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Realistic or Modern Lost Children-Vol.1 Shots fired (CS)



The Thundering Mustelid
Delete everything between ()

Faceclaim: (realistic or animated its up to you)
(Character Quote.)








Powers: (if playing a Subject)

Skills: (if An agent of Seraphim.)

Likes: (can go as far as love)

Dislikes: (can go as far as hate.)

Fears: (we all have them.)

Ambitions: (what does your character hope to achieve.)

Other: (Anything i missed?)​
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"You want revenge? I can teach you how to get it. But my lessons aren't for the feint of heart. I wont teach you to fight, i will teach you to win. I wont teach you to defend yourself, i will teach you to kill your enemies. When im done with you, you wont be a soldier, you will be your own army."

Name: James W. Stryker

*Nickname: Ares, Mars, Achilles, Angel of death, Hellhound.

Age: 42yrs

*Gender: Male

*Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: To say he was direct would be the understatement of history. Stryker does not beat around the bush he means what he says and says what he means. Above all else he is a man of his word. If he says he will do something the man will move mountains to make it so. That said others often find it hard to deal with him due to him seeming to lack the general humanity of most people. He does not relate to anyone normal problems. After all his problems actually shoot at him.

History: James Stryker is a name that only a handful of hire-ups in the U.N government actually know. Born in an undisclosed German city mere years after the Nazi party was broken up. His country was constantly at war with The soviet union while still attempting to recover from the Destruction of Frankfurt and Berlin. Because of this Stryker was no stranger to war. He heard gunfire and witnessed death with the same frequency that other kids watched cartoons.

By the time he was 14 years old he was fighting along side his father on the german northern flank. He had spent 5 years fighting them and lost his father in the process. So When The U.S finally got involved after being hit with nuclear weapons and they petitioned for an elite squad from all over the world to be organized Stryker made sure he was selected for it. When it came time to Move in stryker was instrumental in over taking the defenses of the New Kremlin.

For the following 13 years he was involved in over 27 minor conflicts and 2 large ones. With a confirmed kill count of over 4300 he has become regarded as the most deadly man alive. He now works alone for the most part, but when his wife and child were both pronounced dead despite them being in tip top health he knew that something was wrong. Unfortunately for project Seraphim this resulted in the worlds real live super soldier coming to their door...

Master of War- Stryker is the undisputed greatest soldier in history. He has bested master martial artists in hand to hand combat, out shot olympic marksmen, and even engaged entire enemy bases while unarmed. Every weapon that can be used he is skilled with, and every piece of his environment is a weapon to him. He is known to fighting superior numbers using inferior technology and still take a victory. Many of the more superstitious people will tell you he is not a human at all but some kind of War God or Demon.

Survivalist- James Grew up in a war torn country where meals were scarce at best. He has learned to survive off of the land alone building camps and hunting or foraging as needed.

Espionage- His training after the soviet raid has granted him the knowledge and skills of a secret agent. He can counter spies and agents of special forces, disguise himself, and even engage in psychological warfare.

Likes: Guns & explosives, Winning, training, people who think outside of the box.

Dislikes: Losing a soldier, drinking, those who are soft, most children.

Fears: Being too late to save his daughter.

Ambitions: To utterly obliterate Project Seraphim and recover his daughter.

Other: Has the uncanny ability to Convey entire conversations with a single expressive look. Is also known for the "death glare" a look he has which can send chills up the spines of even the toughest beings in the cosmos.​
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"Look here you cocksucker, you either pick a fight with me, or you walk away, but don't you lay a damned finger on any of them."
Battle Efficent Controlled Anomoly, or B.E.C.A Goes by Beca Franklin
Tiger, B, Sissy or Sis
Bi; But has a preference for ladies
Beca is, well, pretty straight forward. She's rather aggressive, quick to anger with the issue of acting more with instinct and her heart rather than her head. But you can't hold that against her, it's not something she can truely control, but when it's absolutely nesecary, she can be very rational. When it comes to friends, and others she cares about, Beca is extremely protective, loyal to a fault, and caring. Despite the face she doesn't tend to admit it because of her often coming off as cold, and rather hard on them. She's just looking out for them, I can guarantee you that. She has a little in common personality wise with Dr. Franklin, and James as neither of them would really sugar coat much. Beca is very straight forward, much rather getting to the point than trying to cover it up. It's easier that way.
Beca's history with the Seraphim project begins a few days after she was born. She was born a month early to a presumably single mother who suffered many complications during the child birthing process, which ended up taking her life. She has been in a medically induced coma due to the severity, and she passed before she could name her child. Which was the perfect opportunity for whisking the infant away. Once under Seraphim care, the child was just to small to begin treatment, so she was put under the care of Dr.Rosalind Franklin, head geneticists of the program Beca would eventually find herself in. Actually, it's where her name came from, the type of thing she would become, and of course, she took her surrogate mother's last name.
Her gene therapy began when she turned four, after being grromed and readied for the process. There were a small series of test and experiments before the effects began to show. They were subtle at first, changes in mood and small changes to her body. Over the course of a few months, the cellular changes took place as Dr. Franklin recorded the process of the changes, all while keeping Beca's mental stability in check. Not even a year into the gene therapy, the mood changes became more apperant, as her aggression towards many people skyrocketed, often leaving people with small cuts and bruises as she lashed out at them. She once bit another child because they looked called her something that she took offense to. It was a her adjustment for her, but her mental training began shortly after.
Training mentally like this as her mood changes, predator instincts, and the toll it took on such a young child was hard to deal with. But, it helped her learn to control her primal urges, and instincts. After a while, she could control it enough to make the remaining gene therapy go a little smoother. Once the age of ten, her physical activity began to change from running around and play with other childern, to light cardio and strength training. It was nesecary to keep Beca healthy, and while she was, the gene therapy had began to change her physiology. Most ten year olds still had a little baby fat, or were just about chunky in general, but Beca was a rather solid child. Her muscles were developing in a way that the scientists in charge of her hadn't fully anticipated. However, they didn't push her to hard at first and over the years gradually increased her mental and physical training. Age 12 is when she was finally ablentonfully transform into a tiger. Previous attempts had either failed, or, had resulted in a odd transformation that lead to excruciating pain and Beca being unable to move or communicate in anyway. But, that's perhaps the required gene was just to weak with minimum amount that had given Beca. After this transformation, mental and physical training steadily increased as her tiger form grew stronger, leasing to the body she has today, as well as having the peak physical conedition for humans. Recently, nothing much has changed about her training, or gene therapy other than the fact that she's discovered mangos are her favorite fruit.

Through her entire life she was receiving gene therapy and mental training to hone her instincts. Overall this was a mild process it caused no more pain than the shot and its side effects were aggression and a strange change in metabolism which removed plants from her diet. However, after a few months, it became apperant that Beca could infact eat most fruits and some vegetables but, it has to be limited. Beca ends up bingeing on fruit at least once a month, normally making herself sick; not because of an inability to eat, but because she eats to much.
What the gene therapy was doing was implanting two Dormant nuclei in each cell in her whole body. The dormant nuclei could be activated when certain circumstances were met (killer instincts set in hence the training) the result would awaken the both dormant nuclei and make her human Nuclei go dormant. The first Added nuclei is the one that turns her cells into that of a tiger. The second is one that causes the cells to restructure themselves granting her the actual form of the tiger. The second nuclei also boasts an impressive healing factor that triggers as the transformation happens. This allows the body to survive the horrific process and makes it so that any wound sustained will heal when the transformation is initiated. So for example if someone blew her brains out in her human form she will die because its her natural form. However if her brains are blown out in tiger form she will revert to human form and be fully healed. That said she can turn from human to tiger and heal any nonlethal wounds.

Most of her skills come her her training or powers. She's rather agile, as part of her physical training was a form of gymnastics and parkour combination. Her mental training left her uneasily effected by intimidation and scare tactics. Dr. Franklin also tougher her how to play the guitar and sing.
Music, Fruit, Rain, Swimming, Dr. Franklin, Exercising
Cockroaches, People messing with her Family, Dogs; She just prefers cats, Not doing anything
Enclosed Spaces; While she can deal with them, Beca absolutly hates being in small, enclosed spaces with no way out or room to move.
To be honest, Beca doesn't know. She doesn't hold a resentment towards Seraphim, so revenge is off the table, and she didn't ever really think about what she may want to do with her life. For now maybe, I guess the closest thing to an aviation she has is a desire to make sure her family is safe.
Beca has brown hair, but there are lighter highlights of a red-ish orange color thay while blend into her hair, give an almost tiger stripe look to her hair in the correct lighting. She also has slightly elongated canine teeth.
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"Der Schein trügt."

