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Looking for RP Partner for Various 1 on 1 Ideas


Hello there. I am looking for someone to roleplay with who enjoys detailed posts, complicated characters, and vast worlds. I am looking for someone who would like to create said worlds with me and come up with something amazing and beautiful.

  1. Know your English. This means basic spelling and grammar should be known. I don't mind a typo now and then, but many repeated errors are irksome and distract from the story.
  2. Match or exceed my post lengths. I don't mind when there's not much to say in a post once in a while, but please, no one-liners. This also includes four-liners. Something more substantial and rich than a simple paragraph is ideal.
  3. Have rounded characters. I don't like throwing around words like "Mary-Sue", since people don't seem to know what that really is nowadays, but I don't want to see perfect characters with no flaws. That's just boring and silly. Even if your character is 'overpowered', a substantial flaw to balance it out works great for me.
  4. Be open to ideas, and don't be afraid to share your own. I love all sorts of worlds, whether it be fandoms, crossovers, fantasy, horror, sci-fi... just let me know what you like doing and we'll discuss it.
  5. If we do a romance, please don't try to force it. Nobody falls in love at first sight. It's silly. Characters have to get to know one another and gradually form a romance. The more different they are, the longer this may take.

  1. Animals, mainly big cats.
  2. AU Fandom roleplays.
  3. Pokemon, The Lion King, Inuyasha, Mega Man, FullMetal Alchemist, Harry Potter, Eragon series, Lord of the Rings, Flight Rising, and a few others
  4. Horror, dark, thriller
  5. High fantasy
  6. Modern fantasy
  7. Dragons

PM me or respond in this thread if you have any interest in roleplaying with me.

Disclaimer: Don't be discouraged if I say 'no', I can be a little picky but it's nothing against your characters or ideas.
Hi its uhm me

I am trying to get In to vast worlds and long long posts they seem so so so cool and I think I can do it with a little practice

I would be in to a thriller world/psychological horror?

One other thing

I'm dyslexic (technically dysgraphic) which means I rely heavily on spell check and have sorta eh grammar, I am prone to run ons and fragments and don't often use commas or not properly. So my grammar/spelling is sorta.... Bad but I try my very hardest.

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Sounds like my type of roleplay!
I typically post around 3-4 paragraphs per post.
Am looking for something a little bit long term.
Shoot me a message and we can go from there. :D

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