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Fandom looking for someone to talk creepypasta with!


ghoulish bird | they/them
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
hihi!! im super new so sorry if this has some mistakes in it 😓

im mostly just interested about talking creepypasta with someone!! I don't mind a little roleplaying (oc/oc, oc/canon, canon/canon) but I'd rather we do that after we get to know each other!!!

things to know...

-only 14-18 please!! im not comfortable talking to anyone younger or older than me 😓

-i look and see some of the creepypastas differently now, so they look or act differently from their fanon!! theyre a bit closer to their canon, and I'd love to talk about some headcanons together!!!

-i don't mind talking about hoodie/brian and masky/tim but be warned i actually havent watched marble hornets lol

-if we do rp please be literate in ur replies!! even 2-3 short paragraphs of text is fine with me ^^

-please be lgbtq+ friendly!!

-not too fond of the slendermansion+dad!slenderman anymore but i do get the appeal and wouldn't mind talking about how either of us see it!! really just wanna talk creepypasta to someone

rmmm i think thats everything!! please message me if u'd like to talk more and rp together thank uuuuu!!! -ʚ𖦹ɞ⛈
im Kat|they/them im an traditional/digital artist-im 18
i dont really know how this site works lmao but yeah i need creepypasta friends do badly GAAAHHH
im Kat|they/them im an traditional/digital artist-im 18
i dont really know how this site works lmao but yeah i need creepypasta friends do badly GAAAHHH
HELP its rlly late where i am rn that i should be sleeping but if u wanna talk some more send me a msg and we can talk more there!!!!!!! : DD
HELP its rlly late where i am rn that i should be sleeping but if u wanna talk some more send me a msg and we can talk more there!!!!!!! : DD
Hey!!sorry idk if ur still up but you can message me on discord since i dont really know how to use this site lLMAO
DC: swampsacrafice

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