• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Loudwater Census


Safety Hammer

A walking piece of shit in a stupid looking jacket

: (Real identity.)
Aliases: (Other names, titles, nicknames, and aliases.)
Age: (How long have you been there?)
Gender: (Male or Female.)

: (Ships gotta sail, then sink each other.)
High Concept: (Sum up your character in a sentence.)
Occupation: (Gotta get them greenbacks, baby)
Affiliations: (Organizations, or people the character is affiliated with)
Backstory: (Can be kept secret.)

: (Written, or a picture. If written, then at least a detailed paragraph of text. A picture is greatly favored over a written description)
Skills & Abilities: (Normal things worthy of note.)
Other Items & Belongings: (Are you a rich playboy with a mansion? Anything that doesn't count into "paraphernalia" goes here.)

FLUFF (Optional - remove this section if you're not filling it out)
Hobbies: (What does Dr. Evil do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type.)
Theme: (Musical theme.)
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Theo Greene


: Professor Theodore W. Greene
Aliases: Theo, Ted, Teddy, Prof, Webby, Mister Librarian Man
Age: 30
Gender: Male


: Homo-flexible
High Concept: This disgraced professor is a new addition to our town! If only we knew what he did to lose his job...
Occupation: Librarian and former college professor at Miskatonic University
  • Loudwater Public Library
  • Loudwater Book Club
  • Eldritch Society
Backstory: (Can be kept secret.)

  • Hair Color: Dark brown with a streak of blue
  • Eye Color: Teal
  • Height: 5'11"
  • Body Type: Slightly Muscular
Skills & Abilities:
  • Incredibly intelligent
  • Former track star
  • Compitent fighter
  • Good cook
  • Trained in first aid
  • Dabbles in guitar playing
  • Knows all about books and stuff
  • Fluent in German and French
Other Items & Belongings: (Are you a rich playboy with a mansion? Anything that doesn't count into "paraphernalia" goes here.)

  • Gardening
  • Reading
  • Visiting museums
  • Smoking his pipe
  • Playing music
  • Investigating
  • Suit shopping
  • Cooking
"This town is hiding something. I can feel it in my bones!"
"I.. I don't drink. Not anymore."

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big w.i.p

: Ellaria Eugenia Gonzalez
Aliases: most of the town refer to her as Ella; or by her last name Gonzales. Hardly anyone knows her middle name. A couple people actually call her Sunny~
Age: 25, she's lived her whole life in the town of Loudwater, never once leaving
Gender: Female

: Heterosexual, with an inherent appreciation for all forms of beauty
High Concept: Ella
Occupation: Small independent shop owner in the town's Main Square. Plenty of tourists are attracted to the nick-knacks in the clean window, and the antique books that line the walls when they enter. Sometimes residents sell their own unwanted treasures to her; or even pick up their own. All the more for the people who visit the town, and leave with a very special piece of history. The newest things she sells are the maps and tourist fliers at the counter. Her best selling items are the magical clay dragons she makes by hand~
  • her shop; Tips and Trinkets (should you require any)
  • Loudwater Book Club
  • her unnamed Coven
Backstory: There isn't much to tell....Ella was born in the only hospital the town has. When she was reunited with her mama [Marujenia], her papa [Nathaniel], tio [Rogelio] and abuelita [Nuria] also surrounded Maru's bed. It was a picture perfect moment, and after Nuria spied the identical birthmarks on either of her wrists, in the shape of dark bands, everyone knew Ella would do just fine.


  • eyes; dark hazel
  • hair; chestnut
  • weight; 127lbs
  • height; 5'8
  • body type; toned, muscular and lithe
  • birthmarks; two one centimeter thick bands on each wrist, identical in every way. Up until the age of 16 they were a few shades darker than her bronze skin, but when she turned 18 she had them tattooed [specially] and since then they have remained a solid black colour.
Skills & Abilities:
  • basic magic out of the book; many generations of magic practice have given Ella an endless library [literally] of scripts and novels containing magic methods, spells, incantations, runes; you name it she has it. It can take some time if she doesn't know what book she needs to learn a certain spell, but a summoning charm usually works for those she does
  • her speciality:
  • clay-making; before her abuela passed on,
  • tattoos;
Other Items & Belongings:
  • Vincent;

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Mayor Deckland!


Name: Mayor Oscar Deckland
Aliases: Ozzy, Mister Mayor
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male


Sexuality: Incredibly gay
High Concept: Our super special and rather eccentric mayor who runs this wonderful town
Occupation: Mayor of Loudwater, former Chief of Police,

  • City Hall
  • The Loudwater Police Department
  • Loudwater Public Library
  • Loudwater Chamber of Commerce
  • - SECRET -
Backstory: (Can be kept secret.)