Name: Robin Strässler.

*Nickname: Rob, and various plays on words involving Swiss army knives due to his Swiss ancestry and toolbox-like robotic appendages.

Age: 11

*Gender: Male

*Sexuality: A bit young to be sure, no?

Personality: As a first impression, Robin is a sullen, finicky kid with a talent for thinking outside the box (if by 'thinking outside the box' we mean forgetting the box exists in a fit of preoccupation and somehow building a new one out of sheer spite). He has a distinct tendency to overthink, overreact and over-explain. He can turn even a simple problem into a multifaceted hyperbolic nightmare. He's intelligent, but neither wise nor practical.

He doesn't seem to have a sense of humor. Jokes, puns, and most forms of sarcasm fly right over his head. Surprises, even supposedly pleasant ones, leave him feeling out of place and uncomfortable. Hearing him laugh is a rarity. It's not clear why, but it gives him an undeserved reputation as a cynic. He doesn't actually have a negative outlook, but he doesn't often outwardly express enthusiasm.

Though he might not seem like it on the outside, Robin can be quite courageous when he puts his mind to it. He's proven more than willing to endanger himself for the greater good, and is very morally driven. Of course, given his standoffish and somber nature, this can lead to him seeming a bit self-righteous at times.

History: Most of Robin's early childhood is a blur. He was one of the first foreign nationals to be inducted into the Seraphim project, kidnapped from an orphanage in the Swiss city of Zürich. According to documentation, he died of a congenital heart defect and was interred in the local cemetery at the tender age of 7. Since he had no family of note and was a ward of state so to speak, Robin was a perfect subject for abduction and experimentation. He was undertaken by the U.S government and subjected to a bizarrely intense surgical reconstruction the likes of which Seraphim hadn't so much as attempted before Robin became their prototype. He survived the procedure through nothing short of a miracle. It's not every day that someone is exsanguinated, dismembered and fashioned into a complex cyber-organism and survives to tell the tale.

After some time to recover, he was integrated further into the plan to combat nuclear warfare with scientifically engineered superheroes. Not much is known about his mental or behavioral health prior to being inducted into the Seraphim experiments, so it's impossible to tell if his social troubles and complexly literal thinking mechanisms are the result of a deficit or trauma. He never seemed to get along well with peers, but confided more easily in authority figures like the research team. He also seemed to have a wide range of skill competence in regards to scholastic ability, ranging from his superior level of linguistic knowledge to his significantly impaired reasoning skills and mathematic ability. But, perhaps most useful to the task at hand, he demonstrates full capability of maneuvering his artificially implemented form, functioning far better than anticipated (which isn't exactly saying much, since it was somewhat anticipated that he would expire during the procedure, but a success is a success)

Powers: Robin is a complex cyborg made up of independent and detachable robotic units that can be controlled through his brain, which activates the nanobot swarm that replaces his blood. His arms and right leg contain a small selection of tools and light weaponry, including an electrode on his left palm. Reattaching limbs is a painful process, but years of repeated nerve damage due to this have numbed him somewhat to the sensation.
Like wireless electronics, the limbs can travel up to 30yd. away from the rest of Robin before they are unable to recieve the signal required to travel any further,
Ok so your character was designed as an attempt at making an operative who can be in many places at once.

The solution. Several A.I consciousnesses that make up one body. It started with several horrible surgeries and was likely the most grotesque experiment to date. Your character died 6 times over the course of the procedures but was able to pull through each time.

Piece by Piece they assembled a mechanical body but it started with the replacement of the blood for a nanobot swarm similar to our blood benders. However these nanites didnt target the blood. Instead they clumped at the limbs severing arteries and breaking bones as they made room for the limbs to detach and grow a tiny mechanical brain. The result is a person who can break their body into numerous parts. Each time the subject breaks a part off (can activate the detach via thought.) the part grows its own consciousness pre-designed to think of itself as a child of the subject. Which can act independently of the subject and be commanded. However the subjects head remains vulnerable. All detached pieces must stay within 30 yards of the subject or they lose their ability to move. This is because a vast clump of the nanites exist within the subjects head which generates the magnetic fields that allow the limbs their movement while detached. However at any distance the limbs can relay information across vast distances to one another and pieces can be regrown by the nanites but it can take between 1-7 days depending on the pieces function

Board games
Figuring out solutions on his own
He's always been fascinated by pirates
Maritime history in general
The ocean
Learning new tricks, skills and trivia facts

Most foods ('picky' would be the understatement of the century)
Unexpected turns of events
People who are needlessly sarcastic or 'witty
Vague instructions
Being pressured or coerced
The color yellow, especially bright or greenish yellows
Floor-length windows. Acrophobia, y'know?
Having to ask for assistance or admit to a mistake

Fears: Heights. If Robin perceives that he is in danger of falling, he will freeze up and panic almost instantaneously. He's alright inside of buildings, but balconies, bridges and steep precipices trigger the phobia,

Ambitions: To continue his pursuit of knowledge and adventure, and perhaps live to see a world without the constant threat of war.

Other: Like most citizens of Switzerland, Robin is a polyglot. He speaks German and French on top of English.​
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"Life has a little meaning, even here."

Inari Seraphim

Nar, Nari



She's not really sure- the only people she's been around are scientists and the other children, who are practically family to her.

Thoughtful would likely be the best world to describe her. Inari is very intuitive and logical, able to piece together little bits of info quickly without much trouble. She is good at organizing large amounts of data and pays close attention to the small things around her. She can be a little nosy sometimes due to her power, but she does her best to keep her eavesdropping and snooping in check. Though she is fairly quiet and polite in most situations, Inari still enjoys a good laugh and spending time with the ones close to her. She doesn't usually like being alone, although a little bit of solitude now and then won't hurt her. Inari always feels like she must be doing something, so she's usually very fidgety and has a tendency to carry around small toys to mess with.

Inari doesn't remember much of her life before becoming a part of the Seraphim project. She doesn't even remember her birth name, now. She had a mother- she knows that for sure, even if she's just a silhouette in her mind. Inari was, for all intents and purposes, a street rat by the time she was taken. Her mother had sold her off to some jackass for drug money when she was very young, and had somehow been lucky enough to get away before it was too late. The city they lived in definitely wasn't the greatest, and no place for such a small child to be alone in. Inari was eventually found and taken in for the Seraphim project.

The place was nice, despite all the surgeries Inari had to undergo. She was cared for and fed and given a new name, Inari. She was content there and was given a new birth date, the day she was taken in (the year stayed the same, of course), as she no longer remembered the original date. Inari enjoyed spending time doing puzzles when she wasn't being tested, and also liked to talk to the scientists about riddles and books, among other things.

Superhuman senses
"First came the computer implant. It was a massive computer designed to replace the memory center of the brain. It allows for theoretically infinite storage capacity by building artificial braincells to hold a super computers worth of information each. Which is needed for the next series of implants.

Phase 2 was the replacing of the sensory sectors of the brain. Set with a thought activated "Power wheel" this allows the subject to adjust how much brain power is directed to each sense. Which already amplified the senses to a high degree. (The subject could sacrifice vision, taste, touch, and smell to amplify their hearing to the point that they could hear a heart beat from 1000 yards away through stone walls.) it also allows the subject to filter out the excess input so they only hear, see ,smell ,taste , or feel what they want to.

The final piece was the surgeries.

The eyes were removed and replaced with the most advanced optics imaginable. It allows the subject to amplify the range of vision, the zoom, and light Levels. (Can see the whites of a mans eyes from 7 miles away in any level of light, Can see in absolute darkness, and can see microscopic objects. Even objects in space while on the ground.)

Eardrums were replaced with highly advanced vibrational detectors allowing the subject to hear conversations from up to 7 miles away, detect sounds that humans and even animals cannot. And even echolocate.

