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I watched a streamer play through the two big games and it reminded me that I used to enjoy the show, and long story short, I got bit by the writing bug.

Butters is the only character I feel confident in at the moment (I know he's not exactly rare lmao) but I'm willing to play him against any canon character aside from Cartman! I have a few starters already written, as well as a few current RP replies that can be pretty easily edited and rewritten to become their own starter, but I'm also down to just talk about ideas and figure something out!

I'm Old™ and I'd prefer my writing partners be older as well for my own comfort, especially since I'm a bit of a romantic sap when it comes to rp.

I'll post a starter for Butters moving out on his own and needing someone to stay with him for a while, just to show my writing style and characterization, and if you're down for it or for hearing about my other starters, etc, hit me up! We can keep it on-site or whatever you're most comfortable with!

It's a little bit unnerving, having a house to himself. The emptiness feels more extreme like this - it made no sense, he'd been home alone a lot growing up, but there was something about knowing that no one else was going to show up that left Butters feeling almost hysterical. Every time he thought about it, he could feel a panic begin to well in his chest, and he'd have to immediately head out and find someone to talk to.

In his latest near-panic-attack, he had the bright idea to invite his pal to stay over with him. "Just for a while," he pleaded. "A few days, a few weeks- I dunno, wuh-whatever it takes to get me used to it. I'll buy the food and you don't haveta pay rent or anything!"

His blubbering finally gets results, and Butters offers to run out for snacks while his friend brings their stuff over. He hands over the spare key he'd been carrying with him and instructs that they let themselves in if he's not back after shopping.

He doesn't have a guest room, but he has a comfy futon that either he or his friend can stay on, and after getting the place cleaned and space cleared, he jots off to the store, grabbing just about every snack and comfort food he can think of.

Butters arrives home an hour later, hands gripping several bags of various treats and bottled drinks. There wasn't a fridge in his room, but he could always put the unopened containers in the kitchen for later. He happily stomps up the stairs, holding the bags high so they don't get crushed against the wall or railing, before body-checking the door to his room to peer inside. "Hey, you in yet?"

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