Looking for rp buddy!


New Member
Hey there! So um, yeah, I'm completely new here and I'm really eager to start getting into some roleplays. I'm more comfortable with onexone, so here are some things I'm pretty cool with:

- Original characters.

Can be OCxOC; or just our characters being dumb together? We can discuss plot further, just I have 100+ characters that I need to start roleplaying and developing, hehe.

Fandom roleplay.

The Walking Dead or Pandora Hearts! If you like either of them I'll probably cry on you because I love these two series' to death. I have characters for both, but if this interests you, we could either use our characters or canon characters, I don't mind at all!

So um, yeah! Just reply if anything even mildly catches your eye? I'm very versatile when it comes to genre and style. I can go up to novella (it's my comfort zone), but all lengths are fine as of now.

Yo. Um...I dun' think that's very much to go on, so I'm not sure, but how about we try to discuss something? If we can't get something going, then that's that, but I'd definitely like to make an attempt at a roleplay with you.
I'm sorry I didn't leave much to go by! I kind of wanted to leave it open so that there would be more room for all different ideas and possibilities, but hm! If you're willing to discuss, I guess I'm getting just what I wanted from this thread. Would you mind PMing me and we can talk it out? I'm sure we could find something to roleplay.

Hey, if you're still looking for some 1x1 RP partners, I'd like to put myself as an option. I've been looking for someone to RP with on here, as I'm also new, and I want to do some zombie apocalypse RPs. Not necessarily the Walking Dead, but we can use that as a setting/plot basis and have our own characters running around and trying to survive.

So yeah, let me know if you're interested too. ^_^
I'll join you! I'm really new too, we can learn the basics together! :3 plus I am in love with the walking dead too!
I would adore finding someone to do a 'The Walking Dead' Rp with, or any zombie Apocalypse Rp actually. ^.^
I would love to write OC's with you, be it as a pairing or otherwise. Personally I like to have my characters get to know other people before I think about relationships with them... just let them go at their own pace, yanno? I have most/some of my females up at the moment, and I'll be putting my males up over time, it's just taking a while, so I'd love love love to write any of them with you! Just have a peek through them and tell me if you're interested in anyone? If you'd like I can pm you a list of everyone I have whose not up as well (names and what species/race/whathaveyou they are) so you can think about them too?

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