Lore5: Graphical view of Charm trees


One Thousand Club
If you view a Charm tree, you now have the option to click on a link.  The link will show you a graphical representation of the whole tree.

These representations are NOT live right now - I generated them on my home machine.  When Stillborn installs Graphviz on the server, we'll be able to regenerate them more frequently.
Don't know if its possible, but a link from the tree to the Charm's description would be the proverbial cherry.

I like cherries

Don't know if its possible, but a link from the tree to the Charm's description would be the proverbial cherry.
I like cherries

Stillborn just PMed me to let me know Graphviz is now installed on the server, meaning that this is now possible.  I'll probably do it sometime this weekend.
Y'know what you guys are?  Assiduous.
That has to be a word of your own creation!

Please, let it be.

Pronunciation: &-'sij-w&s, -'si-j&-

Function: adjective

Etymology: Latin assiduus, from assidEre

: marked by careful unremitting attention or persistent application <an assiduous book collector> <tended her garden with assiduous attention>
Damnit, memesis, why you gotta step on my toes like that, playa?  I could've convinced that crazy limey I was on staff at the OED, until you busted my fuckin' bubble.
Very cool feature. Two things I noticed while looking at the generated trees from TSJ:s Solar tactics Charms:

1) The generator doesn't seem to like the '-sign.

2) The generator does not like linkage to other trees (the follow-up Charms to the Solar Tactics tree (which are from the core book) comes up as "74", and "1314".
Solfi said:
Very cool feature. Two things I noticed while looking at the generated trees from TSJ:s Solar tactics Charms:
1) The generator doesn't seem to like the '-sign.

2) The generator does not like linkage to other trees (the follow-up Charms to the Solar Tactics tree (which are from the core book) comes up as "74", and "1314".
This is known, and it's probably going to stay that way while I migrate the whole 'charmtree generation process' off my box and onto the Lore5 server.  After that I can start to address bugs.
The Charm tree graphs should be up to date (and I've requested that Stillborn schedule a task to keep them that way, every day or so).  They are also clickable, meaning that if you click on a Charm on the graph, it'll take you to that Charm.
It's not a terribly system-intensive process, so I've set it to run hourly.

Stillborn said:
It's not a terribly system-intensive process, so I've set it to run hourly.
Execution took 45 minutes on my A64 3500.  What the hell are you using?
memesis said:
Execution took 45 minutes on my A64 3500.  What the hell are you using?
A celeron 800 with lots of RAM.

It finished in < 1 minute.

It does spit out a ton of these, however:

Error: fontconfig: Couldn't retrieve font family name. : Times-Roman

memesis - remind me to send you the python source and sample output of the .dot files I generate to build my big PDF o' charm trees (link in the "Tools" section). Not directly usable, probably, but getting the layout and colors right took some tweaking that you could steal. It's all at home, though, so I can't send it right now.
Stillborn said:
memesis said:
Execution took 45 minutes on my A64 3500.  What the hell are you using?
A celeron 800 with lots of RAM.

It finished in < 1 minute.

Then that means there's a permissions issue overwriting the files, and it didn't actually do the work it needed to, I expect.
Stillborn said:
It seemed to create trees for stuff that wasn't there previously, like so:
http://patternspider.net/exalted/l ... php?id=140

Hmmm.  In that case, not having the font may have made it faster... How odd.  Anyway, we probably want to install some good fonts.  The errors you were seeing were because Graphviz expects to find fonts to render text with, and can't.

I'll dig up details of what needs to be done tonight.
Looks like it's stopped working. It hasn't added my newest Solar Endurance Charm to the tree (see here)

It's also spitting out a different error:

Error: fontconfig: Didn't find expected font family. Perhaps URW Type 1 fonts need installing? : Times-Roman


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