  • Hair Color: Orange
  • Eye Color: Bright blue
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Body Type: Skinny
Skills & Abilities:
  • Expert Marksman
  • Trained in judo, karate, ninjitsu, taekwondo, etc
  • Baking savant
  • Gives good hugs
  • Surprisingly acrobatic
  • Good dancer
  • Good kisser
  • Military training
Other Items & Belongings:
  • Big house by the lake where he throws community barbecues
  • Personalized police gear and outfit

FLUFF (Optional - remove this section if you're not filling it out)

  • Baking
  • Dancing
  • Doing mayor stuff
  • Practicing martial arts
  • Gay stuff
  • Bow tie shopping
  • "Enjoy your stay in our wonderful town~!"
  • "Feel free to stop by my office~"
  • "Oh, poor dear.. come inside, and I'll make you a carrot cake."


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: Nashville Elijah Jackson
Aliases: Nash
Age: 40
Gender: Male

: Bisexual
High Concept: A reporter almost as cavalier as he is hairy.
Occupation: Investigative Journalist and photographer
Affiliations: The Supernatural Journal (a well-travelled magazine)
Backstory: A Texan journalist known for traveling hundreds of miles for whatever story makes the best photos, and making his own when they can't be found.


Skills & Abilities: He's got a quick wit and a faster draw.
Other Items & Belongings: A large Smith and Wesson revolver known as Rebecca and no less than eighty dollars.

: He polishes his gun, cleans his gun, searches for the right spot for his gun, and composes music.
Quotes: "Only reason anybody'd want to go to the Midwest is if they'd wanted the most boring story in history."
"Best watch out for Chupacabra. That baby'll suck your goats dry."
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: Mensh Gehrim Esser
Aliases: The Loudwater Brain Eater, Gas-Mask
Age: has been around since the first world war
Gender: Male

: Unknown presumed straight
High Concept: Ancient Mutant Brain-Eater
Occupation: None
Affiliations: None
Backstory: (Can be kept secret.)

: 1523531776381.png
Height: 9'10

Skills & Abilities: Esser is an avid hunter, able to keep up with a reindeer without trouble, then use his fingers to tear its head off and eat its brain
Other Items & Belongings: Esser's gas mask

FLUFF (Optional - remove this section if you're not filling it out)
Hobbies: Documenting Flora
Quote\s: "Fraulein, would it be too much of a bother to let me eat your brain? or perhaps do you have chocolate on you? No? Well, I asked politely but I prioritize my health above yours, so... sorry about this"
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Name: Dylan Evergreen
Aliases: Bitch, Smartass, D
Age: 24
Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demi-Romantic; Bi-Sexual (Has a thing for the ladies though)
High Concept: Big city girl woth a lot of secrets, and a habit to silently judge you.
Occupation: Online Secretary; Basically does the things most Secretary's do, but it's all online and she gets paid more. Plus, she can move anywhere and work for the same place.

  • Valerian Industries: The large company that she works for. They do everything from tech to real estate, so they needed a few people to help organize. And that's where Dylan comes in.
Backstory: Its a spooky little secert duckies. Just know, that while it's a very well kept secret, Dylan is in fact a Hybrid, a Vampire and Werewolf love child.

Appearance: Standing at 5'8", with an hourglass figure, strong yet femmine features, and golden eyes; Dylan is a fairly attrayibe woman. She's a little on the pale side thanks to her vampiric genes, with her jet black hair, and a tenancy for dark colors, she stands out. Her wolf form, is a large white wolf with the same golden eyes.
Skills & Abilities:

  • Hybrid Powers, including; Supernatural Senses, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Durability, Longevity, and Wolf Physiology, all of which are kept secert because of what she is.
  • Pole Dancing
  • Self Defense
  • Singing
  • Playing Guitar
Other Items & Belongings:
  • Various Electronic Devices: Phone, Laptop, headphones, pretty much everything ya need.
  • Apartment: A small apartment in heart of the town. Only recently moved in, and has been living there for roughly 6 months now.
  • Tazer, Pepper Spray, and Brass Knuckles : Can't be too safe. She's still in the big city mindset.
Hobbies: Sing, Play Guitar, Taking care of her house plants, exploring the forest
Quote\s: "Look here you absolute fucking walnut; nobody cares about your problems."
Theme: Theme/Voice
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  • zRO50ol.jpg
    Kory Strohmann

    Aliases: Red

    Age: 16, has been in town 2 years.