Olfactory nerves were switched out for molecular detectors/filter which can identify chemicals in the air less than 1 part per billion. They can smell otherwise odorless chemicals and even filter out harmful toxins. Subject displays an immunity to any aerosolized chemicals and toxins so long as they breath through their nose. These same detectors are applied to the mouth allowing the subject to detect any taste or flavor but he filters are not present so the subject is vulnerable to ingested toxins.

The skin is modified with an external layer of artificial nerves that allow them to detect the faintest disturbances in the magnetic fields and atmospheric pressure around them. The subject claims to be able to feel doors open all throughout the facility. And even when confined to a sensory deprivation chamber seems aware of the presence and motion that happens within 30ft of it. Even while asleep the subject displays amazing situational awareness."

As mentioned earlier, Inari is very good at organizing data and making connections between information.

Puzzles (her favorite is Sudoku)
Being around people
Stuffed toys

Disappointing others
Loud noises
Morms of confrontation

Inari has a huge fear of being alone and abandoned. From this, she can be a little clingy when she finally feels as though she can trust someone. She doesn't like being isolated, even if she doesn't talk much with others.

She wants to see her mother or father, at least once.

Inari wears a worn bracelet that was given to her by her mother. She usually refuses to take it off, unless there's a chance it will be messed up or if it's for a good reason.​
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"If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough"

Jay Swift




Jay has always been a fast talker, often rambling on about one subject, and then trailing into another until either someone tells him to shut up, or he realises just how off course he's gotten. It's almost like his mouth moves faster than his brain when it comes to talking. This is especially the case in situations he finds awkward, such as when he's scared or faced with a problem he doesn't know how to solve. Often he can seem like an open book in this regard. However, it also seems a skill of his to talk a lot about nothing important. In other words, he's very loyal, and won't dare to spill other's secrets, and can often talk his way around the actual answer without giving much away, and distracting whomever it is asking. Sometimes this tactic works, confusing the other into thinking they got a straight answer. Other times... not so much. Can also tend to be impatient.

He is very attached to those he calls family. Aka, the other subjects. Especially those younger than him. He likes to play the big brother, there to make them smile but also to be a shoulder to cry on. And, occasionally, the one to tell them that they're being stupid. He feels that this is his job, seeing as he was one of the first ones here. As a contrast to his mostly excitable moods, can also tend to act quiet and shy for apparently no reason.

In his young life, before he was picked up for the project, Jay spent most of his days inside, with his alcoholic of a father. From his vague memories, he realises his mother was never there. All he can really remember was his father's drunken anger aimed toward his child, the bruises and the pain. But then it all stopped. One day, his father drove Jay out down the road, and dropped him off at the nearby park. The 6 year old was ecstatic, for he never really got to go out and have fun or make friends. Of course, he never noticed when his father got back in the car and left, leaving the child by himself. He only really realised when it got darker, when the other children went home and he tried to find his father. For hours he called for him, crying quietly and eventually tucking himself on a bench, hoping he'd return.

This was not the case however, and soon enough strange men came and picked him up, promising to take him to a nicer place. He had no idea he would be used for a project, as one of the first 3 subjects. The following few years was filled with the pain of the processes he went through to gain his powers, but also the joy of having people who cared for him, who looked after him. To him, the pain of the first process was easy to live with, if it meant that he could stay with these people. The pain faded with the first test, and he's gleeful that he hasn't felt it since. Despite all the times he'd try and run with his powers after the age of nine, and crashed into a wall, the pain of broken bones has been non-existent. Also, he takes great joy in eating as much as he can to speed around.

Super Speed
"The process is achieved by 4 Dangerous and extensive implants. The first was by far the most painful. Every nerve ending in the body was replaced with photoreceptors meaning they beam signals to each other at lightspeed. This both puts your characters reflexes well above 100 times a normal human rate, and dulls pain to the point that he/she wouldn't even feel a punch that broke his/her jaw.

The next is a full skeleton coating made of a Nano-laddered polymer that makes the bones able to withstand the tremendous forces associated with the speeds he/she will be moving at.

Third is the Metabolism stabilizing artificial organ which stores calories to fuel the characters bursts of super speed. It also speeds digestion to the point the he/she could out eat any competitive eater.

The final implant is the replacing of the muscles with monofiliment "spidersilk" fibers which are much stronger than even steel. Attatched to servoes which allow for the high speed movement. This sets his/her top speed at 1534.54mph or mach 2."

"He can eat normally and survive very well. The addition of the metabolism implant allows the subject to store energy for future use in an artifical organ. When the subject uses their speed it burns the calories at a rate of 1000 calories per second. (2000 calories is the average intake recommended daily for a normal human.) so to clarify you need to eat a lot to fuel the speed but not your life. Once the stored calories are gone the speed wouldnt work anymore. So while some warriors prepare for battle via gearing up and strategizing all Jay needs to do is binge eat high calorie meals."

Not many that aren't included in his powers

Testing out his powers
Making his 'family' happy
Being useful

Things that take too long
Mentions of his past
Being idle

Being abandoned - Will often do a lot to make sure others like him, so that he won't be cast out

To keep his 'family' safe and happy

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"If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough"

Jay Swift




Jay has always been a fast talker, often rambling on about one subject, and then trailing into another until either someone tells him to shut up, or he realises just how off course he's gotten. It's almost like his mouth moves faster than his brain when it comes to talking. This is especially the case in situations he finds awkward, such as when he's scared or faced with a problem he doesn't know how to solve. Often he can seem like an open book in this regard. However, it also seems a skill of his to talk a lot about nothing important. In other words, he's very loyal, and won't dare to spill other's secrets, and can often talk his way around the actual answer without giving much away, and distracting whomever it is asking. Sometimes this tactic works, confusing the other into thinking they got a straight answer. Other times... not so much. Can also tend to be impatient.

He is very attached to those he calls family. Aka, the other subjects. Especially those younger than him. He likes to play the big brother, there to make them smile but also to be a shoulder to cry on. And, occasionally, the one to tell them that they're being stupid. He feels that this is his job, seeing as he was one of the first ones here. As a contrast to his mostly excitable moods, can also tend to act quiet and shy for apparently no reason.

In his young life, before he was picked up for the project, Jay spent most of his days inside, with his alcoholic of a father. From his vague memories, he realises his mother was never there. All he can really remember was his father's drunken anger aimed toward his child, the bruises and the pain. But then it all stopped. One day, his father drove Jay out down the road, and dropped him off at the nearby park. The 6 year old was ecstatic, for he never really got to go out and have fun or make friends. Of course, he never noticed when his father got back in the car and left, leaving the child by himself. He only really realised when it got darker, when the other children went home and he tried to find his father. For hours he called for him, crying quietly and eventually tucking himself on a bench, hoping he'd return.

This was not the case however, and soon enough strange men came and picked him up, promising to take him to a nicer place. He had no idea he would be used for a project, as one of the first 3 subjects. The following few years was filled with the pain of the processes he went through to gain his powers, but also the joy of having people who cared for him, who looked after him. To him, the pain of the first process was easy to live with, if it meant that he could stay with these people. The pain faded with the first test, and he's gleeful that he hasn't felt it since. Despite all the times he'd try and run with his powers after the age of nine, and crashed into a wall, the pain of broken bones has been non-existent. Also, he takes great joy in eating as much as he can to speed around.

Super Speed
"The process is achieved by 4 Dangerous and extensive implants. The first was by far the most painful. Every nerve ending in the body was replaced with photoreceptors meaning they beam signals to each other at lightspeed. This both puts your characters reflexes well above 100 times a normal human rate, and dulls pain to the point that he/she wouldn't even feel a punch that broke his/her jaw.

The next is a full skeleton coating made of a Nano-laddered polymer that makes the bones able to withstand the tremendous forces associated with the speeds he/she will be moving at.

Third is the Metabolism stabilizing artificial organ which stores calories to fuel the characters bursts of super speed. It also speeds digestion to the point the he/she could out eat any competitive eater.

The final implant is the replacing of the muscles with monofiliment "spidersilk" fibers which are much stronger than even steel. Attatched to servoes which allow for the high speed movement. This sets his/her top speed at 1534.54mph or mach 2."

