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Realistic or Modern Love Game


"Oh, hi. My name is Alysa Liu nice to meet you!" Alysa said sweetly as she extended her hand for a handshake. As she turned her back pack got caught on the book shelf and knocked a few books off the shelf. "Crap, sorry-- hold on!" She mumbled as she bent down to pick up to books from the floor.
God, I'm an idiot, he probably already thinks I'm just another clumsy, ditsy girl. There already seem to be a lot of those around here. Alysa realized what she thought and was in shock. She isn't the type to judge people just within the first few five minutes. She mentally scolded herself for being so shallow.

Alysa lingered by the book shelf before remembering that someone else was in there. She wasn't alone anymore. Would she ever be alone after this? They had to have some secret cameras somewhere. It was a reality TV show. Hopefully they will decide just to skip over Alysa's little incident. She quickly shoved to books back on the shelf and started to walk back to her partner. "Sorry about that, I'm a bit clumsy when I'm nervous. Like I was saying I'm Alysa and you must we Wattana...?" Alysa prompted as she took a good look at her partner.
Cute, she thought, No, no defense Alysa, defense!


As soon as the Russian lady had stopped speaking he had gotten back upon his feet. During the uptight ladies speech he had not once sat still. He had managed to balance the chair on two legs, or at least keep one leg in the air at all time. The things were quite obvious, and self explaining. Table, keys, cottage..partner. Nothing to complicated, right? He had swung the sports bag over his shoulder again as he quickly spotten his name on the table. Cottage 4, what ever that might mean. He sauntered off outside, quite enjoying the sun.

He let his dark gaze wander over the scenery around him, taking his sweet time to make his way to the cottage. Once he had arrived he noticed the petite girl in front of the door. A soft grin came to his face as he watched her struggle with the bags for a moment as well as getting the door to open. How he loved high maintaince girls. He rolled his eyes as he moved closer, already digging up the key from his pocket. His lips curled up in their signature charming smile as he quickly ran an hand through the tousled black hair.

"You look like you could need a hand" The tone of his voice was friendly, genuine friendly. Though he liked flirting and playing around, he wasn't the person to jump at the first option available. He wasn't desperate, he had some class. Okay maybe he moved a bit too close around her to open the door. He could smell her shampoo as he gave the door a gentle pushed. "Ladies first" He made a soft bow as he picked effortlessly two of her bags of the pile. Perfect way to show of that he was a gentlema -not- and had nice muscles at the same time.

He walked inside, the cottage being small and cozy though it was exactly as he had expected. "I am Sebastian Vuori, as you probably already figured out. And no doubt it will be a pleasure to get to know you" He spoke as he placed the bags in the mids of the room, leaving it up to her to choose which one she wanted. He couldn't care less, a bed was a bed, no matter in what room it was placed.
Dana appreciated the help but she knew a player when she saw one. Although she had never met one with so much class. Normally when she met someone like him the first interaction between them was flirting. With him, it was different. Ok, maybe not that different. He had pressed up a bit closer than most when he went to open the door. So tha meant he was a subtle flirter. She like those best.

She gave him a quick look over. He had a mane of unruly black hair that obviously nothing could tame. She would kill to run her fingers through it. Nice eyes and a exceptionally nice body. And he was tall. Really tall. He towered over her but she wasn't intimidated. She learned to hold her own since most people were taller than her. Oh and he was shirtless. She hadn't noticed until now. But she wasn't complaining. Like she said he had an exceptionally good body. But when it comes down to it, none of this really mattered. Yeah, he was good-looking but just like every other guy, he didn't make her feel any different.

"Sebastian..now that's a name you don't hear often. My name's Dana Lawrence as you can see from the sign outside. And I agree." She bent down to pick up a duffel bag. "It will be a pleasure to get to know you" With that, she dragged her belongings into the bedroom on the left. Once she was inside her room, she flopped onto the bed, all flirtatious body language gone. She missed her car.

Sebastian noticed that she did like what he was doing, but she was well guarded. Hmm maybe she wouldn't be such an easy catch as he had thought. He noticed the quick subtle, or maybe not so subtle, glances as he observed her a bit. Dark lips, interesting colored hair, maybe there was a bigger story to this girl. He threw his bag onto his bed as he zipped it open, before sticking his head around the door again as she spoke. She had a lovely touch to her voice, it was almost like a melody. A dangerous melody that was meant to draw men in like a siren song, yet he would not be a poor fisherman crashing on the rocks.

