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Age: (At least 15)




What Kind of World You're From:


((You can add whatever you like after this

:) ))

((Can have as many characters as you can handle xD ))​
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Samuel Lee Hawkins



Samuel Lee Hawkins


Sam, Sams, Sammy, Hawkins

Age: (At least 15)





Sam is a complete goofball. He's witty, quirky, wild, hyperactive, talkative and awkward. He's sarcastic and snarky; always having a comment to make. You usually know something's really wrong when he doesn't use any sarcasm. He's extremely rebellious and stubborn, hating to be told what to do, which usually gets him in trouble at the academy. He's tried to run away more than once. He's protective and caring, loving and kind. He has the biggest heart in the world and will do anything for the people he loves. He's blunt and honest, not afraid to speak his mind. And despite being a babbler, he's a very good listener.



What Kind of World You're From:

Like ours, except every child is born as twins. He's trying to get back to his world, so he can see his sister.


Helena Georgina Holloway



Helena Georgina Holloway


Helen, H.G

Age: (At least 15)





Helena is a big goofball. She's spontaneous and energetic, random and hyperactive. She's sweet and caring yet also sarcastic and sassy. She's protective and motherly and a big sucker for romance. She's naturally curious and is always asking questions. She's also extremely loyal and will do anything for her loved ones. She's not shy in the slightest and is not opposed to strutting her stuff, neither is she afraid to be herself.

Yet despite all that, she's also completely badass. She'll beat you in a fight anytime and can often be described as 'bossy'. She also loves making corrections and has a slight ego.


Yes, at the moment

What Kind of World You're From:

A totalitarian one. The government is super controlling. In her world, girls and boys are separated for the most part, until they turn 18 and are given their 'match'. She's currently trying to get back to hers. She's convinced she loves him.


~ She's the doppelganger of Sam's twin, his sister from an alternate universe. She only has a different last name because in her world, Sam and their parents died when she was really young, and she was adopted.

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(Sounds awesome!!)

Bobbie J. Hawthorn




Age: (At least 15)



Bobbie is very independent and prefers to do most things alone. She only has a few friends, but she loves them all. She admits she isn't much of a leader, and stays loyal if there ever is one in her life. Bobbie would sacrifice herself to let those she loves live and isn't afraid to die.



What Kind of World You're From:

An apocalyptic world where men in masks abduct people off the streets and experiment on them.

She likes both sexes.
Kyle "Ky" Mathers

  • Ky was born into the futuristic civilization similar to a movie-like portrayal. Hover boards were the skateboards, and gas fueled cars haven't been utilized for over 100 years. Although technology had become advanced, standard social codes remained the same. There were those who prospered (the popular ones), and those who were stepped on, the outcasts. Of course, Ky happened to find himself as low as you could go on the ladder of social hierarchies. Ky always wanted to be a kid who fit in, but his awkward antics and random outbursts always held him back and restricted him from his dream.


Name: Joshua Hemmings

Nickname(s): Josh, Gadget Man,

Age: (At least 15) 20 years old.

Looks: Josh wears a ragged, gray trench coat that hides most of his gadgets and has some pockets of its own. Underneath, he has three different belts, each with pouches of its own. Two across his shoulders and chest at one at his waist. He wears a white V-neck, that he tries his best to keep white, and camo pants. On his forehead are some funky looking glasses that look like they came from an eye-doctor's office.

Personality: Weird, quirky, and sometimes unable to understand social ques, what Josh lacks in social understandings he makes up for in his inventiveness. He's like McGuyver, in a nutshell, though he doesn't know who that is exactly. He can think up a plan in a matter of seconds that will usually end well. This skill is not always used in dangerous situations as he has been wrong in the making of his plans before and that has caused major consequences. Josh is afraid of death and of getting separated from any friends so he tries to travel alone, not inviting anyone along who is unexperienced with the loopholes. He doesn't like conflict and when gets engaged in a fight, whether by accidentally angering somebody or getting caught stealing, he will retreat and make sure he loses any pursuers.

Alone?: Most of the time, though he does make friends from time to time before moving on to another world.

What Kind of World You're From: In his world, there is a constant war going on in the area he was born in, so while the rest of the world has advanced, he's had to work with technology years behind. This is still ahead of our world but in his time before discovering the loopholes, Josh grew up always knowing that he'd be behind everybody else. That all changed when he found his first loophole

Extra: The reason for his nickname Gadget Man comes from the fact that he carries around plenty of, what else, gadgets. This includes a gauntlet with a green screen that can do a variety of things, like check his and other's vital signs and map out locations and record notes, smoke pellets, a grappling hook, a small, hidden BB gun, a pez dispenser, and much more.

(I was just making sure because it kind of seemed like your character would find ours and then lead them on an adventure and stuff.)
Name: Rex Crastor

Nickname(s): Six

Age: (At least 15) 27

Looks:Rex is tall and lanky with more bone than meat on him. He has slicked back red hair and deep grey eyes that usually carry an aloof expression. HE wears a reinforced leather duster and plain out door clothing underneath along with two gun belts and multitude of satchels, bottles, and boxes hanging of his duster containing an untold number of gadgets and supplies. Twop custom 10MM hang on his hips ready and willing and his left arm is completely black metal.

