Lords of Creation


Drunken master
I've resurrected a game I used to run on Patternspider called Lords of Creation. Not having a submission thread that isn't in the archive from 2010, I guess I have to make this one here in the hopes that someone moves it to the right place.

It's about Solar Exalted punching things, throwing science bombs at problems and slightly broader strokes than usual, with a view to world domination. Or liberation. Or world something, anyway. It's currently set in the island kingdoms of the West, so piracy and boats and volcano gods terrorizing tribal nations a-go-go. The players so far fixed a broken god, found part of a superweapon and saved a town from destruction twice.

3 of the original players are back. I would like 1 more before kicking off a new slice of adventure. I intend to have a time jump from the last thread to the present day, so fitting in a new player won't be a problem.

I'm looking for a Solar (Or possibly another Exalt type, but you'd want a DAMN good backstory for me to consider it) with standard character generation, +22XP, and a further 10BP for a backstory and 5 for a portrait.
sounds like fun, never played exalted before, but id like to get in if you tell me what needs doing and needs getting.
Since this is an existing game, I have moved it up to Our Roleplays, the storyteller may change the status of the game by editing the first post and picking a prefix.
o_o Very interested.

Characters we think up can be a little older then? 30-40 ish? I have an idea for a Zenith shaman trying to reconcile his former relationship with a god or elemental and his visions from the Unconquered Sun.
If you want more than one player (as I am already in a few games, and Cirno isn't in many), I would be happy to make a character. I haven't played in the West before, and I have a few character ideas kicking around.
Incendius said:
If you want more than one player (as I am already in a few games, and Cirno isn't in many), I would be happy to make a character. I haven't played in the West before, and I have a few character ideas kicking around.
I like reading your character concepts. Definitely wanna see.
Just one for now, but I'm not opposed to the idea of bringing in a fifth later. It's been about 2 years since this game was active, so I'd like to coax life back into it gently, rather than the defibrillator treatment.

Sure post up some character concept.

I'm looking for Solars. If you're VERY convincing, a non-Solar might be acceptable. We currently have 2 Twilights and a Dawn Caste, so perfect circle isn't an issue. The character would require a reason to be showing up on the little island nation of Petraya, in the Neck, a string of islands where the Immaculate Faith is rather lax. Word has gotten about that some golden heroes saved Petraya from some horrible soul-eating monster. Word is the Wyld Hunt is active in the region. the undead nation of Skullstone are starting to get uppity and engaging in brazen piracy. War may well break out across the West very soon.

In the mean time, like I said, standard character generation with an extra 22XP, and bonus points for backstory/pictures.


The general Exalted setting is freely available about the net. Have a read of that, particularly the Solars, and have a go at a character concept. We can put numbers to it later if need be.
Ooooh, an Eclipse, given their natural leaning toward Sail, could be fun. Maybe a tradesman starting out his own company in places that have little to no competition with the Guild.
Welp, I've never played a game of Exalted before, so I don't know if you'd want me, but I've read up on the setting and the...general archetypes, and I've got something of a character concept set up. He's a Zenith who basically goes around doing things to help the people of creation, and he tries to inspire them to improve themselves, their lots in life, and the world around them.
I'm pretty new to Exalted too (playing a game off the forums where we've had two scenes so far). But darn it, this is a chance at a Sarky-run production. *pumpfisto*

Name: Tirputra, Sky-Pointing Albatross

Caste: Solar Zenith

Motivation: To bring a large, arable landmass into the purview of the West.

Sub-Goal: Tiruputra knows many legends passed down from his ancestors. He has heard about a Western continent that crumbled into the sea; a great landmass that slid beyond the Pole of Water to the Fae; a castle in the sky that floated away with its untold wonders; a majestic city that still lives beneath the waves. He intends to find one that is true and revive the West with it.



Tall and wiry, Tirputra has the well-toned arms of one who travels the sea. His shaggy, blue-black hair is cropped short. A bristly afternoon shadow is ever-present on his face. Tattooed on either side of his neck are dangling earrings, rendered with dolphin pendants and gull feathers. The smell of salt, sweat, and coconut oil clings to his swarthy skin.


By the time Tirputra was twenty, the village had claimed as much of the islet as they had dared from its jungle heart, and now sprawled outwards on floating docks and houseboats. It was the last island in the chain. The ceremony that marked him as a shaman was immediately followed by a festive cast off party. Predicting fair weather, Tirputra led several families into open waters to find a new home.


Shrieking triumphantly, the thunderbirds herded both water elementals and the unfortunate humans deeper into their stormy domain. Fierce winds struck down the ocean waves before they could climb higher. Even these malformed breakers were enough to sweep apart the tiny fleet of canoes. Tirputra hoarsely shouted out to the other tribesmen, trying to keep everyone together. His earlier appeals to the elementals had fallen on deaf ears.

But someone else had heard and deigned to answer.
Rise. The men shouted at him as he did so. He risked capsizing the canoe. Their shouting became a single wordless gasp as light coursed through him.

He could see. Even through the rain and the waves, he could see a dark line on the horizon. Tirputra threw his hand out as if to grasp that dark line. The people rowed.


