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Fandom Looking to Create Warriors FanClan!

A long time ago, before the clans ever existed, there was a tribe. A single tribe of cats living high in the mountains. The winters were harsh and cold, summer short. Prey and herbs were hard to come by. Their wise, elderly leader Winter had a vision. In this vision she saw a fertile valley, rich in prey with more than enough space for her tribe.

She led the cats out of the mountains, on a journey to find this paradise. It took two moons, and was hard on the entire tribe. They lost most of that seasons kits. Many of the elders could not make the journey. One of the perished elders was the tribe leader, Winter.

They found the valley. True to the late Winter's words, it was lush and rich with prey. There was more than enough space for the large tribe. But without a leader, they began to fight amongst themselves. Winter had not named a successor.

Five factions formed, led by the tribes five strongest warriors. There was Water, who was young, but wise. She led with her head over her heart. A good number of cats listened to her wise words and found themselves agreeing with her. There was Air, who was fierce and gentle in turn. He was a natural leader, many followed him for his charisma. Earth was kind, but had claws as sharp as the others. Her group wanted to solve things peacefully, but in secret of the others were ready for war to break out. Fire, who lead with his heart. His impassioned words had gained him many sympathizers. And Stone, a graying warrior who was stuck in the past and resented change.

It was Water who suggested that they separate. Each faction took a section of the valley for themselves. Except for Stone and his follows. They attempted to return to the mountains, and have not been heard from since. The leaders met every full moon until Laws were made and agreed upon, a code all would follow.
Thank you. I'm writing up Clan descriptions too. Should I do camp descriptions as well? I did a vague territory description, as well as personality thing, preferred foods, and average colors.

Yes, still accepting.
I think that would be awesome!


[QUOTE="Jen Underwood]Still accepting? (ง'̀-'́)ง

I believe so ^^
FireClan- FireClan cats are often passionate, about everything they do. They anger quickly, and forgive just as quickly. They value loyalty and friendship above all else. To outsiders they can seem confrontational, a little wild, less dictated by the code than the other clans, but that is just because they stick to their believes and love a friendly argument. They live in a forest of oaks and aspens, with thin underbrush. They eat mostly birds, mice, the occasional rabbit. Their camp sits in an old riverbed hidden behind thorn bushes. The warriors, apprentices and leader share a large bramble bush for a den. A cave in the riverbed serves as medicine den. A fallen log houses the elders. The queens sleep in another cavern. The training area is on another part of the riverbed, not far from the camp. They mostly come in shades of red, brown and black. They have a higher number of calico and tortoiseshell than other clans.

AirClan- AirClan cats live in the moment. Their mood changes as quickly as the weather. They can be very friendly, very aggressive, very playful, very sad all in the same conversation. They are very lawful and often have harsher punishment for code breaking than the other clans. From the outside they can appear very odd and quirky, they have a love of fun that more serious cats won't get. They don't have many trees, preferring the open sky. Their camp at the top of a hill. The leader's den is underneath the roots of an aspen tree. The warriors sleep underneath the open sky, or in an old badger den if it's raining. Apprentices have a bramble bush. The queens sleep underneath a rocky overhand. Elders have a foxhole. The majority of the clan are brown, cream or gray. AirClan are more likely to have spotted kits than the other clans.

EarthClan- EarthClan cats are prepared for anything. They can be suspicions of outsiders, and they have good reason to be. Everything they do they do completely; trust completely, love completely. They are not the most aggressive of the clans, but when it comes to border disputes or battle they usually win. They train harder than the other clans. They eat mostly mice and voles. The live in a iney forest with thick underbrush. They have their camp in the middle of a collection of closely growing trees. The roots intertwine, to form dens that need no modification. The only den that is not under the roots is the nursery, which is a small honeysuckle bush. The training area is a moss clearing halfway across the territory. EarthClan cats come in brown, red and gray. They are often tabby or striped.

WaterClan- WaterClan cats always have the outward appearance of calm. They are analytical thinkers, usually use their heads to guide them. When they do get emotional it's always very emotional. WaterClan cats hold onto their anger and aggression, planning ways to get even. They live in a marshy area, a river running through it. They eat a lot of fish, frogs and waterfowl. Their camp is between the river and a small cliff. (I don't have camp details for this one.) They are commonly gray, white and black. They are more likely to have splotches of color than the other clans.
I love them ^^

Earth Clan is my favourite :)
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Jay's offline right now, so probably sometime tomorrow. I think we have six or seven rpers at this point, that's probably enough to start even if it isn't ideal.

Did I accidentally take on responsibility in this rp again?
Hey guys. So so so sorry.

@cloudyblueday @Cyber Wolf @Jen Underwood

You guys are welcome!

Thank you so much, Dawn. I appreciate you.

So, the leaders will be myself, Abyss, Gilmoregirl, and @Nico if she is interested.

I would like to lead FireClan.

I will be making the thread soon. I will as well be placing Dawnfire's overview and Clan characteristics in there. We will be making character sheets in the thread itself.

Can't thank you enough Dawnfire. For the descriptions and for taking responsibility while I was gone.

I think my character will be in water, if that's alright with you, and if you need, I wouldn't mind leading a clan. I see you have people already but if something happens let me know. :)
You may. And you can have more than one character as well, just so you know. @cloudyblueday You can as long as Nico isn't interested.
Alright. @cloudyblueday, you may lead a clan.

So we've got myself leading FireClan, Gilmoregirl leading WaterClan.

I'll be there in a moment ^^

What's the thread link/name?

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