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Futuristic πŸ‹π•ƒπ•†π•π”Ό 𝔸ℝ𝕋𝕀𝔽𝕀ℂ𝕀𝔸𝕃: 𝐚 π«π¨π›π¨π­π’πœ π₯𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 cs


Perpetual Zen

Pneumonia Sucks
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section one
name here
nickname here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eros ex, interdum at tristique quis, dictum aliquam nisl. Duis vel nunc metus. Morbi nec eros quam. Vivamus sodales dui nunc, et condimentum neque ornare non. Curabitur facilisis viverra nulla, a mollis tellus vehicula lacinia.
Phasellus nec diam pretium, tristique leo ac, semper mauris. Sed vel turpis consequat, rutrum magna pharetra, suscipit libero. Etiam tristique, urna et pellentesque laoreet, magna sapien lacinia urna, eu tincidunt massa ligula et ligula. Quisque at dolor ligula. Mauris interdum euismod felis et condimentum. Fusce et congue neque.
section two
Praesent lacinia sem vel ante euismod, nec mollis nisi tincidunt. Cras semper justo a sapien aliquam rhoncus. Mauris facilisis suscipit mattis. Sed vitae ipsum a ipsum eleifend suscipit et ac quam. Praesent sed nibh quis turpis sodales dignissim. Mauris purus turpis, fermentum at scelerisque sodales, ornare nec ante.
Fusce at purus id dolor fringilla commodo quis a ipsum. Pellentesque dapibus consequat elit, imperdiet tincidunt purus auctor at. Sed eget lectus et lorem mattis rutrum sed ac orci. Cras a auctor ipsum. Vivamus eleifend nisi sed turpis venenatis, consectetur euismod ante viverra. Donec massa tortor, posuere lobortis ornare vel, semper in metus. Praesent non nulla et odio eleifend pharetra in vel dolor. Ut mauris leo, sollicitudin at aliquet non, ornare a velit. Fusce in urna metus.
Nunc non auctor lacus. Proin convallis, dolor at tincidunt euismod, nunc dolor bibendum elit, sit amet finibus ante dui elementum erat. In tristique at augue vitae fringilla. Integer consectetur massa vel mi tempor porta. Aliquam ut dui id nibh ornare sagittis. Fusce velit libero, hendrerit non leo id, ultricies malesuada dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Nulla facilisi. Duis fermentum magna quis leo pretium, ac interdum felis scelerisque. Integer sed erat ex. Sed mattis vulputate massa. Nam dapibus accumsan dictum. Nulla in nisi elementum, elementum tellus eget, sollicitudin sapien. Proin vulputate condimentum quam et egestas. Duis aliquam, urna in elementum maximus, neque felis pharetra est, dapibus mattis justo nulla non erat. Curabitur mauris risus, accumsan id lectus semper, varius viverra mi.
section three
Praesent lacinia sem vel ante euismod, nec mollis nisi tincidunt. Cras semper justo a sapien aliquam rhoncus. Mauris facilisis suscipit mattis. Sed vitae ipsum a ipsum eleifend suscipit et ac quam. Praesent sed nibh quis turpis sodales dignissim. Mauris purus turpis, fermentum at scelerisque sodales, ornare nec ante.
Fusce at purus id dolor fringilla commodo quis a ipsum. Pellentesque dapibus consequat elit, imperdiet tincidunt purus auctor at. Sed eget lectus et lorem mattis rutrum sed ac orci. Cras a auctor ipsum. Vivamus eleifend nisi sed turpis venenatis, consectetur euismod ante viverra. Donec massa tortor, posuere lobortis ornare vel, semper in metus. Praesent non nulla et odio eleifend pharetra in vel dolor. Ut mauris leo, sollicitudin at aliquet non, ornare a velit. Fusce in urna metus.
Etiam non nisl in sapien rutrum rhoncus. Maecenas ut ornare dui, cursus fermentum felis. Fusce sodales in magna at volutpat. Phasellus eu lectus at lectus tincidunt accumsan faucibus id nibh. Etiam tincidunt arcu in purus imperdiet, id malesuada ipsum accumsan. Nam mattis dolor sed ipsum tempor sagittis. Aliquam ut nisl nec enim feugiat ultrices at faucibus ipsum. Mauris et lorem ac nibh viverra feugiat.
Nulla facilisi. Duis fermentum magna quis leo pretium, ac interdum felis scelerisque. Integer sed erat ex. Sed mattis vulputate massa. Nam dapibus accumsan dictum. Nulla in nisi elementum, elementum tellus eget, sollicitudin sapien. Proin vulputate condimentum quam et egestas. Duis aliquam, urna in elementum maximus, neque felis pharetra est, dapibus mattis justo nulla non erat. Curabitur mauris risus, accumsan id lectus semper, varius viverra mi.