"Really? Well it is better than Christopher I guess, which is my brothers name" he watched her as she retreated into her own room. Sighing softly to himself as he pulled his little boom box out of his bag. He disliked silence, at home he had always some kind of music playing in the background. However he knew it wasn't the kind of music most people seemed to enjoy. He connected his phone to the box with bluetooth, scrolling through the music on his phone and deciding to throw on some Three Days Grace. At least that wasn't so extreme, right?

He moved on the beat as he put the little bit of clothing he had brought with him into the closet that was available, before returning his attention to the girl again. They would have more than enough time, no need to rush it. "So tell me a bit more about yourself, if you want to? Where do you come from? What do you like to do? Anything you want to share?" He had turned the volume of the music down so that they could have an easy converstation, that is if Dana wanted to. Otherwise he would just occupy himself with sketches as he had made his way back to the living room. He curled up in the corner of the couch, legs tugged under his body, one of his sketchbooks resting on his lap. The pencil tapped against his lips, while flipping to the page, trying to find the design he had last been working on.

@Lorelei Winchester
Dana rolled off the bed at the sound of his voice. She decided to put off unpacking. She would have time for that later. She stepped out of the bedroom to join him in the living room. She found him curled up with a sketchbook. So, he was an artist,then. That meant she could make a "draw me like one of your French girls" joke. She noticed his taste of music and smiled. I guess she wasn't alone when it came her liking Three Days Grace. Of course she was more of old-school and soft rock kind of girl. Her car was filled with old tapes. She sat on the couch, cross-legged. She spun a curl of her purple-colored hair with her finger.

"Well, let's see..I grew up in Manhattan with four older siblings as the youngest. I have two older brothers named Dean and William and two older sisters named Amy and Melody. When my parents got divorced, I split my time between New York and New Jersey, so if I fall into a Jersey accent, forgive me. What else?...I major in Theatre and Psychology. Sounds like a weird match, right? I've got an unnatural relationship with my car, who you should be meeting soon enough. Oh and I like cuddling and long walks on the beach." She said the last part with a wink.


When the lady finishes speaking, Nick gets up silently picking up his backpack and his suitcase. Walking over to the side of the table, he searches for his name. When he finds it, Nick reads that he's in cottage 1 and thinks to himself,
Hopefully, I don't have some lunatic as my roommate. Last thing I need is to find out that she's silently stalking me or that she's a control freak. That's exactly what his ex was. At first, she was a complete sweetheart, but eventually she showed her true nature. Every where he turn, she was there to make sure he wasn't talking any other girl-- or well what she called "hoes." She was so controlling she wanted to control what he eats, when he sleeps, who he talks to, how he dresses--She just wanted to control everything. However, that relationship didn't last long. It went on for two months before he broke it off and it was two months too long.

Nick shudders at the thought of his ex,
I'm definitely not letting that happen again, I've had enough crazy to last me a lifetime. When he reaches the cottage, he takes notice of the name under his on the door, "Tess Dole." Nick takes out his cottage key and opens the door thinking to himself, This should be interesting, I haven't had a female roommate since my sister in high school, but that doesn't really count. Nick looks around the cottage, "Hello? Anyone here yet?" He turns on a few of the lights, "Guess not." He smiles to himself, That means I could pick out my room first. Score! He chuckles quietly to himself and walks through the living room. His first expression to the cabin is that it kinda has a homey and relaxed feel to it. It wasn't fancy, but it wasn't too old fashion. It was his kind of place. Nick walks over to the room on the left picking that one since it was closest to the kitchen. He was certainly the type to go to the kitchen during the middle of the night for a late night snack. Nick places his bag and suitcase onto his bed. He starts unpacking as he waits for his roommate to arrive.


^^ Tess Dole ^^

Tess found cottage 1 quickly in the semicircle of cottages and walked over to it, rolling her suitcase through the gravel behind her. She knocked on the door, taking note of the name on the front, "Nick Oden". She opened the wooden door with a creak and stepped inside. She set her bags beside her and stood for a moment to take in the cabin's interior. She really liked the decorations and overall theme of the place. It really gave a camping feel.

