Looking for three 1x1 partners


Junior Member

My name is Vibora. I have been a dedicated text based roleplayer since I was around nine years of age.

◄~What I expect from my partners ~ ►

•Must be literate with proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization and diction

•Must roleplay in past tense, third person

•Must haveunique and flushed out characters

•Must post at least once a day

•Must post more than one line

•No powerplaying, godmodding or metagaming (if you do not understand any of these, feel free to pm me)

«Example of a bad post»

I look ovr @ Christy. I feel mad and jelus of how cool her cloths r. I punch her and she dyes

◄~What to expect from me~►

Due to being very influenced by classic British literature, I have a tendency to talk rather formally and use British spellings. I've been told I have a very proper tone, and I do not expect you to have the same unless it is in your given nature. I work hard in order to flush out my characters and the story, and post daily. Early on, my development posts will be several paragraphs long but I shorten it to one or two usually.

◄~What I am willing to do~►

•Romance: Straight, Yaoi or Yuri is fine

I prefer: Straight

•Genres: Fantasy, Realistic, Generations, Sci Fi, Post Apoctolyptic

I prefer: Fantasy

•Amount of Profanity: None, Light or Moderate

I prefer: Light

•Amount of sexuality: None, Light, Moderate,Semi-High

I prefer: No preference

I refuse:

Romance: None

Genres: Superhero

Profanity: None

Sexuality: Very high

Also: I refuse to roleplay canon characters.

If you are interested fill in the following and comment!

◄~What I am willing to do~►


I prefer:


I prefer:

•Amount of Profanity:

I prefer:

•Amount of sexuality:

I prefer:

«I refuse:»







◄~What I am willing to do~►


I prefer:


I prefer:

•Amount of Profanity:

I prefer:

•Amount of sexuality: Moderate to Semi-High.


«I refuse:»





•Also: I agree with everything you want.

[QUOTE="Squall Leonhart]

◄~What I am willing to do~►


I prefer:


I prefer:

•Amount of Profanity:

I prefer:

•Amount of sexuality: Moderate to Semi-High.


«I refuse:»





•Also: I agree with everything you want.

That's pretty awesome! Alright, so what do you have in mind?

◄~What I am willing to do~►

•Romance: Straight, Yuri, Yaoi

I prefer: Straight

•Genres: Fantasy, Realistic, Post Apocalyptic, Generation, SciFi

I prefer: Fantasy or SciFi

•Amount of Profanity: None, Light, Moderate

I prefer: Light

•Amount of sexuality: None, Light, Moderate

I prefer: No preference

«I refuse:»

•Romance: None

•Genres: Superhero

•Profanity: None

•Sexuality: High

•Also: I'm rather flexible with what we roleplay. It seems we have similar tastes so that's a plus.


~What I am willing to do~

•Romance: Straight, Yoai Yuri

I prefer: A little of everything, Multiple characters are appreciated.

•Genres: Fantasy, Supernatural, Slice-of-Life(it has to be a good one to do it..)

I prefer: Fantasy/Supernatural

•Amount of Profanity:
None, Light or Moderate

I prefer: Light

•Amount of sexuality:
None, Light, Moderate, Semi-High

I prefer: Moderate, but I think the site only lets you go to light

«I refuse:»

•Romance: None

•Genres: None

•Profanity: High (if a bomb is dropped every word… forget it.)

•Sexuality: Lets just not turn this into a porn.


I don’t think you should have to condense your paragraphs and wish for you to write in as long as you want.

I don't think I have perfect spelling but I hope it does not bother you to much.

Lastly, I do poorly with a completely open sandbox or pure Romantic Role Play. There needs to be some kind of plot.

◄~What I am willing to do~►

•Romance: Straight, Yaoi or Yuri is fine

I prefer: No preference

•Genres: Fantasy, Realistic, Generations, Sci Fi, Post Apoctolyptic

I prefer: Fantasy, Sci Fi

•Amount of Profanity: None, Light or Moderate

I prefer: No preference

•Amount of sexuality: None, Light, Moderate,Semi-High

I prefer: No preference

I refuse:

Romance: None

Genres: None

Profanity: None

Sexuality: None

  • Yourpreference for past tense, third person is perfect for me; it's all I ever write in.
  • I am basically open to any story line you would like to go along. My most experienced are Fantasy and Realistic, though I do love to jump into new ones.
  • Oh! And it seems we both started roleplaying around the same time in our lives; a rare thing to come by these days.

◄~What I am willing to do~►

•Romance: Straight, Yuri, Yaoi

I prefer: No preference

•Genres: Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Supernatural

I prefer: Fantasy

•Amount of Profanity: None, Light, Moderate

I prefer: No preference

•Amount of sexuality: None, Light, Moderate, Semi-High

I prefer: None

«I refuse:»

•Romance: None

•Genres: Historic

•Profanity: None

•Sexuality: None

•Also: I'd also rather not play canon characters.


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