♥Love For The Broken, Beaten Down, & Unstable♥


One Thousand Club

Home For The Broken, Beaten Down, & Unstable

A home for the people who battle to live life every day. Run by an elderly woman who lost her son when he was only 14 Years Old, She vowed to at least attempt to save the innocent souls from their hell hold.

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Photo Of Person

Personality Traits


Pets (Three Only)

Past Events


My Characters


Jacob Alesana





Photo Of Person

View attachment 9544

Personality Traits

Loves Music


Family Man

Kinda Flirty

Dog Person


He takes Depression Pills

Pets (Three Only)

Rooter (Black Fur On Right)

Koober (Tan Fur On Left)

View attachment 9545

Past Events

He was 15 when his brother was in a car crash and died, They were drunk one night and rammed into the back of a Semi-Truck. He went through depression, He started cutting a few months after her brothers death, A few years later he tried to take his life, multiple times. He has over dosed, and slit his wrists, His mother sent him here after his most resent attempt to die.


Rooter was his brother's dog.


Alexandria Collins





Photo Of Person

View attachment 9546

Personality Traits








She takes pills to help her weight (Once in the morning and one at Night)

Sleeping Pills (Before bed)

Depression Pills

Pets (Three Only)


View attachment 9547

Past Events

Her father was an alcoholic and abused her, when she turned 14 he molested her, she went anorexic, and stopped eating, she cut herself and refused to stop doing drugs. Her brother sent her here after years and years of drugs and starvation.








Photo Of Person

View attachment 9643

Personality Traits

She Is Bisexual








Depression Pills

Pets (Three Only)


View attachment 9642

Past Events

She got depressed from when she was 14 years old, burgalrs came into her house and asked for the most expencive thing in their home, or they would kill her younger siblings, she panicked and went through the house frantic, because the only have her 12 minutes, she had three minutes left when she saw a large glass vase of theirs, she picked it up and it was heavier then ever, she ran down the stares but tripped, the glass shattered on the ground and the last minute was up, when the clock ticked she heard three gun shots go off, she laid at the bottom of the stairs her hands cut up, and she watched the muggers leave her home, and her three sisters on the ground dead.


Name Sam Sparra

Age 16

Gender Female

Photo Of Person


Personality Traits



A little flirty

Loves music

Kind of outgoing

A few anxiety issues


Anxiety pills

Pets (Three Only)



Past Events

About two years ago, Sam's sister was killed in a random killing spree. All the family that Sam had left was her drugee dad, and herself; her mother had left them a month or two before. Her dad wasn't always the perfect family dad. He had abused Sam multiple times, and locked her in the attic on his rages. Her dad would call her names, and treat her like crap. This lead her to cutting her arms and wrists. It had been a year, and every night there was a routine that had seemed to always happen. Abuse, name calling, fighting, and then locking Sam in the attic. Sam's friend became worried for Sam when he would show up at school with more and more bruises everyday, so she sent her here, hoping she could leave her dad, and start over.

You don't have to, but if you wouldn't mind, could you make a boy also? if you only want one character that's fine, its just... i like to equal out the boys and girls, you don't have to though, Thank you.

Venn Svere Knightingdale





Photo Of Person:





Shoes - He doesn't wear shoes, he just wraps white bandages around his heels and the entire foot except for the toes.

Personality Traits:

Venn is a troublemaker and sometimes can become hot-headed in battle. He is prone to starting fights and creating conflict. He will usually chill in a corner and watch what goes on instead of putting in his own two cents. At times he can be very sarcastic and whimsical, but don't let his tough exterior fool you, Venn wants to help more than anything. He is strict on himself; usually you can see him training at odd hours of the day for several hours, only because he wants to push his limits and see how far they will go. Small acts of kindness can and will be found under Venndale's surface, it may be uncommon, but its not like he's a robot. He is still capable of feeling and hurting he just tries to portray himself as a strong man who won't put up with anyone's sh*t. He may become easily bored at times. Sometimes he becomes quiet, enthralled in the deep corners of his mind.


Depression Pills

Anxiety Pills

Psychotherapy Pills (deals with his insanity)

Antibotic Syrup for the infection of his sun 'tattoo'


A weird
Kyuubi six-tailed fox that his a pigment of his imagination.

Past Events:

Right after he was born, Venn's parents abandoned him on the streets of a village. He was taken in by a burly man who was too drunk to think about the responsibility of caring for a child. The man, whom called himself Piér, never watched out for Venn so at a young age he was already creating mischief. He was always intrigued by fire so he carried around a metal flip lighter with a special design on it. He would steal toys from the local shops and the women who did laundry on Saturdays always had to worry about sheets going a flame. When Piér was around to discipline Venn it was a strict and cruel beating, lasting up too less then a whole hour of drunken punches or going as long as two days. This went on until Ven was fifteen and even before he was officially fifteen, he was miles away from the town. Then a gang ambushed him as he was walking beneath a bridge. They stripped him of his belongs, clothes, and carved a tattoo of a sun (their gang symbol) on his lower abdomen. After finally finding refuge in a abandoned clothing store, Venn sliced the three lines on both of his face and let them scar. For him each line was something wrong he did, and if he wouldn't have carried that weakness, the gang would not have done that too him. Nobody knows those six weaknesses and Venn won't tell a soul. They say that ever since that day the adolescent teen went insane and his mind is just a dark jumbled mess.


He plays with fire everywhere he goes and his hands carry many burn marks and scars because of it.