"Hello? Nick?"
She was excited to finally meet this person that she was supposed to compete against. In that very moment she was unsure if she was there to win or lose. Of course it would be nice to win. To say you won the Love Game and got a prize. But losing meant you fell in love; a feeling Tess had only felt once in her life, with her ex boyfriend, Tom. He was a sweet guy. He had gorgeous hair and perfect teeth, and he always put Tess first. She was in love. But alas, it wasn't meant to be, or so she tells herself. He left her for a cheerleader named Crystal. How pathetic. She could only dream that this person would be the one like Tom was supposed to be.​
Chloe Mitchell

Noticing Josiah starting to think of some way to answer her question, she started to get a little nervous. She had absolutely no idea how he would answer her, maybe he would say that he thought she would be prettier because every girl named Chloe is beautiful......and blonde or if he would just say nothing or don't worry about it which of course would bother her not knowing. One thing she didn't want to come off as is a cold hearted bitch, so she unfolded her arms and looked at him. Just as she was about to tell him to forget about it he answered her, the game show, she actually forgot that this whole thing was a TV show.

She smiled at him then backed up from him feeling a little bit more comfortable, she moved over to her purse and grabbed her chap-stick
" So what else should I know about you besides the fact that you love pizza and that your lip was bleeding" She knew that if her mother and aunt seen that they would probably yell at the TV hoping Chloe would hear them saying flirt more, ask better questions, fix your hair it looks terrible, fix you eyeliner and put more mascara on, how do you expect him to like you when you look like a hot mess

@R O S E N R O T
Sebastian looked up with a smile as she decided to join him in the living room. It did make the talking a lot easier. He had finally found his old drawing again, a demon and an angel that were engaged in a very close scene with each other. However it was unable to make out whether it was sexual tension between them or an murderous attempt. He had been working on it for quite a few hours, if not days, always finding something that was wrong with it. He worked now on their wings, adding more details to it as he listened to her story.

"Theatre and Psychology... it sounds like an interesting match. I could see some logic behind it" He said as he looked up, just in time to catch the wink. A smirk came to his face as he nodded. "I will keep that in mind then" He sighed as he pulled his attention a bit more away from the drawing. "Now I guess you want to know the same things about me right? I grew up in Norway, later moved to New York because of my mothers affair and marriage with that male. I have a younger half brother, 'their love child', " He mentioned as he moved his hands to make the airquotes. "I am studying Law and Art on the side, so we both seem to like weird combinations. I own seven cars, yet my Mustang is my favourite, which I didn't bring here since she is getting her body done. And I love chocolate strawberries and gazing at the stars and women I can hold an intelligent conversation with" He gave a playful wink back. His attention now having completely abandonded the sketchwork in his lap.

@Lorelei Winchester

Josiah Hawley

On the bright side, the disaster was averted. On the other hand, his stupid small attempt at flirting, if he can even call it that, had gone unnoticed. Wow, I'm so awful at this kind of thing, he thought, as he watched Chloe get something from her purse. If there's anything the blond is feeling right now, it's the feeling of his shoulders cramping from the weight of his bags. He was ready to forget about everything by simply locking himself in his room and sticking to his plan, when the green-eyed brunette continued the conversation. "Actually," he began, as he dropped both backpacks on the floor, "that's pretty much it." He smiled sheepishly while walking over to the couch to take a seat. "That's about as exciting as I can get, honestly. I know. I'm pretty exciting huh?" He shrugged. Josiah knows that he had to impress her and make her like him in order to win this thing, but he figured that that will only get him nowhere. If he's really going to try and make her like him, he figured that he should befriend her first. And the first step to friendship, at least for him, is honesty.

Looking at her, Josiah can't really tell what she's currently feeling, so he doesn't know how to best keep the conversation going. Normally, he would've started with a joke or two, but he hasn't been feeling quite himself lately, plus he didn't want her to think that he's annoying. So, in the end, he decided to take the safest option and start with a pun. "So Miss-terious," he said with a smile, "What should I know about you? Other than the fact that you look ridiculously pretty?" He really didn't mean to say the last part out loud, but he figured that it's worth another shot.



