Lots of genres, looking for plots c:


Junior Member

Updated this post on: August 1, 6:00PM CST.

Who am I?

Hallo all! My name is Vega. I've been around this site for about a month now, although I've been roleplaying for the last seven years. I consider myself advanced literate; per post, I write anywhere between one and four paragraphs (usually just two though). I live in the US, CST, and I work seven days a week. This means that I usually don't get on until night, and I'm often pretty tired, but my promise to RP partners is that I will always try to have at least one reply a day. (You might also discover that I'm pretty friendly, as a bonus).

Who am I looking for?

I am looking for a couple RP partners who are as dedicated as I am. I get really sick of people not even reading my posts when I spend so much time on them, or people who just hurl themselves into things with no well thought out plots or direction of where a RP is going. For a good RP to survive the test of time and achieve the ever-elusive status of "long term," I really think the plot has to be solid. So, what I want is:

  1. Someone who will read my posts. In exchange, I will always read yours. Sound obvious? Well, I thought so too.
  2. Someone who will use proper spelling and grammar. Do I care if you make a typo? No. Do I care if you never ever ever use commas? Very much.
  3. Someone who will write about a paragraph, or more if you're feeling ambitious. I spend a lot of time on my posts; I'd like someone who does the same.
  4. Someone who has plot ideas they want to work on with me. Remember all that stuff I said about plot being important? Seriously. I'm running really really low on plot ideas right now, and would love to have a partner who can help me out instead of plunging blindly into that good night, or whatever.
  5. Try and respond once a day as well. c: I work full time, so I understand that everybody has busy schedules, but I feel like one a day [[if you read this far, put your favorite food in your response to let me know you read the rules]] is reasonable.
  6. The rest of the spiel: No godmodding, no powerplaying, and for good measure, Mary Sues will be burned at the stake. K cool.

What am I looking for?

A couple partners, like I mentioned. Genres/fandoms I'd be interested in!


Game of Thrones

Maybe Lord of the Rings. Maybe.


Dragon Riders Academy

Medieval Fantasy {plot here is more important than ever~}

Contemporary escape into fairy world


Pairing - Who I Play {Details}

Royalty x Poor -- Poor {In medieval-esque universe; works well in Game of Thrones RPs}

Teacher x Student -- Student {age differences are fun c:}

Entertainer x Fan -- Fan {This isn't my idea, but I really like it!}

Entertainer (actor, author, rockstar, etc) that is in disguise runs into a fan. This random person intrigues the entertainer, so they make friends with the fan. The entertainer will try to get the fan to like his/her personality, not their money, fame, or influence.

Fandom Guidelines: Generally, I avoid RPs with canon characters. I love the universes, but I don't like messing around with well established characters. OCs are more fun! c: I also generally don't like AU or time travel; I like to stick to canon universe, or just move the timeline so we don't have to worry about canonical details.

Romance Guidelines: I really only do yuri. I'm atrocious at mxf, and I've never been able to do a convincing yaoi, so I just stick to what I'm good at. c: [[if you read this far, also put your favorite color in your response.]] I also prefer playing an "uke" role; I know the term applies to yaoi relationships, but you get what I mean. To be honest, I'm really kind of picky about romance RPs; they die very easily, or become stale, so I'm not flexible on my guidelines and pairing roles. You can pitch me other ideas, but I'm generally hard to please. Don't let that scare you away though! Let's talk about it. c:

Cursing: All you fucking want.

Lemons: Awesome. Should take place in messaging, or at least not on the thread, as per site rules.

Violence: Behead away.

Questions? Ask away!

If you don't know what a term I used means, urban dictionary that shit. Please. Don't bluster ahead and discover later that you didn't understand something important.

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Hiya! I would love to roleplay with you. I often post three or more paragraphs per post, although if I have writers block or get bored I will post less sorry. Message me and we can talk or a plot and such?
I posted a pretty similar cry for role play partners only moments after you did! I would be interested in role playing with you, if you would like. I would also pretty regularly only be able to respond toward the night, as i also work.
Hello! I know I might be a little late, but I was wondering if you were still open for a partner? I was going to post a similar thread, except it probably would have been more whiney and less forgiving! I'd like to think of myself as a pretty advanced rper, and I'm into long lasting role plays with lots and lots of character development and generally dramatic and exciting plots. Yuri is totally my specialty so A+++, and I also have a few rather interesting plot ideas. Anything medieval is perfect as well and I'm not a Game of Thrones fan, though I /have/ seen the show and I am very much into Lord of the Rings! Anyway! Message me if you're interested! I would love to write with you!
Yay! I was holding out in hopes of medieval fantasy! I'll PM you. My reply times are pretty long right now because I lost internet at my apartment, and I'm still not having any luck fixing it, so apologies in advance! Usually I'm better.

Keep 'em requests coming. ^^ 
Updated master post. If you want to talk, please make sure you've read the updated version! c:

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