Looking to Create Fantasy Arranged Marriage Scenario

Lady Sabine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/4208-macaberz/ said:
You weren't as active as I might have preferred, but I truly did enjoy your writing. ^^I would love to have you; I'm just not an aggressive recruiter, especially for ideas that are even more flimsy and experimental than my last ones. XDD
Great! I think I will go with wood elves then :)
[QUOTE="Lady Sabine]Sweet. ^^

Well my search for images for the characters I have in mind has been quite unsuccesfull. Female woodelves aren't hard to find altough about 90% is just cleavage with a greenish hue over it. Male wood elves are harder and most of them I just don't like the look of, too far "out there" for me. I am looking for something native American maybe...hmm. Well, I guess I should work on my nation first anyway.
Name of Country: Odayin

Common Name: The Heartwood.

Adjective: Odanese

Geography: The Heartwood lies on the northern hemisphere. It's a thin stroke of land, stretched thin enough to contain a warm southern part and a frigid nothern part. Whilst a majority of the land is littered with trees, there are stretches of open plains and fields to be found as well, many of which can be found alongside the river Aiden which divides the heartwood north to south. The river gains it's water from the sea in the north and deposits most of it in The Salty Lake (Zhewit) to the southeast.

There are few establishments of great renown as most Wood Elves prefer a reclusive life. Yet, there are some major sites hidden in the depths of the forest. First and foremost is the capital, Ahnung, from where the King and Queen oversee the wellbeing of the forest. It is more commonly know as the Star city as it's buildings rise above the treetops and provide an astounding view of the night sky above and the landscape below. Many of the other major establishments are guard posts along the borders. Moreover, there are two trade posts that now act as minor fortresses against any possible invadors. Seated next to the river Aiden on the most northern and southern tip they are called Giw-Aiden and Zha-Aiden respectively (North-Aiden and South-Aiden).

Race: Wood elves. Wood elves are wise but reserved beings. They much prefer a life of seclusion, devoted to attaining a deeper understanding of nature opposed to one of extravagance. Contrary to popular belief, wood elves rarely live beyond a hundred years and are not the vegetarians many make them out to be. Their lifestyle teeters between tribal and settled. A majority of the populace is thinly spread across the vast Heartwood but a several thousands live in something akin to cities, though only Ahnung could really be counted as such. The lithe and lean Wood elves stand no chance against the rumoured power of men. Physically weaker than most races and lacking severly in advanced technology one would say the Wood Elves would never stand much of a chance in any war. Yet their tactical cunning, mastery of their own environment and their magical prowess make them formidable foes yet.

Their magic takes many shapes and forms, though it is seldom of a destructive nature. Instead, their magical abilities are often used to heal, repair or enhance. They can not create anything new out of thin air, but they can use their spells to mold their environment to their will or, with a fair bit of talent, adjust the path of an arrow in flight. With the exception of healing spells and herbs their magic is temporary and will only last as long as the caster can dedicate enough energy to the demands of the spell.

On average, Wood Elves stand between 5 and 6 feet tall.

Government: The Heartwood is ruled by a King and Queen with equal rights and power.

Culture: Stern but fair, if you comply. Pursuits of happiness and nature are encouraged and growing up amidst the wood elves is a breeze. Unless you're different. Any sheep that stray from the right path will be thoroughly corrected. It is not uncommon for young, stubborn rebels to be expulsed from their home and sent out into the wild on their own. Other still are picked up by a wandering clan of devour priests who are firmly against anything unnatural. Some say the rebels are recruited and converted, others say that they become a sacrifice to a long forgetten Godess. In either case, Odanese culture happily permits the roaming priests to pick out the rotten apples. Foreigners are regarded with utmost suspicion and, often, contempt for their unnatural ways. For most Wood Elves life is tribal, not unlike American Natives.

Other: Nope.

*Preferred Sex: Willing to double. Primary character will likely be male as I still feel slightly more comfortable with that. Only slightly though ;)
Big post incoming, so I spoilered it for the sake of tidiness.