Personality: Rex is generally quit and aloof, content with reading a book or figeting with a gadget, but when his anger or curiosity is aroused he tends to become hyper intense and will stop at nothing to achieve his end goals. He's killed a lot and is regretful but at the same time is willing to continue as long he is allowed to keep living. Smart, qucik at the draw, and crafty Rex is a loner and acts like it.

Alone?: just the ghosts in his head.

What Kind of World You're From: an advanced world wiped out by a nuclear war at the peak of it's technological prowess leaving the survivors to pick up the pieces. This was don\e through massive underground caches of technology that gave the new factions of humanity powers beyond their limited minds. This created a class of men and women higher than al others; the scholars these people possessed the know how to work the old machines and they now run the world.



Name: Ember Clove Harlem

Nickname(s): Typically goes by Ember, sometimes called Em by her friends

Age: 16


Looks: Ember is a petite girl, barely reaching 5'5". She has curly dirty blonde hair and light blue, sometimes hazel, eyes. Her physical state is in good condition, but she has a very limited upper body strength.

Personality: Ember is a very quiet girl. Although she has a lot on her mind, she usually doesn't say much. She doesn't like to interact with others a lot because she never really learned proper social conduct as a child. Ember is kind-hearted and may appear weak at times, but deep inside her is a fight greater than most could imagine. Once she has something in her sights, she is determined to achieve it. One huge aspect of Embers life is music. She's taken a huge knack for playing guitar and she loves to sing every chance that she gets.

Alone?: Yup

What Kind of World You're From: A world far into the future, when the government has outlawed every form of love there is. Love is considered to be a disease in which causes more destruction than anything else. In Ember's world, a child is born and taken care of by a special caregiver called a Raiser. She is fed, educated, and kept safe inside a compound with minimal interaction with others until she is 18. When she turns 18, she is assigned a certain job in society and will be stuck doing that job every day for the rest of her life.

Extra: Since love is considered forbidden in her old society, Ember doesn't really know how to interact with others of the opposite sex. She tries to be kind and sweet, but she has been taught to minimize her emotions because emotions lead to turmoil.​
Name: Mari Cassa Everette/ Marian Vivi Everette

Nickname(s): Fiona / Wendy

Age: (don’t look it) 17


Looks: The only difference is that Fiona is ‘partially’ an albino so the roots of her hair are white. And Wendy’s hair is black with dark brown eyes. They also wear different clothing with t-shirts and pants being their main ensemble and they have no rabbit ears.

Personality: Fiona is sweet as her twin is sour. They are mostly opposing in behavior but they have similarities deep down. They both like tech and exploring, as well as being loyal to their friends. While Fiona likes to make her friends feel better, Wendy likes to be honest even if it hurts. Fiona also is very lovesick and sees no danger in exploring new things and territories while Wendy gets flustered at the mentioning of a relationship and is very paranoid. They how, also very much rationalist and are both weak to "cute" things. They are easily scared of needles, the dark, and of people smiling too much at them. But that is due to trauma.

Alone?: They have each other and Fredrick.

What Kind of World You're From:

Their world is odd. It is like ours except three things. One, parents can choose to genetically alter their children in their coloring pre/post birth in various ways. Two, those horror stories? The ones that are passed from forum to forum? Yeah, they come from this world apparently. What we call ‘Magic’ is some form of lost technology of their Bronze Age that gets loose from their world via loopholes. Three, they are very strict about the appearance of the nuclear family, everywhere. It’s not really a totalitarian society because it’s more about appearances than anything. As long as you can fake it, you make it so there is always some crazy shit going on in the background.

There life was that, a big fake out. Separated from their real mother, Fiona and Wendy were subjected to a cruel and crazy stepmother and a crazy scientist for a father. There was a lot of test that he did on them to make them the perfect children for his wife. After becoming ill, they began to rebel, especially after finding a fellow classmate's lost gaming avatar, Fredrick. Fredrick, a gaming AI that was diced based, somehow gambled on the chance of the loophole, which he called a “level error.” They didn’t really listen to him until their stepmother killed their real mother and almost killed them. Allowing everyone else to think that they died, they left their world, and are now trying to find another one that is similar enough to theirs so they can live in peace.



Again Bronze Age Tech. Mainly “Potions” that can do various effects. Their mother was a practitioner but swore the girls to say nothing. Now, they rarely use the “Book of Tears” because they don’t know when they will be in a world in which the witch-hunts are still active. They also don’t want to explain the tech or history of their world just in case there is some form of boogeyman here that maybe a creation of theirs.



A gaming AI. Looks like a young man with long black hair and crystal blue eyes. Updates randomly, due to the “spells” and the “level errors” that happen when they jump worlds. He looks like he occupies a Nintendo DS. If having enough power within will manifest an illusion of himself outside the game system.
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