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Multiple Settings Looking for tenative RP partners!


New Member
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Nation Building
  4. Off-site
Hello, looking for potential writing partnerships. It's been a struggle to find a consistent partner as of late, also going through introductions again and again is very grating. So this is going to be a very low effort ad post, no fancy edits.

About myself:
15 years writing.
Paragraph and light Novella length writer when inspired.
Closer to 30 in age, DNI if not 18 or older. Prefer writing with folk 24+ honestly but depending the plot I'm open.
Preference is FxM character ships if writing romance. Maybe some FxF.
I work, and work takes precedence so posting once a day may or may not happen.
I'm down for most plots and themes but do not enjoy explicit X rated related topics.
I write OCs mostly, that's just my muse.

Fandom and other:
General Medieval
Fantasy or D&D
Call Of Duty/MWF Reboot
House Of The Dragon/GOT
Elder Scrolls
FallOut New Vegas ?
War Hammer 40k(Very new to this, but has potential)

I'll update as I go, but I am open to other Fandom potentially. Not a huge Anime person anymore so probably not that. Look forward to responses.
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Hey! Before I shot a message over I was wanting to know if you strictly did 1x1 or if you doubled as well?
I was looking for CoD:MW
Never have doubled before, shoot me a message and let's see what you're looking at for a RP?
Bump, looking for COD mostly, FallOut is on my radar now too.
Howdy! I'm interested in writing something along the lines of Fallout: NV if you're still looking?
Potentially, im outbof service for two weeks so I will have to get back to you after

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