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Asexual

    High Concept: Suddenly "adopted" by the antisocial doctors, Victor and Shelly Strohmann after a dark and stormy night.

    Occupation: Grocery Clerk

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Thumbelina Reeth

Lina, Shattered Thumbelina, ReRe





High Concept
The nicest, weirdest and most fun girl you'll find in town, usually.

Waitress at Rita's Diner

Loudwater Book Club

As far as anyone knows Thumbelina has been living on her own though adopted by the town, each citizen taking care of her as if she was their own despite always preferring to live in the library, though some say she also has a treehouse in the woods. No one really asks questions, they just let her do as she pleases.

Skills & Abilities

Strong Minded
Very Smart

Other Items & Belongings
A diary
An oddly large assortment of outfits she uses often, wearing something different on most days


Helping out around town
Playing with the children at the school

Regular - "Don't worry, you can do it, I believe in you with all my heart, you should too.
Shattered - "Why don't we go for a walk in the woods, it'll be fun."


: Sawyer Williams
Aliases: The Little Doll of Loudwater
Age: He lost count after 87, but he died at 16, so...?
Gender: Male

: Biromantic... he can't have sex because of sort of a Ken Doll situation.
High Concept: A male ghost possessing a female doll.
Occupation: Clothing model, tourist attraction
Affiliations: The Loudwater Museum of Anomalies
Backstory: Nobody's really sure how long the ghost of little Sawyer Williams has roamed the earth. The only thing he ever says about his past is that he used to own a cat. Regardless, his spirit was searching for a vessel, and ended up trapped in a porcelain doll, via a seal that's etched into its back. The man who trapped him, who he refers to as "Dad", was the curator of a failing museum that finally had something to show.

Skills & Abilities
: He can partially leave the vessel, though not all the way. It's useful for trying to grab things through walls sometimes. Other than that... well, he'll look young forever, at least.
Other Items & Belongings: He has his own nice little room with a soft bed, the only issue being that one of the walls is a glass panel where people can look in and see him. He's not allowed to go anywhere except on weekends, when the museum is closed. He owns a pet fish, as that was the largest thing "Dad" would let him have... it ended up being a pretty big fish.

: Sawyer's fingers barely move, so there isn't much he can do. He's taken to singing, dancing, and reading a whole lot, along with playing around with his weird... fish thing. It seems a lot smarter than a fish, huh?
Quote\s: "Hello, welcome to the Loudwater Museum of Anomalies. My name is Sawyer Williams, the Little Doll of Loudwater. You may have heard of me from around town, or perhaps a book. This is my bedroom. Because I am fragile, I cannot do much. Please don't tap on the glass." (This recording plays when you press a little button by his room-window.)

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Marshall Brittlebrook.jpgBASIC INFORMATION

Name: Marshall Brittlebrook
Aliases: Marsha, Brooke, Lil Riva, Treeboy, Giant
Age: 23
Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown
High Concept: An orphan from the trees, who struggles to find his place in this strange world that doesn’t quite make sense.
Occupation: Man-of-all-work; handyman
Affiliations: The Pines, Loudwater Town Hall, Songbird Caverns

Backstory: The earliest memory anyone in town has of Marshall Brittlebrook was his crawling out of the woods, following a hellacious thunderstorm, 15 years prior. He didn’t speak and stumbled around blindly even though his eyes were wide open and clearly functioning. No one knew where he came from, though it was assumed that he must’ve survived a boating accident since he was wearing an old fashion sailor’s outfit with (what everyone assumed to be) his name embroidered on the front. Though he wasn’t the first person to show up in Loudwater without a past, he was the most memorable.

In the following years, Marshall became a child raised by a village. Though officially adopted by Loudwater’s then-current mayor, Jeffrey Bellweather, Marshall never had a set home and found himself being shuffled from home to home, and meal to meal, like a vicar visiting upon his parishioners. Every family in town was entranced with him and no one was selfish enough to keep him for long. Even now, Marshall can be seen leaving any number of houses on a given morning collecting items he’d left behind and would need for the day.
Young Marshall Brittlebrook.jpg
Height: 6’6”
Weight: 250lbs
Marshall has a whipcord thin build with broad shoulders and big feet. His hands are large with long slender fingers, and longer arms. He has a surprisingly straight posture and his movements would be described as deliberate and purposeful instead of ponderous and pointless. His voice is deep and languid and would carry over great distance if he raised it. His eyes are captivating hazel that shifts from the sun touched green of early summer leaves to the honey brown of harvest time boughs. He keeps his lazy chestnut curls short in the warmer months and allow it to grow out, past his shoulders, during the fall and winter.