Name of Country: Aseus-Mistan

Common Name: Mistan

Adjective: Mistish

Geography: An island out at sea of a size and shape equivalent to Ireland RL. To the North reside fairy like races like Fae which are more of a earth nature and live in what appear at first sight to be mounds in the Earth. The geography there is largely hilly but not mountainous.

Towards the south runs a large river horizontally across about 1/4 up from the bottom of the country called the Istal River. This river branches out towards most of the south which has made the inhabitants there become more attuned to the smaller rivers established there. It is at the centre of the Istal where the capitol Asmodeus reigns, a large floating city built entirely from natural resources.

Race: Sidhé. A mysterious race of primarily female inhabitants that inhabit Aseus-Mistan. Some say they are angels walking among others, others the natural protectors of the world. Their lesser cousins are Nymphs, but that will tick them off as that as classed as an insult to call them one.

Different Sidhé have their own affinities to a particular form of nature. The north of Mistan generally the Earth and the south the sea (due to the Istal river). The royal family all have a famously strong affinity to anything of a liquid form, but work easiest with water.

They are generally of a petite elfish-like size of 5ft, but males are larger of height. They have a slender beautiful figure and pale skin. While physically quite weak they are strong in magical power to make up for it.

They are however known for looking close to elves and undoubtedly attractive. Sidhe men are far and few compared to the female, but their aesthetic qualities are not lost on them.

A trait shared by near all Sidhe and more so the royal family are their dangerously attractive looks and nature. They do not even exude hormones that attract, simply the atmosphere they establish and their aesthetics put others into an almost trance. It is hypothesised that this is a evolutionary survival trait to avoid death or gain favour from other races by using their extreme good looks and attractiveness. This is no less so with males. This seems to also only apply to the gender the subject is attracted to, so a male side would attract females and homosexual men.

The females outnumber the men by 19/20 ratio. This is purely for genetic reasons. Males are seen of a slightly lesser regard simply because of their small numbers however there is no difference in magical ability, though males are naturally slightly physically stronger for their larger builds.

Government: Most areas have their own tribes and live to how their tribe leader sees fit. Being a generally secluded race, even amongst other tribes, they generally do what seems right for them, which is generally a simple life attuned with the well-being of nature. They all however follow the absolute reign of the Fairy Queen or King, though the north do not respect their monarch as much as the south. Their word is however final. Usually though such choices needn't be made as they are a peaceful race who prefer not to engage in war. They seem to more often seduce/sweet-talk the other country's leader to disengage using their racial traits.

Culture: A peaceful simple one where villages and small towns nurture the nature for use for food or materials. They believe in a Karmic system where if they take good care of nature, nature will reward them for their efforts with good harvest and weather.

The royal family leads purely for the wellbeing of their people and nature. Therefore while they are of a higher status and are generally well-off, they try to avoid poverty and exploitation in their nation. Their simple good-willed life style tends to avoid these though.

Preferred Sex: Male. Prefer to not double.
Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
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Looking awesome so far, guys. ^^ 
@PicaPirate might need to wait until we have some ratios figured out. Be a shame to post and then have to back out if doubling becomes mandatory. :c
@Lady Sabine I think @Syrenrei might be interested in this. She was quite passionate about the last rendition of this idea. I'll see if I can think of other folks who might be interested in this.

Also, you might want to check for names in that other ideas thread you had. The one about the council and invasion where everyone controlled a family. And if you don't feel comfortable doing PR, allow me... *cracks knuckles* ...to make sure this idea gets the attention it deserves.
Hello, this idea is brilliant and although I'm new to RP ill give it my all if there are any openings for another nation still?
I like the notion of arranged marriages (even if I don't execute it well), but I'm not sure what fantastical race I'd play. Even in fantasy settings I rarely venture outside of human and half-elf. The most magical race I've played in a setting like this are shape-shifters. >.<
--Just posting this here for safe keeping. (:

Name of Country:
The High Kingdom of Icariia

Common Name: Icarii

Adjective: Icariian

Geography: As you can imagine, the home of Icarii is found floating the the sky. This floating landmass is roughly the same size as Hawaii, and generally sticks to one location, off the shores to the southwest of the mainland. It is made up of three smaller islands that appear to orbit a main central island that is the largest and stays in place.

