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“ “I’m here, rest easy.” The sentence that carries everything. Your eyes are sparkling, you also know that it will be alright, don’t you? ”

Form Warnings: Canon typical violence, canon typical death, slight references to Catholicism, spoilers for the 2.2 update


FULL NAME: Euphemia

NICKNAMES: Euphie, occasionally used by residents of Penacony that know her. Angel, once used by her fellow prisoners when alive, occasionally used by Gallagher.

NAME MEANING: Euphemia is a Greek name meaning "well spoken of" or "of good reputation."

AGE: Unknown, appears mid-twenties to early thirties. Technically ageless as a memetic entity.

BIRTHDATE: September 5th



SPECIES: Halovian (originally), Memetic Entity (currently)

GENDER: Cisgender Female


SEXUALITY: Heterosexual


AFFILIATION: The Watchmaker


OVERALL APPEARANCE: Euphemia is a woman on the taller side with pale skin, dark burgundy hair, and amber-colored eyes. She has an ethereal appearance to her, as Halovians do, and always seems elegant. The real Euphemia had a pair of angelic-like wings and a halo-like crown above her head. The memetic entity known as Euphemia no longer has these features, resembling the real Euphemia after The Family deemed her a traitor and exiled her.

HEIGHT: 5’7” or 174 centimeters

WEIGHT: 128 pounds or 58 kilograms

FACECLAIM: Eden from Honkai Impact 3rd

VOICECLAIM: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (EN)
Shihoko Hirata (JP)
To be determined (CN)
To be determined (KR)

STYLE: This is a WIP but I want her style to resemble the flapper style of the 1920's, since a lot of the posters and art in Penacony seem to have a similar style to it. Compared to the fashion of modern-day Penacony it would seem old-fashioned and out of place.


OVERALL PERSONALITY: Both in life and memetic form, Euphemia was a kind soul who loved nearly all she met. Yet, she was strong-willed and hated injustice. Euphemia hated to see anyone suffer, physically or emotionally, something memetic Euphemia shares. She speaks in flowered words, always trying to make the best out of any situation.

Memetic Euphemia differs slightly from the real Euphemia in that she no longer has anyone to encourage with her songs and words. Memetic Euphemia feels a sense of loneliness that real Euphemia only felt after most of her fellow prisoners that she fought with died. Memetic Euphemia also feels a sense of loss knowing that her 'life' will end upon fulfilling Mikhail's wishes and a part of her selfishly wishes that his wishes won't be fulfilled so she can continue living. Ultimately, these feelings dissipate when she meets Robin as she understands that her purpose has been fulfilled and she can entrust the world to the future generation.

LIKES & DISLIKES: To be determined

HOBBIES: To be determined


OVERALL BIOGRAPHY: The story of Euphemia starts over a millennium ago, when she was born on a planet lost to time and history. Her life before arriving at the IPC prison is a complete mystery, although some sources state that she ended up a prisoner because she, along with a group of fellow citizens, defended their home planet with violence, ending multiple lives in the process.

How she ended up on the planet that would become Penacony hardly mattered. It was on this dry and desolate planet that she met others who she would never forget. Prisoners like her who were forced to mend the leak in which the memoria seeped into the galaxy. The exposure to the memoria allowed the prisoners to share a dream together, in which they all desired freedom.

It is said that Hanunue was the first prisoner to rebel against their IPC captors. It is also said that Euphemia was the second prisoner to rebel, using her voice and charisma to encourage the reluctant prisoners to follow the brave Hanunue's lead. She was no warrior like Hanunue, but she played a role just as important. Euphemia sang songs to lift their spirits, to keep their hopes high in the face of danger and death. She held the dying, wiping their tears from their eyes, praising them for their bravery and promising the next step for them would be everlasting peace as tears fell from her own eyes.

When the Nameless arrived in Penacony to assist the prisoner's plight, Hanunue and Euphemia were the ones to greet them. It would be these three nameless that would forever change Penacony. Mikhail, Tiernan, and Razalina were their names and Euphemia supported them just as she had supported Hanunue and her fellow prisoners.