Skills & Abilities: Great physical strength, dexterous fingers, good with tools, exceptional tactile senses, natural musician, Unflappable demeanor, and levelheaded thinking
Seems to jump from place to place with astonishing speed though you never see him rushing anywhere
Other Items & Belongings: a pan flute given to him by his adoptive father, that he takes with him everywhere

Theme: Forest Elf Music - The Forgotten Forest by Brandon Fletcher
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(Major WIP; much/most subject to change)
Name:Roland Lowell Harper
Aliases: Rand, Randy, Moon-Singer (pack only), Mr. H (if you aren’t old enough to buy yourself a beer).
Age: Looking to be in his mid-thirties, Roland came to town nearly 18 years ago, though he doesn’t look much different then than he does now.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual-polyamorous
High Concept: A salt-of-the-earth working man and bootstrap mentor trying to defend and expand his territory so he can give young Wolves something he never had: family and stability.

Occupation: Owner of the “Overlook Lodge”, a locally famed pub and eatery. Volunteer Firefighter.
Affiliations: Loudwater Lumber, Loudwater Volunteer Fire Department, various youth groups.

Backstory: (Can be kept secret.)

Appearance: (Written, or a picture. If written, then at least a detailed paragraph of text.)
Skills & Abilities: (Normal things worthy of note.)
Other Items & Belongings: (Are you a rich playboy with a mansion? Anything that doesn't count into "paraphernalia" goes here.)

FLUFF (Optional - remove this section if you're not filling it out)
Hobbies: (What does Dr. Evil do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type.)
Theme: (Musical theme.)
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Name: Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra
Aliases: Ari, Kessy
Age: ???
Gender: Female

: Bisexual (or Pansexual, whatever)
High Concept: A weird girl obsessed with the many cats present in Loudwater and is never seen NOT dressed as one
Occupation: Librarian; Writer
Affiliations: Divine Felinity- A fanclub for cats. Currently trying to see if they can turn people into cats
Backstory: All that's known is that Ariel is the town's main librarian and that she likes cats to the point that she unironically talks to them

Skills & Abilities:
  • A bulb attached to the end of her hair that she can somehow turn on. Used to walk around at night and sometimes flashes when she's surprised
  • Cat-related abilities
    • Balance
    • Retractable Claws (as nails)
    • Stealth
    • Climbing

Other Items & Belongings: Lots and lots of books.

Hobbies: Reading, Looking for the floating cat, talking to cats
: Steve Freeling (full: Steven Cameron Freeling)
Aliases: Stevie, Boss, Chief
Age: 21, newly arrived
Gender: Male

: Heterosexual
High Concept: He's a tough guy who still maybe hasn't fully grown up from his days as a cocky and unruly, though highly intelligent, teenager, which mostly consisted of roaring through the streets of Long Island on his red motorcycle, getting his buddies out of trouble and brawling with the worst street thugs, despite having a four-year-old daughter whose mother recently broke up with him; he deeply cares about his daughter and he always watches his friends' backs.
Occupation: Rookie Police Officer/College Student
Affiliations: Loudwater Police Department
Backstory: Steve was born in Long Island to William Ezekiel "Bill" "Zeek", a sergeant in the Army, and Linda (née Braverman) Freeling, a pediatrician. He is the oldest of three. He has a sister named Amy who is merely two months his junior and a 14-year-old brother named Keith. From the beginning Steve was charged with keeping them out of trouble and he did his overall best though he sometimes initiated mischief himself by sneaking the two in to see R-rated movies; that said, he always kept them out of harm's way. This helped engender his sense of responsibility to those close to him.
When Steve was 16, he, his childhood best friend Ben Tuthill, and two other friends, Jeff Shaw and Richard Taylor, bought motorcycles for themselves with the money their parents had given them. Leave it to Steve to pick the high-speed red bike everyone wanted. That was when, or so Steve said, "The fun really started." Nearly every day after that Steve had to stop someone from trying to steal his bike. It ranged from his friends being terrorized or assaulted to menacing voicemail messages on his cell phone. This often led to Steve brawling with whoever it was so they'd leave his friends alone. He'd often call the police only to find the police there weren't interested in helping at all, leaving Steve to take the responsibility for making sure nothing happened to his friends himself (while avoiding a rap sheet) and provoking him to think if he was a police officer himself, he'd do a lot more to help the people. Of course, Steve later decided to do just that.
Around this time, his then-girlfriend Jamie revealed that she was pregnant; nine months later, she gave birth to Kathleen "Kathy" Freeling. Before long, though, Jamie proved that she didn't care about the baby at all, refusing to even feed Kathy or change her diaper. It became clear to Steve that he couldn't trust Jamie at all with his daughter's safety and when it came time for college, he chose an online university so that he could have eyes on the situation at all times. When, mere months before Steve arrived, Jamie revealed that she was leaving him, Steve was unfazed, revealing that he knew all about her various trysts and her attempted seductions on those close to him, before pointedly telling her that since she didn't care about his daughter, he wanted her to leave. It was around this time that Steve finished Police Academy, when he soon decided he wanted his daughter in a quieter environment with less crime. He heard about Loudwater, filled out an application for a transfer, rented a U-Haul truck and left Long Island with Kathy.


