Kiv Turnuroth
The butcher is making a note to trade for some more pigs when Merimar enters and purchases another. The older man takes the offered gold, but grimaces in response to the half-orc's question.
"Well, no one in town like that I can think of, but ... uh ... please don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds like ... orcs? They've been a bit of a problem, not in town so much as along the road, hassling traders and such. Townmaster's looking for someone to deal with 'em, if you know anyone who wants some coin."
"Well, no one in town like that I can think of, but ... uh ... please don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds like ... orcs? They've been a bit of a problem, not in town so much as along the road, hassling traders and such. Townmaster's looking for someone to deal with 'em, if you know anyone who wants some coin."