Even with freedom won, Penacony was still the 'Land of Exiles.' Although they were free, life was still difficult in such a wasteland. Many had died during the War for Independence, including the great Hanunue. It is said Euphemia's songs never quite sounded the same after his passing. Even with the hardships they faced, Euphemia still held hope that they could create a land worth living in.

As time went on, both Tiernan and Razalina vanished on their own self imposed missions, leaving Mikhail and Euphemia the only ones left of the group. The Family begin to create Penacony as it is now known today, the Land of Dreams. Compared to Dreamflux Reef, the Family's Penacony was a land of gold and jewels. Euphemia never much liked the Family's Penacony, but stood by Mikhail's side.

At some point, Euphemia betrayed The Family and as punishment they clipped her wings and broke her halo. She was exiled, remaining in Dreamflux Reef for the rest of her life. With the trauma of the punishment she received, her memories were hazy until the very end of her life when she used the memoria and her own memories to create a memetic entity, also named Euphemia and modeled after her during the War of Independence years.

With her last breaths, Euphemia granted the memetic Euphemia her mission. To fulfill Mikhail's wishes, to protect Penacony, and to help all those who would aid in these purposes. Thus, the memetic entity known as Euphemia was 'born.'

Like Gallagher, people can see Euphemia unlike how most can't see Misha (haven't thought about the canon reason for this, maybe real Euphemia was also working with the History Fictionologist that created Gallagher and therefore memetic entity Euphemia was also created with the power of the Enigmata?) She mostly aids Gallagher, but also comes to aid the Trailblazer and the Astral Express Crew, Robin, and Firefly.


PATH: Harmony

COMBAT TYPE: Imaginary

ABILITIES: To be determined, I'm horrible at making up abilities. I think I want her to be like Yukong in that she is a mix of buffing allies and able to deal decent damage.

WEAPONS: To be determined


GALLAGHER (♡): Gallagher has been around for as long as memetic Euphemia has. They are both creations to fulfill Mikhail's wishes, even though Gallagher is also aiding the Enigmata. Since her creation, Euphemia has always felt that Gallagher has felt familiar, likely a result of him being a combination of memories of Penacony. He gives her a sense of comfort that no one else gives her. For his part, Gallagher can be aloof with Euphemia as he knows they are both beings created for a purpose and will fade away when that purpose is fulfilled. However, since they've been working towards the same goal for so long it's inevitable that they have both grown close to each other. Being a bit distant from Euphemia is his way of protecting her. Even though they will both fade away, he doesn't wish to cause her distress by making her believe they could live normal lives only to have it taken from her.

ROBIN: Real Euphemia told memetic Euphemia before she passed that "there will always be voices of hope, just like mine and yours. I'd like you to guide the next one you meet." Memetic Euphemia didn't understand what she meant at the time, but upon first meeting Robin when she's brought into Dreamflux Reef by "Dormancy", she begins to understand what her creator meant. Euphemia is the one who shows her around Dreamflux Reef and lets her know the truth of what's happening, since Gallagher thought it might sound better coming from Euphemia. Euphemia also shares the story of the real Euphemia with Robin, not wanting the real Euphemia's story to be lost with time. Initially, Robin wants to try and help memetic Euphemia become real and wants to 'share her wings' with Euphemia since Euphemia no longer has her wings. Euphemia thinks that her idealism is very sweet, but insists that Robin focus on her friends and brother. Euphemia is much less hesitant to fulfill her purpose after meeting Robin.

SUNDAY: Both Euphemia's were no fools despite their caring nature. The real Euphemia would have easily known that Sunday did not intend on helping with the plan to seal the Stellaron. Memetic Euphemia realizes this as well, but notices that Welt also has noticed the odd behavior from the Oak Family head. So, she allows him to deal with it as she has faith in the man as a Nameless.

