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Looking For Some RPing Buddies : )


New Member

Hey there everyone! On the lookout for some RPing partners. I'm not new to role playing but it has been a very long time since I've RPed so please just be a little prepared for rustiness - at least in the beginning, I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things quickly!

Let's get to the good stuff :D

Rules / Preferences

  • Decent grammar and spelling is a must - I'm not gonna flip out over mistakes but just put an effort into posts
  • Give me something to reply to - I don't want to put a requirement for length, I can get very lengthy and also be just a few liners - but I'll always give you something to reply to and want the same back.
  • Ideally be able to reply once or twice a day, not strict though.
  • Let me know if it's boring - we can change it up rather than just drift apart :D
  • For right now, only interested in MxF role plays.
  • Chit-chat OOC! I love it =D


This list is extremely small to start out - please just note these are what I used to play and was very comfortable with, would obviously love to do these again but I am very open to suggestions! I will constantly add to the list as I try/see things I'm interested in!

  • High School
  • College
  • Boarding School
  • Stable / Horse Farm
  • Wild Horses (Not super into at the moment)


I do have some plots that I remember from my old role playing days that I would absolutely love to bring back and do again - feel free to check them out below! I'm opened to tweaking them in any way.

Role I'd Play: New Stablehand (Male or Female) & Their Horse

Role You'd Play: Stable Owner's Child (Male or Female)

The Plot

Work on a horse farm seems to never end - so when the small family farm's only stablehand quit for bigger and better things, it left the family scrambling to find a replacement just so they could keep up with the work but with no one applying it pushed them into desperation. So when a young man called about the job posting, explaining he just needed a stall for his horse and preferably a room for himself in exchange for work - they didn't bat an eye or give it a second thought and hired him on.

The stable owner's loved their new worker - he got the job done quick and well, was knowledgeable and didn't need to be baby sat, even on day one. In their eyes, there was nothing wrong with this new stranger - but their daughter thought otherwise.

The young women didn't trust the man, something about him made her feel like he was hiding something - and she was determined to find out what it was. Unaware that digging into this stranger's past may bring danger to her family's doorstep.

Role I'd Play: Ex-Boyfriend (Male)

Role You'd Play: Unknowing Ex-Girlfriend (Female)

The Plot

High school relationships rarely last forever, but if you were to put your money on a single pair that would actually make it - these would have been your best bet.

The couple were happy as could be - together for many years (despite a strong opposition from the young lady's mother - who viewed the boyfriend as not being good enough for her daughter because he came from a struggling household) and had a future all planned out together. The couple had a child together in the later end of their senior year and while it was a lot to take on - they happily welcomed the first addition to their family and planned to work hard to keep their plans on track while raising their baby.

All was going as well as it could until the night of their anniversary when they were in a horrific car crash that left the young women with severe memory lose, which included all the memories of her boyfriend and their child. This was the chance of a life time for her mother, and she exploded it by moving out of the town and destroying any evidence that their relationship or the child ever existed - convinced that it was what was best for her daughter.


Fast forward a few years. The young man has 'moved on' and by moved on I mean he's found a way to function through his depression, is raising their child with major help from his mother and going to college to try and get his life together in some way for the sake of their kid. He's taken to drinking to numb the pain of having his whole life shattered and at this point has lost all hope of ever finding his beloved again.

That's when a new student transfers to the college and one of his classes - and it's her.
I am interested in the Mystery man one. If you have other plots other than the two listed I will look at them :)
IDK90 said:
I am interested in the Mystery man one. If you have other plots other than the two listed I will look at them :)
Let me think back for any other plots as well as see if I can find my old role playing site - I might have some more but if not I would love to do the Mystery Man one - that was always one of my favorite plots!

Where do you like to role play? I've never RPed on a forum before but that's an option.
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DisneyGirl said:
I would LOVE to do It's Nice To Meet You, Again! (:
Woot awesome! So excited to do that one again - where do you prefer to role play? I can't PM here for 24 hours - but can do a one on one thread.
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Ayreon said:
I'm actually quite interested in the horse farm one, is that one you're interested in?
Hey there - I'd be completely up for starting that one up :) I'm just eager to get a role play going, it's been so long hahaha. Where do you prefer to role play?
RissaLynn said:
not 100% sure the rules on giving those out on here just yet.
You are welcome to give out your contact info for other services if it's just for the intention of chatting with other users. However, you are not allowed to ask or agree to roleplay off-site - roleplays advertised on RPN must stay on RPN where the staff can moderate them.
welian said:
You are welcome to give out your contact info for other services if it's just for the intention of chatting with other users. However, you are not allowed to ask or agree to roleplay off-site - roleplays advertised on RPN must stay on RPN where the staff can moderate them.
Okay awesome! Thank you very much for explaining that to me :)

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