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Fandom LotR: The Hobbit-Based roleplay

I'm in no hurry as im already involved in a few other RPs and life is getting a bit busy too. It'll cool to have another great RP on the horizon though. Have you got an idea for a plot apart from following the Company?
Oh I'm interested, can I join? Mind you I haven't roleplayed in a while, so I might be a little rusty *sobs*
I'm willing to run it if I can actually get people to apply. As of yet, plenty of people have voiced interest but failed to actually make a character.
Was actually more directed at the line of people before you, seeing as you're actually fairly recent and I've been inactive for some time. Looking forward to seeing what you bring to the table.
Vudukudu said:
I'm willing to run it if I can actually get people to apply. As of yet, plenty of people have voiced interest but failed to actually make a character.
I'm conflicted over what character to make, I had an idea for an Elvish character but to be honest Elves in an RP situation seem like they would be over powered. What do you think?
It'd have to be managed properly. For me to accept the character as "fair" or whatever, the character would have to be roleplayed extremely well as an Elf.

On another note, I'm working on a "mechanics" type section. I'm not turning the game into a dice roll, but I think the guidelines I intend to put in will help a lot for making characters more imaginable.
Hm. I've been putting together an old Noldor from the First Age who fought as Gil-galad's squire. Is that going to be too much?
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]Hm. I've been putting together an old Noldor from the First Age who fought as Gil-galad's squire. Is that going to be too much?

My primary concern with an Elven character that old would be finding a suitable justification for him to stick around in Middle-Earth.


[QUOTE="Red Thunder]Hm. I've been putting together an old Noldor from the First Age who fought as Gil-galad's squire. Is that going to be too much?

I retract my statement. Seeing as Gil-Galad was present until the end of the War of the Last Alliance, I can see a squire of his still being around.
Ideally, you've read The Hobbit and have a basic knowledge of the rest of Lord of the Rings.

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