Chloe Mitchell

She laughed a little at his response, when he said she was pretty she tried not to blush. She had no clue what he was thinking maybe he was just saying that to be nice or just saying it because he wants her to like him, if it was only because he wanted to win or if he didn't at this point she had no clue "sorry to disappoint but I don't have much to myself either" she grabbed her one bag that had all of her hair and make up stuff in it " well we have at least one thing in common" she walked towards the rooms, then turned back to look at him " I love pizza too" she was almost tempted to add that she can probably eat more than he could but, he would probably find that out soon enough. She turned and walked into the bathroom and kept the door open and started placing all of her things the way she normally has it, but kept most of it on one side of the sink but it was definitely easier said than done. She plugged her straightner in and started fixing her hair.

@R O S E N R O T

Dana had to restrain herself from laughing out loud at his smirk. That was the exact kind of smirk her brother would have used with the exact same line attached. Truth be told, she got all her flirting tricks of the trade from him. He would flirt with anything that had a pulse and or moved. Their mother called them the dynamic flirting duo when they were growing up. When she told her mother about the show, she had immediately been filled with delight. "Oh sweetheart! Now I'll finally get a chance at more grandchildren!" Dana of course had buried her face in a pillow,silently screaming into it. Her mother had always told her not to have children too young but every since her Dana's sister Amy had given birth to her niece, her parents both been obsessed with urging their children to produce. Dana shuddered at the thought. She loved kids. She just couldn't see herself as a mom.

When he mentioned his mother's affair she nodded in understanding.

It was nice to know that there was someone else here who understood what it was like to have parent issues.

So he's a Norway boy huh? Interesting.

She almost winced when he said he had several cars. She didn't understand how people could have multiple cars. She could never own another car. It would feel like cheating on Baby.

She lauged at his last sentence. "Well then, it's good thing I'm an intelligent woman who can hold a conversation.

So art huh? Are you studying to be a art historian or an art teacher, something like that?"


Arms still folded, Wattana watched as she began to approach with an extended hand, but his sights redirected when the books fell from the shelf and she quickly turned to pick them up, apologizing in the process. He hiked an eyebrow as he watched her scramble for the things on the floor and lightly shook his head with a smirk-ish smile. Though, as soon as she turned back to him, he straightened.

She approached again, without the clumsy mishap this time, and extended a hand. "It was tough getting over here, huh?" He teased lightly with a chuckle and then shook her hand. "Wattana..." He grinned. "Tana, if you get comfortable." Now that she was closer and facing him, he could assess her more closely. She was cute, but her features had more of an edge to them, something that would allow her to have a sex appeal too. He wondered how much of that she had in her. He figured he'd find out soon enough, although she seemed more like the tender, sweet-type. ...And he had to admit, that was probably more attractive to him than a saucy temptress...

"Need any help moving your things into your room?" He assumed she had already picked, but then again, he noticed she still had her bag on her back.

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Nick hears his name called out and mentally huffs to himself thinking,
Hopefully, we get along or else, we're both screwed for the time being. He walks out of his room and see the girl that was supposed to his roommate, "Hey, I'm guessing you're Tess." He holds out his hand to shake the girl's hand, "I'm Nick, like you said." Nick isn't much of a love on first sight kind of guy and that wasn't going to change anytime soon, but he will admit that Tess is pretty attractive. She had pretty brown hair that complemented her skin tone quite nicely and grey-ish blue eyes. He mentally rolls his eyes at himself for basically sounding like he's fan-girling for a second, if Henry heard him think, he would never hear the end of him teasing Nick by saying he's "smitten' by the girl at first sight. However he must say that to him he couldn't care less for the looks since in reality, it's the personality that matters to him. Nick was going to make the same mistake twice of liking a girl before he gets to know her. Nick looks at Tess and quickly adds in as well smiling sheepishly, "Oh by the way, I picked a room out already. Sorry, for not waiting for you to come to pick out a room." Even though he apologizes, he still doesn't regret picking his room first. Nick was glad to be the closest to the kitchen.



