt like she'd be around forever didn't it?" He muses and adds, "Ya'know when I was grumpy she'd call me Malcontent. Used to drive me up the wall..."
Malcom thumbs at the red smear in his pants, rubs the gathered blood between two fingers.
Frowning, he looks at Damien. "Don't I remember you with a gimpy paw?"
When Finch doesn't have another knife to throw and Damien doesn't have any further to fall, the mercenary tucks his gun away into the holster under his jacket. With an old man groan, he picks up a vase that had wobbled from its place on a dresser when his dodge slammed him against if. The mercenary twists it, puzzled, then twists it again trying to decide which side of the art piece is the front and which is the back.
It still isn't clear to Kaden whether this man would shoot him or not - he's apparently worked closely with Sheppard in the past but that is by no means an indicator of good character. Ortiz is a 'friend' Kaden is familiar with, and he is quite honestly despicable and unfortunately handsome. How much worse are the men Kaden doesn't know about?
And the mercenary does little to improve his social standing beyond a mumbled, wish-I-could-have-done-more and I'm-glad-they-got-out in reference to Blumenthal's family.
This abrupt and brief condolence would have been followed by Malcom offering Damien a hand, had Finch not stepped in. The mercenary gives a curt understanding nod that is, quite frankly, infuriating in the present circumstances.
"Then MacDarragh was telling the truth?" Kaden asks out loud. Reputation wise, there is also the small fact this man buried all the High-Rise's evil deeds in the back of Kaden's head.
Rather than glare pointlessly, Kaden grabs Damien underarm to wrench the ex-cop to his feet. A few dead leaves stick to his clothing, shattering into specks when Finch slaps them off.
"Darragh... that goofy ass from the tower?" the mercenary says with an earnesty so casual it's dumbfounding. Oh, to know MacDarragh in passing, particularly as an ass and a goofy one at that. "If he said we were compromised and Sheppard was...captured then, yeah, that about sums it up."
He sidesteps Finch to march further into the mansion. "My personal account has her hugging me to gain my trust - and my rifle - and then shoving me into a utility closet because that's what friends do to one another."
There are a lot of reasons Kaden should be ashamed, Damien unsteadily leaning into his arm being one of them. Regardless, Malcom's mention of hugging is what strikes him most from that statement. He forces himself to give the mercenary another hard look; he isn't huge, but that doesn't disqualify him. Despite contrary belief, older is usually her taste and this man has crow's feet that only show when he frowns or smiles - older than Kaden, but not as old as Delilah.
Whereas Damien's hair has peppered white in the temples, this man's hair is gradually being eaten up white. He has a vertical scar starting at his lip and creeping up his nostril in a clinical straight line. It's the most distinct thing about him, other than his hair. If you put him in a military uniform, he'd be lost in the ocean of soldier same-face.
"Wight keeps it this cold?" Malcom broaches and his generic face grows an ounce of character in the way it hardens and simultaneously goes soft. Clenched jaw, widened eyes, he doesn't ask, only goes ah at the dead foliage and heavy smell of decay.
"It felt like she'd be around forever didn't it?" He muses and adds, "Ya'know when I was grumpy she'd call me Malcontent. Used to drive me up the wall..."
Malcom thumbs at the red smear in his pants, rubs the gathered blood between two fingers.
Frowning, he looks at Damien. "Don't I remember you with a gimpy paw?"