"He can eat normally and survive very well. The addition of the metabolism implant allows the subject to store energy for future use in an artifical organ. When the subject uses their speed it burns the calories at a rate of 1000 calories per second. (2000 calories is the average intake recommended daily for a normal human.) so to clarify you need to eat a lot to fuel the speed but not your life. Once the stored calories are gone the speed wouldnt work anymore. So while some warriors prepare for battle via gearing up and strategizing all Jay needs to do is binge eat high calorie meals."

Not many that aren't included in his powers

Testing out his powers
Making his 'family' happy
Being useful

Things that take too long
Mentions of his past
Being idle

Being abandoned - Will often do a lot to make sure others like him, so that he won't be cast out

To keep his 'family' safe and happy

Accepted Subject SH-02. Jay Swift.

Nicely done my friend :)
View attachment 425943
"Life has a little meaning, even here."


Nar, Nari



She's not really sure- the only people she's been around are scientists and the other children, who are practically family to her.

Thoughtful would likely be the best world to describe her. Inari is very intuitive and logical, able to piece together little bits of info quickly without much trouble. She is good at organizing large amounts of data and pays close attention to the small things around her. She can be a little nosy sometimes due to her power, but she does her best to keep her eavesdropping and snooping in check. Though she is fairly quiet and polite in most situations, Inari still enjoys a good laugh and spending time with the ones close to her. She doesn't usually like being alone, although a little bit of solitude now and then won't hurt her. Inari always feels like she must be doing something, so she's usually very fidgety and has a tendency to carry around small toys to mess with.

Inari doesn't remember much of her life before becoming a part of the Seraphim project. She doesn't even remember her birth name, now. She had a mother- she knows that for sure, even if she's just a silhouette in her mind. Inari was, for all intents and purposes, a street rat by the time she was taken. Her mother had sold her off to some jackass for drug money when she was very young, and had somehow been lucky enough to get away before it was too late. The city they lived in definitely wasn't the greatest, and no place for such a small child to be alone in. Inari was eventually found and taken in for the Seraphim project.

The place was nice, despite all the surgeries Inari had to undergo. She was cared for and fed and given a new name, Inari. She was content there and was given a new birth date, the day she was taken in (the year stayed the same, of course), as she no longer remembered the original date. Inari enjoyed spending time doing puzzles when she wasn't being tested, and also liked to talk to the scientists about riddles and books, among other things.

Superhuman senses
"First came the computer implant. It was a massive computer designed to replace the memory center of the brain. It allows for theoretically infinite storage capacity by building artificial braincells to hold a super computers worth of information each. Which is needed for the next series of implants.

Phase 2 was the replacing of the sensory sectors of the brain. Set with a thought activated "Power wheel" this allows the subject to adjust how much brain power is directed to each sense. Which already amplified the senses to a high degree. (The subject could sacrifice vision, taste, touch, and smell to amplify their hearing to the point that they could hear a heart beat from 1000 yards away through stone walls.) it also allows the subject to filter out the excess input so they only hear, see ,smell ,taste , or feel what they want to.

The final piece was the surgeries.

The eyes were removed and replaced with the most advanced optics imaginable. It allows the subject to amplify the range of vision, the zoom, and light Levels. (Can see the whites of a mans eyes from 7 miles away in any level of light, Can see in absolute darkness, and can see microscopic objects. Even objects in space while on the ground.)

Eardrums were replaced with highly advanced vibrational detectors allowing the subject to hear conversations from up to 7 miles away, detect sounds that humans and even animals cannot. And even echolocate.

Olfactory nerves were switched out for molecular detectors/filter which can identify chemicals in the air less than 1 part per billion. They can smell otherwise odorless chemicals and even filter out harmful toxins. Subject displays an immunity to any aerosolized chemicals and toxins so long as they breath through their nose. These same detectors are applied to the mouth allowing the subject to detect any taste or flavor but he filters are not present so the subject is vulnerable to ingested toxins.

The skin is modified with an external layer of artificial nerves that allow them to detect the faintest disturbances in the magnetic fields and atmospheric pressure around them. The subject claims to be able to feel doors open all throughout the facility. And even when confined to a sensory deprivation chamber seems aware of the presence and motion that happens within 30ft of it. Even while asleep the subject displays amazing situational awareness."

As mentioned earlier, Inari is very good at organizing data and making connections between information.

Puzzles (her favorite is sodoku), being around people, stuffed toys

Disappointing others, loud noises, confrontation

Inari has a huge fear of being alone and abandoned. From this, she can be a little clingy when she finally feels as though she can trust someone.

She wants to see her mother, at least once.

Inari wears a worn bracelet that was given to her by her mother. She refuses to take it off, unless there's a chance it will be messed up.​
Accepted subject SH-17. Inari Seraphim. (The last name for all kids who dont know their birth name, unless they are "adopted" by one of the staff
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"Look here you cocksucker, you either pick a fight with me, or you walk away, but don't you lay a damned finger on any of them."
Battle Efficent Controlled Anomoly, or B.E.C.A Goes by Beca Franklin
Tiger, B, Sissy or Sis
Bi; But has a preference for ladies
Beca is, well, pretty straight forward. She's rather aggressive, quick to anger with the issue of acting more with instinct and her heart rather than her head. But you can't hold that against her, it's not something she can truely control, but when it's absolutely nesecary, she can be very rational. When it comes to friends, and others she cares about, Beca is extremely protective, loyal to a fault, and caring. Despite the face she doesn't tend to admit it because of her often coming off as cold, and rather hard on them. She's just looking out for them, I can guarantee you that. She has a little in common personality wise with Dr. Franklin, and James as neither of them would really sugar coat much. Beca is very straight forward, much rather getting to the point than trying to cover it up. It's easier that way.
Beca's history with the Seraphim project begins a few days after she was born. She was born a month early to a single mother who suffered many complications during the child birthing process, which ended up taking her life. She has been in a medically induced coma due to the severity, and she passed before she could name her child. Which was the perfect opportunity for whisking the infant away. Once under Seraphim care, the child was just to small to begin treatment, so she was put under the care of Dr.Rosalind Franklin, head geneticists of the program Beca would eventually find herself in. Actually, it's where her name came from, the type of thing she would become, and of course, she took her surrogate mother's last name.
Her gene therapy began when she turned four, after being grromed and readied for the process. There were a small series of test and experiments before the effects began to show. They were subtle at first, changes in mood and small changes to her body. Over the course of a few months, the cellular changes took place as Dr. Franklin recorded the process of the changes, all while keeping Beca's mental stability in check. Not even a year into the gene therapy, the mood changes became more apperant, as her aggression towards many people skyrocketed, often leaving people with small cuts and bruises as she lashed out at them. She once bit another child because they looked called her something that she took offense to. It was a her adjustment for her, but her mental training began shortly after.
Training mentally like this as her mood changes, predator instincts, and the toll it took on such a young child was hard to deal with. But, it helped her learn to control her primal urges, and instincts. After a while, she could control it enough to make the remaining gene therapy go a little smoother. Once the age of ten, her physical activity began to change from running around and play with other childern, to light cardio and strength training. It was nesecary to keep Beca healthy, and while she was, the gene therapy had began to change her physiology. Most ten year olds still had a little baby fat, or were just about chunky in general, but Beca was a rather solid child. Her muscles were developing in a way that the scientists in charge of her hadn't fully anticipated. However, they didn't push her to hard at first and over the years gradually increased her mental and physical training. Age 12 is when she was finally ablentonfully transform into a tiger. Previous attempts had either failed, or, had resulted in a odd transformation that lead to excruciating pain and Beca being unable to move or communicate in anyway. But, that's perhaps the required gene was just to weak with minimum amount that had given Beca. After this transformation, mental and physical training steadily increased as her tiger form grew stronger, leasing to the body she has today, as well as having the peak physical conedition for humans. Recently, nothing much has changed about her training, or gene therapy other than the fact that she's discovered mangos are her favorite fruit.

