Love is not a victory march


Bullies. Terror Trio

The leader (Female) She always seems to be hiding something but she always pulls the best pranks. She is extremely popular with guys and terribly funny. Would be most effected if something happened to Alex. @Muffin~Tyrant

The cute nerd (Female) She is always flirting but has a great gpa. She is a heartbreaker. She is wicked popular and the leaders best friend. @TheLovelyDead

The judge (female) She keeps everyone in order. She would love to stop them from bullying but is to scared to speak up. She is afraid of losing popularity. @Izaki Nakajima


The new friend(Male or female) They just moved here and the first friend they found as Alex nomatter how much she was tourmented, they stuck with her
. @Annie Neals

The trios boyfriends/ girlfriends (Up TO YOU)

Sign up sheets




sexual orientation:










Name: Alexandria Butler (Alex)

Gender: female

Age(16-17) 17

sexual orientation: Heterosexual

personality: She is shy and likes to stay to her self. She listens to music often and skips school often due to bullying.

likes: music. Writing, Photography

dislikes: Bulliies Terror trio.

friends: (New Friend)

enimies: Terror Trio)

dating: N/A


history: She always hated school. Her dad left when she was 12. She always lived with her mom and dad till he left.

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Eden Corallie Ruess





sexual orientation:



Eden judges someone faster than they can blink. First impression always sticks with her. She is stubborn especially when it comes to changing her mind or admitting she was wrong. Eden tends to give off a vibe where she has everything together in her life and that's probably why she became so popular in the first place. She loves to laugh and she is especially good at making people laugh though her jokes can go to far at times.


- Cats

- Singing

- Pop Music

- texting

- Internet


- Alex

- sports

- Desperate people

- Wannabes


The Cute Nerd

The Judge





((Boy or Girl doesn't matter~ just Pm me if you want the spot))


"As if, I don't crush. People crush on me~."


Eden was abandoned as a child at a amusement park by her father. They traveled out of her hometown just so she could have a fun day at the amusement park but at the end of the day her father went home without her. She was token in by the local police but she only stayed there for a week. She was soon sent to a orphanage and stayed in the orphanage until she turned the age of twelve when she was adopted by two loving people who had a fifteen year old son. Eden stayed there for seven months. The people that adopted her were really nice and there son was nice to but the problem was that he was too nice.

Eden just turned thirteen when her adopted-brother, who was fifteen, raped her. She didn't say anything at first but once she spoke up, the son told a different story to his parents and she got sent away back to the orphanage. Once she got back to the orphanage she didn't stay long, she was sent to a foster home. Most of her foster home experiences weren't all that great. Most of them were down right terrible and a living nightmare but she pulled threw it all.

At the age of sixteen, a lawyer contacted her saying that her biological mother would like to meet with her. Eden met up with her mother for awhile and once she worked up the courage she asked her mother if she could take custody of her. It took awhile but Eden's mother finally got her away from the social workers grasp. Eden's mother seemed very sweet and nice but there was one problem.

Eden's mother was very unstable. Her mother was diagnosed with Manic Depression and took pills for it but sometimes it slipped her mind and Eden would be yelled at or be target practice for her mother as objects would be thrown at her. Her mother even called her very hurtful names and would never bring a man over to the house in fear her own daughter would seem more appealing to the men. Eden on occasion can handle her mothers verbal and physical abuse but Eden is afraid of her mother to the point where she keeps her door and windows locked from the inside. It isn't a stable mother-daughter relationship but Eden has to live with it.





I just wanna say that I love the song you title came for. X3

"Love is not a victory march.Its a cold and it's a broken hallelujah" x3
[QUOTE="Izaki Nakajima](( May I reserve 'The Judge'? ))

yes you can 

[QUOTE="Annie Neals](( May I reserve the New Friend? ))

yes you can 

ForgottenBlood said:
I just wanna say that I love the song you title came for. X3
"Love is not a victory march.Its a cold and it's a broken hallelujah" x3
I know that song has inspired so many of my works
Name: Amanda Parks