"Oh, sure, if you want. I just got here a few minutes ago and was just checking out the interior. I don't really have a preference to which room really." Alysa said as she walked to the doorway of both. "They look almost identical!" Alysa shouted from the hall. "I guess I'll take this one if you don't mind." Alysa threw were backpack on the bed and sat on the edge of the king-sized bed. This was definitely big enough for two, maybe even three. Oh, wow that would sure be something, huh? Alysa thought to herself as Wattana rolled in her suitcase. "Thank you" she responded.

As he walked in she finally got a good look at him. He was fit, attractive, and charming, or atleast a gentleman since he asked to help her with her bags. Alysa began to feel this might be harder than expected. She was no where near ready to let her guard down with anyone yet, but these boys were still cute. There was a full length mirror used as a sliding door for the closet and Alysa looked at herself in it. Her hair was a little static-y and she could still see the black mark on her blouse from the car door. She didn't understand why she suddenly began to feel self conscious. Maybe it was seeing all of the really attractive girls walking around or she was just a little stressed with the whole situation, but she didn't like it. She opened the closet door to get away from her reflection and began hanging up the few dresses she brought.

"So why did you decide to sign up for this?" Alysa asked, she felt pressure to make small talk as Wattana was still standing by the foot of the bed. "Are you as done with love as I am?" as Alysa said this she turned her head to look at Wattana and gave him a quick smile.


Wattana nodded at her response and then took her things in hand along with his to drag them to the room she had chosen. As he entered, he noticed her patiently perched on the edge of the bed and thanking him. "No problem." He left her suitcase standing a short ways from her bedside.

The male had zoned out briefly, sifting through his own thoughts, so he hadn't particularly noticed the strange way he seemed to hang around after bringing in her things. Her voice was what brought him back to reality and he casually leaned down against his suitcase while thinking over her question and watching her organize. "Not at all..." He brushed a hand back through his dark hair. "I'm here 'cause my mother put me up to this and my little brother thinks I have a problem." He chuckled. "Love is fine and dandy. I have nothing against it... It just never seems for me." He shrugged.

He noticed the smile she had flashed him. It was soft, but cute and warming, perhaps even enough to rival his signature grin. So far, she didn't seem to be competitive yet, but he was still watching her closely, keeping tabs, and making notes. Lightly, he returned the smile. "Well, unless I'm included in 'things that belong in your room', I should probably go put my bags away in my room." He flashed her a wink and chuckled. What? There's nothing wrong with a little flirting... It is a game, after all, "You know where to find me if you need me."

With that, he grabbed his luggage and left, wheeling his things over to his room. In the meantime,he began thinking over what kinds of things there were to do here. Maybe he'd ask 'er if she wants to explore...

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Alysa listened to his response and nodded. She admitted she wasn't completely against love, but things hadn't exactly worked out in her favor recently. She nervously pulled her phone out of her pocket and checked if Zach had responded to anything. None of her pages would refresh so she noticed her data had gone from its 'LTE' symbol to '1x'. Wonderful, she was right, no service. Well, hey at least now maybe Zach did respond it just didn't go through. Alysa was doubtful though.

Not yet anyway, Alysa joked in her mind when Wattana mentioned something about him belonging in her room. In reality she just smiled and said, "Oh right, thank you for the help." After he had walked out of the room Alysa slumped down on the bed not worrying about looking cute anymore. Why am I even here? Making a fool of myself, knocking things over. I'm a mess. Alysa sighed to herself. She sat up once again and finished unpacking her clothes and put all of her shower supplies in the bathroom. Well, what now? Alysa thought. She walked over to the living room, grabbed first book she saw, Gone With the Wind, and set it down on her bed. She fumbled around in her back pack and finally dug out her ear plugs. She scrolled threw Spotify and finally decided on her Walk the Moon playlist and settled down and opened the book.


