The Stoutmen....
All around New Harmony, a colony within a colony was taking shape. While the presence of the Muurdaan had put the entire community on edge, the stress was mollified when colonists from other factions came to New Harmony to shop and rub elbows.
The fields were being plowed in force, and the earth welcomed the seeds with the promise of a great fall harvest.
The beer distillery began to go up with some difficulty -- though it was heard the Firebeard Dwarves were looking for partners to make a brewery with. Would the stouts cooperate with another faction or continue to plod on with their slow progress? General Deth Glitch Shireling
Besides the above the Stouts made thier repairs, moved their wagons, and began to expand their settlement beyond the pallisade that once delineated the boundaries of their settlement...
Stouts bring Quality boots to the market and with it greater access to the economy is theirs! Stoutmen boots are of very fine quality and after the difficult winter become all the rage to wear -- the stouts can barely keep them stocked! (+1 influence Stoutmen)
Slowly the stoutmen militia began to wear colors and take shape, deciding to fashion their own equipment rather than buy other factions offerings at the market. They began to drill, and began to march, and began to make formation....
The Stoutmen....
All around New Harmony, a colony within a colony was taking shape. While the presence of the Muurdaan had put the entire community on edge, the stress was mollified when colonists from other factions came to New Harmony to shop and rub elbows.
The fields were being plowed in force, and the earth welcomed the seeds with the promise of a great fall harvest.
The beer distillery began to go up with some difficulty -- though it was heard the Firebeard Dwarves were looking for partners to make a brewery with. Would the stouts cooperate with another faction or continue to plod on with their slow progress? General Deth Glitch Shireling
Besides the above the Stouts made thier repairs, moved their wagons, and began to expand their settlement beyond the pallisade that once delineated the boundaries of their settlement...
Stouts bring Quality boots to the market and with it greater access to the economy is theirs! Stoutmen boots are of very fine quality and after the difficult winter become all the rage to wear -- the stouts can barely keep them stocked! (+1 influence Stoutmen)
Slowly the stoutmen militia began to wear colors and take shape, deciding to fashion their own equipment rather than buy other factions offerings at the market. They began to drill, and began to march, and began to make formation....