His Exaltation was taken for a strike of lightning amid the terrible storm; he became the beacon that guided them to land. The light that suffused him was taken as a sign of being chosen by elementals of air and water, for he somehow manoeuvred both into blessing the village without gaining the ire of either. The village prospered and grew.

Tirputra's eldest also grew, and he was soon ready to take his father's mantle. Tirputra's wife smiled uncomfortably at the cheerful comments regarding Tirputra's youthful appearance while she stood by him.

Early one morning, he made as if to go one of his usual diving expeditions. His family waved to him from the shore. He stared back until even the wooden fishing cranes dipped out of sight. And then he cradled his head in his hands. Packed away in his eldest son's chest were all the treasures and symbols of his position as shaman of the village. The only item he did not leave in the chest was his harpoon, which now lay at his side.


Leopard of the Western Wealds, Patron of the Okeatani

Hesperia was once a forest goddess in one of the Western continents and did not care about being worshipped in those days. She lost much power when the continent crumbled. The entrance to her sanctum went underwater, so she was quick to forge agreements with local gods and water elementals. After the relative security of her sanctum was reestablished, she noticed the despairing people. In some stories, the people are those who were changed by sea spirits that Hesperia persuaded. In others, the people are a small group that Hesperia guided over her submerged forest to a mountain-now-island. Regardless of which version is told, the people Hesperia helped are considered the original Okeatani.

Today, the Okeatan people are a relatively small tribe that worships Hesperia. She is regarded as their sympathetic mediator; they often ask her for boons or blessings usually granted by (water, air, or wood) elementals or local gods.

The Okeatani live on islands dominated by jungles or swampy forests, but live near the shore in stilt houses or on house boats. While the people might venture into the forest to gather food or harvest wood, they consider it an abuse of Hesperia's hospitality to take more or stay longer than necessary. It is said only shaman have an implicit invitation from her to stay.

This suits Hesperia just fine, as she is also worshipped by beastmen on one of her larger islands and the arrangement keeps her worshipers from fighting each other (for the most part). Deep in the jungle, she sometimes materializes as a partially spotted wildcat.

To Okeatani shaman, Hesperia usually appears as a venerable beauty with waves of silver-green hair. A chain of baroque pearls and semi-precious jewels serves as a necklace, one bead for each island under her purview. She would love to add bits for other archipelagos, like Wavecrest, but is not in a position to challenge their forest gods, much less the volcano gods.


While Tirputra could still see the entrance to his home, the morning mist still swirled about him, whispering sibilantly. His boat stilled. Looking up to the forest canopy, he could see a translucent Hesperia, her hair floating as if the air was water. He could not see her face, but when the goddess whipped around, a fierce wind tore through the trees and his boat surged away from the shore.

He looked back until the island faded, not even a line on the horizon. Guilt and sadness overtook him.

When he raised his head at last, the mist was no more. Off the bow of his tiny vessel, rays of sunlight pierced through the clouds, forming glittering pools where they plunged into the sea. He rowed.


what i meant was, you gave points, but nothing for character creation, like what the points go into, what they cost, or where I can find said material that would describe character creation.
0burn111 said:
what i meant was, you gave points, but nothing for character creation, like what the points go into, what they cost, or where I can find said material that would describe character creation.
That's also in the Core, along with the general Exalted setting. You might like to use Anathema, a Java application, to create your character. Anathema gives you a glance at Attributes, Abilities, and summaries of Charms (cool feats).

The Exalted Core book explains the relative value of the dots and how they're used to calculate dice rolls and other things. Ex 1. A person with one dot of strength can lift a large dog with effort, and five-dot strength means he can easily lift a whole pony. Ex 2. (dots in Strength + dots in Athletics) yards is how high your character can jump.
0burn111 said:
what i meant was, you gave points, but nothing for character creation, like what the points go into, what they cost, or where I can find said material that would describe character creation.
The general Exalted setting is freely available about the net. Have a read of that' date=' particularly the Solars, and have a go at a character concept. We can put numbers to it later if need be.[/quote']
Numbers aren't important. LOVE IS. No but seriously the numbers bit comes after you have an actual character concept and we can help you with that if needs be.
I'm blaming the time zone difference for not spotting what you meant. God, I'm sleepy.

Anyway, what they said. Anathema's damned handy for the mechanical side of character creation, contains just about everything you need. 3 dots in any skill or attribute would be better than average for an everyday mortal. 5 is the peak of human ability.
Very interested, if you're taking applicants still. I'll get you a concept soon, hopefully within the next day or so after I read up on the other PCs and game for some inspiration.
saganite said:
Very interested, if you're taking applicants still. I'll get you a concept soon, hopefully within the next day or so after I read up on the other PCs and game for some inspiration.
ffff I really need to finish making chao look pretty

First inspiration-concept is an Eclipse Smuggler from Skullstone who prefers to keep his hands in ALL the proverbial honeypots.
I'll make a decision in the next day or two. If anyone still wants to throw their hat in, pop up a concept here.
Friendly mushroom. It is watered by character concepts.

I'm going to pretend to not to know the first one. *eyeshift*
Cirno said:
Friendly mushroom. It is watered by character concepts.
I'm going to pretend to not to know the first one. *eyeshift*
It's too late. Your avatar and screen name are already from an anime. It is impossible to pretend not to know one.

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