Height: 6' 3½" (1.92 m)
Weight: 176 lbs.
Eyes: Blue (often mistaken for green or gray)
Hair: Dark Brown
Clothing: He is nearly always seen wearing red biker gear when not in uniform.

Skills & Abilities:
He's an expert at steering anything (except for "sometin' stupid like a unicycle") with wheels.
He can fix anything that can be fixed; all he needs are the right tools.
He's highly intelligent; he can tell you anything about technology, especially computer, film-making and home video technology, and the latest advances in science and despite his antics as a teenager, he was a straight-A student in school and is in his last year of college for a psychology major.
He's very observant; next to nothing escapes his sharp eyes, keen ears or exacting gut instinct. If something smells bad to him, you'll know by how quickly he takes his daughter out of the room.
He's charismatic and a natural leader; most like him and his friend group has often paraded him around as the "boss" or the "dad" because he's generally responsible and he has a good head on his shoulders. It's not so much that he tries to boss people around so much as responsibility seems to always fall into his lap.
Persuasion and intimidation come naturally to him. When he asks a question, people tend to answer whether out of fear or that they trust him with their problems. It's also usually very easy for him to calm people down.
He can't really "cook," (or rather he just hasn't learned) per se, but he can throw a frozen pizza in the oven without burning it.
He is an excellent marksman.
Fist-fighting is no weakness of his.
He's a very good swimmer.
Police Training
Other Items & Belongings:
He owns a high-powered red motorcycle many have attempted and failed to misappropriate.
He also possesses a black SIG-Sauer P226 that, when not at his side, he keeps in a lock box in the closet.
He has a collection of more than 200 Blu-rays and nearly as many books and DVDs.
He owns a smart phone that still has his number from Long Island.

Wheeling Around on his Bike
Reading Books
Watching Movies
Spending Time with his Daughter
"That bike's been designed just for me. It's too wild for a kid like you."
"I hear you talkin', but I don't see you catchin' up."
"Okay, let's ride!"
"That's enough, Ben! Are ya tryin' to kill him?"
"Well, the least you could do is tell me yer name!"
"Hey, hold it! What do you guys think you're doin' to my buddy, huh?"
"You gotta believe me. What's wrong with tryin' to help a buddy, huh?"
"Well, don't just stand there like a dunce. Come on, hurry. We gotta get outta-"
"What's that?! What happened to Jeff?!"
"You're damn right we're goin' after 'em! No self-respecting bikers let a bunch of junkies kick their asses!"
"Now you're king of the mountain, aren't ya, but it's all garbage!"
"Okay, let's settle this once for all!"
"Oh, come on. Oh, you're kidding. I mean, that's sacrilegious, isn't?"
"Stop acting ignorant. You know what I'm talking about."
"So you're breaking up with me just like that, huh? I knew this was gonna happen with all those guys you messed around with. Don't play dumb. I know all about you and that Roy guy and that Ryland guy and that guy who called himself Satan. And I know you tried to seduce Dad, too. And Mom said you tried to seduce her, too. And my buddy Ben said you tried to seduce him. But you know what? I don't care. My hands are clean. I have a clean slate. I never once cheated on you, because unlike you, I have principles. Go ahead and run away like the coward you are for all I care, 'cause I'll take care of Kathy all by myself - just like you always wanted. I want ya outta this apartment, because all you've ever done is dodge responsibility and show that you don't care about my daughter. Go. I'm tired of your crap, so just go. I want ya out. NOW!"
"This smells, could be a trap."
"They don't teach cooking at the Academy, Mom."

