Lost *Survival RP*


One Thousand Club

Imagine having fun on a cruise and randomly the alarm that the bout is sinking goes off and everyone around panics. You don't know what to do. Then it all goes black and you wake up on a beach confused and wet then you find that you are on a deserted island.

What do you do?


~ No anime or animated photos

~ No perfect characters

~ Good spelling and grammar is apreciated

~ Must have 2 to 3 characters

~ Characters must be at least 14 to 17

~No magic powers

~ No pets








~Character 1~

Name: Jasmine Brooks

Age: 16

Personality: Jasmine tends to be a loner. She hates to make other's feel burdened by her presence. She often stresses and will cry when she's alone, but is

alone by her own choosing. She tends to be very quiet and peaceful. She can usually be found writing or drawing. She accepts no help and isn't a big help either. She tends to take walks at night and sit by small brooks or rivers.

Appearance: Jasmine has long, black hair, that is naturally straight. She is 5'2'' and skinny. Her skin is tan and her cheeks naturally pink. Here eyes are blue. She tends to wear plane jeans or shorts down to her knees. She accompanies her shorts with a plain, never low-cut, light-colored T-shirt.

History: Jasmine lost her father when she was only six years old. Since that day, Jasmine has become distant from everyone around her. Her mom would struggle with Jasmine's depression and send her to counselors, but that only deepened Jasmine's depression. As a last resort, Jasmine's mother sent Jasmine on this vacation to help her experience "fun." Her mom had no idea what she had done.

Other: (Nothing)

~Character 2~

Name: Tyler (Ty) Johnson

Age: 17

Personality: Tyler is in every sport in his school and district. He is physically fit and smart enough to pass high-school with all A's. He is always ready to help and tends to be sensitive. He hates being mad fun of and gets mad if you tease any of his friends or family. He is always ready to back up what he says with his fist.

Appearance: Ty is muscular and very well built. He has tan skin and smile that is commercial worthy. His eyes are a dark brown, and his hair is a dirty blonde with hints of amber brown. You can often find him wearing sporty shorts and tight T-shirts.

History: Ty was always his father's pride. He did everything to please his father. Ty would often break down into sobs if he missed a catch, fowled, or didn't get a goal. He wanted to be his father's "perfect child." His mom finally decided that this was unhealthy for Ty and he needed a break. She sent him off on this trip with the intention of teaching him how to be himself.

Other: (Nothing)
Name: Rayne Scythe

Age: 17

Personality: Shy, tends to be quiet and keep to herself. She has dark secrets in her past that she doesn't want getting out.


History: She doesn't like talking about her history...

Other: None
Name: Jack(ie) Vana


Personality: An assertive person, tries to be well spoken. More of an artistic person, and because of that often sees the world differently than others. Rather a calm person overall, and has to have a 'bombshell' of shock to make her break that front. Is horrid with blood.


History:Born the 'younger' twin of Michael to a Marine father and a photographer mother, she got used to living on a military base and all the rules that went along with it. Around the time she was 12, she had gone on a trip to a bigger city to visit her aunt and uncle for the summer. On the way there, the taxi she had been in got hit by a drunk driver. The result being that she had lost a leg, but the drunk driver still got off skot free. Since then, her parents never really felt safe on the base, and started to move them around a lot. To make up for it, they often set the kids up with little fun trips to go on, their latest being the cruise.

Other: Has a Prosthetic Leg. Fraternal twin to Michael Vana

Name: Michael Vana


Personality: A bit shy, tends to be rather quiet when on his own, though more verbal around his sister. Is protective of anyone he comes to trust and becomes friends with. Overal rather nice, though he has a very short temper and will lash out towards anyone when it's triggered.


History: Born the 'older' twin of the pair to a marine father and photographer mother, he enjoyed life at the base. Though he often snuck off to do his own thing with his friends off of it. During the summer Jack got hurt, he had denied the trip, to go to a summer football camp, and has never stopped feeling guilty because some where in his head, he didn't think it was right. As they started to move around, he became more involved in football, using that as his outlet to his anger and frustration. The 'fun' trips from his parents set him on edge, as he kept thinking things were going to go wrong, but still they insisted on sending him.

Other: Fraternal Twin to Jack Vana.
(Amanda784d you are accepted)

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Esme you are accepted)

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(Kitsumi Mohon you are not accepted)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Alice

Age: 17

Personality: Alice is very sweet and caring. She is very smart and is very calm in any siruation. Even though she is very sweet she can be very rude if needed.


History: Alice's parents are divorced and she lives with her dad in FL. Her and her mom do not get along mostly because her mom is not supportive of what she does, art.

Other: none
Okay, I guess I'll start. I hope that's alright?

Jasmine's head felt like it was spinning. "Oh, ouch!," she said aloud. Jasmine rolled onto her stomach. Was that sand? She tried to push herself all the way up, but she couldn't. She felt numb all over. Jasmine looked around, only to see sand, trees, and water. "Where am I? Where's my home? Where's the boat?" suddenly Jasmine was screaming, "Help! Someone help! Where am I?" Jasmine tried to get up, but again, she fell.

