looking for someone to rp with.

Headless Waltz

Junior Member
Not to long ago, I created my character Glycerin, I haven't really got to use him yet and I want to get used to playing as him. So here is his profile. http://www.rpnation.com/showcase/glycerin.1317/

Hmmm.......the ideas I might possibly have are:

so go head and pick your poison. xD


A female character is minding her own business when she is attacked by a demonic creature, saying that it wanted her power. But of course she has no idea what the thing is talking about, a few days after being attacked, cloaked figures appear in her living room, saying that she has angelic powers and she must save the world from an uprising of evil. And it just so happens, she has to be paired up with my character, to stop it.

Idea #2:

This is gonna sorta be a futuristic idea

My character, is accused of commiting over 200 cases of murder, they don't know the exact amount. He is set on trail, and is found guilty and sentenced to be on death row and put to death as soon as possible. But he soon escapes and is on the run from the police. There are bulletins out for his arrest on the radio and tv. While running from them, he accidentally saves a young female from muggers. After saving her, she wants to pay him back, so he asks if he can stay at her home. She of course agrees, then she finds out who he is...but the thing is she or the police don't know his real secret...even put to death, he can not die, he's an immortal... So I need a female for this...

Idea #3:

Malcom Maximilian, is the U.S.A.'s most powerful mob boss. He resides in the outskirts of NYC in a large mansion. With his only daughter(The female character I need) Recently other mobs have been trying to over-throw him from his reign, and wars have been breaking out. They've even kidnapped his daughter several times and demanded a ransom. But his daughter, an unruly wildchild, doesn't listen to his orders and sneaks out at night. She meets her friends at a club, while leaving to go home, she gets captured by two men. My character then saves her from the men and takes her home. The next day she finds out that her father had hired him as her body guard, and that he has to follow her every where.

Idea #4:

An angel character and my half demon character, must work together- the angel character hates demons and halfies, as a team or pair to protect a woman and her child. Her child is of a prophecy, that will save the world from a never ending darkness. they must get the child and the mother to a secret sanctuary, before any thing bad happens.
:D cool. It doesn't matter with me which one, so go a head and pick one of them xD I do like idea #3 and #1 the most, it's a tie. xD
AntiFreeze said:
:D cool. It doesn't matter with me which one, so go a head and pick one of them xD I do like idea #3 and #1 the most, it's a tie. xD
Okay, lets go with idea 3 then. xD
Yay! :D Ok, well of course if you don't mind, you'll be playing the daughter of the mob boss- That's what I need for the rp idea xD
I'm pretty bad at them too xD Maybe "Demon for a Bodyguard" ? That kinda sounds like a manga title though haha

Do you have a specific look for my character in mind or should I go find a picture?
ok, well these are the ideas I have left over from this thread.


A female character is minding her own business when she is attacked by a demonic creature, saying that it wanted her power. But of course she has no idea what the thing is talking about, a few days after being attacked, cloaked figures appear in her living room, saying that she has angelic powers and she must save the world from an uprising of evil. And it just so happens, she has to be paired up with my character, to stop it.

Idea #2:

This is gonna sorta be a futuristic idea

My character, is accused of commiting over 200 cases of murder, they don't know the exact amount. He is set on trail, and is found guilty and sentenced to be on death row and put to death as soon as possible. But he soon escapes and is on the run from the police. There are bulletins out for his arrest on the radio and tv. While running from them, he accidentally saves a young female from muggers. After saving her, she wants to pay him back, so he asks if he can stay at her home. She of course agrees, then she finds out who he is...but the thing is she or the police don't know his real secret...even put to death, he can not die, he's an immortal... So I need a female for this...

Idea #4:

An angel character and my half demon character, must work together- the angel character hates demons and halfies, as a team or pair to protect a woman and her child. Her child is of a prophecy, that will save the world from a never ending darkness. they must get the child and the mother to a secret sanctuary, before any thing bad happens.

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