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Name: Joenoc Daydream
Aliases: Nulgrok: The Devourer Of Skull, Tuggden, Mordoden, Eury Blatta The Cockroach King, The Gibbering Tramp
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male

: Depends on the personality, Joenoc is straight, Nulgrok & Tuggden are seemingly incapable of such emotions or simply their sexuality is so alien we can't understand it. Mordoden is seemingly without any limits, Eury Blatta The Roach King has yet to discover his
High Concept: A homeless man who believes himself to be the host of various horrors
Occupation: Unable to keep a job
Affiliations: Loudwater
Backstory: Joenoc's life is something of a mystery to everyone even himself, in moments of seeming lucidity, Joenoc is prone to ask random bystanders about his wife and child. Joenoc doesn't like to think about them cause he doesn't know if they're real, but it hurts to think about them.

Nulgrok & Tuggden claim to be rival outer gods whose constant fighting caused their supposed occupation of Joenoc

Eury Blatta is the roach king do you need to know?

: 1523898083649.png
Skills & Abilities: An expert gouger (A brutal Street Style Martial Art), and known for his surprisingly pleasant singing voice, instant voice change
Other Items & Belongings: Switch Blade

FLUFF (Optional - remove this section if you're not filling it out)
Hobbies: Depends, Joenoc likes to sing
Nulgrok likes to fight
Tuggden enjoys reading
and we do not speak of Mordoden's hobbies
Eury Blatta enjoys being the center of attention, and such takes a pleasure in acting upon stage
"I've heard there ain't no rest for the wicked, and if you need proof then just look at me"
"hOw StRanGe! YoU HuMunS aRE! tOO EnjoY The USaGe Of SuCH Mind AlTERing SubStaNCE"

Theme: (Musical theme.)
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: Ratonhnhaké:ton Arsenault.
Aliases: Jackson.
Age: Twenty-Three.
Gender: Male.

: Heterosexual (so far).
High Concept: Name: Jackson; Age: Twenty-Three; Last Name: (Unknown); Fun Fact: He has absolutely no discernible personality whatsoever! No one has ever seen Jackson react to anything in a remotely emotional way and even when he voices his happiness or displeasure it's usually with simple comments like, "That's cool man," or "Dick move bro," in his constantly monotone voice. Beyond that he seems like any other normal young adult his age. He has family and friends that he clearly loves very dearly, he likes to play games, hangout, and he's even had an average dating life, you just can't tell. You probably shouldn't play poker with him.
Occupation: Intern at Loudwater Community Radio / Student.
Affiliations: Loudwater Community Radio.
Backstory: There isn't really much to tell when it comes to Jackson. The only interesting part of his upbringing is that he is the third generation of his family to be born and raised in Loudwater after his grandfather up and moved his family from the reservation that they'd called home for reasons unknown but beyond that life was pretty normal. He grew up, made friends, lost friends, so and so forth. He figured out he had telekinetic powers pretty early on in his life but that's neither her nor there. The only thing he's ever seemed consistently fascinated with outside of his usual hobbies was radio so he decided to go to school for journalism and when an intern job at the local radio station opened up he jumped at the opportunity... despite their oddly high turnover rates.


Delsin Rowe 1.jpg

Skills & Abilities:
- While this only Jackson's second year at the radio station he's gotten pretty good at operating most radio and communications equipment.
- Jackson is a talented and speedy street artist specializing in stencil art. He's also gotten into simply writing inspirational quotes where people can see them. His most recent was: "I probably can't understand what you're going through but we should hangout some time, maybe grab a coffee? Or maybe not. Maybe just knowing someone is thinking about you and knows that you matter is enough and that's okay, you're doing okay. I'm running out of room on this wall, I should probably while I'm ahe"
- His personality has unintentionally gotten him into more than his fair share of fights so he's a pretty decent at it.
- Jackson is trilingual and able to speak English, Mohawk, and French fluently.
- Jackson has the clearly practiced ability of telekinesis and is able to effortlessly move various objects with his mind. No ones ever seems to bring it up as he has never used it to harm anyone and mostly delivers coffee at the radio station, clean his room, pick up the tv remote, and other mundane things of that nature.
- He has been practicing how to play bass guitar.

Other Items & Belongings: Cellphone and a ludicrous amount of art supplies.

: Playing video games, reading, playing card games, drawing, testing out hot sauce that you need to sign a waiver for, listening to podcasts.
: Ratonhnhaké:ton Arsenault.
Aliases: Jackson.
Age: Twenty-Three.
Gender: Male.