Wattana pulled his things into the room not too much further down the hall. He noticed how plain and standard the rooms were to start, but that was nothing a little decorating couldn't fix... Later, though. For now, he'd focus on unpacking, which shouldn't take him too long since he didn't bring too much. He moved his duffel bag from his shoulders and tossed it over onto his bed. He took a moment to roll his neck and shoulders to work out any cricks before getting down to business. He laid the suitcase in the middle of the floor and organized most of the things he took from it into the empty drawers and closet - just a couple of things. The few pieces of clothing he had brought made the storage space seem a bit overwhelming -- and it wasn't even that much space! Once finished, he closed up the suitcase and pushed it under the bed before going into his duffel bag. Most of the things in there were small trinkets, personal items, and recreational needs. Oh - and bath stuff. He had been traveling, so he needed to take care of that soon. He placed the bathroom items on top of the nightstand or now. He'd make it to checking out the bathroom soon enough. Now, with a shrug, he zipped up the bag enough that his things wouldn't fall out, then sat the bag on the floor at the foot of the bed (there was no use putting it underneath when he'd need to access it more often).

Proceeding out of his room with bath supplies in hand, he made his way down the hall to the bathroom, peering inside just out of curiosity before going further in. It seemed big enough that they'd both be able to store their things, but it would definitely have to keep to some sort of organization. He made the attempt to place his things into drawers, cupboards, and on the sink to one side in an orderly fashion. He wondered briefly if, like most girls, Alysa's hair and hair-ties and whatnot would end up scattered all over the sink and the rest of the bathroom... And what about the shower? He cringed slightly. He guessed he'd finally understand what his father goes through with sharing a bathroom with his mother...

Finished with his exploration and organization, he noticed just how quiet the place was as he was letting the door swing shut and turning to head back to his room. He heard the faint sound of music and sharp brushing sounds coming from further down the hall. He hiked an eyebrow and assumed it was all from Alysa's room. Curiosity getting the better of him, he padded lightly down the hall then peaked around the corner into her room to find her on the bed with a book and earbuds in.

His brows furrowed slightly. It wasn't anger or disappointment, but perhaps confusion. For whatever reason, he had expected more action to be going on, more activity in all this new space. He gave a few knocks to her door (although he suspected she wouldn't hear it), then completely came from around the wall to perch himself in the entryway with arms folded over his chest and an arched eyebrow. "What are you doing?"


Alysa had not really been paying attention to the book but rather reading the words just thinking about other things. Once she snapped back into reality she realized she had read 15 pages but couldn't recall any of it. This had always been a problem for Alysa. Having her mind wander as her body went on auto pilot. She was always too busy thinking about her dinner, or family, or how it was cold, or homework. Anything but what she needed to be thinking of. She noticed the sudden loss of understanding with the plot and decided to turn back a few pages and began to read it over. Her mind eventually began to think about what there was to do in this place. Surely it couldn't just be everyone hiding in their cottages right? She had seen a lake when she came in and a park. Maybe she'd find an excuse to visit one before the afternoon was over.
The book, right, focus. Alysa fumbled through the pages and had just about given up when she noticed someone standing in the door frame.

Alysa had a split second of fear before she realized it was Wattana. He looked angry, maybe confused. He stood there with his arms folded and said something inaudible to Alysa who still had her earbuds in. "Oh, sorry, hi." Alysa said quickly as she snatched her earbuds out. She created a make-shift bundle and put them on top of the book next to her. "What am I doing?" She tried to decipher, "Uh, just reading a little. I figured I did enough harm to the shelf earlier I might as well use it." Alysa nervously laughed at her joke until she realized Wattana had not thought it that funny apparently. He was still looking at her with a slightly confused look. "Well, yeah. I'm not really sure what we are supposed to do for the rest of the day. Do you have any ideas? I mean there's a lake or something-" Alysa stopped herself, "Unless you just want to do your own thing. That's completely understandable too." Alysa offered as she finished her rambling sentence. She realized she had been fumbling with her hands throughout her sentences. She quickly threw them down to not seem nervous. There was no reason to be. She finished off her response with a small shrug and awaited a response.


Wattana noticed the way she seemed to stumble over her words and it caused a smirkish smile to spread across his lips. A finger moved to stroke his chin. He couldn't seem to decide if she was just nervous or always this awkward. "Let's go out." He leaned off of the door frame and nodded toward the hall. "Let's see what's around this place... unless you're tired." He probably should have been tired himself just from the travel, but at the same time, being in new places always got him pumped. Like the restless, excited little kid he could be, the best way to get rid of his buzz was to satiate it.


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