Looking for RP Partner/s


Well, I will

I'm a new villager to this site, but not new to roleplaying, and I'm in dire need to find someone to RP with.

I have a few requirements, if that's okay.

-Please no one-liners. I find it really tedious to build up something out of nothing. A few sentences are alright with me, as long as it is meaningful and interesting.

-Please no God-modding. I think this is self-explanatory. ^^

-I generally RP as a male character. If there is any romance involved in the RP, I prefer the pairing to be MxF. I have nothing against the LGBT community, (A good portion of my friends belong in this community) but I'm more experienced with this type of pairing.

I think that's about it as far as my preferences go. Now for the ideas!

-Slice of Life:

Academy/High School: You know the gist. Typical high school setting, typical high school drama. This will be more of a casual roleplay.


Pirates: [1x1] A young woman wanted to explore the world, and see the lands beyond the sea. Unfortunately, women like her are expected to stay at home and do their duties. One day a ship anchored at bay bearing pirates with chests full of curiosities for trade. She took the chance and disguised as a young man to join the crew.

Neverland (Survival): A test focusing on genetically manipulated children had gone awry. The new group of children stops aging around their twentieth birthday and loses all sense of emotions. They are then driven by the need to wipe out "competition," and build a new world.


Academy/High School: Another casual RP, but with a touch of supernatural. Maybe a school for gods and goddesses? Creatures from myths and legends?

These are all of my ideas for now. I'm open to new ideas or revisions!

Please don't hesitate to PM me or comment here if you're interested!

I really like these ideas :) I'm also a new villager, yet experienced. Though it's been a year ish since I've last RP'd xD We could pm and perhaps set an RP up? :smiled:
Hmmmm, I guess I'm in for it too. High School/Supernatural Academy, never kills me to try something new.

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