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Looking for Roleplays! (Again)

tamaracorine said:
I'd be interested in arranged marriage with a fantasy twist. :)
Sounds good with me! c: Hit me up with a PM so we can discuss details.

DuskerTem said:
I like arranged marriage and vampire x vampire.
We could put those two together if you want. PM me? ^^
Ok, so as I read this there are a fair number of pairings I might be interested in!

Witch x Human

Siren x Human

Scientist x Experiment

Elf Goddess x Human

Vampire x Human

Bad Boy x Bad Girl {With a supernatural twist of course. Perhaps Vampire x Succubus or Vampire x Siren.}

Grim Reaper x Human

Nymph x Human

Also anything Dragon Age or Mass Effect related!

If any of them are available, I'd love to hear from you!
[QUOTE="Kawazoe Gem]Elf Goddess x Human

PM me! I may have a plot setting in mind.

Sovereign said:
Ok, so as I read this there are a fair number of pairings I might be interested in!
Witch x Human

Siren x Human

Scientist x Experiment

Elf Goddess x Human

Vampire x Human

Bad Boy x Bad Girl {With a supernatural twist of course. Perhaps Vampire x Succubus or Vampire x Siren.}

Grim Reaper x Human

Nymph x Human

Also anything Dragon Age or Mass Effect related!

If any of them are available, I'd love to hear from you!
All of those are actually available, save for the witch x human one. I'll PM you in a little bit so we can discuss out the details and what not.
I'm interested in either the Witch x Human or Siren x Human. Mostly because I've never done anything like either of them. Granted, I don't think I've done either of these but yeah.
Afrobrony said:
I'm interested in either the Witch x Human or Siren x Human. Mostly because I've never done anything like either of them. Granted, I don't think I've done either of these but yeah.
I'm afraid I already have one going for Witch x Human. Siren x Human, however, is totally open. PM me and we can discuss details!
I would definitely be interested in:

  • Rival Gangs
  • Bad Boy x Bad Girl

If you're still looking that is. PM me if so!
KawaiiAsh said:
Pm me? I'm open to any of these!
Will do! Just give me a few minutes. ^^

SnowFeather said:
I would definitely be interested in:
  • Rival Gangs
  • Bad Boy x Bad Girl

If you're still looking that is. PM me if so!
Yes, I am still looking! We could actually mesh Rival Gangs and Bad Boy x Bad Girl together if you'd like. But I'll send you a PM pretty soon as well!
ahh these all look so cool! I especially like Doll x Inventor and the Steampunk Victorian! I have some really vague ideas for them the dragon rider x apprentice sounds super neat too! If those aren't taken can you PM me? ;w;

Scolipede said:
ahh these all look so cool! I especially like Doll x Inventor and the Steampunk Victorian! I have some really vague ideas for them the dragon rider x apprentice sounds super neat too! If those aren't taken can you PM me? ;w;
Few have been interested in those pairings but not too the point where I'm overflowing with multiple roleplays with them. ; v ; So I'd be down to doing either one with you! I will PM as soon as possible.
Alice in wonderland? Oh! Color me interested! if it's not taken...I had a fun corrupted Hatter in another forum im in...the RP has sadly stopped..i can pm a sample once i've broken the newbie-bot-blockade
Okay... I know we've already a good idea going with our Rebellion RP... but are you open to another with me?? :D I've been itching for a Pirate rp, and I've even a pirate already all made up and everything! xD ((Aka, the Siren x Pirate pairing)) ... All we would need is a plot idea! xD (Wait... isn't that what every rp needs? Okay... forgive me... I've gotten so bored here IRL to the point my ADHD is making me hyper... so yeah...)
Veni656 said:
Alice in wonderland? Oh! Color me interested! if it's not taken...I had a fun corrupted Hatter in another forum im in...the RP has sadly stopped..i can pm a sample once i've broken the newbie-bot-blockade
Yes! That is one theme that hasn't drawn many so it's still open. I'd be interested in roleplaying with you, just hit me up with a PM once you surpass your ten posts and/or 24 hour block.

Dethbycoffee said:
Okay... I know we've already a good idea going with our Rebellion RP... but are you open to another with me?? :D I've been itching for a Pirate rp, and I've even a pirate already all made up and everything! xD ((Aka, the Siren x Pirate pairing)) ... All we would need is a plot idea! xD (Wait... isn't that what every rp needs? Okay... forgive me... I've gotten so bored here IRL to the point my ADHD is making me hyper... so yeah...)
Of course! I'm always willing to do another RP with you! c: Hella down to doing the Siren x Pirate pairing btw. PM me and we can start discussing away on plots, try to implement one to go along.

Hey yo! I'm interested to discuss one of these pairings, I'm not quite sure which one to be exact so I guess we can stick to the one you want to do the most.

  • Bad Boy x Bad Girl
  • Elf Goddess x Elf God
  • Elf Goddess x Human

DuskerTem said:
I'd like to do a grim reaper x human RP. That would be so cool.
I actually have a plot in mind for this! c: Hit me up with a PM and I can discuss it with you.

Chaerin said:
Hey yo! I'm interested to discuss one of these pairings, I'm not quite sure which one to be exact so I guess we can stick to the one you want to do the most.

  • Bad Boy x Bad Girl

  • Elf Goddess x Elf God

  • Elf Goddess x Human

Crap. I'm quite torn between those pairings... either is completely fine with me tbh. Probably leaning a bit more to Elf Goddess x Human though. PM?

Click said:
x3 I'm in for steampunk if your still looking!

I am still very much looking for roleplays! I'll PM you in a bit so we can discuss ideas.

BrinkOfIndigo said:
Would be interested in doing Vampire x Vampire or Bad Boy x Bad Girl if you're still looking.

How 'bout we mix those two together? c: Just to make more things interesting y'know.

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