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Looking for Romance Partners || Slice of Life


New Member
Hi there.

I'm looking for role play partners because I haven't role played in forever and I miss role-playing. So onto my plots.

Plot one

I prefer this one to be MxM or FxF

Anyways these two people are acquainted with each other, one of them is a bisexual who hunts for all genders. The other is a regular ole' teen who happened to know them through childhood, but they don't talk much anymore. This bisexual needs to get this person off their back, they won't take no for an answer. In an attempt to make them back off they ask the teen to pose as their partner until the person backs away. This was ridiculous since they never considered dating the same sex, but had to agree because the bisexual has dirt on them.

Plot two

Four teens have known each other since they were in diapers. They have been the best of friends since then, they know everything about one another. One day, the "mother" figure of the group (can be male or female or neither, screw gender roles kids.) had grown terribly ill. Their friend group starts to shake up, suddenly everyone is confessing secrets, hidden feelings of love start to spew out, feelings of suppressed anger. They start to live out their wishes, aching for more time to spent with the one who was always the peacemaker of the group. They spend the rest of their time crossing out a list of what they truly want to do before time runs out. // I could go more in depth, characters can be all boys, girls, both, I don't care. I would like for there to be one gay couple. I have ideas for what some characters could be, I didn't want to fill out the descriptions of the characters because I wanted you guys to come up with your own. I didn't want y'all to just fill in the blanks, I'd like for you to create the personality and character you want to play as, hence I'm leaving this plot very vague. Once we can get to details, we can discuss more. I also wouldn't mind making this into a group if more people are interested. Otherwise, it would be me playing two and you playing two, if no one else is interested. One character I was thinking of playing was a deaf male who gets really protective over the group, and you guessed it, in love with the mother figure, whoever that may be. Basically this is gonna be a rollarcoaster of a role play. I really want to role play this.

Please reply!

I consider myself a lengthy writer but not too lengthy. I'll write to the point, but include enough details to progress the story.

I prefer to use anime pictures.

And I don't really like smut, so if we could fade to black and that would be nice.

Thank you so much for reading!
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Cool! Which genders do you wanna do? FxF or MxM??
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