Love hurts <3 emo romance 1x1 with OneStrangeVibe <3

lol,and umm, not really..

and hmm how about a concert? and thats where they meet? x

NAME clara banks

AGE 18

APPEARANCE <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/clara.jpg.bb0e0cd70e8d28b5ba376cbf9813bc58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="269" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/clara.jpg.bb0e0cd70e8d28b5ba376cbf9813bc58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

PERSONA: clara is quite detatched from the rest of society, but when you get to know her, she is extremely caring and warm hearted,she is protective over the ones she loves, she dosent really like the way she looks, lika any other teenage girl really, but she dosent know that she is attractive to some boys her age, she dosent have any family, only an older brother who she dosent care for at all as he abused her in the past for the way she looked

SEXUALITY bisexual

STYLE emo/scene

RELATIONSHIP: single (duh(

if theres anything else you wanna know, just.. tell mex



  • clara.jpg
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Name: Aron Jeffrey's

Age: 21

Persona: Always drinking, in college with good grades and high expectations. He is always fighting to forget the past while he's drunk. Doesn't really believe in love, hasn't been in a relationship for a long time. No mother or father. runs in the mornings for no reason xD and like to shoot guns a lot

Sexuality: straight

Style: alternitive/metal

Relationship: single(but still in love with an ex)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9223765_Photoon4-7-13at7.45PM.jpg.4f51e1def5266ac6644c5dbb9ec12158.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="271" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9223765_Photoon4-7-13at7.45PM.jpg.4f51e1def5266ac6644c5dbb9ec12158.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Photo on 4-7-13 at 7.45 PM.jpg
    Photo on 4-7-13 at 7.45 PM.jpg
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LOL ok:P

Aron was walking through the crowd trying to get to the pit while "Slipknot" was playing his favorite song "pulse of the maggots". He finally gets up to the pit and its closed, so he starts chanting the lyrics along with the rest of the crowd, throwing his fist in the air, with his opposite hand a flask with Captain Morgan in it, almost empty so he had to go back to his car sometime to get more!

i smiled slightly at the start of the song.. i loved this song..i began screaming the words, pumping both of my hands in the air, and jumping up and down.. my long blue hair bouncing up and down in the wind.. i tried to get closer to the front, just to catch a glimpse of joey..
Noticing your bright blue beautiful hair flowing, i moved closer completely shutting out the huge crowd and all the noise at once. fixing my eyes on you, i creep through the crowd sort of hiding between people so you don't notice how creepy i might look.

soon, i get next to you and begin singing again!
I turn around to notice I've aquired a companion.. "Well hello there" I smile brightly as the words tumble from my mouth.. He was clearly very enthusiastic to get near me.. "The hiding really didn't help, since most of the people here are shorter that you!!" I scream abouve all the noise

(Sawwy my phone had a real big spaz_
i look around nervously trying to find the words to say, to such a beautiful girl.

"hi, uhmmm...enjoying the show" i say not taking my eyes off yours almost entranced in there brightness and vividness.
"Yeah! Although it Is a little frightening, a little girl, by herself ina moshpit, full of sweaty metal heads!" I laughed.. "How bout you?"
"haha, well would you like to come with me? at least I'm not sweaty!!" i said cracking up and moving a bit closer to you, just to take you in all the more
"Yeah, why not, I've got nothing to go home to!" I smile as he comes closer.. I had this feeling of safety about me now he was here, I felt like he was almost protecting me..
"well then, its settled. when the concerts over you can come home with me!" he put his arm around her just to reasure her and himself he was making all the right moves, and not coming off to strong. he wanted her, everything about her, he needed her, her love
I flinch a little as he puts his arm around me.. But try not to make it noticable.. "Okay!!" I smile brightly.. He was nice.. He was tall.. I was tiny.. That was the runny thing about it really..
i see you flinch and it bothers me that a man raising his hand to you frightens you so much, so i caress your shoulder letting you know things will be okay, and that id never hit you
I look up at the man.. Smlilng.. I actually genuinely liked him.. He was protective, and I'd never experienced that before, not in a man, anyways.. I look into his eyes.. I'm drawn to his eyes..those beautiful eyes.. So decidng I can trust him..I put my head on his shoulder..
he loved that they felt so close to each other within minutes and the concert was coming to an end, and he was getting so excited he was going to be able to take her home with him!

they both got into his toyota tundra and started their way off to his house
we come up to my house and i grab a few things out of the bed, then open the car door for you and lead you up to the house then let you in first set you down on the couch get a couple drinks and turn on some music. i sit next to you and just stare into your eyes deeply
I rest my head on your shoulder.. A smile creeping across my lips.. I put my hands in your hair, and begin to play with it.. Twisting little black strands to make rings around my fingers..
i smile and close my eyes and give you a peck on the cheek then hold my hands around your stomach/hips and then rub your hips softly loving every second we have
The smile turns to a grin as your hands slip down to my hips.. This was real love.. How I'd only just met you, and there it was.. An instant connection.. I bite my lip I can't remember the last time somebody had touched me like this way.. I"d missed it..

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