: Heterosexual (so far).
High Concept: Name: Jackson; Age: Twenty-Three; Last Name: (Unknown); Fun Fact: He has absolutely no discernible personality whatsoever! No one has ever seen Jackson react to anything in a remotely emotional way and even when he voices his happiness or displeasure it's usually with simple comments like, "That's cool man," or "Dick move bro," in his constantly monotone voice. Beyond that he seems like any other normal young adult his age. He has family and friends that he clearly loves very dearly, he likes to play games, hangout, and he's even had an average dating life, you just can't tell. You probably shouldn't play poker with him.
Occupation: Intern at Loudwater Community Radio / Student.
Affiliations: Loudwater Community Radio.
Backstory: There isn't really much to tell when it comes to Jackson. The only interesting part of his upbringing is that he is the third generation of his family to be born and raised in Loudwater after his grandfather up and moved his family from the reservation that they'd called home for reasons unknown but beyond that life was pretty normal. He grew up, made friends, lost friends, so and so forth. He figured out he had telekinetic powers pretty early on in his life but that's neither her nor there. The only thing he's ever seemed consistently fascinated with outside of his usual hobbies was radio so he decided to go to school for journalism and when an intern job at the local radio station opened up he jumped at the opportunity... despite their oddly high turnover rates.


Skills & Abilities:
- While this only Jackson's second year at the radio station he's gotten pretty good at operating most radio and communications equipment.
- Jackson is a talented and speedy street artist specializing in stencil art. He's also gotten into simply writing inspirational quotes where people can see them. His most recent was: "I probably can't understand what you're going through but we should hangout some time, maybe grab a coffee? Or maybe not. Maybe just knowing someone is thinking about you and knows that you matter is enough and that's okay, you're doing okay. I'm running out of room on this wall, I should probably while I'm ahe"
- His personality has unintentionally gotten him into more than his fair share of fights so he's a pretty decent at it.
- Jackson is trilingual and able to speak English, Mohawk, and French fluently.
- Jackson has the clearly practiced ability of telekinesis and is able to effortlessly move various objects with his mind. No ones ever seems to bring it up as he has never used it to harm anyone and mostly delivers coffee at the radio station, clean his room, pick up the tv remote, and other mundane things of that nature.
- He has been practicing how to play bass guitar.

Other Items & Belongings: Cellphone and a ludicrous amount of art supplies.

: Playing video games, reading, playing card games, drawing, testing out hot sauce that you need to sign a waiver for, listening to podcasts.

Ladies and gentlemen we have our Cecil.

Goodnight, Loudwater.

Name: Richard Harrison

Aliases: Harrison, Mechanic

Age: 28, Harrison moved here when he was twelve and when he was eighteen, decided to stay

Gender: Male


Sexuality: Heterosexual

High Concept: “Take apart and put back together”

Occupation: Mechanic / Wannabe Inventor

Affiliations: Inventors League

Backstory: (Can be kept secret.)


Appearance: Richard is a man of muscular build, he has black slicked back hair and blue eyes, he typically wears a plain blue shirt and dirty jeans.

Skills & Abilities: Electronics, Car Repair, Machines

Other Items & Belongings: Owns an auto body chop, owns a ford mustang

Hobbies: Inventing, Repairing things, Listening to the radio

Quote\s: “I’ll be the next Einstein or Tesla or Edison or Ford or Vanderbilt or-“


Name: Richard Harrison

Aliases: Harrison, Mechanic

Age: 28, Harrison moved here when he was twelve and when he was eighteen, decided to stay

Gender: Male


Sexuality: Heterosexual

High Concept: “Take apart and put back together”

Occupation: Mechanic / Wannabe Inventor

Affiliations: Inventors League

Backstory: (Can be kept secret.)


Appearance: Richard is a man of muscular build, he has black slicked back hair and blue eyes, he typically wears a plain blue shirt and dirty jeans.

Skills & Abilities: Electronics, Car Repair, Machines

Other Items & Belongings: Owns an auto body chop, owns a ford mustang

Hobbies: Inventing, Repairing things, Listening to the radio

Quote\s: “I’ll be the next Einstein or Tesla or Edison or Ford or Vanderbilt or-“


Needs a lot more work.
: Allen Hathaway
Aliases: Azalea Hill (Drag name/Stripper name)
Age: 27
Gender: Male

: Homosexual
High Concept: A whirlwind of sex, drugs, emotionality, stripping, prostitution, and quiet days spent inside playing LoL.
Occupation: Freelance manual writer, stripper, and an escort/prostitute.
Affiliations: He works at the Satin Paw Gentlemen's club.
Backstory: All that is known about Allen as of yet is that he moved into Loudwater three years ago after graduating from college, and that he has largely kept to himself as a somewhat closed-off lurker. Azalea, however, has made some ripples throughout her career in Loudwater's underbelly. I'll let Allen's life prior to Loudwater remain something to be told through the roleplay itself.