Through her entire life she was receiving gene therapy and mental training to hone her instincts. Overall this was a mild process it caused no more pain than the shot and its side effects were aggression and a strange change in metabolism which removed plants from her diet. However, after a few months, it became apperant that Beca could infact eat most fruits and some vegetables but, it has to be limited. Beca ends up bingeing on fruit at least once a month, normally making herself sick; not because of an inability to eat, but because she eats to much.
What the gene therapy was doing was implanting two Dormant nuclei in each cell in her whole body. The dormant nuclei could be activated when certain circumstances were met (killer instincts set in hence the training) the result would awaken the both dormant nuclei and make her human Nuclei go dormant. The first Added nuclei is the one that turns her cells into that of a tiger. The second is one that causes the cells to restructure themselves granting her the actual form of the tiger. The second nuclei also boasts an impressive healing factor that triggers as the transformation happens. This allows the body to survive the horrific process and makes it so that any wound sustained will heal when the transformation is initiated. So for example if someone blew her brains out in her human form she will die because its her natural form. However if her brains are blown out in tiger form she will revert to human form and be fully healed. That said she can turn from human to tiger and heal any nonlethal wounds.

Most of her skills come her her training or powers. She's rather agile, as part of her physical training was a form of gymnastics and parkour combination. Her mental training left her uneasily effected by intimidation and scare tactics. Dr. Franklin also tougher her how to play the guitar and sing.
Music, Fruit, Rain, Swimming, Dr. Franklin, Exercising
Cockroaches, People messing with her Family, Dogs; She just prefers cats, Not doing anything
Enclosed Spaces; While she can deal with them, Beca absolutly hates being in small, enclosed spaces with no way out or room to move.
To be honest, Beca doesn't know. She doesn't hold a resentment towards Seraphim, so revenge is off the table, and she didn't ever really think about what she may want to do with her life. For now maybe, I guess the closest thing to an aviation she has is a desire to make sure her family is safe.
Beca has brown hair, but there are lighter highlights of a red-ish orange color thay while blend into her hair, give an almost tiger stripe look to her hair in the correct lighting. She also has slightly elongated canine teeth.

Accepted subject SH-07. Beca Franklin.

Awesome her and stryker may not get along. But they would be a deadly team.

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"Der Schein trügt."

Name: Robin Strässler.

*Nickname: Rob, and various plays on words involving Swiss army knives due to his Swiss ancestry and toolbox-like robotic appendages.

Age: 11

*Gender: Male

*Sexuality: A bit young to be sure, no?

Personality: As a first impression, Robin is a sullen, finicky kid with a talent for thinking outside the box (if by 'thinking outside the box' we mean forgetting the box exists in a fit of preoccupation and somehow building a new one out of sheer spite). He has a distinct tendency to overthink, overreact and over-explain. He can turn even a simple problem into a multifaceted hyperbolic nightmare. He's intelligent, but neither wise nor practical.

He doesn't seem to have a sense of humor. Jokes, puns, and most forms of sarcasm fly right over his head. Surprises, even supposedly pleasant ones, leave him feeling out of place and uncomfortable. Hearing him laugh is a rarity. It's not clear why, but it gives him an undeserved reputation as a cynic. He doesn't actually have a negative outlook, but he doesn't often outwardly express enthusiasm.

Though he might not seem like it on the outside, Robin can be quite courageous when he puts his mind to it. He's proven more than willing to endanger himself for the greater good, and is very morally driven. Of course, given his standoffish and somber nature, this can lead to him seeming a bit self-righteous at times.

History: Most of Robin's early childhood is a blur. He was one of the first foreign nationals to be inducted into the Seraphim project, kidnapped from an orphanage in the Swiss city of Zürich. According to documentation, he died of a congenital heart defect and was interred in the local cemetery at the tender age of 7. Since he had no family of note and was a ward of state so to speak, Robin was a perfect subject for abduction and experimentation. He was undertaken by the U.S government and subjected to a bizarrely intense surgical reconstruction the likes of which Seraphim hadn't so much as attempted before Robin became their prototype. He survived the procedure through nothing short of a miracle. It's not every day that someone is exsanguinated, dismembered and fashioned into a complex cyber-organism and survives to tell the tale.

After some time to recover, he was integrated further into the plan to combat nuclear warfare with scientifically engineered superheroes. Not much is known about his mental or behavioral health prior to being inducted into the Seraphim experiments, so it's impossible to tell if his social troubles and complexly literal thinking mechanisms are the result of a deficit or trauma. He never seemed to get along well with peers, but confided more easily in authority figures like the research team. He also seemed to have a wide range of skill competence in regards to scholastic ability, ranging from his superior level of linguistic knowledge to his significantly impaired reasoning skills and mathematic ability. But, perhaps most useful to the task at hand, he demonstrates full capability of maneuvering his artificially implemented form, functioning far better than anticipated (which isn't exactly saying much, since it was somewhat anticipated that he would expire during the procedure, but a success is a success)

Powers: Robin is a complex cyborg made up of independent and detachable robotic units that can be controlled through his brain, which activates the nanobot swarm that replaces his blood. His arms and right leg contain a small selection of tools and light weaponry, including an electrode on his left palm. Reattaching limbs is a painful process, but years of repeated nerve damage due to this have numbed him somewhat to the sensation.
Like wireless electronics, the limbs can travel up to 30yd. away from the rest of Robin before they are unable to recieve the signal required to travel any further,
Ok so your character was designed as an attempt at making an operative who can be in many places at once.

The solution. Several A.I consciousnesses that make up one body. It started with several horrible surgeries and was likely the most grotesque experiment to date. Your character died 6 times over the course of the procedures but was able to pull through each time.

Piece by Piece they assembled a mechanical body but it started with the replacement of the blood for a nanobot swarm similar to our blood benders. However these nanites didnt target the blood. Instead they clumped at the limbs severing arteries and breaking bones as they made room for the limbs to detach and grow a tiny mechanical brain. The result is a person who can break their body into numerous parts. Each time the subject breaks a part off (can activate the detach via thought.) the part grows its own consciousness pre-designed to think of itself as a child of the subject. Which can act independently of the subject and be commanded. However the subjects head remains vulnerable. All detached pieces must stay within 30 yards of the subject or they lose their ability to move. This is because a vast clump of the nanites exist within the subjects head which generates the magnetic fields that allow the limbs their movement while detached. However at any distance the limbs can relay information across vast distances to one another and pieces can be regrown by the nanites but it can take between 1-7 days depending on the pieces function

Board games
Figuring out solutions on his own
He's always been fascinated by pirates
Maritime history in general
The ocean
Learning new tricks, skills and trivia facts

Most foods ('picky' would be the understatement of the century)
Unexpected turns of events
People who are needlessly sarcastic or 'witty
Vague instructions
Being pressured or coerced
The color yellow, especially bright or greenish yellows
Floor-length windows. Acrophobia, y'know?
Having to ask for assistance or admit to a mistake

Fears: Heights. If Robin perceives that he is in danger of falling, he will freeze up and panic almost instantaneously. He's alright inside of buildings, but balconies, bridges and steep precipices trigger the phobia,

Ambitions: To continue his pursuit of knowledge and adventure, and perhaps live to see a world without the constant threat of war.

Other: Like most citizens of Switzerland, Robin is a polyglot. He speaks German and French on top of English.​
Accepted subject CH-01. Robin Strässler.

Well done :)
Scarlet Vulnere
You're right, you can help me. Turn around and walk until I say stop.
Scarlet Vulnere

  • 9d25033c83c1ce6451d04b5bddc9b3c0.png
    Age: 14

    Gender: Female

    Personality: Scarlet could often be seen as cold and calculating, if not a bit edgy. She's a girl of few words, and usually a less than friendly expression, even around friends. She's rarely interested in being bothered by mundane things or feelings, and often relies on crude or sarcastic remakes in response to such matters. Scarlet does her best to hide her own emotions, sticking to the matter at hand. She does not have a great taste for violence, even using her own abilities worries her to a degree, though she has known for some time Seraphim will need to make use of them, and she owes her life to the doctors and scientists there.

    Scarlet has a great interest in the human body, and biology, spending a great deal of time with those working in Seraphim. When it comes to machinary however, Scarlet is much more likely to leave it than take it. Anything that doesn't have a beating heart can't be trusted, then again, she barely trusts those with them. Often times the teenager will be seen staring at nothing, deep in thought.

    Usually she does not stray from her personality, or beliefs, arrogant in a way. Yet... The more she uses her abilities in a short span of time, the less her mind seems to remain intact, at least temporarily. It's unclear to Seraphim if this is an adverse effect from loss of blood, a genetic disposition, or an overprotective father AI; yet it seems the longer she battles, the more prone to violence she becomes, eventually stemming to assaulting anyone, or thing, that would approach. An obvious sign of this is the skin growing pale, and her amber eyes turning a thick red. After a short time of safety however, the girl retains full awareness, often describing feeling somewhat faint after the fact.

