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Fandom Looking for some fandom fun! ^^


Future owner of a cemetery
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello there! I’m looking for long term partners who are interested in oc x oc storylines.

Things I am currently interested in and looking for someone to write with for or simply fangirl over include:

Twisted Wonderland

Gravity Falls

The Lost Boys

( also totally willing to take creative inspiration from JTHM or Invader Zim )

I have another thread as well specifically for original vampire plots. Feel free to message me about anything!

About me:

• I’m 20F and require my partners to be 18+

• I tend to aim for at least 1-3 paragraphs but I can get very chatty and write way more than that when I’m very inspired or given something to really work with. I ask that you strive for the same length, but I can also match your length if you write way more than that.

• Literate, semi literate, and novella

• I’ll give you a heads up that I’m pretty busy but I try to always give my partners a notice if I’ll need more time to respond. Normally I’m pretty good with quick responses but if anything comes up I’ll let you know. I ask for the same courtesy from you as well, just let me know if you need more time to respond, I fully understand because life comes first!

• I typically play as male characters but sometimes I’ll play as a female character if I’m truly inspired to. I don’t normally have a preference for which my partner plays as.

• I love to talk OOC about anything plot related or character related. Please send me your ideas, playlists that remind you of our characters, your “what if” scenarios, and anything else that makes you kick your feet and squeal with excitement lol
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