(I will make a girl chars tomorrow! Sorry bye~ :3)
Hey~ i loved your RPs so im glad youre back! i shall make a guy to balance things, and he will also be pretty different from the others~

Name: Jonah Shermon


Gender: Male

Photo Of Person: FINALLY found a good real picture. im only keeping the anime one because it illustrates his personality better.

View attachment 9550View attachment 9680he looks a lot younger than he is, he doesnt have a manly build and he is about the height of your average girl.

Personality Traits:he is a sweet guy, but shy. he doesnt approach people readily because of his past. he is pretty timid and somewhat feminine for a guy.

Medication:Anxiety meds.

Pets (Three Only): a black cat he calls Noire(female) View attachment 9551

Past Events: he was always a nice kid, smaller then the other guys and not so masculine. this wasnt a problem in middle school but once he hit high school things turned sour. he was bullied both verbally and physically. they taunted him and hit him, he was even pushed through a second story window. when he fell he landed on the sharp glass, breaking his arm and destroying some of his nerve connections. he has a lot of remaining scars which he covers with hoodies and pants, and though his broken arm healed, it hold his most defined scar running from his shoulder to his elbow. because of muscle damage in his shoulder his right arm can only bend at the elbow, he can lift his hand no higher then to put it over his heart. shortly after his mother died of ovarian cancer, and his wealthy politician step father wanted nothing more to do with him and sent him to the home.

Other: he has a passion for piano, which luckily was not affected by his injury. he takes pride in his music as his mother was the one who taught him to play. he has to take anxiety meds to keep him from having panic attacks. he tends to be afraid of others because of the bullying.

Name: Candice Brown.

Nickname: Most people call her Candy, or just her real name.

Age: 18 years old.

Gender: Female.

Photo Of Person:

View attachment 9655


View attachment 9656

Personality Traits: Candice is a very sweet girl, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She loves to help others with there problems, and can be a bit talkative. But no matter how happy she seems, she is always depressed when she is alone. She sometimes even feels the need to push others away from her, because she feels she hurts others without knowing it. But that isn't true. She actually does the complete opposite.

Medication: Depression pills.


Molly: http://data.whicdn.com/images/41198412/Saint_Bernard_II_by_DooMourneR_large.jpg

Otto: http://data.whicdn.com/images/47022483/tumblr_mfifvuXMQL1rb5nlto1_500_large.jpg

Past Events: When Candice had just turned 16, she got in a huge fight with her dad. He yelled so many horrible things at her, even slapped her once or twice. He called her a 'mistake' and told her she was never supposed to be born. Mortified and heartbroken, Candice ran away. Her aunt eventually found her and took her in, where she lived for the next two years.

She was always so depressed, and never usually spoke to any of her family members. Her aunt tried to speak with her, but every time Candice would push her away. Concerned, her aunt sent her to the Home for the broken, beaten down, and unstable, where she hoped Candice could be happy again.

Other: Nothing really.

- Calliope 'Cali' Rose

- 17

- Female


- Sweet



Manic Depression

Tourette's Syndrome

- Lithium (Manic Depression)

Ritalin (Tourette's Syndrome)

- None

- Calliope was born with Tourette's. She grew up dealing with that and always was very optimistic about her condition. When she was fifteen her best friend, Mickey, committed suicide and that put her in a deep depression stage. She eventually pulled herself out of that but was left with manic depression or bipolar disorder.

Name: Tier Raien


Gender: Female

Photo Of Person: View attachment 10037

Personality Traits: She can be nice but rude as well. She not afraid to challenge someone let alone tell someone their flaws.Behind the rock wall she has a kings side and shell help anyone if they cant do it themselves.

Medication: Sain pills

Pets (Three Only): crow named Raven View attachment 10038

Past Events: She was five when her parents committed suicide in front of her. She had to go live with her uncle who wasn't any better. Her uncle tried to rape her while she was there but failed everytime because the wife would come home in the middle of it. During the days she would lock herself in the closet, as she rocked back in forth covering her eyes slightly as she laughed to herself a little. One day the wife didn't come home so the uncle attacked her. She ran past him into the kitchen laughig insanely as she pulled out a knife. Severla times she stabbed her uncle to death and when the wife came in all she could see was blood so she attacked the aunt to. The aunt mangaed to escape calling the cop. Instead of the cops comming men in white cam with a clip board. She was chained and locked down but all the while she was still laughing.

Other: She needs the darkeness to keep herself sane.
thanks i got it ^^ hey sorry for them earlier i would have stopped it if i got on quicker but im pretty sure shes sorry
Name: Spencer "Spence" Frailey

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Photo Of Person:

Personality Traits: Shy, Gives in easily, Scared, Introverted, Sweet, Kind-Hearted

Medication: Anorexia meds, Depression pills


Past Events: Her mother was addicted to drugs, and was out every night. Her father wasn't home much, and she had lived many years without him as a child. Spencer lived without any help or encouragement from her parents, and practically lived on her own. On late nights her mother would arrive home drunk, and tell Spencer how fat she was, how ugly and horrible she was. She seemed to ignore it, but it got to her deep down. She suffered beatings fro her mother and had no one to help her in the situation. She refused to tell anyone at school about her feelings. One night, while her mother was gone somewhere, most likely drinking, a man entered her house. Realizing it was her father she came up to him in attempt to hug him, but he grabbed her hand and pushed her against the wall. Her father had tried to rape her that night, the one night he came to see her. She eventually escaped with a few bruises, but luckily did not become pregnant. From then on she lived with a friend until she found the home.

Other: She likes to dress in punk or some "classy" outfits.

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