    History: A car crash, in the middle of a desert. A single mother, a son of six years, and a daughter of three. Remarkable how quickly the ambulance arrived, the children barely had a scratch on them, yet the woman driving was not so lucky, neither the beast she struck. Yet, the ambulance never arrived at a hospital, or at least, not a standard one. No, one of Seraphim's labs seemed a more suitable location. They had little family, no one that would really miss them, not anymore that was.

    Scarlet was too young to remember this, and it's not something she often talks of. Seraphim saved them, brought her and her brother to full health, cared for them. For her first couple of years the young girl was upbeat, almost always seen with a smile on her face, clinging to her far more serious brother's leg wherever he went. He was the only family she had, after all, and the other children always seemed so busy with their treatments.

    Things changed when he grew sick, however. He seemed so healthy before, and yet here the doctors were, telling Scarlet how they were nursing her brother back to health. It was a month later that they told the small girl her brother wouldn't be returning, and his health problem... His genetic disorder... They needed to make sure she didn't share the same problem. The loss of her brother cut deep, after that it was rare to see even a glimmer of hope in her eyes. It didn't help when they told her two years later that she shared this disorder.

    Who would have believed it? What were the chances? She never thought about it though, not too much at least. Luckily for Scarlet, the doctors caught it early this time, they knew now how to treat her, they knew what went wrong last time... It was all highly experimental, side effects were expected, yet it was a success nonetheless. The adverse effects of the procedure gave the girl... Abilities... To be able to manipulate her own blood, and to her physical capabilities.

    The girl was assured she could use these powers to help others however, to help Seraphim. She owed them that much, if not for them she would be dead, just like her brother. Scarlet wasn't a fool, she eventually realised Seraphim was in the business of these kinds of experimental procedures, she just had to observe the other children. Yet her knowledge of their intentions was biased to say the least.

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Scarlet Vulnere

  • 9d25033c83c1ce6451d04b5bddc9b3c0.png
    Age: 14

    Gender: Female

    Personality: Scarlet could often be seen as cold and calculating, if not a bit edgy. She's a girl of few words, and usually a less than friendly expression, even around friends. She's rarely interested in being bothered by mundane things or feelings, and often relies on crude or sarcastic remakes in response to such matters. Scarlet does her best to hide her own emotions, sticking to the matter at hand. She does not have a great taste for violence, even using her own abilities worries her to a degree, though she has known for some time Seraphim will need to make use of them, and she owes her life to the doctors and scientists there.

    Scarlet has a great interest in the human body, and biology, spending a great deal of time with those working in Seraphim. When it comes to machinary however, Scarlet is much more likely to leave it than take it. Anything that doesn't have a beating heart can't be trusted, then again, she barely trusts those with them. Often times the teenager will be seen staring at nothing, deep in thought.

    Usually she does not stray from her personality, or beliefs, arrogant in a way. Yet... The more she uses her abilities in a short span of time, the less her mind seems to remain intact, at least temporarily. It's unclear to Seraphim if this is an adverse effect from loss of blood, a genetic disposition, or an overprotective father AI; yet it seems the longer she battles, the more prone to violence she becomes, eventually stemming to assaulting anyone, or thing, that would approach. An obvious sign of this is the skin growing pale, and her amber eyes turning a thick red. After a short time of safety however, the girl retains full awareness, often describing feeling somewhat faint after the fact.

    History: A car crash, in the middle of a desert. A single mother, a son of six years, and a daughter of three. Remarkable how quickly the ambulance arrived, the children barely had a scratch on them, yet the woman driving was not so lucky, neither the beast she struck. Yet, the ambulance never arrived at a hospital, or at least, not a standard one. No, one of Seraphim's labs seemed a more suitable location. They had little family, no one that would really miss them, not anymore that was.

    Scarlet was too young to remember this, and it's not something she often talks of. Seraphim saved them, brought her and her brother to full health, cared for them. For her first couple of years the young girl was upbeat, almost always seen with a smile on her face, clinging to her far more serious brother's leg wherever he went. He was the only family she had, after all, and the other children always seemed so busy with their treatments.

    Things changed when he grew sick, however. He seemed so healthy before, and yet here the doctors were, telling Scarlet how they were nursing her brother back to health. It was a month later that they told the small girl her brother wouldn't be returning, and his health problem... His genetic disorder... They needed to make sure she didn't share the same problem. The loss of her brother cut deep, after that it was rare to see even a glimmer of hope in her eyes. It didn't help when they told her two years later that she shared this disorder.

    Who would have believed it? What were the chances? She never thought about it though, not too much at least. Luckily for Scarlet, the doctors caught it early this time, they knew now how to treat her, they knew what went wrong last time... It was all highly experimental, side effects were expected, yet it was a success nonetheless. The adverse effects of the procedure gave the girl... Abilities... To be able to manipulate her own blood, and to her physical capabilities.

    The girl was assured she could use these powers to help others however, to help Seraphim. She owed them that much, if not for them she would be dead, just like her brother. Scarlet wasn't a fool, she eventually realised Seraphim was in the business of these kinds of experimental procedures, she just had to observe the other children. Yet her knowledge of their intentions was biased to say the least.

Accepted Subject SH-13/2. Scarlet Vulnere.

I like the creativity of the backstory and the inclusion of the brother. Boy does Stryker have a revelation for her...
Faceclaim: Google Image Result for https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ae/95/79/ae9579ada06a3ff0493a668a723a6021.jpg
“Don’t call me that. Ember is bad. My name is Princess Philomena, and I have wings.”

Name: EH-09 “Ember”

*Nickname: Em, Princess Philomena (I’ll explain below)

Age: 8

*Gender: Female


Personality: Ember is a shy little girl who doesn’t have any self confidence due to being unable to control her powers. Her own powers frighten her, and fear tends to make her lose control. Lives of other subjects have been ended by mistake due to her powers, and she has come to believe she is bad. Despite all this, she IS a little kid, and can be convinced to come out of her shell. She has the sweetest laugh, and a magnificent imagination. She doesn’t like to be called Ember as it reminds her of what she’s done. In her imagination she is Princess Philomena, an angel and guardian of all animals.

History: Some of it was explained above, but Ember can not control her fire making powers, and they often get out of hand. They have killed a few security guards in the past, and Ember believes she is bad. She is afraid of her powers. The scientists decided after Ember that they should’ve given this power to someone much older.
Ember is still a very little girl, and has only really been told that her mother died in childbirth, and that her father killed himself shortly after. This also contributes to Ember thinking she is bad. Seraphim is all she's ever known.

Powers: Fire making powers. A blast from Ember’s hands could kill an adult human being in an instant. And she’s deathly afraid of what she is capable of doing.

Skills: (if An agent of Seraphim.)

Likes: Daydreaming, laughing, cuddles, playing imaginary stories, animals,

Dislikes: Her powers, hurting anyone, yelling, herself

Fears: Her powers, hurting anyone, yelling, herself,

Ambitions: She wants to become Princess Philomena, an Angel who can fly and has healing powers.

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Faceclaim: (Will add later. Innocent child with red hair and blue eyes)
“Don’t call me that. My name is Princess Philomena, and I have wings.”

Name: Flame Source 001 “Ember”

*Nickname: Em, Princess Philomena (I’ll explain below)

Age: 8

*Gender: Female


Personality: Ember is a shy little girl who doesn’t have any self confidence due to being unable to control her powers. Her own powers frighten her, and fear tends to make her lose control. Lives of other subjects have been ended by mistake due to her powers, and she has come to believe she is bad. Despite all this, she IS a little kid, and can be convinced to come out of her shell. She has the sweetest laugh, and a magnificent imagination. She doesn’t like to be called Ember as it reminds her of what she’s done. In her imagination she is Princess Philomena, an angel and guardian of all animals.

History: Some of it was explained above, but Ember can not control her fire making powers, and they often get out of hand. They have killed multiple other subjects in the past, and Ember believes she is bad. She is afraid of her powers. The scientists decided after Ember that they should’ve given this power to someone much older.

Powers: Fire making powers. A blast from Ember’s hands could kill an adult human being in an instant. And she’s deathly afraid of what she is capable of doing.