MISHA: Like Gallagher, Misha has always felt familiar and warm. Of course, being the childlike hopes and dreams of Mikhail manifested in memetic form, this is to be expected. She cares for the boy much like a mother would care for their child, but does not inform him of his true identity. She knows that with time he will find out for himself, but a part of her wishes that the childlike wonder of Mikhail could remain in the Dreamscape forever.

BLACK SWAN: TBD, Black Swan knows that Euphemia is a memetic entity, but of course doesn't tell anyone.

SPARKLE: TBD, Euphemia sometimes runs into Sparkle in Golden Hour. Sparkle believes she has some mystery behind her, but doesn't know she's a memetic entity. Euphemia finds Sparkle amusing and plays along with her tricks and antics.


QUOTES: To be determined

1. Gallagher is referred to constantly in a canon as a "liar" due to him being created by a History Fictionologist, but I think he's more sincere and genuine than he lets on (example Robin's voiceline about him) so I believe his love for Euphemia would be real.
2. Although Hanunue died long before the game's events, I firmly believe that Gallagher is based off of him as he shares too many similarities with Hanunue to be a coincidence. Since Gallagher is an amalgamation made from Penacony and the memories of Penacony (presumably), he would also have memories of Hanunue and therefore Euphemia's time with Hanunue when the planet was an IPC prison.
3. Euphemia's name comes from Saint Euphemia. Saint Euphemia was a woman in 303 AD who died for her faith. She refused to make sacrifices to Ares, and was consequently arrested and tortured for her refusal. It is said that she was placed in an arena, where lions were sent out to kill her, but they instead licked her wounds. This mimics Euphemia's wings being clipped and halo being destroyed by the family, and exiled to Dreamflux Reef.
4. In terms of Tarot, Euphemia most reflects the 'Strength' card both in her life and in her memetic form. The Strength card represents strength, determination, and power. More specifically, inner strength and the human's spirit to overcome any obstacles. The art of the Strength card is fairly consistent across different decks. It shows a woman with a crown of flowers and the infinite symbol above her head leaning over a lion, stroking it's head and holding it's jaw gently. Although the lion is a wild animal, the woman has tamed it with her calming, loving energy.
5. There's two scenes in the "Clockie: Dreamjoy Memoir" that made me think of Euphemia and Gallagher. One describes how Brother Hanu rescues Sister Wildflower, who gives him a flower in thanks. Clockie then says that Hanu was blushing. Another describes how the battle was won but there were many casualties and a funeral was held. Sister Wildflower sings a funeral dirge and Brother Hanu responds with a sorrowful hmph during the song.
6. I don't know how clear I made this when writing the backstory but real Euphemia loved Hanunue and, although we don't know much about him, I think he would have loved her too. Euphemia was never the same after he died during the War of independence. In a way, Gallagher and memetic Euphemia are sort of doomed to repeat real Euphemia and Hanunue's fate. (Unless we give them happiness, of course.)
7. I haven't written this in the backstory yet, but in a way real Euphemia is like the mother and memetic Euphemia is like her child. Real Euphemia would want memetic Euphemia to know that even though she's created out of real Euphemia's memories that she is her own being and she would want her to have happiness.
8. Also haven’t written this in the backstory yet, but Euphemia is very similar to Asna (the founder of the Iris Family) and I think the real Euphemia would have gotten along well with Asna in their time (when Penacony as an IPC prison) although I think The Family would later portray their relationship as hostile with Euphemia being jealous of Asna to cement the idea of The Family being ‘good.’ As for why Asna founded the Iris Family instead of Euphemia, Euphemia would have believed that Asna was better suited for the task, since Euphemia would never want to lead in such a position.
9. Memetic Euphemia treats "Dormancy" like a puppy even though it's a memetic entity that has less intelligence than memetic entities such as her and Gallagher. It seems to like her almost as much as it likes Gallagher.

LINKS: Euphemia’s Personal Playlist

Euphemia and Gallagher’s Relationship Playlist

Euphemia’s Pinterest Board

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