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Fantasy Love kills (A medieval Drama)

Any interest in a forum beginner? I've been writing for years, but this is my first attempt at forum RP. The plot looks like fun, and I kind of have a commoner character in mind.
Jefferson, I assume that like means my character is accepted?

Also WordArtist WordArtist i'd love for a fellow commoner. If you want, Aramina's sister is a very big part of her life if you'd want to play her.
Ashlyn, though she quite prefers to be called Ash, Bennett
19 years
The Confused Princess
Ash doesn't exactly have what some would call a princess-like personality. She's not afraid to speak her mind, along with straight out insult anyone if they upset her not matter what their class. Ash doesn't really mind if she gets dirty, or if she accidentally let's out a loud belch at the dinner table. Some may call her an embarrassment, but in her mind those things never really bother her.
Ashlyn is indeed, the embarrassment of the family. You see, Ashlyn was born into a family full of boys, so in a way, she never really had any older sisters to come and help teach her how to be a proper lady, since her mother had already given up on her teachings by when she was five years old and already belching louder than her three brothers. But over the years, Ash taught herself very few and basic manners and how to behave at times, since she knew that if she didn't find a husband in future years she was going to be forever known as the disgracing child of the Bennett family.
Ash is rather skilled with a bow and arrow, seeing as she had three older brothers that she would hang around quite a bit. One other thing is that she is rather proud of her skill of rather burping louder then most men she meets. But one last thing, is she's skilled when it comes to horse back riding. She's not sure what it is about riding on a horse at high speeds, but it seems to fill her with a strange freedom that she can't get from anything else.
Horses, food, and well just about anything with mud
Frilly dresses, perfume, things that make her hair go "floof"
(Just so no-one's kinda confused, Ash's hair color is a soft strawberry blonde color, and her eyes are a sea green)​
Also WordArtist WordArtist i'd love for a fellow commoner. If you want, Aramina's sister is a very big part of her life if you'd want to play her.

I don't really enjoy playing circus performers. =( Sorry. I'm no good with the acrobatic descriptions and star performer types.

Should I go ahead and post a CS, or should I wait for an OK from the organizer?
I don't really enjoy playing circus performers. =( Sorry. I'm no good with the acrobatic descriptions and star performer types.

Should I go ahead and post a CS, or should I wait for an OK from the organizer?
Go for it man, that's what I'd say.
Barefoot Princess.png
Name: Emell Crispin
Age: 19
Class: Commoner
Title: the cobbler's daughter
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight

Personality: A free-spirited, fanciful daydreamer with a practical switch, Emell longs for the high life without really knowing what responsibilities that entails. She is capable of being devious, although it isn't her first choice, and always feels guilty about it later. She is vibrant and energetic, but a life of clumsy mistakes has taught her to be careful and poised, as rushing often brings out the klutz in her.
Emell is a daydreamer, often thinking about how rich life could be if she and her father only had money and influence. Though one would never call her vain, for she is well aware of her own position and entirely unaware of anything attractive about herself, she longs for the high life of tea parties and frilly dresses, fancy hairstyles and valuable jewelry. She's utterly clueless about the responsibilities such a life would entail and how completely care-free she's been allowed to live up to the present day.

On the flip side of that, however, Emell has a practical side that shows itself when there's work to be done. The daydreaming gets (mostly) turned off in favor of hard work and a helping hand. One can still catch her mind wandering, though, when work is slow and the days are long.

A vibrant girl, it is often said of Emell that she brightens the day of those around her, and it isn't at all uncommon for some of the store's regular customers to stop in on a dreary day with a small box of treats - cookies, more often than not, as those are Emell's favorite - just to see her face light up like a ray of sunshine.

Emell has a devious side to her. When she doesn't get what she wants any other way, she's perfectly capable of lying, cheating, sneaking, or even stealing - justifiably, to her mind - to get it. She always feels guilty about it afterward, and she has her limits, but such things are not entirely beyond her when she wants something badly enough. Her dancing in the garden is the best example of this.

Bio: A cobbler's daughter, Emell always dreamed of a higher life of frills and fancies. When her father had gone to bed early in the evening, Emell would sneak out in an old gown of silk and lace, pinned up into more of a mess than anything, and through a damaged wall in the Emperor's garden to dance in the waning light of dusk. Years later, she still slips away in the gown that now fits her perfectly, even though the wall has long since been repaired.
Emell was born to a cobbler, and though her mother died to illness very shortly after Emell was born, her father worked hard to provide for them both. As a child, Emell spent most of her days helping her father with his business. She learned what she could about the craft but primarily manned the shop, expertly assisting customers with finding the perfect pair of shoes to match their personal budgets and tastes.

The Crispins have been cobblers for generations, always serving a diverse clientele that ranged from the simple commoners and their burlap sandals to the royalty themselves and their leather, lace, and embroidery boots. It was the fancy ones that Emell always favored as a girl, their flowing gowns and elegant suits always catching and keeping her eye.

She was still very young when she discovered it in the cedar chest hidden away in the store room and buried under materials that hadn't been used in years. It was the most beautiful gown she'd ever seen in her whole life... full of the frills of silk and lace that she had come to adore on the high-class ladies that frequented her father's shop. The gown was, of course, far too big for her, but that didn't stop her from pulling the old garment on over her head and trying it on. After all, what little girl could resist looking like a princess?