Skills: (if An agent of Seraphim.)

Likes: Daydreaming, laughing, cuddles, playing imaginary stories, animals,

Dislikes: Her powers, hurting anyone, yelling, herself

Fears: Her powers, hurting anyone, yelling, herself,

Ambitions: She wants to become Princess Philomena, an Angel who can fly and has healing powers.

Looks good. But other subjects would not have been killed by her abilities. The facility only held the 6 who are the main cast. Guards and scientists are fair game however. Also i choose the number designation, it may seem mundane but it actually plays an important role. Once that is fixed...

Accepted Subject EH-09 "Ember". Princess Philomena.
Looks good. But other subjects would not have been killed by her abilities. The facility only held the 6 who are the main cast. Guards and scientists are fair game however. Also i choose the number designation, it may seem mundane but it actually plays an important role. Once that is fixed...

Accepted Subject EH-09 "Ember". Princess Philomena.
Great! Will edit, and add a backstory too, as I forgot.


Age: 53. but around 28 physically.

*Gender: Male.

*Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Personality: A calculative and logical individual -possibly even being considered a genius-, they find solace in solitude and thinking by themselves with no distractions. Usually thinking out situations and strategizing before acting, he does not act on instinct or emotion themselves. He, for the most part, does whatever is required at any given time, considering the mission the top priority. They are a manipulative individual if they find it necessary, considering themselves charismatic as well. He expects the very best out of his followers and gives all of his trust to them, breaking this trust infuriates him beyond belief. He isn't necessarily easily angered, but when he is, he'll usually be agitated days after. Those who have remained close to him for some time is considered family by Grave, but will still put the mission above them if it is absolutely necessary. The greater goal is his ideal, and he'll do anything to preserve it for however long he lives. He can be considered talkative by others, a side effect of his charismatic side, though depending on how he feels he can become rather silent - this means he is most likely an Ambivert. Grave is a realist in thinking - the glass being half full or half empty depends on whether or not it was filled or emptied.

History: When he was just a small boy, he was born deep inside the country of Germany, being born as a single child in an upper class family. The family taught Grave polite mannerisms and the like, which hasn't faded over time. War was one of his many interests, and it's something he researched and invested a lot of time in as a child - learning the history of countries and how they came out victorious or lost so many wars over the many years of history. He went to school like any ordinary child, but received a better education due to the massive wealth that his family had accumulated. He went through school life quite quickly, growing up and being considered an adult. The Nazi party was up and coming, and when their reign had started, Grave quickly joined the military to be apart of it. He was effectively brainwashed, like any other German citizen at the time, which was the cause of his joining. At the time he truly believed in the goals of the Nazi party, but if asked about it now, he wouldn't have joined it if it were offered to him again. After some time, he eventually become a Nazi officer, experiencing all of the aspects of war and becoming and incredibly skilled soldier - he was a prized "possession" of the Nazi party, they considered his skill to be elite and held him in extremely high regards, above most, if not all. This is around the time that Grave was killed, during his time as an Officer of the Nazi Party. After being killed, his body was well preserved and recovered, being revived only shortly after dying. He has been around for more than 50 years now, retaining a young appearance due to regeneration.

Powers and Skill: Subject RC-008 "Grave". The first successful subject. RC-008 is essentially a zombie. Rendered immortal, unable to feel pain, with superhuman strength, and a very effective healing factor all accomplished through a Nano-bot programmed to act like a virus. They are capable of lifting up to 2.5 tons. Even missing chunks of their body doesn't seem to bother the subject. However subject must feed on living organic tissue to fuel its abilities and maintain sanity. Fortunately the Nano-virus cannot be spread. Along with these abilities, he is a genius and is extremely experienced in war, having multiple decades under his belt, he is one of the most effective killers in the world at this time. He is incredibly skilled in all kinds of combat - all the way from swordsmanship and hand to hand, to aiming a rifle.

Likes: Learning and gaining knowledge in general, the thrill of a battle, the rain.

Dislikes: Obnoxiously loud individuals, the sun, not having a final goal to work towards for himself.

Fears: Death.

Ambitions: Whatever final goals that he sets for himself - at the moment, capturing the children, and killing his rival.
"Panzer Break You, Panzer Break Everything."

Name: Medved'

*Nickname: Panzer

Age: 102yrs

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Personality: Panzer doesn't have a personality, more like a presence. His glowing green eyes bore into the very core of ones being and when paired with his grotesque appearance is enough to inspire nightmares. Especially when one sees how purely dedicated he is to the task at hand, even more so when they witness what he can do. He inspires fear and panic wherever he goes. Displaying no emotional responses to anything period. No rage, no fear, no pain, no anything. Only Joy gained from the success of a task, the only emotion he is allowed to feel...

History: Born in moscow russia during the era that almost became the first world war. Medved' has no memory of being given a name, his parents fled from the soviet military police giving birth to their son on the run. However his mother never survived the birthing process, The boy was born with giantism and required additional medical prowess to safely deliver. It was a miracle that he made it at all. His father raised him in the woods for the first 4 years of his life but was captured by the soviets while out foraging for food. Left to his own devices at an age when it should've been fatal The boy was faced with a decision, one on a level beyond cognitive thought, a purely primal decision. To Survive.

He had watched his father toil around the camp, accompanied him on hunts, and saw how he covered his tracks. It was a long period of trial and error, one in which the boy nearly succumbed to all manner of death. Yet he always persevered and managed to grow into adult hood. And boy did he grow. Finally stopping at an alarming height of 8ft 7in. As the soviet union pushed on and civilization grew closer to his home people began to see the massive man clad in bearskin. They gave him the name Medved' , russian for Bear man. But it wasnt long before his myth became a thing of scorn. The superstitious people blamed him for all sorts of negative circumstances. Rumors spread that Medved' was a monster who ate children. But fear kept the people away.

Until in the year 1950 when he was 31 years old he chased a large bear away from one of its kills. The bear wandered closer to a town and was about to attack on a young girl. Medved' burst from the treeline with a large stone to kill the bear. The terrified child, raised on stories of the bearman who ate children ran in a panic tripping and striking her head very hard on a stone. Medved' killed the bear and noticed the childs injuries as he drug it off. Dropping his stone he carried the girl to is home to attempt to help her.

The girl was missing and the townsfolk found a bloody rock on the treeline where she played. Fear gave way to anger and the mob scoured the forest. They found his home but he was not there. He had gone to get ice for her head. But by the time the mob found the girl she had succumbed to her wounds. So They waited springing a trap on him and dragging him back to the town in chains. He was sentenced to death by hanging, shortly afterwards his body was recovered by Project Valkyrie and he became their First subject.

For years he attempted to escape refusing to be tamed. Eventually however he stopped, several parts of his brain were removed to ensure this. He is now a husk of what he once was. A tool existing only to serve his masters twisted desires.

Powers: As a Valkyrie project Panzer is technically akin to a zombie. He doesn't feel pain, doesnt need to eat or breath, and can survive damage that would otherwise be fatal. Panzer's specific process was taking him apart and putting him back together dozens of times each time to upgrade his already impressive strength and durability. Due to these precesses many parts of his body have been replaced with pistons, servos, and hydraulics. The result? A semi human tank who can lift 106 tons and withstand any caliber of bullet. Titanium plating underneath his polymer infused skin allows even anti tank rounds to sometimes bounce off of him. Known to most other Valkyrie subjects as "Big Brother" this is the anti bunker Unit. One Who hasn't been brought down in over 70 years.

Skills: Panzer is far from a skilled fighter but to date there is no structure or substance that can survive a prolonged assault from him. He hits hard, he hits fast, and he usually ends it in one hit.

Likes: Panzer likes the color red, he feels joy when he succeeds on a task, and he seems fond of staring at wildlife.

Dislikes: Panzer hates destroying natural environments, he is not very fond of bodies of water because he sinks like a stone, he is also uncomfortable with heights and flying not out of fear, but because he doesnt like the idea of someone his size being so high up claims "its not right"

Fears: Panzer is terrified of "The Big Boss" to the point that he will assault all who question or disobey him out of fear of them being destroyed by The mans power. Not to spare them anything, on the contrary the very sight of that green energy disturbs him on a deep level.

Ambitions: To Succeed with each task given and eventually be allowed to die.

