Two Thousand Club
Spirit Skeletons
My name isn't spirit: (name.)
This is none of your business but I am: (Gender)
I've govern. for this long: (age.)
My element is: (element that you control.)
I don't use only my hands: (weapons, if any. Only three max.)
I'm not just a spirit: (race.)
My story: (Bio. At least a paragraph)
The mythical creatures: (How do you feel about the mythical creatures.)
Am I beautiful: (appearance. Spirit form, human form, and animal form)
Mythical Creature Skeletons
They call me: (name.)
I'm trying still getting through life: (age.)
My job is: (Rank within race. Such as healer, leader, warrior, etc.)
I'm able to do things too: (Powers. Only three max.)
I hate getting my hands dirty: (weapons. Only four max.)
I'm not human: (race.)
How I got where I am today: (bio.)
My idea for the spirits are: (which side are you on? to apologize to the spirits or with the war to capture them.)
Do I look good: (appearance. Humanoid form such as elf form, or hybrid or human form, and animal form)
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