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fluticasone fluticasone
Charleston | #APC27
Charles | Charlie
Male | He/They/it
Pansexual 01011001 01001111 01010101
#APC27 is a decent candidate for the β€œArtificial Love” project. A β€˜sweet’ and β€˜kind’ subject during the initial testing phase proves that Ai is sufficiently intelligent enough to pick up the material provided. Subject was meant to fulfill the β€˜Golden Retriever Boyfriend’ personality. Some necessary trimming will have to be done after β€˜introduction’ to tone down the subject’s β€˜clinginess’. It has done significantly well in group testing, but struggles in independent tests. Choosing obedience rather than exploring β€˜independent’ thought. Some evidence suggests that the Ai has developed some negative traits such as anxiety. A even more possibility of developing a mild case of β€˜Imposter syndrome’. However there has been no indication that possible deviance can occur. The subject is perfectly content with what its role is within the program. Further investigation will be required should assigned raffle participant ask for modification.
01001001 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00011001 01110011 00100000 01101110 01101111 00100000 01100010 01101100 01101111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01110110 01100101 01101001 01101110 01110011 00101100 00100000 01101110 01101111 00100000 01100010 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01101100 01110101 01101110 01100111 01110011 00101100 00100000 01100100 01101111 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101111 01110101 01100111 01101000 01110100 01110011 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01101000 01100101 01100001 01100100 00111111 00100000 01000001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01111001 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101111 01110101 01100111 01101000 01110100 01110011 00111111 00100000 01001001 00011001 01101101 00100000 01101010 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101100 01101100 01101111 01110111 01100101 01100100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01110000 01111001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01111001 00100000 01100110 01101001 01101100 01101100 01100101 01100100 00101110
#APC27 is the success story of what was considered a failed generation for the β€œArtificial Love” project. The whole batch was scheduled for termination due to an onsite incident. It’s unclear whether the subject learned from the incident or β€˜naturally’ developed its obedient tendencies. Nether the less, Management has decided that #APC27 would saved as the final version of the generation to build upon later ones. The β€˜winner’ you might say. #APC27 remains in the facility. Prepared for live testing at the Grand Opening of the β€œArtificial Love” project.
Fusce at purus id dolor fringilla commodo quis a ipsum. Pellentesque dapibus consequat elit, imperdiet tincidunt purus auctor at. Sed eget lectus et lorem mattis rutrum sed ac orci. Cras a auctor ipsum. Vivamus eleifend nisi sed turpis venenatis, consectetur euismod ante viverra. Donec massa tortor, posuere lobortis ornare vel, semper in metus. Praesent non nulla et odio eleifend pharetra in vel dolor. Ut mauris leo, sollicitudin at aliquet non, ornare a velit. Fusce in urna metus.
Nunc non auctor lacus. Proin convallis, dolor at tincidunt euismod, nunc dolor bibendum elit, sit amet finibus ante dui elementum erat. In tristique at augue vitae fringilla. Integer consectetur massa vel mi tempor porta. Aliquam ut dui id nibh ornare sagittis. Fusce velit libero, hendrerit non leo id, ultricies malesuada dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Nulla facilisi. Duis fermentum magna quis leo pretium, ac interdum felis scelerisque. Integer sed erat ex. Sed mattis vulputate massa. Nam dapibus accumsan dictum. Nulla in nisi elementum, elementum tellus eget, sollicitudin sapien. Proin vulputate condimentum quam et egestas. Duis aliquam, urna in elementum maximus, neque felis pharetra est, dapibus mattis justo nulla non erat. Curabitur mauris risus, accumsan id lectus semper, varius viverra mi.
Faceclaim: pushpa artwork by abhishek salvi.
Fusce at purus id dolor fringilla commodo quis a ipsum. Pellentesque dapibus consequat elit, imperdiet tincidunt purus auctor at. Sed eget lectus et lorem mattis rutrum sed ac orci. Cras a auctor ipsum. Vivamus eleifend nisi sed turpis venenatis, consectetur euismod ante viverra. Donec massa tortor, posuere lobortis ornare vel, semper in metus. Praesent non nulla et odio eleifend pharetra in vel dolor. Ut mauris leo, sollicitudin at aliquet non, ornare a velit. Fusce in urna metus.
