• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Looking for someone~


Local Baka

h e l l o

Welcome to my partner search! Please take note that this will always be open! So let's just get some of the boring stuff out of the way, rules and preferences and such!

r u l e s

  • No ERP~ This is a big one for me, and I really want to make sure that my partners understand that I would not like to be banned from the website. If things get to a matter of sex, for instance pregnancy for plot, I would appreciate if we faded.
  • No one liners~ I get that things do tend to slow down at some point, but I would rather we not get to the point of having one line per reply. So, unless you have a totally badass oneliner that will blow me from my seat, please don't use em.
  • Grammar~ This one isn't as big for me because no one is perfect, including me. As long as you put in some effort, and I can understand what you are trying to say we'll be fine.
  • Spelling~ Same deal, if I can understand what you're saying we will be cool!

p r e f e r e n c e

  •  Paragraphs~ I would like if my partners can stick to atleast one paragraph per reply. But let's be honest, if I give you a 5 paragraph starter I will expect a little more than just one paragraph. So please make sure if you rp with me to be able to write longer replies.
  • OOC~ I love to talk to my rp partners! So I would like to talk OOC sometimes if you're willing! I understand though if you would rather not, some people do find me a little... spooky.
  • Romance- I love to have Romance included, though it doesn't have to be!
  • Action- Same with romance, id live it but not required

p l o t s

(*) Means I have an idea (**) means I'm craving but don't have an idea (***) cravings and have an idea


Doctor Who~AU(***)


Harry Potter~AU(*)

Attack On Titan~AU(**)

Black Butler~AU

Akame Ga Kill~AU

(More will be added when I think of em)

h e l l o

Welcome to my partner search! Please take note that this will always be open! So let's just get some of the boring stuff out of the way, rules and preferences and such!

r u l e s

  • No ERP~ This is a big one for me, and I really want to make sure that my partners understand that I would not like to be banned from the website. If things get to a matter of sex, for instance pregnancy for plot, I would appreciate if we faded.
  • No one liners~ I get that things do tend to slow down at some point, but I would rather we not get to the point of having one line per reply. So, unless you have a totally badass oneliner that will blow me from my seat, please don't use em.
  • Grammar~ This one isn't as big for me because no one is perfect, including me. As long as you put in some effort, and I can understand what you are trying to say we'll be fine.
  • Spelling~ Same deal, if I can understand what you're saying we will be cool!

p r e f e r e n c e

  •  Paragraphs~ I would like if my partners can stick to atleast one paragraph per reply. But let's be honest, if I give you a 5 paragraph starter I will expect a little more than just one paragraph. So please make sure if you rp with me to be able to write longer replies.
  • OOC~ I love to talk to my rp partners! So I would like to talk OOC sometimes if you're willing! I understand though if you would rather not, some people do find me a little... spooky.
  • Romance- I love to have Romance included, though it doesn't have to be!
  • Action- Same with romance, id live it but not required

p l o t s

(*) Means I have an idea (**) means I'm craving but don't have an idea (***) cravings and have an idea


Doctor Who~AU(***)


Harry Potter~AU(*)

Attack On Titan~AU(**)

Black Butler~AU

Akame Ga Kill~AU

(More will be added when I think of em)


Are you still looking for someone to roleplay with you? I would be interested in doing a romance. 

As for fandoms; I would be interested in doing Akame Ga Kill roleplay.

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