Louis Carroll

Kid Maelstrom

I AM your father
Name: Louis Carroll, Daydreamer

Age: 24

Gender: male


Height: 5’10”

Weight: 165

Has light brown hair and green eyes.


Advantages/Abilities Possessed:

Telepathy- Mind reading as long as the person is not a psychic or robotic in any way he can read their mind,

thought projection He can communicate hie thoughts to others and link minds to keep silence, mind control on weak minds (NPCS only unless given permission), Cast illusions, (because they are a complex form of telepathy he must be within 20 feet of a person of group of people to induce and maintain a convincing illusion likes to keep the illusions somewhat simple).


· He is a very good artist

· Louis is fluent in four languages other than English. They include Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, German and Swahili. Each of which he can speak with a perfect accent of the country it originated from any variant of the language he will recognize but not be able to speak.

· He is a black belt in tai kwon do.


  • He can't use his telepathy on robots or even cyborgs.
  • When he speaks a different language he met insert a words from another music.
  • If he messes up a painting or becomes stumped he freaks out that he may have lost his ability to paint
  • If he if distracted his illusion will fade and he can be discovered by the person he was following.
  • The psychic link can be broken if the person or group is too far from him. Outside of a 200 foot radius
  • He has a fear of enclosed spaces and spiders

Profession: Translator, Artist on the side.

Interests and Hobbies: Painting, listening to music playing with his cat Bobby.


Common Behaviors and Mannerisms: He scratches his head when he gets confused by something.

Mercy vs Justice: Depending on the situation he will show Mercy. If he is face to face with a murderer he will most likely not show any mercy but if there is a Teenager who stole some money from him he won’t mind since he can just imagine more.

Personality: He has a generally outgoing personality. He can relate to almost anyone. He would never attack anyone unless provoked.

History: He wasn’t always the outgoing person he is today. He was a shy person who clung to his parents (insert cliché here). He was always seen in his room studying, trying to get good grades so that he could impress his parents. But no matter what he did he couldn’t move them to say a simple “good job”.

When he became a freshman in high school, he discovered his powers. This kid stole his sketchbook from him and tore it in front of him. This made Louis very angry as he had worked very hard on the sketches that were in that book. He imagined the kid catching fire. As he did this the kid thought his shoes caught fire then his pants and then his entire body followed suit. To this day no one except him and his parents know why. He told his parents about the incident and they thought that he had become a danger to everyone. They had him locked in his room when they had guests over. Claiming that is was “for his own good”. They even went so far as to not let him out of the house during the weekends and holidays. He would sit in his room imagining and drawing for hours.

After about a year he ran away. He decided not to come home on day. He just kept walking past his house, his neighbors houses, the corner store. Until got got out of that place. He was able to manipulate people into giving him money for himself to live off of until he became old enough to go to college. He enrolled himself in a university as an Art and Foreign Language double major. When he graduated he bought his own place and started searching for a job.
Thank you for your interest in Megalopolis however your character's abilities are unacceptable for the RP.

Imaginative Conjuring - This power has been brought up before, and honestly it should be nicknamed "Plot Destruction" Powers (the only other type of Plot Destruction is Long-Range Deportation). As with being able to imagine anything, you immediately can undo anything the DMs or other characters throw at your character. Making it a very unbalanced and overpower character.

Expanded mind - This one is alright, but we already have a character whose ability is just this. So I would refrain from using it, or describe it in more detail so that we can compare it to Operator

Imagination’s eye - This needs to be explained entirely, as for right now its with Imaginative Conjuring and just far too over powered. Now if you could use a particular type of vision, or have a group of different visions (if that was your main ability), this could be worked on. However having a character that can locate anyone and at any time (because your power does not specify restrictions), can not be accepted.

As well going into detail with your disadvantages can never hurt. ;)

If you need any help with ideas for powers, I would recommend trying to get inspired (but not copy word for word, because its better to alter and mix-match the powers) with this List: List of Supernatural Powers and Abilities

Once alterations have been made, we can gauge the other parts of your character. As well feel free to ask any questions you have.
You missed my point when I was talking about Imaginative Conjuring, while Object Conjuring is a little bit more balanced. I do not wish to have anything where you can just conjure any object into existence. Like I said it challenges the powers of the DM and other players. Its still overpowered and I have rejected other characters using this power.

I do not mean to seem harsh, but I would prefer for you to use something else. I like the idea of artistry and you could definitely do something with illusions (as I am doing something similar in the Children of London RP). Which would be entirely similar except the items aren't actually real, just the people under the effect think they are. I think that would be an good character.
[QUOTE="Kid Maelstrom]I'll just make him telepathic

Just re frame from doing anything that makes you a god and it will almost surely work out :)
[QUOTE="Kid Maelstrom]I'll just make him telepathic

Telepathy can work, but sometimes its best to focus in on one area. Such as I have an NPC (well sort of my DM PC) that has the ability to manipulate emotions. If you are just a generic telepathy, you will lose to someone if they are specialized in one specific field. Such as you would lose to my NPC as bending, masking, or reading emotions.
that's fine I just wanted something that would explain the history and how he knows four languages I'm just doing Generic telepathy
Alright, my turn at this.



  • His powers do not affect people’s free will -This disadvantage is not applicable at all, replace it.

  • He needs to know the exact layout of an area in order to find them -He can't find people. Replace this.
  • If he messes up a painting or becomes stumped he freaks out that he may have lost his power.
  • In order to use his imaginations eye he must know what the person looks like even the subtle details like if they got their eyebrows done otherwise he will just see random people -He doesn't even how this power. Replace this.
  • When he speaks one language he might insert a different language


Basically, your character has no disadvantage at the moment; that needs to be remedied. Also, be away that by having no specialty; your will be weaker than anyone who is specialized at something.
Alright, we are a little bit nervous about having both Telepathy and Illusions but you seem to be combitant enough not to abuse them. So approved.

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