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Looking for Rp Partners (Updates 2015-08-18 .) (Aways open.)


A Jedi knight Wannabe
Alright, time to go into a wee bit 'o detail. As the title says I'm looking for an Rp partner (A few.) Below I'll post the Rps I'm into, how I Rp and what not.

Role plays I usually do:

Medieval Fantasy.

Sci-fi Fantasy (Kinda like star wars.)

A Hybrid of the former two.

Post apocalyptic (Zombies, population destroying diseases, etc.)

Romantic ones, be it Fantasy related or realistic (I prefer the former though.)

Anything that's Dark.


Star Wars.

Fallout (The Bethesda games.)



Splinter Cell



Demon X Mortal

[Random] X [Random]

Dwarf X Elf

Hermit X Princess (Realistic or Fantasy.)

Necromancer X Cleric

Vampire X Mortal (How original...)

Sorcerer(ess) X Knight

Jedi X Sith (Cause why not?)

Bounty Hunter X Prey (This can be realistic or Fantasy.)

Mercenary X Mercenary.(Same as above.)

Angel X Mortal

Vampire X Demon

Vigilante X Criminal

Vigilante X Vigilante.

World eater X God(ess)

Ranger X Knight

Exile X Hermit

Barbarian X Assassin

Dragon X Thief

Mage X Mage

Bar maid X Wanderer (Involves lots of time skipping.)

Fandom Crosseover idea thingy's.

Star wars/Star Trek

Spawn/Sonic ( I read the Archie Comic where Sonic and all them went to the image comics universe, got the idea to do this there.)

Splinter Cell/Hitman.

Star Wars/Legend of Zelda (Don't ask...)

The Elder Scrolls (Preferably Skyrim.)/ The Legend of Zelda.

Fable/ Elder Scrolls/ Legend of Zelda

Dragonlance/ [insert something medieval fantasy ish here.]

These can be done with Main characters, O.cs, or both.

I'm open to over idea's like this...But if you pick something I'm not knowledgeable about....You'll need to explain a few things here and there.

About me:

I have pretty decent grammar. Its not the best, but its far from the worst. Depending on how I'm feeling (IRL.) And whats going on in the Rp I may either type a paragraph or so or on a rare occasion something really detailed. Or merely a few sentences (That usually happens when there's a lot of character to character dialog going on.) I don't force Romance into an Rp, though I'll normally ask prior to it starting if it should be involved or not. This is all I got for now, but feel free to ask me questions. I also don't care how you Rp, be is simplistic, casual or detailed, it matters not to me.
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I'm very interested in a realistic romance role play with you ..if you would like to do one ?

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Rp blankly. I don't really mind any specific genres, other than sci fi. Any ideas you have, pretty fine by me~
I'm good with any of the topics I put down up there, so really It comes down to which one you like most, though if you really want me to I'll pick on.
(Since I've done one each of those topics save for one...)

Why don't we do the SuperHero or Vigilante (Or both) one?

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