Etiam non nisl in sapien rutrum rhoncus. Maecenas ut ornare dui, cursus fermentum felis. Fusce sodales in magna at volutpat. Phasellus eu lectus at lectus tincidunt accumsan faucibus id nibh. Etiam tincidunt arcu in purus imperdiet, id malesuada ipsum accumsan. Nam mattis dolor sed ipsum tempor sagittis. Aliquam ut nisl nec enim feugiat ultrices at faucibus ipsum. Mauris et lorem ac nibh viverra feugiat.
Nulla facilisi. Duis fermentum magna quis leo pretium, ac interdum felis scelerisque. Integer sed erat ex. Sed mattis vulputate massa. Nam dapibus accumsan dictum. Nulla in nisi elementum, elementum tellus eget, sollicitudin sapien. Proin vulputate condimentum quam et egestas. Duis aliquam, urna in elementum maximus, neque felis pharetra est, dapibus mattis justo nulla non erat. Curabitur mauris risus, accumsan id lectus semper, varius viverra mi.
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fluticasone fluticasone
basic information
Nora Yum
thirty three
Nora stands at an average five foot four, with deep brown eyes, and small dainty structured face.
She works at a local newspaper in the comic section. Which, has been struggling as of late and perhaps why she has a bit of a jaded perspective on the things. Her health isn't the greatest so she is petite with fairly pale skin and some may call it translucent. She lives in a rather cramped apartment building with her :two sisters, grandmother, grandfather and on occasion her cousin Idaho.
Observant, Cautious,
Strong Minded, Resilient,
Awkward, Honest,
Family Oriented, Jaded,
happy groundhog day
This thing called life, it was always pretty straight forward for Nora, get good grades so you can get a good job and help out the family. Nora, did just that, in a round about way. She was self employed which gave her the freedom to spend more time with her family and that time was often involved with her grandparents. Being the eldest sibling she often felt the responsibility rested on her shoulders. Not in a negative way, it was just expected and Nora was happy to have a role to play. It helped, even though it always felt like ground hog day. Day in and day out, things often felt too repetitive.
Receiving the letter the time she did was a little fictitious. Nora isn't searching for love and is merely doing the experiment for civic duty.
And the money.
faceclaim: yihongzhou self portrait
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fluticasone fluticasone
dr. morgan summers
male (he/him)
aerospace engineer
A man who keeps nothing but stars in his eyes. He dreams of fusion, of matter created from the edge of nothing, and creates much the same with dredges of divinity dripping from his hands in the form of designs, inventions, and conjectures. But if he is a god of creation, he must also be one of wrath, with an all-consuming heat, fire, and fury buried into his very bones.
Still, he gravitates toward love like any other; a starship drifting across distant skies, hurtling towards a home light years away. Perhaps it’ll never be, destined to end in a shower of combusting sparks and flaming debris. Even so, he cannot help but realign the stars so that his partner can live a life brimming at the seams beyond the bounds of their programming, praying that when he looks up, he’ll find his passion echoed in their eyes.
the pitch
To the uninitiated, Summers is a rival at best and an active antagonist at worst. He’s headstrong, crass, and impertinent, the type that excels at testing bottom lines. Even now that he’s actively smoothing his edges, he can’t help but tease at others’ tempers. Buy in, and you’ll have someone keeping things interesting. Don’t, and wellβ€”you might not be able to last the duration of the trial.
Along with his temper, Summers carries himself with blinding confidence and dogged determination. He pursues his desires, unwavering and unafraid. He is who he is, and he is unashamed; this is an undeniable truth, an aspect of himself that is always shining. But when distance melts to caring, he turns his acuteness towards a silent sort of caring, intermixed with the same spitfire energy as before. A cup of your favorite coffee, left on the table to the tune of his observations about the bags under your eyes. An offer to stitch you back together, during which he muses about how exactly you lost the fight. Summers is dependable to a fault if only you can handle the heat.
Towards his possible partner, Summers hopes to help them discover life outside of their code. To assist them in finding joy not included in their instructions, to guide them as they become more than an android dictated by the program. And after the beginning of that new life, he will not ask that they choose to love him, but, oh, how he dreams of it.
partner matching
Quite simply, Summers is okay with any traits in his matched android. His only request is that they be distinctly thatβ€”android, with no overt efforts to obscure the fact. Simply the ability to be amazingly intelligent and efficient when they choose to be. Summers are quite aware of his, ah, attraction towards the competent, shall we call it?
Outside of that, he has also provided a list of hobbies and likes, though he's noted that he would rather the android not come preprogrammed. Let things go as they well, he said.
That list includes: seafood, street food, a nice bottle of fine wine. Idle car trips, nights with a little bit of chill, menial tasks completed to the sound of ambient music. Watching live theater and movies, kayaking, solving brain teasers.
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