Ty rolled onto his back, looking up to the sky. He remembered yesterday, or was it longer ago? The flashing lights, the sirens, and screaming made him feel sick. He could still hear that screaming. No, wait. That was real. Ty jumped to his feet and almost fell back down. He saw the girl fall to the ground. He ran quickly toward her. "Hey, are you okay? Do you know where we are?" he questioned. He slowly reached his hand out to the girl.
Alice felt sick. How much sea water did I swollow? She thought. She had never been in a situation like this before and was a bit scared about what might happen. She got up and saw that she still had her bag, thank goodness. She looked in her bag and found two bottles of water, a candy bar, some makeup, and her PHONE. "Yes, yes!" Alice said with glee to herself. She tryed to call 911, but there were no bars. "CRAP!" she screamed with disapointment. She sat down and tried to think.
Jasmine ignored the boy's questions, but took his hand. Pain shot up her right leg and she let out a scream. "My leg, it hurts," she nodded towards the boy. Jasmine slowly looked around her. There! A log. "I need a good place to sit. Could you help me over to that log?" she asked the boy. "Oh, I'm forgetting my manners completely. I'm Jasmine. I think I might have met you on the boat." "Jasmine," Ty let the name roll softly over his tongue. "Yes, I think we have met." He grabbed the girls arm and pulled her up. He was surprised at her small frail body. He scanned the beach for anymore survivors, but didn't see any. "Hello?!? Anyone else here but us?" Ty looked down towards the girl. "I think I could carry you. It might be easier than helping you limp. If you would allow me?" he asked, his face suddenly feeling hot.
Alice herd the yell from down the beach. Yes! I am not the only one! She thought. She went as fast as she could down the beach intill she saw a boy standing over a girl who looked hurt she ran over. "Hi, I'm Alice." She said she didn't really knwo what to say, That was the best she could think of.
Hard. That was the first thought that entered Jack Vana's head. With a dragging effort, she managed to push her head up, and stared down at a sand covered rock. Which explained the hard thing on her head. Propping herself up a little, she shook her head before stopping. "Sand...?" Blinking a few times, she stared back down, then looked up in front of her.

Lots and lots of water. As confuse started to fill her head, she heard a groan. Looking over towards it, the familiar mop of hair she knew so well. "Michael...?" Jack called out softly.

Hearing his name faintly, he groaned, "Five more minutes Mom....." Only to get a smack in the arm and told to stop messing around. Sitting up rather quickly, his jaw dropped. "Toto...we're not in Kansas anymore..." Turning his head, he looked at his worried sibling who was staring at him with wide eyes while a splitting pain throbbed through his eyes.

"You okay...?" Jack spoke quietly, the events of what had happened playing over in her head.

"Yeah I think so...are you..?" Getting a nod as his answer, he looked her over, before chuckling a little bit. Michael pointed towards her leg, cracking a joke to try and lighten the mood "Your on backwards...."
Jasmine smiled at the girl. "My sister's name is Alice. She's only six years old." Jasmine felt a tear roll down her cheek. "I'm sorry. I just wish I knew if I would ever see her again. Oh, I'm so sorry. My name is Jasmine."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Ty pulled Jasmine closer to him. "It's nice to meet you Alice." He turned and looked down into Jasmine's eyes. "Hey, it's going to be okay. You will see your little sister again." He then picked her up and carried her slowly to the log she had mentioned earlier. Turning to Alice, he asked, "Do you know of anyone else?"
"No, I don't, but just to be positive we should go along the beach just to see." Alice said. She felt sorry for the girl.

(Sorry, I hate writer's block!)
(It's completely okay, I have it right now too.)

Jasmine pushed herself away from Tyler. "Okay. Let's go."

Ty was sad to have to let Jasmine go. She reminded of him of his little sister. When she was alive... Oh, how he missed her. That is, until... "Yes, let's go. Do you need any help Izzy? I mean, Jasmine"
"Why did you just call her Izzy?" Alice said. She was really scared that if when they were looking saw a dead body or something, but she sucked it up and the started to look.
"Ah..." Jack nodded her head, looking down to see that her prosthetic was backwards. She was lucky though, it could have gone missing. Rolling up her pant leg, she checked it over before nodding. Fixing it, she bent her knee a few times to make sure she could.

"Where are we...?" She asked, standing up with a little difficulty. Offering Michael her hand, she stared out along the sand, seeing something, or somethings, farther down. "Do...do you think others could be here....?"

Staring at his sister, Michael gripped her hand as she stood up. Nodding his head, he glanced over to where she was staring. "Yeah...I mean, we can't be the only ones to live...or end up here...." He kicked his foot at the sand before gasping in pain clutching his side.

Kneeling back down on the ground, he coughed a few times. "Maybe...not so fine..." He tried to crack a smile at Jack, only to get a frown in response. As she crouched next to him, rubbing his back, she stared at him, or rather, his side. His shirt was red, and it hadn't been a few minutes ago. "Michael...your bleeding."
Hearing someone yell at them, the twins looked up at each other, then towards the shape. Jack waved her hand in the air, yelling back. "No Idea!"

Looking back down at Michael, she pushed his hand off his side, pulling up his shirt. A shard of a shell had sliced into his skin. Not deep or anywhere near dangerous, but enough to hurt and probably scar. Carefully pulling the shard out, she grinned at him, before ripping a band out of her shirt, wrapping it around his torso so it had some coverage on the wound. Helping him up again, the twins started towards the person that had yelled.
The twins exchanged looks for a moment, before shaking their head in unison. Jack frowned a little, before speaking "No, your the first person we've seen....though, we do think-"

"that others may still be here." Michael finished, nodding his head.
"If I had to take a guess, anywhere along the beach, or a little farther in....or out there...." Jack said, gesturing solemnly towards the water at her last statement. Michael just looking towards where the beach broke off and the growth started, nodding his head.
The twins nodded their heads at the same time. "Would probably be best too..." Jack said, in agreement, while starting in the opposite direction this person had come from. Smiling at the girl, Michael started walking too, introducing himself. "So, I'm Michael, may I ask for your name?"

(S'all good darling.)
"I'm Alice." Alice replyed smiling back at the dark haired boy. It was starting to get dark so it was also starting to get cold, Alice started to shiver and hud her self to keep warm "Guys it's getting late we really need to make a shelter soon." She said.

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