Other: surprisingly stink free.​
Tanja Schwarz

  • Untitled.jpg
    Nickname: Banshee
    Height: 5’ 10”
    Age: 85 (Appearance remains at time of death, 33.)
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Pansexual
    Appearance: For assignments, Tanja often dresses in form fitting combat attired which she augments with what tools she may need for the assignment at hand. At its base Tanja's attire almost always consists of form fitting combat fatigues and a form fitting long sleeved undershirt with suitable combat boots, all having varied colors of black or white within the color spectrum. Sometimes Tanja may wear a more colorful t-shirt if able, but more often than not she sticks with her basic sortie attire should she be called for assignment at any time. Beyond her clothing, Tanja sports what may pass as a black choker roughly two inches wide clasped around her neck. In reality this is the limiter which limits the decibel level of her vocal abilities, a locking mechanism found along the back which she can release if the need arises for her to utilize her powers to their full extent, rarely is this ever needed.

    "So many want peace, equality, and fairness in this world...but so few are aware of just what the price of that is...and fewer still are truly willing to help pay that cost."

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(Placeholder until artwork is done.)
"All things are subject to change, that is the beauty of the universe. Nothing is forever, so while things may look dark, it is impossible for them to stay they way forever."

Name: Dr. Rosalind Franklin

*Nickname: Dr.Franklin

Age: 43yrs

*Gender: Female

*Sexuality: heterosexual.

Personality: Dr. Franklin can best be described as grounded. She is a woman who has seen amazing things and believes wholeheartedly that they all can be explained. She believes that greatness exists in all sentient beings. Wether that greatness is used for good or evil is a matter of choice, which simply adds to the beauty of sentience. However she has been known to be very stubborn at times and support those who do the same. When a she makes up her mind it is set in stone.

History: Dr. Franklin lived a normal life as a child. Growing up in a happy family with a mother who tried her best to raise her and her siblings, and a father who worked so often providing for the family that she rarely saw him. She seemed destined to live the normal american dream. That was if she hadn't had a strange encounter at the age of 7 that changed her life forever.

A few weeks after her Grandmothers passing she was visiting her grave with her parents when the strangest thing happened. Everything froze, leaves floated in mid air, her parents stood in mid step unblinking. It was fascinating until she saw the creatures seeming to materialize from shadows. Beasts that defied all logic and biological laws with their anatomy. They could only be described as monsters. She attempted to run but the creatures easily caught up to her. It seemed she would perish but then HE appeared. A white haired boy wielding a sword, she cried out to him to tell him to run, but instead he reduced the creatures to ribbons in less than a second. Telling her that one day the fate of the world would hinge on a decision she made. Leaving her with the phrase "Watch for the Fall of the Seraphim." before vanishing in a flash of bright

From that point she dedicated her life to two things, Discovering the origins of these creatures and learning all she could to ensure that she was smart enough to make the right call when the time came. She worked hard on her education for over for 20 years. Graduating from high school at 13 due to her testing out of several grades. She moved on to college and spent the first 8 years attaining a masters in Physics and Chemistry, and spent the next 12 years gaining a doctorates in both Genetics, & Biology. That was when she was approached by Project Seraphim assuring her that she was on the right path.

In her ten years at in the program she proved her metal by designing the Processes which allowed for artificial organ creation, and personally designing the entire blueprint for subject SH-07 Beca. Her heavy work on the child subjects caused her to study pediatrics in an effort to make the procedures as easy on the children as possible and give them the best possible healing processes. She had adopted many of the children acting as a surrogate mother to them and even naming one. She even risked her life helping them to escape and recently had to flee the facility. She has not been seen since.

Powers: N/A

Skills: Brilliant scientist in the fields of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, And pediatrics. However it is Genetics where she shines, taking the number 1 spot in the world since the death of Dr.Illiel.

Likes: She loves the children, Likes studying all sciences, loves debate, and has a soft spot for cats.

Dislikes: Hates the board of directors, hates guns and weapons, and is not overtly fond of stryker.

Fears: Her greatest fear Are the creatures from her childhood memories, But a very close second is the big boss who gives off a similar vibe to those creatures.

Ambitions: To Help save the children as she is convinced that is the decision the white haired young man spoke of. She also wants to learn the origen of the creatures to overcome her fear of them, and hopefully can find out who the white haired young man is.

Other: The roster is almost done. I have only 2 more characters who wont be posted until later.
Shout out to FireMaiden FireMaiden for helping the design of This wonderful character.​
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"People are marvelous creatures, sometimes all it takes is a gentle hand to guide them...other times it calls for more "drastic" measures...thats where i come in"

Name: Heinz Ulfric

*Nickname: Blitz

Age:81 (31 at time or death)

*Gender: Male

*Sexuality: Asexual, heteromantic

Personality: likely one of the cruelest men to have ever lived he views things in terms of various shades of grey nothing is black or white. Even as a man the only thing he would acknowledge was that he was superior to the common man. Sure there were those who were superior even to him. But they would only sit above him for long. This is how he as always viewed the world. A struggle to attain as much power as possible before you die. Granted the game is now rigged in his favor however this in no way deminishes his desire to win.

History: Heinz was always a cruel boy. He viewed his fellow man as nothing more than a stepping stone. A trait which made him shine as a member of the nazi party. Becoming the youngest commander in history by the age of only 21 his ability to strategize and think his way out of nearly any situation made him a nightmare to the allied forces. Especially because he didnt fight for anything other than his self interest. Which made him notoriously hard to bring down.

Yet all good things come to an end. After nearly ten years of running a small army and reclaiming more and more territory from the allied forces he was called upon to tie up a loose end. Apparently a soviet spy had managed to get herself deemed a liability and it was up to him to "clean up". At first it seemed to go off without a hitch he got close to the target and even managed to get the drop on her. But by some odd turn of fate the would be lethal headshot only managed to take the spys eye. She managed to escape the bar and after four days and 27 good men he finally managed to corner the girl at a boathouse. But rather than simply finish her with a missile he wanted to capture her and make her suffer. So he and two of his men entered the boathouse after her. It was a trap his men were gunned down in under a second, leaveing onky him and the spy in a mexican standoff.

It ended with a shootout and much blood. He shot the spy twice in her heart and lung. but took 5 bullets of his own to the torso he may have survived if one hadnt hit his liver. When his body was recovered he had only made it a few steps out of the boathouse and only finished half of his cigarette before succumbing to his wounds. Imagine his surprise when he awoke an immortal superhuman now allied with the very spy who had killed him.

Powers: Being a revived corpse with the rest of the valkyrie subjects Blitz is immune to fatigue and does not require food, water, sleep, or even oxygen to maintain his life. In addition he is Unable to be killed by mundane means and will shrug off what would be fatal to the normal human. His particular procedure attached electrodes all over his body whicg allow him to generate up to 100,000,000 volts. Enough electricity to instantly kill an adult human 100 times over. However he is limited to generating arcs which can reach about 33.3 yards. But these arcs can cut clean through a battle tank or burn a heavily armored squad of soldiers in half.

Skills: Heinz is a particularly good political assassin. He is genius strategist and a brilliant tactician. He also happens to be a master of disguise. But his prime skill is killing, and he has mastered the usage of his power in doing so. As far as the Valkyrie goes he is the Face, the mouthpiece, and the cannon.

Likes: Fine wines, Expensive cigars, peacocks, Expensive cars, Extorting others, Loves Killing.

Dislikes: Being forced to deal with someone as an equal, Any who are superior to him, the Seraphim children.

Fears: Obsolescence, he fears being not needed and therefor eliminated by the big boss.

Ambitions: To become the Most powerful being in the universe.

Other: Love him or hate him he is gonna be fun to play.​


"What a disappointment......"

Name: Ryong Ji-Yung

Age: 31

*Gender: Female

*Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: She can be very clever and freethinking but can be tense and lazy.

History: She was born November 5,

Powers: Immense Strength, Jet Dash, Logic Manipulation, Water Blast

Skills: (if An agent of Seraphim.)

Likes: Drawing, Cooking, Smoking, Gunsmithing

Dislikes: Soccer, Singing, Sewing, Drinking

Fears: Fire, Heights, Crime

Ambitions: To become one of the most powerful Commander in the world as well as South Korea.

Other: Nope, not at all.

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