Love is not a victory march [Inactive]

Alex sat at her science desk staring out the window. It was too early for school. She started to twirl her pencil and copied down a few notes although she was aware of the crowd sitting behind her. Terror Trio. They usually didn't call themselves that. Alex started to drift off thinking about song lyrics. She did this often because if a song told her a story, she'd write it down. She snapped out of it when she heard her name being called
Amanda looked up from her detailed notes to see what Alex would say. She had a killer migraine and the chills, but all she could think about was taking the best notes possible and memorizing everything. She needed to know all of this by the time the test came around. If not, she'd be more of a failure than she already thinks she is. Her foot twitches over her crossed legs and she bobs her pencil up and down anxiously. She's always anxious.
"I believe," Alex said. This was the only answer she could think of as that was the song she had been listening to. She knew it was the wrong answer but really didn't care. She usually paid attenton in class but today she was out of it. She knew everyone would think it was funny that she answered in song lyrics. She wasn't trying to be funny in all reality but she was trying to answer too quickly.
Amanda gave a little internal chuckle. She liked Alex, even though this was only her 2nd week of this school. She glanced at the clock and saw we were only seconds away from leaving. Relieved, she began to pack up her books.
Alex knew she would probably have to stay after class but this time her teacher didn't force it. She quickly scooted out of there before she could get caught by any taunting girls ready to humiliate her at any given second.
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