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Lost In Time


Dream Realm Ruler
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<b><Days Of Knights, Kings and Queens></b>



Melody woke up drenched in sweat and sat up in bed with a scream. Her maids and royal guard all came running to see what had happened, then breathed a sigh of relief when they realized that the princess had only been dreaming. 



She looked at her surroundings, taking everything in as she gazed upon it. "A dream. That's all it was, a dream." She said with a whisper as she climbed from her bed to dress for the day. 



Melody pulled on her Emerald Green ball gown and smiled as her handmaiden put her shoulder length brunette, almost black, hair into a beautiful style. They added a touch of cherry blossom perfume, which she slid into her matching handbag in case it was needed later, then came the necklace. 



The necklace had a blue pearl flower that reflected the sunlight with sky blue beads on either side, all strung together with a short silver chain that clasped in the back making it a choker of sorts.



Melody headed down to breakfast with her folks, the King and Queen of Corzoconia, and all discussed the Ball that would be happening that night in celebration of Melody's birthday.

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Arcus was riding in the garage working on his bike. He had a race coming up, and he need the bike to be in the best condition. Arcus tiredly wiped his grease stained hand on his forehead, and reached over for his coke. When he knocked it over he jumped and hit his head on his bike. "Shit not again." Arcus grabbed a clean rag and started to dab the blood from his forehead before it reached his eye. "Mom where did you put the medical kit." Arcus yelled over the music as he turned it down a little to hear his mom's response.
Melody walked about the garden after breaking the fast with her parents. She was free to do as she pleased until time for the ball and she had planned on sitting in the garden reading her favorite book. She found a nice quiet area in the shade and sat down on the bench as she opened her book.  She had just gotten to the good part in her book when a servant came to tell her it was time for the ball. She slipped her book into the hand bag and followed the servant to the ball room.

"ANNOUNCING PRINCESS MELODY ELIZABETH DARLING!!!" shouted the caller as the princess stepped into the room. All the people bowed to her and parted ways as she made her way to the Thrones. She smiled brightly at her parents and curtsied to them before moving to take her place beside them. Several Princes were there and bowed to the the royalty as they were announced, Melody nodded to each one as they came forth, her smile never leaving her face.

One thing led to another and soon Melody was dancing with one of the princes. He spun her and suddenly all heck broke loose. A whirl of magical wind surrounded the princess, separating her from everyone else and poof, she was gone.

<Modern Day>

The next thing Melody knew, she was sitting in the middle of a room with stuff she didn't recognize all around her and a man who was bleeding from the head. She sat there, stunned and confused, staring at the things before her.

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Arcus noticed the girl that appeared and he instantly blushed. He tried to find a shirt but to no avail the girl was stepping on it. "Um could you please move for a second??" Arcus asked as he didn't meet her gaze, and blushed like a tomato. He took notice that the girl was very pretty, and he blushed even more. His mom probably sent her down here to talk to Arcus, and to try and get him to go on a date. The thing that confused him was the dress she was wearing.
Melody looked down and realized she was sitting on the young mans shirt. She got to her feet as quick as she could in her emerald dress. "Please, I'm sorry but could you tell me where I be?" She sounded confused and lost as she looked away from him. 

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Oh thank you." Arcus blushed and put his shirt on. "You are in my garage right now." Arcus got confused as to why she asked that question. "I'm Arcus, I'm guessing my mom set this up??" Arcus asked as he gave a polite smile.
Oh thank you." Arcus blushed and put his shirt on. "You are in my garage right now." Arcus got confused as to why she asked that question. "I'm Arcus, I'm guessing my mom set this up??" Arcus asked as he gave a polite smile.
"Set this up?" Melody asked. "I know not the term. What does 'set this up' mean? I be Princess of Corzoconia, Melody Elizabeth Darling." She explained softly.

What. We are in Florida not Corzoconia. Wait so your not from America??" Arcus asked as he was getting really confused. He picked up the rag and continued to dab the blood off of his forehead.
"Flo...ri...da? A... mer... a.. ca?" Melody asked. When she saw the cut on his head, still bleeding, she began to feel woozy, dizzy in fact. She put her hand out to stop her fall and knocked over a tray of tools as she went down.
Arcus went to his knees to catch her. "Well looks like she can't stand to see blood." Arcus carried her gently to his room nd laid her of his bed as he went to fic the4 cut on his head.
Melody could feel someone carrying her but remained limp in their arms. Then she felt something soft beneath her and heard a door closing. 

Ten minutes later she began to stir. Melody opened her eyes to find that she was in someone's room. She sat up and looked around, still wondering where she was.

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Arcus cam back with a glass of water and some snacks. "Hey I'm Arcus. I'm not sure what is going on so why dont we try to figure it out." Arcus said as offered the girl a glass of water. Arcus sat in the chair across from her, and ate some chips.
"I am princess Melody Elizabeth Darling." She replied as she took the glass of water. "And I am confused. One moment I be in my castle, dancing away with the visiting nobels and the next I be here." 
Okay I am Arcus Knight. So you basically were transported here,  and you are now in my house. It that makes since. " Arcus said as he ate some more chips. 
Starting over, new partner.

Days Of Knights, Kings and Queens

Melody woke up drenched in sweat and sat up in bed with a scream. Her maids and royal guard all came running to see what had happened, then breathed a sigh of relief when they realized that the princess had only been dreaming. 

She looked at her surroundings, taking everything in as she gazed upon it. "A dream. That's all it was, a dream." She said with a whisper as she climbed from her bed to dress for the day. 

Melody pulled on her Emerald Green ball gown and smiled as her handmaiden put her shoulder length brunette, almost black, hair into a beautiful style. They added a touch of cherry blossom perfume, which she slid into her matching handbag in case it was needed later, then came the necklace. 

The necklace had a blue pearl flower that reflected the sunlight with sky blue beads on either side, all strung together with a short silver chain that clasped in the back making it a choker of sorts.

Melody headed down to breakfast with her folks, the King and Queen of Corzoconia, and all discussed the Ball that would be happening that night in celebration of Melody's birthday.

@Dkingow You are in the present, post what you would like as to the daily routine, I will bring in Melody soon.
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Damien awoke this morning feeling different then normal. He passed it off as nothing as he got showered and dressed before heading off to work at the local Newpaper company. He was the Tech Admin at this job and he liked it, but it was rather boring for him most days when nothing broke.

"Morning Jan." He said passing by a rather flirty and pretty awesome journalist that he had been talking to since they met a year back. She smiled at him as she noticed his mood. "Something wrong? You seem out of it." She said as she followed him back to his office. He sighed as he sat his laptop down and plugged it in. "I had a strange dream last night. I don't remember much but it involved someone time traveling. I don't know. I may need to stop watching shows before bed." He said as she giggled. "Sounds like an awesome dream to me." She said walking back to her desk.

The day went on as normal with nothing happening so Damien was able to leave early and take a long break. He went to the local coffee shop where he would also get some tea and a danish or two while he sat at his computer writing some FanFictions that he loved. 'Ah the good old times.' He thought chuckling to himself.
Melody had fun dancing around at her birthday ball. Things were going great and she had met one of the princes of a neighboring kingdom that really struck a cord with her. The two of them decided to go walking in the garden as the evening started coming to an end, Her 18th birthday had been the best so far. They talked for hours and walked around the gardens, stopping now and then to smell this flower or that.

Soon the Prince told her that he had to leave and return to his kingdom but that hoped to start courting her if she would permit it. With a nod of her head he left, a smile about a mile wide upon his face. With her heart beating like nothing before and her hands shaking she went to talk to her mother about the night.

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