Emell's father often went to bed long before dark so as to wake up before the dawn and be ready to open shop for the early-bird commoners who often visited for minor repairs - which he almost always performed for free - before heading to their own tasks for the day. He never dreamed that his adorable young daughter would venture out on her own.

That's precisely what she did, however. Tucking as much of that gorgeous gown into itself as she could, and pinning the frills and lace in place to keep them from dragging the ground when she ran, she would tiptoe each evening to the door of the shop. Being a cobbler's daughter, she knew well that her father would notice instantly if she were to go out in her shoes, and so she ran barefoot along the path, snuck through a break in the large wall surrounding the emperor's palace, and slipped into the gardens to dance in the waning light of dusk until she finally couldn't see her feet moving any longer.

That was how she spent most of her evenings during all the years of her childhood. She was regarded as strange and flighty, but the guards and occasional noble that caught her mostly assumed she rather belonged there, though they'd no idea of whose household she belonged to. Many of them threatened to tell of her 'adventures' to her family, and at first, she was nervous at the prospect. It was many months before she was finally confident that none recognized her in the messy, pinned-up old gown, and she only beamed at them in pleased silence.

Emell had always been high-energy and a bit of a klutz, often tripping over her own feet, that loose board she'd known was there since she learned to walk, or the edge of the counter that hadn't moved since before she was born. She never cried about it or blamed someone else for the disrepair of the floor but instead got up, brushed herself off, put on a smile, and continued on as though nothing had happened.

Unfortunately, her lack of attention to her injuries often led to nasty bruises becoming quite obvious by the next day, and her father had been accused of being abusive on more than one occasion as a result. These odd circumstances, which put Emell in distinct places of discomfort, eventually caused her to slow down, take her time, and be careful about how she did things.

Over time, Emell's attention to caution began to manifest in the way she carried herself, the things she observed, and the way she interacted with others. She corrected her posture, standing tall to avoid people thinking that she was being abused; she kept her eyes on her surroundings, watching for anything - or anyone - she might trip over or bump into; and she chose her words more carefully to avoid becoming tongue-tied or accidentally saying something she shouldn't. All in all, Emell became perfectly poised.

Years went by, and the young girl grew into a young woman. At the height of her life, the gown now fits her flawlessly, and though the damaged wall has long since been repaired, she still strolls along the path at dusk in that frilly old gown from time to time.

Skills/Traits: Cobbler (in training), Seamstress (self-taught by necessity of her clumsiness in that oversized dress), diplomacy (although she doesn't actually know how useful that is yet).

Likes: Frills, lace, silks and other high-end fabrics, gold and jewels, gardens, dancing, wine (she thinks, though she's never actually tried the stuff), and all things she thinks are "high-class". She also, surprisingly, enjoys working.

Dislikes: Emell hates being told that she needs to get her head out of the clouds or that her dreams are unrealistic or impossible. She's not a fan of getting dirty, although she'll do it if she has to. She hates being told what to do, even if what she's being told to do is something she would have done anyway.


The guards and nobles may sometimes mention, "...that strange, bumbling child who used to play in the gardens," during conversations about the past.

Commoners tend to think of Crispin's as "the place" to get inexpensive, quality shoes, and they're the only commoner-run cobbler that provides to the upper class.

The store is located right outside the castle wall, making it a convenient stop-off for the nobles and royalty on their way out of the city for other purposes. Unfortunately, they treat the shop as though it's worthless and refuse to pay more than a fraction of what they would for the same quality at one of the higher-class cobblers.

The Crispin family used to be considerably more affluent and influential than they are now, but it's such ancient history that few in the kingdom know of their past fortunes or the fall of the family to such low status as to be considered little more than peasants.
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I'm struggling to come up with anything for my initial idea/plan. I'm trying to think of a different character to that I'd intended. Thought I'd give a heads up.
Thanks for all that extra lore I think the northern side of the empire has some rich history now thanks to you.
As far as the evil goes, I have a few things in mind but nothing too high class. The threat should be enough to loose sleep over but not enough that it would break the kingdom.
Thanks for all that extra lore I think the northern side of the empire has some rich history now thanks to you.
As far as the evil goes, I have a few things in mind but nothing too high class. The threat should be enough to loose sleep over but not enough that it would break the kingdom.
Could I write some lore about my Sallija family? I'm thinking of having them be like "Kings of thieves" or at least famous entertainers.
Go for it :)
Also I just posted another interest check for an Rp called the heroes of Bantras if any are interested in a epic quest Rp
We will be beginning after the weekend, my family is coming up to celebrate my birthday and after that I'll start the storyline :)
The Sallija Family: Nobles of Thieves

While the Sallija are merely entertainers to the regular people, they have a long lineage dating back to the beginning of the Thieves’ Guild, an underground network of criminals. While the family set itself to entertain, the pickpocketing and sudden loss of expensive brooches never ceased in the audience. Young children were sent for this job, while the adults captivate their audience. But, for the right price of course, the Sallija are a powerful political family. They are natural spies and their natural charisma charms those they encounter. And, unlike most unaffiliated criminals, the Sallija have standards...and pride. Every thief knows not to mess with a Sallija.

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