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One x One Love Letter 💌 - Dimension A Lore



- yes, flying cars
- prison labor used to repair the robots that now maintain society. sentences are still obscenely harsh but they're less desperate for it
- extreme socioeconomic disparity. the middle class has all but been dissolved
- police are in corporate pockets and are no more than glorified, state-sponsored mercenaries for the rich CEOs that actually fund their department
- technology has alienated many from each other in society, to where beggars have no chance surviving in the world. lower class is projected to live to 60 at best, while the longevity of the elite have extended well into their 120s, topping at 140
- extremely common for a well-benefited politician or well-beloved celebrity to come back with a completely new face a week later; plastic surgery is at an all-time popular with the upper class
- factory made, streamlined neural augmentations have been known to sometimes reduce user's empathy and spike impulsive, antisocial behavior. the more augmentations and alterations, the greater the risk of these moments. perhaps ironically, many of the augmentations on the black market are altered with more care, so gangs and terror organizations generally do not have this same problem
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Known Information
Leader: Name: Unknown | Alias: The Wolf | Age: 25-35 | Gender: Unkown | Violent, Do not Engage
Past Crimes: Terrorism: Bombing, EMP attacks, Assassination Attempts | Larceny: Intercepting Cybernetics, Tampering with Cybernetics | Wire Fraud
Members: Between 500-1000 active members. Number of followers; Unknown
Specializations: Hacking | Technological Terrorism | Infiltration | Propaganda

The Dal Project


Detroit's municipal government has sequestered nearly all of its infrastructural development to The Dal Project. No road is paved and no business is opened without The Dal Project's say.

Code Black


Situated in Detroit's red-light district, Code Black is one of many nightclubs. Human strippers work alongside android strippers, the former of which are desperate to prove they are not disposable. Famous place for CEOs to gather and talk their business due to the high security and police presence. Considered a dangerous place, but much less so the more an individual pays to be there.
Detroit Historical Riverwalk


Due to an excess of pollution ruining its view, The Dal Project, and through it the city of Detroit, put up a building and a paywall around its historical riverwalk. What once was public area is now contained so that only the upper class may enjoy its scenic view. The walls' simulated ocean view and perfect weather, as well as the restaurants and cafes, make this a popular date spot. Litter is cleaned up by streetsweepers and offenders are heavily fined - but never so much that they can't pay right out of it.

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