The main floating island is known as Feriishteh, and is largely covered by the Icarii main city that is known by the same name. The city of Feriishteh is constructed like many medieval castles, with a moat that cascades down into the ocean below, sandstone walls, but no gate or drawbridge in sight. Generally, if the Icariian people need into the capital, they will just fly in. The vast majority of the inside is homes and roads, made of the same tan sandstone leading up to another gate in the center. Inside that, is a large, glorious castle, standing at least 10 times taller than any building in the outer gate. In general, all of the building have a distinctly Greek/Egyptian feeling, tall, carved and over the top.

In general, most people live inside Feriishteh. The larger of the two orbiting islands is called Miirthras. It is a very plain place, covered in grass, meadows and farmland, with small settlements sprinkled about. Much of the Icarii food supply that is not imported is grown on Miirthras. The other island is Ameretat, and it is mostly forest with small hills and flowing rivers that also fall off the side into the ocean below. This is a place that the Icarii visit for fun, and only those who seek almost complete solitude reside on Ameretat.

Race: The Icarii are a race of basically angel-people. Their most notable and usually first noticed feature are large, bird-like wings extending from each shoulder blade, which usually reach 6-7 feet. Generally, these wings are used for flight, but there are Icarii whose wings do not develop, and they never are able to take flight. The color of wings usually denote the Icarii's social status. White and black are found on the royal family and nobility. Brown, grey, tan and other colors are primarily found on lower class individuals. Most have light tan to dark tan skin and have similar body builds as humans, though they tend to be lean rather than bulky. Men are usually a fair bit larger than women. On Miirthras and Ameretat, the Icarii usually dress plain and homely, but in the capital, Feriishteh, extravagance can be found all around. Nearly everyone dresses in silk clothing and precious metals. As a people, they are generally arrogant and stubborn. They value family ties and will defend their name in an instant. They do not take well to outsiders.

Government: The Icarii is largely controlled by the Serekh. He or she is the ultimate leader, and has the final say on all matters. They are elected from a High Council, which consists of a representative of the 10 most powerful and influential Icarii families. When the Serekh reaches an age where they feel they are no longer able to fulfill their duties, they choose a member from the High Council to take their place. If they die before being able to choose a successor, the High Council votes a new Serekh into power. For the last 800 years, the same family has held the position of Serekh.

Culture: Icarii life revolves around the creation and exportation of high quality, extravagant items. From ceremonial robes and perfect armor, to beautiful weapons and over-the-top jewelry. Most citizens work as skilled crafters, creating things that people on the mainland would pay their lives wealth to buy. The quality of dress in Icarii is very high, and they value the way that they look and present themselves. Outsiders are not welcome in Icarii and half-breeds are shunned. Those citizens that do not become skilled crafters usually become soldiers or if they have magic ability go to the University to become mages and healers. Icariians are very private and do not share their true personalities or secrets with just anyone, and for this reason, they usually give off a rough and abrasive exterior. Their culture revolves around what you have and what you can do.


*Preferred Sex: I am willing to play both sexes, but generally, I lean more toward female characters.
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Syrenrei said:
I like the notion of arranged marriages (even if I don't execute it well), but I'm not sure what fantastical race I'd play. Even in fantasy settings I rarely venture outside of human and half-elf. The most magical race I've played in a setting like this are shape-shifters. >.<
I'm sure you could find something. ^^ Maybe something similar to Itieri, but with Dryads or some sort of Elf? You're plenty talented; I don't think there would be any issues with whatever you chose. xD

@Tehila, that looks awesome so far! :D
I thought someone else wanted to do dryads, so I didn't want to steal someone's proverbial thunder. >.< I definitely don't want to do elves, though, with such a variety of other choices. You can do elves in just about every fantasy RP ever!
It's been mentioned, but I don't do reservations. Forms are the only way to secure a spot. ^^

But whatever race you want, I'd be glad to help you figure out specifics. 
I hope we can get started soon. ^^
I think I'm pretty much done with my nation. If you could tell me what you think @Lady Sabine, I would appreciate it. It's just a few posts above this one. Thanks!
Before I sink some time into this, can you please confirm which nations/concepts/races have been accepted thus far? I can knock something out tonight once I figure out what's still available!

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