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I pocket 4 silver pieces and the gem stones and stones. Taking the keys he swims over to Zuul and Shana handing Zuul 2 keys and four silver pieces. He than handed Shana 2 keys five silver pieces and half the gem stones.

He swam to the cells and started seeing which ones he could unlock.
You see the freckled face of a blonde haired young boy, no more than 18 years old. "Thanks mister, me and little Ray been here for a while now."

As the bulgle wines in sadness.
you try your 3 keys on the boy's cell. The first key doesnt work, nor the second. If the third doesn['t work but luckily it does and the cell opens. Shana and Zuul have likewise freed one leaving one cell left. Neither Shana's nor Zuul's key works on it. Daris tries his last two and again the second works.
Daris used the second key and unlocked the cage before stepping back. "You have all been pardoned of your crimes and are free to go." He said. Head on back and you'll find away to our ship. Are you can help us."
The young man finds his stuff nearby, putting on his shaded chainmail shirt over his simple tonic and suspenders for his twasers. He puts on his knee and leg guards before putting on his black tranch coat and elbow guards. Thick lather gloves slip on he puts on a black wool wrapping around his head before dawning a strange pair of googles black mask combo.

He than puts a spoked collar around the pupperss neck and a executioners hood fitted so it's snout can still fit.

"Thank you stranger, I'm raymondo Jr. Son of a grand assassin, and my companion little ray." He saids as the dog foes a back flip, as he gets the rest of his weapons and gear ready.
Alice/ angle "Excuse me...could you let me..I mean us out" - A young voice comes out

An older voice can be heard, but sounds whisper like....the young voice ask
"Do you know what time it is also?"
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Daris used the second key and unlocked the cage before stepping back. "You have all been pardoned of your crimes and are free to go." He said. Head on back
Thank you very much my name is Vian(Vin) and um what do you all need help with
Daris saw the big human and put on a welcoming smile. "I'm Daris that's Shana and Zuul." He said pointing at the two respectfully. "One of our ship crew was sent overboard after a harolding storm. She is somewhere in this place." He said. "We're looking for her."
Both alice the angle and the old lady rosie sees their liberator

Rosie: "Thank you for freeing us from our bandage here, but could you tell us where even are we?" *She says as she looks around*

Alice: "I'm alice...and that's my friend rosie..."
Daris saw the big human and put on a welcoming smile. "I'm Daris that's Shana and Zuul." He said pointing at the two respectfully. "One of our ship crew was sent overboard after a harolding storm. She is somewhere in this place." He said. "We're looking for her."
Raymondo cracks his knockers "Well as no farer me and little Ray are willing to help out."
He looked to the old lady. "Your in a merefolk cavern. For someone reason they were holding you all hostage.... Maybe for a late night snack." He said.
Daris looked around than back at the door that they came from. There had to be another way through. "Well we been standing here for a while. We should get a move on before his friends show up and find you all out of your cages." He said as he swam to the opposite side of the prison to find an exit.
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