: (Written, or a picture. If written, then at least a detailed paragraph of text. A picture is greatly favored over a written description)
jamie-campbell-bower-gallery.pngtumblr_n49mfm08tJ1svno5wo4_250.gifallen you dumb fuck.gif
The last one is a rendition I did of him, and another oc, in drag.
For further reference, he is 6'8, with a physique that rests in the crux of beautifully slender and unnervingly gaunt. By day, if you have the privilege of seeing him on the rare occasion that he leaves the house, you will usually see him wearing some kind of baggy white t-shirt accompanied by grey sweatpants. By night, he is always adorned in only the most tacky, garish, and provocative sort of nightlife clothing. At this point in his journey, he is still very much Kent Clark-ing his persona, still being too afraid to let the person who he is at night, the person who makes him the happiest to be, bleed into his life outside of the club and party scene.
Skills & Abilities: He is an exquisite dancer in a variety of styles, both on the pole and off. He is somewhat adept in coding, and, in secret, a lovely singer.
Other Items & Belongings: In accordance with your request I will not mention the magnitude of paraphernalia in his possession. I will, however, mention his custom-built computer, his well-stocked wardrobe of sequined dresses, neon crop-tops, and animal print pairs of hot pants, among other such things.

FLUFF (Optional - remove this section if you're not filling it out)
Hobbies: To be frank, he does a lot of drugs and plays a lot of video games, like any decent frat boy who doesn't know what to do with his life.
"Cocaine is perfectly healthy, it's zero calorie!"
"We don't live in a healthy society, darling, don't chastise me for enjoying myself."
"If you don't stop speaking to me right now I will see to it that the spoke of my high heel becomes your sounding rod, do I make myself clear?"
: Allen Hathaway
Aliases: Azalea Hill (Drag name/Stripper name)
Age: 27
Gender: Male

: Homosexual
High Concept: A whirlwind of sex, drugs, emotionality, stripping, prostitution, and quiet days spent inside playing LoL.
Occupation: Freelance manual writer, stripper, and an escort/prostitute.
Affiliations: He works at the Satin Paw Gentlemen's club.
Backstory: All that is known about Allen as of yet is that he moved into Loudwater three years ago after graduating from college, and that he has largely kept to himself as a somewhat closed-off lurker. Azalea, however, has made some ripples throughout her career in Loudwater's underbelly. I'll let Allen's life prior to Loudwater remain something to be told through the roleplay itself.

: (Written, or a picture. If written, then at least a detailed paragraph of text. A picture is greatly favored over a written description)
View attachment 510488View attachment 510489View attachment 510490
View attachment 510493
The last one is a rendition I did of him, and another oc, in drag.
For further reference, he is 6'8, with a physique that rests in the crux of beautifully slender and unnervingly gaunt. By day, if you have the privilege of seeing him on the rare occasion that he leaves the house, you will usually see him wearing some kind of baggy white t-shirt accompanied by grey sweatpants. By night, he is always adorned in only the most tacky, garish, and provocative sort of nightlife clothing. At this point in his journey, he is still very much Kent Clark-ing his persona, still being too afraid to let the person who he is at night, the person who makes him the happiest to be, bleed into his life outside of the club and party scene.
Skills & Abilities: He is an exquisite dancer in a variety of styles, both on the pole and off. He is somewhat adept in coding, and, in secret, a lovely singer.
Other Items & Belongings: In accordance with your request I will not mention the magnitude of paraphernalia in his possession. I will, however, mention his custom-built computer, his well-stocked wardrobe of sequined dresses, neon crop-tops, and animal print pairs of hot pants, among other such things.

FLUFF (Optional - remove this section if you're not filling it out)
Hobbies: To be frank, he does a lot of drugs and plays a lot of video games, like any decent frat boy who doesn't know what to do with his life.
"Cocaine is perfectly healthy, it's zero calorie!"
"We don't live in a healthy society, darling, don't chastise me for enjoying myself."
"If you don't stop speaking to me right now I will see to it that the spoke of my high heel becomes your sounding rod, do I make myself clear?"

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