Gender: female

Age(16-17): 16

sexual orientation: heterosexual

personality: very shy and timid; perfectionist and very hard on herself; very smart and nerdy

likes: indie music, reading, watching movies, ballet, animals, her cats, tea

dislikes: oranges, close-minded people, food, her father and step-brother

friends: Alex

enemies: Terror Trio

dating: (not yet)

crush: (not yet)

history:Amanda has grown up in London, England and just recently moved here. She lives with her mother who is currently out of work, so they moved together to America in hopes of a better future. Her father was abusive and they fled the country also because of him. He has a 17 year old son from a previous marriage who bullied and tortured Amanda. When Amanda was 10, she developed an eating disorder. She has been battling with it ever since, keeping it a secret from everyone. She is an introvert and doesn't make friends easily. She studies very hard and loves to read. She was 3 cats who she loves: Pippa, Haley, and Jasmine.

looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7359bf7_ScreenShot2013-12-01at11.08.47PM.png.8825582b68dc9cb6c7d8730fafab96b6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10004" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7359bf7_ScreenShot2013-12-01at11.08.47PM.png.8825582b68dc9cb6c7d8730fafab96b6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

style: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be735d25c_ScreenShot2013-12-01at11.09.58PM.png.c9be82fe3aa8ec00abe4d55bdd5b1952.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10005" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be735d25c_ScreenShot2013-12-01at11.09.58PM.png.c9be82fe3aa8ec00abe4d55bdd5b1952.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Faith Cooper


Age: 17

sexual orientation:

very shy she likes to keep to her self. she a book worm. she hard on her self

likes: music, watching movies , drawing

dislikes: apples , bullies ,

friends: (New so I need friends)

enimies: none

dating:(not yet)

crush:(not yet)

history: Faith was raised in a abusive house hold. Her mother nor did her father care about her. Faith was the only child she always wanted a brother or sister. When she was six years of age she was token from her parents and put in foster care. The people she went to was nice and loving. When she got use to everyone the state came and took her again. Faith was tired of bouncing to foster home to foster home. Faith is now 17 and in a very state of depression. she tends to push people away but doesn't mean too.

looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/beautiful-black-hair-blue-eyes-cute-eyes-fashion-76973.jpg.03e62b1cdf025b407151c2fffa8e9feb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/beautiful-black-hair-blue-eyes-cute-eyes-fashion-76973.jpg.03e62b1cdf025b407151c2fffa8e9feb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

style: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/images2BIFF9YC.jpg.356c160979ce74d8b7ddb4618c216a03.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/images2BIFF9YC.jpg.356c160979ce74d8b7ddb4618c216a03.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Faith Cooper]
Name: Faith Cooper

Age: 17

sexual orientation:

very shy she likes to keep to her self. she a book worm. she hard on her self

likes: music, watching movies , drawing

dislikes: apples , bullies ,

friends: (New so I need friends)

enimies: none

dating:(not yet)

crush:(not yet)

history: Faith was raised in a abusive house hold. Her mother nor did her father care about her. Faith was the only child she always wanted a brother or sister. When she was six years of age she was token from her parents and put in foster care. The people she went to was nice and loving. When she got use to everyone the state came and took her again. Faith was tired of bouncing to foster home to foster home. Faith is now 17 and in a very state of depression. she tends to push people away but doesn't mean too.

looks:View attachment 31553

style: View attachment 31555
[/quote all accepted

Everyone is accepted :)

Name: Blake Alexandra

Gender: Female

Age: 17

sexual orientation: Bisexual




-Heart Breaker




likes:Books, Animals, Winter, Friends, Music, Art

dislikes: Haters, Depression, Being forgotten

friends: The Leader'

enimies: None as of now..

dating: Open

crush: Open


Blake has a long history of being a complete nerd and lover. Though she grew

up in a jot so friendly part of town, her parents moved and things started to turn

a little brighter. After a rough time Blake met Eden who seemed to be a great

help through her situations. Sometimes Blake has her moments when she can't

even pretend to understand life anymore, but she makes the best of things with love

and compassion. Maybe things aren't so bad after all.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.eb06b8051d6802cf29c874b31e5762a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.eb06b8051d6802cf29c874b31e5762a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.a9b0b95c391b3de096a8b3432439d8b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.a9b0b95c391b3de096a8b3432439d8b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I will post a male character if need be.



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