Lots of Ideas X3


Magic Eight Ball
Here's some things you should know:

*I prefer to play yuri or het rps. If you could be really patient when it comes to Yaoi then I could give it a try.

*I can be on all day every day. I understand if you don't have much time online. Just post a couple a times a day, that's all I can ask.

*Please write at least a paragraph (three to five sentences) I will be doing my best to do the same.

*If you start to get bored of the rp or can't continue, just tell me! I might be a bit sad, but if you can't do it you can't do it you know?

* I LIKE TO BE FRIENDS WITH MY PARTNER! I like to chat with them from time to time and I love to brainstorm ideas with them too. ^^

If all of that didn't bore you, here's some plot ideas~ ^^


InuYasha - I have some plot ideas for this ^^

Rurouni Kenshin - Would love to do this one if someone could play Kenshin for me xD


Sailor Moon

Cardcaptor Sakura

Harry Potter - I have a plot idea for this one ^^

Tales of Symphonia- I know a bit about the game. I thought we could make our own characters and integrate them into the game somehow.

Fire Emblem- Same as T.O.S

Original pairings:

Goddess x God

Goddess x Human

Student x Teacher (College age of course xD )

Pregnant girl x ex leader of a band

Werewolf x human

Vampire x human (NOT TWILIGHT DX)

Mermaid x Merman

Mermaid x Pirate

Prince x Princess

Princess x Guard/ Butler

Prince x Maid

Nerd Girl x Jock

Nerd boy x Cheerleader

These are just ones on my mind at the moment. If you have any ideas please post them ^^ I'm open for suggestions.
Princess X Butler! I love how a Butler originally will do anything for the girl because he gets paid, but over time, loses all interest in the money. Or, better yet, the Princess orders the butler to do something that may cause her harm (EA. let her fight in a war) and he lets her do it at first. However, his protective nature from love makes it so that he will not allow her.

I think a great model of this type of relationship is Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye.

If you don't know, you can see this type of relationship with them. Riza takes the quite but protective butler form and Roy

Baha. I love your options (: I would love to do any of the following:

InuYasha: Just about anything imaginable.

Vampire x Human: I can play either. This was my forte when I first started RPing, before they started sparkling.

Preggo x Ex Band Leader: Once again, either one.

My preferred would be the Vampire x Human, since it's been so long, but I can do any, or multiple. Let me know if you're interested!

If there are others you'd really like to do, let me know. I'm pretty flexible.

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